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Team Building Assignment: Case Analysis of Google


  1. Describe the characteristics of a successful business team in your chosen organization, by citing relevant examples and giving reasons for why you think the team was successful.
  2. Assess the importance of team roles played in the successful business team, as discussed above in Q1, in contributing towards the success achieved by it; you can do so by applying Belbin’s team role theory model for the successful team.
  3. Explain any two theoretical team models and analyse the value of using them to build successful business teams, by taking the team chosen in Q1. In your analysis, discuss the similarities and differences between the two models, and draw out their strengths and weaknesses to understand how helpful they are to build successful business teams.
  4. Explain the different stages of team development. Choose the successful business team discussed in Q1, and discuss how this team has gone through these different stages of team development.
  5. If you were chosen as the team leader for the team discussed in Q4, how would you plan to motivate your team members to achieve objectives set by you? You may choose to refer to any one established motivational theory to develop your plan.
    Discuss how you would encourage open communication between team members to support team development in your team.
    Thereafter, evaluate ways of resolving conflict between team members which may arise during the planning or conduct stage.
  6. Discuss how you would monitor the performance of your chosen team in which you are the team leader, against given objectives.
    Recommend how you would improve the performance of your team against the given objectives.


Overview of Google
Google is a multinational technology company which is selected in the present context of team building assignment which has established itself with a significant dependence on its most popular Search Engine. There are some other business areas Google includes, such as cloud computing, advertising technologies, internet analytics, operating system, mobile applications, technological devices and web app (Rouse, 2020). The purpose of this team building assignment is to examine the area of Organizational Team Building and relate it with the company Google. It is very important to discuss about Google's organizational culture within the team building assignment before researching on several modes of operation which is followed by the team leader of the organization (Fuchs, 2019). Google always motivates its employees towards providing their innovative ideas, and through this the company focuses on gaining competitive advantage and increase the market share.

Answer 1

Importance of teamwork
It is evident in the team building assignment that when it comes to teamwork an organization involves so many people to get its operations done. Now, as stated in the team building assignment, in a company there are two ways in which a job can be done, the first one is through team work and the second one is through an individual. Modern organizations prefer allocating teams to perform critical tasks and to reduce time and risk. Higher cost is associated with engaging a team for a specific task. Now, the role of teamwork is significant behind the success of a brand.

  • Through teamwork a company is able to do its business efficiently. Teamwork allows a company to complete its projects on time and deliver it to the customers. It is also evident in the team building assignment that teamwork makes critical tasks easy by dividing them into small parts. Teamwork also helps in developing specialized skills within the members of the team (Sanyal and Hisam, 2018).
  • In a team, members have the ability to monitor operations of its peers. Usually, within a team, different roles are given to different members based on their skills and knowledge. In a team all the members are focused on the same goal (Rosen, et al., 2018). As they are bound to achieve the same goal, teammates observe and depend on the quality of each other's work. When a member is lacking quality, there are other members to help him and motivate him towards improving his quality of work (Manzoor, et al., 2011).
  • Teams are very important to engage innovation in the work culture. In a team multiple minds work together to solve one single problem (McEwan, et al., 2017). This approach allows the overall team to come up with multiple innovative ideas (Sanyal and Hisam, 2018). In a company like Google innovation is everything, and it is able to achieve a higher standard of innovation business with the help of its efficient organizational teams (Lacerenza, et al., 2018).

Product Management Team of Google
Google’s Product Management Team has been considered for the analysis of this team building assignment. It is very important to mention some basic information about Google’s Product Management team before explaining its characteristics. From Google's website it has been found that its Product Management team is one of the most efficient teams which help the company to achieve its business goals with an intense support innovation and creativity (Google, 2020). The team is very much efficient in customizing products to address the requirements of the ever-changing consumer demand. This particular team noted in the team building assignment thoroughly works with highly skilled and productive engineers to design and develop innovative technologies to address the technological needs of the consumers (Merryweather, 2020). This particular team is responsible for guiding its products across the execution cycle. The team intensely focuses on positioning, analyzing, packaging, promoting and tailoring products in every market where Google operates. This particular team was the reason behind Google's some of the most popular software products like YouTube, Gmail, StreetView and some of the mobile devices like Android (Google, 2020).

Characteristics of the Team
Team characteristics are very important to judge their efficiency towards achieving common organizational goals (Lee, 2018). There are some characteristics as discussed in the following section of team building assignment, Google’s Product Management team has.

Dependability: The members of Google’s Product Management team are highly dependent on each other. They work together to achieve their projects. As they work in a proper alignment, they are able to get their jobs done before time and meet the management’s expectations effectively (Schneider, 2020).

Structure and Clarity: As per this point mentioned in the team building assignment, Google’s Product Management team has a clear structure in it. In this team all the roles and responsibilities are divided properly. Roles and responsibilities are allocated based on the level of skill and knowledge of the team member so that the team members can contribute their 100% effort (Gonzalez-Mulé, et al., 2016). All the group members have a clear idea about what they need to do and how they should do work (Schneider, 2020).

Meaning: In Google’s Product Management team each of the members knows why the allocated work is important and how it provides value to the company and to himself. Such a clear understanding of job roles allows the team members to stay motivated and act innovatively (Schneider, 2020).

Impact: The members of Google’s Product Management team know the importance of their contribution and why their contribution is necessary for both personal, professional and organizational growth (Othman Hamzah, and Nor, 2018).

Psychological Safety: This is the important characteristic Google’s Product Management team has. Psychological safety refers to a scenario where nobody judges an individual, everybody asks rational questions and people can trust a person blindly. It is noted in the team building assignment that the Product Management team is psychologically safe, and this is the reason why the team members are very productive and also stay motivated most of the time (Schneider, 2020).

Reasons for the Team's Success

Pure Motive: The motive of Google’s Product Management team is very clear. The team is focused on contributing as much as possible so that the business of Google can achieve all the objectives it has determined (Hill and Bartol, 2018).

Responsibility: The team is responsible enough when it comes to carrying on any particular task. The Product Management team performs each of its activities very responsively. Whenever the members perform any task, they always keep the ultimate business objectives in their minds so that they can act in a coordinated way and can avoid any sort of irresponsible circumstances

Innovativeness: It is stated herein team building assignment that Google’s Product Management team is very innovative. Each of the team members is enthusiastic about contributing their innovative ideas in all kinds of team meetings. Such a collaborative and innovative approach helps Google to invent most innovative products like Google Assistant, YouTube, Google Drive etc.( Wojcicki, 2011).

Customer Orientation: Google Product Management team focuses on what the consumers are demanding. In alignment with Google's overall consumer-oriented business approach as presented in the team building assignment the team is also working in such a way so that it can address each of the customer requirements through its innovative solutions (SMITH and Tan, 2018).

Answer 2

Importance of Team Roles Played by the Product Management team in Google
As mentioned before within the team building assignment teams play a significant role behind an organization's success. A team needs to perform its work optimally (Oke, et al., 2016). A team is not considered to be a group of people with different objectives, rather when a group of people similar job roles and agenda forms a team. Therefore, collaborative approach of people makes an effective team. Several pieces of research have been previously shown that a team is effectively made with a mixture of people with different behaviors but singular agenda.

Dr. Meredith introduced a team-building model with his own organizational team which includes nine different clusters of behaviors and together they are called the Belbin Team Building Model (Batenburg and van Walbeek, 2013). According to the model defined in the segments of team building assignment, every team needs to have full access of those 9 behaviors to perform optimally and effectively. It does not mean that every team must require nine people for nine behaviors. It is very usual that every member has around two to three behaviors. Every team role under Belbin’s model has its own strengths and weaknesses and they also have their own importance for the organization (Ivan, 2011).

Now, each of these nine roles will be explained by considering Google’s Product Management Team.

Resource Investigator
This particular behavior identified in this aspect of team building assignment allows Google's Product Development team to search for different kinds of resources to make their activities impactful for both the organization and customers. The product management team is very efficient in searching for new opportunities and they can build contacts as well. Due to another behavioral quality Google's Product Management Team is efficient to bring back itself from any kind of crisis in a faster way (Omar, et al., 2016).

Team Work
Team Work is one of the biggest behavioral quality of Google's Product Management team. With the help of this behavior all the team members are able to identify the requirement and importance of each other's contribution towards the team (Abdulrahman, 2016). Due to this behavior, the team is able to move towards achieving the common business goals in a coordinated way. Google's Product Management team is very cooperative to the other teams of the company which makes Google's operations very smooth and effective. Herein team building assignment, due to this behavior, all the team members listen to other team members and perform their duties accordingly to avoid any kind of organizational conflict.

Google's Product Management team has good coordinators who are able to focus on team objectives more than the other team members. These coordinators are very effective to select team members and then allocate tasks based on their skills and abilities. People having coordinative behavior are usually very confident, mature, and transparent and identify talents effectively (Ruch, et al., 2018). The roles of these members are very vital for the overall team’s progress. To run a team productively coordinated tasks are important and Google’s Product Management team follows this very fluently.

Plant refers to implementing innovative solutions within the team. It is there within almost every member of Google's Product Management team. This particular behavior promotes creativity and innovativeness across the team. Google is known for its creative teams, not only in product management but across different business areas. This particular behavior defined in this segment of team building assignment helps the team members to act in such a way so that they can find the most effective solutions to solve different kinds of problems. Due to the existence of this behavior the company is able to achieve a significant amount of competition from the market.

Team members who pursue this behavior promote certain strengths as noted in the team building assignment like free-thinking, imaginative and creativeness to solve critical organizational problems.

Monitor and Evaluator
Team members pursuing this behavior (Monitor Evaluator) have a logical eye through which they can judge activities as well as decisions logically. This makes the team members good decision-makers (Dmytro, et al., 2017). These team members make quick judgements and are focused on reaching to a conclusion that makes the overall team operation smooth and impactful for the company Google. It is stated in the team building assignment that these team members have the ability to consider different aspects of a certain circumstance and then take decisions or make judgments so that the most optimal and correct outcome can be retrieved. Due to these members Google’s Product Management team is able to perform its responsibilities effectively and with minimal errors.

Google's Product Management team involves a bunch of specialist engineers who have significantly deep knowledge in certain key areas. These people are usually single-minded and they are highly able to focus on their own responsibilities which make their contributions optimum for the team and for the company as a whole. These members are able to deliver specialist knowledge and skills to the new members of the team so that they can also contribute to the team in a productive way (Dmytro, et al., 2017). Specialist team members are very accurate in their work, and in Google's Product Management team almost every engineer is a specialist so the level of accuracy for the overall team is very high.

The investigation carried on the team building assignment signifies that Google’s Product Management team also has members who have the behavior of shaping the team correctly. The team members are competent enough to focus on the requirements of a team. If the focus tries to get shifted, these competent employees bring everything in the track. These shapers are usually very challenging and dynamic by nature (Dmytro, et al., 2017). They love risks and they know how to get over from new forms of risks that the Product Management team experiences.

There are implementers in Google’s Product Management teams. As Google has a wide portfolio of products the product management team is also huge and diverse. It is evident in the team building assignment that there are some highly efficient implementers the product management team has. They are basically responsible of making effective strategies, then planting it and maintaining them as well.

In Google's product management team every team member is a completer. A member is called a completer finisher when he/she finishes his/her work with utmost efficiency (BELBIN, 2020). In Google’s product management team every member knows their responsibility and they finish whatever work they are given in a complete way (Dmytro, et al., 2017).

Answer 3

What is the role of Katzenbach and Smith Model with regards to the present case scenario of team building assignment?
The first team model chosen in the team building assignment is the Katzenbach and Smith Model (K&S) model.

Figure 1, represents this model in a graphical manner.

Figure 1: The Katzenbach and Smith Model


(Source: Praxis, 2020)

In figure 1 presented in the team building assignment, all the sides and the internal triangles are representing the behavioral factors and elements that allow the deliverables. For example, the combination of when there are meaningful goals and common approaches then they effectively stimulates team commitment which directly leads to the results of collective work product and personal growth. The model basically illustrates, that it is of utmost important to improve the behavior of the team member and this will automatically improve the performance of the overall team (Praxis, 2020).

According to this model, developing the performance of a team is the integrated responsibility of a project manager, program manager or team leader. There are six common factors illustrated in the team building assignment that need to be considered when a team is going to be built.

Small Enough in Number
Clarity is very important for a productive team. By following this factor Google can build its team in such a way where they can make smooth and complex-free communication with their seniors and their team members. The members should have interactive and open discussions with the other members. In order to handle a wide range of activity within the Product Management team if more people are needed then Google consider sub-teams instead making the team heavy (Praxis, 2020).

Sufficient level of Complementary skill
By following this factor noted in the team building assignment, the managers should consider all three categories of skills presented in figure 1, within their team members. It is very important for the managers to allow the team members to collectively and cooperatively develop these skills to optimize their contribution to the company Google.

Meaningful Purpose
Google should deliver its business purposes in the form of specific documents like Vision or Business Case to the team members. By doing this the team members will be able to have a clear idea about what exactly they should do to achieve these organizational goals (Praxis, 2020). It is very important for every member of Google's Product Management team to understand the purpose of the company in the same way so that they can establish clear coordination between each other. To the team members, it is important to understand the meaning of the purpose and they are reinforcing its significance to the customers and organizations as well.

Specific goals or goal
In order to make Google’s Product Management team more productive the team members should form small but achievable goals. As mentioned in the team building assignment, it is important that the goals should be meaningful and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) (Praxis, 2020).

Clear working Approach
Based on this factor outlined in the team building assignment, all the team members of Google's product management team should have clear and effective working approach so that they can achieve their determined SMART and meaningful goals easily. It is important to the team members that their approaches should be consistent as well as flexible over the changing demand of the stakeholders.

Sense of mutual accountability
Based on this factor mentioned in the team building assignment Google’s Product Management team should be mutually accountable. Mutually accountable refers to all the members should have a sense of collective accountability for a specific project. This particular sense will allow the team members to work in a coordinated and responsible manner (Praxis, 2020).

The Hackman Model of Team Effectiveness
According to Hackman’s team model undertaken in the present context of team building assignment, there are three fundamental areas which need to be considered by all the members of a team to make the team successful, such as:

  • The team members should satisfy the external and internal stakeholders.
  • The team members should develop capabilities to perform in the future
  • The members should experience satisfaction in the group.

Five main factors outlined in the team building assignment need to be considered if Google implements this model for its Product Management team.

Figure 2: The Hackman Model of Team Effectiveness


(Source: At The Gap, 2015)

Being a Real Team
Hackman's team building model illustrates the definition of a real 'real team'. A real team possess certain characteristics, for example, whether the boundaries are there indicating which members are in and who are out of the team, whether there is a shared task exist or not, whether the group membership is stable etc. (At The Gap, 2015). After considering Hackman's model Google needs to assure that its Product Management team should have these characteristics, only then the team will achieve its success. Among all these three characteristics, achieving the team members’ stability is the hardest.

Compelling Direction
Based on this factor Google should build its product management team including proper alignment of compelling direction. This illustrates the managers should deliver clear goals to the team members. With this it is very important that goals are SMART in nature, as mentioned in the previous team building model provided in this team building assignment. These SMART goals will be largely effective to keep the team members motivated and active in their responsibilities (At The Gap, 2015).

Enabling Structure
The structure of the team is the third most important factor Google needs to consider for the success of its Product Management team if it adapts Hackman’s team model. The team structure should be very clear and the responsibilities need to be properly allocated to the different team members. Hackman also stated that small and frequent improvements in the responsibilities can make the team structure more flexible and productive for the company (At The Gap, 2015). Based on this factor presented in the team building assignment, it is also important for Google to have some team members in its Product Management team who will have good social skills.

Supportive Context
The fourth and one of the most important team success factors noted in the team building assignment is Supportive Context. This is nothing but a collateral support from all the team members to achieve a shared objective. Apart from mutual support, the management of Google will also play important role. The support structure is represented in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Support Structure


(Source: At The Gap, 2015)

This structure indicates that group reward, access to the educational information and skill development initiatives are very important for pushing a team towards success.

By comparing these two models, certain similarities and dissimilarities have been identified. When it comes to similarities, both the team models talk about saving SMART goals to the team members. On the other hand, the number of dissimilarities is pretty large. By assessing the first team model that is The Katzenbach and Smith Model, it has been found in the team building assignment that the model looks into technical and detailed aspects of a team through which success can be achieved, for example, required number of team members, skills, accountability etc. On the other hand this model does not consider the factor of personal growth for the team members which Hackman's team model effectively considers. The factor ‘Supportive Context’ under Hackman’s team model is the most effective and influential one in terms of making a team successful (At The Gap, 2015). So, it can be stated that though both the team models have their own weaknesses and strengths Hackman’s team model is more effective for Google as compare to Katzenbach and Smith Model. In an overall context of team building assignment both of these team models are highly effective in terms of making organizational teams successful.

Answer 4

Tuckman’s Team Development Model
In this section the Tuckman’s team development model will be applied to Google’s product management team. There are five different stages of developing a team as identified in the team building assignment, which is commonly used by organizations like Google.

Forming Stage
This is the first stage of team development. In this stage team members are included to form a new team. This stage is like an orientation day, when the group members first introduced to each other and in this stage they used to behave very politely with each other (ER Services, 2020). During this stage the product manager has put focus on certain areas like the skill, knowledge, interests and backgrounds of each member of the team, their project goals, timeline, basic rules and individual goals. As time passes and the members are becoming familiar to themselves then gradually the rules and responsibilities have implemented. In this stage all the group members of Google's product management team usually develop an effective relationship with each other and then they have come to know about the importance of their responsibilities towards the company. In this stage the team does not stay productive that much because in this stage Google focuses more on people instead of their work.

Storming Stage
This storming stage has been the most critical one for developing Google's product management team. This particular stage includes so many conflicts and serious level competitions among the members as they improve their personalities during this phase. In this stage the managers have experienced a decrease in the team's productivity. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic most of the team members are working from home, which also triggers internal conflicts. It has been very usual that some of the members have disagreed with the shared team goal, which has created issues for the team. In order to get rid of these issues, the managers have worked closely with the members and have studied their problems and tried to solve individual problems so that the overall issue get solved (ER Services, 2020). The senior managers have encouraged team members to develop skills so that they can solve their conflicts with mutual help and the overall operation of the team become smoother.

Performing Stage
Under this performing stage Google’s product management team has established cooperation and consensus. In this stage the team has become more mature, productive, responsible and important for Google. In this stage the team has achieved a clear structure and all the members have got clear idea about the team objectives, the mission and vision of the company (ER Services, 2020). In this stage the still the team experienced problems and conflicts here and there. The good thing is these problems have been effectively solved by the team members themselves. The members of the product management team have established a transparent relationship with each other as well as with the higher management staffs. In this stage the team has become significantly focused on solving problems and with this the team has fixed its target to meet pre-determined team goals.

Adjourning Stage
This the final stage of Tuckman’s team building model (ER Services, 2020). Under this stage all kinds of pre-determined goals have been achieved by the team members. For example the product management team has successfully made some of the most innovative products like YouTube, Gmail, Android etc. In this stage the workload has reduced and after this those members have been reassigned for some other projects. For example, Susan who is the current SCP at Google, used to be the head of Google Ads. In this way the Adjourning stage of the Google product management team has been performed.

Answer 5

Motivating team members
The organization which has been taken into consideration for the team building assignment is Google and a product management team has been developed for achieving objectives. This part of the report on team building assignment focuses on motivating the team members to achieve objectives that have been set up. There are several goals which are set up by the management team of the organization and this goal directs and motivates them to work and achieve the required levels of goal (Lunenburg, 2011). The main objective behind motivating team members within an organization is to increase the workforce productivity and help the management team of the organization to achieve objectives.

I, as a team leader, should first focus on sharing the objectives of the product management team of Google. The main objective of the product team of Google is to innovate new services and present it in front of the customers and this has to be communicated with the team member. To motivate the team members, I should support new ideas and reward ideas which can help the organization to achieve its objectives. Rewarding and recognition of work is one of the aspects of motivating employees. Since failure comes with success, therefore, I, as a team leader should focus on giving opportunities to the employees. This can help them grow as well as rectify their mistakes which has been done previously. Finally, empowering team members is considered to be another important aspect of motivation. The main objective behind empowering team members is to improve the performance of the team (Sampietro, Villa, 2014). Therefore, the product development team of Google should empower employees by engaging them in any decision making especially, regarding the performance improvement and innovation within the team. Team members can also be motivated by using several motivational theories. The following part considers one motivational theory and it is aligned with the process of motivation adopted by the team leader of the product development team.

Mc Gregor's Theory X and Theory Y
To describe the process of motivation, Theory X and Theory Y has been taken into consideration. This theory was being established by a renowned psychologist named McGregor. This theory was being established in the year 1960 and the main reason behind building this theory was to develop positive styles of management as well as techniques for motivating the employees (Mohamed, Nor, 2013). To manage a team this theory is often adopted by team leaders in several organizations. According to Theory X, managers or team leader of an organization thinks that team members are demotivated and they do not like working or carrying out their responsibilities. Therefore, it can be said under Theory X managers are considered to be highly pessimistic. On the other hand, as per Mc Gregor's Theory Y managers are optimistic and have a positive view of the team members of the team.

In this team building assignment, the product management team of Google has been taken into consideration and the main objective of this team is innovation which can make the service of the organization unique. The organization also wants to increase its competitive advantage by developing products that are innovative in the market. After the team, has been formulated the manager can now focus on the concept of Theory X and Theory Y for motivating the employees. Several team members are not dedicated to their work and they always remain demotivated. They are also sometimes not willing to take any kind of responsibilities and are also barriers to change (Gannon, Boguszak, 2013). The first responsibility of mine as a team leader is to identify those team members who are demotivated in the workplace and are unwilling to take responsibilities. Once, those sets of people are identified then I should focus on following several processes of motivation. The first step which, I, as a manager should take is to communicate those team members regarding the importance of a particular task. Since people under this theory are unwilling to take responsibilities therefore, they should be provided tasks by the managers with a deadline.

Furthermore, managers should communicate with these demotivated people about the workforce productivity. They should know how an increase in their productivity can help in the enhancement of the performance of the organization as well as their career in person. There are Several factors motivate the employees of an organization which include the development of relationships with the sub-ordinates and communicating job security to them and many more but empowering employees is the best one (Hafiza, 2011). I should also closely supervise the work of these team members and initiate a rewarding system to motivate them. Employees who come up with effective innovative ideas will be rewarded.

If people under Theory Y are considered it can be seen that they are willing to take responsibilities and are self-motivated. Since they are involved in the task which is provided to them, I, as a team leader or a manager should focus on engaging these team members in the core decision-making process of the team. Such, individuals can be motivated through empowerment.

Benefits of open communication
When any individuals get transparent access to share and gain information in a corporate environment it is known as open communication. Open communication helps to share the vision and goals of an organization clearly without any disruption (Adu-Oppong, Agyin-Birikorang, 2014). Several benefits of open communication are as follows:

Creating job satisfaction
When there is clear and open communication between the sub-ordinates and the supervisors then the ideas, objectives, and vision can easily be communicated to the team members. This empowers employees and helps them to understand the purpose behind the responsibilities they have undertaken in the organization. This creates job satisfaction among employees.

One of the main responsibility of a team member is to reduce conflicts which may arise due to the difference in opinion among the team members. With the increase in conflicts among team members, the productivity of the organization is affected. This is the reason team leaders are focused on finding out techniques to reduce conflicts. Mutual discussions, clear and open communication resolve conflicts in an easier way.

Increases productivity
When the clear goals are communicated to the employees by the leaders, then the employees can easily understand the process of working. This can further increase the productivity of the organization as well as the team.

Open communication supporting team development
Effective communication in an organization is one of the key aspects of the corporate environment. There are several issues which raises within the business environment due to ineffective communication. This part of the team building assignment focuses on open communication and how it can be effective in a business scenario.

When the vision and goals of the product development team of Google are communicated clearly to all the team members it helps the staff to understand the reason behind the effort they are putting in as a team. They understand how innovation can help the organization to grow. This helps to build the team in an effective way. A team is considered to be strong when conflicts are resolved within the team. Open communication helps to solve conflicts which make the team a stronger one. Open communication enhances relationships between the team members and other stakeholders which further helps in team development (Myers, Sadaghiani, 2010).

Resolving conflicts
Conflict can reduce the effectiveness of production in a team. This part of team building assignment focuses on the ways in which the team leader of Google can resolve conflicts during the planning and conducting stage of team development. There are 3 steps that can be adopted by me as a manager to resolve conflict. They are as follows:

Preparing for the resolution
The first step which I should adopt is acknowledging the team conflict. Once, the issue is being recognized it is my responsibility as a manager to discuss the possible impact of this issue with the team members. Initiate cooperation in the process of resolving conflict must be ensured. Then I should also focus on active listening which means listening to the views of all the team members.

Understanding and analyzing the situation
The assumptions, facts as well as beliefs which lead to the conflict should be analyzed. People with a similar approach towards the conflict should be used to form a group and the situation should be dissected by listening to both the parties.

In this step, I, as a team leader should focus on reaching an agreement. There are several styles of negotiation which can help the members of the team to avoid conflict and reach a solution (Moore, 2014). I, as a team leader, should focus on open communication to the team members, the impact of the conflict, and how this can be resolved.

Answer 6

Corporate objectives
The goals which are set up by a corporate firm to increase the productivity of the organization are considered to be corporate objectives. The organization which has been selected for the team building assignment is Google and the team is product development. Few corporate objectives of this team and this organization are as follows.

Initiating innovation
In today's business world, competition in each and every sector has increased significantly. This is the reason innovating new products or services is one of the main corporate objective followed by most of the organization. Similarly, the main agenda of the product development team of Google is to launch products that are new in the market. Launching products or services which are innovative in nature can help Google to achieve corporate objectives (Katz, 2010).

Gaining competitive advantage
Google is a search engine and several other search engines are available in the market which includes Duck Duck Go, Bing, and many more. One of the main objectives of the product development team is to launch innovative products and gain competitive advantage and increase the market share by defeating other companies that are operating in the market.

Involvement of team members
Another important objective of the team is to engage all the members of the team in the activities of the team. A product can be developed if each and every member of the team is involved in the operation actively. The reason behind this objective is to empower and motivate them. An increase in engagement within the team helps the team member understand the purpose behind their responsibilities and they can also take part in decision making.

Monitoring the performance of the team
The main objective behind monitoring the performance of the team is to evaluate whether the objectives of the team which has been set by the management team, are being achieved or not. Since the product development team of Google is basically the technical team. It is said that the proper monitoring system helps the entire technical team to work in a proactive manner (Eckerson, 2010). The following part focus on several steps in which monitoring can be done by the supervisor of the team.

I was a team leader or supervisor should himself/herself focus on observing the progress of each and every employee in the team. I can also help the employees working in the team by giving them a self-monitoring tool. This tool can help the team members to monitor their progress and performance by themselves. In the above part of the team building assignment, it is mentioned that there are several members in the team who are demotivated and are unwilling to take any responsibilities. Especially for such members, the team leader or the reviewer should monitor the performance on a weekly basis. The monitor should also focus on initiating performance metrics through which the performance of the organization can be measured and monitored.

This part of the team building assignment focuses on two recommendations that can be used to improve the performance of the team members within the organization.

I will focus on initiating KPI to measure the performance of the team members. KPI is considered to be a tool that measures the performance of employees within the organization and also helps organizations to make business decisions that are smart. The main objective of KPI is to help the managers to understand whether the business is on the target or not (Marr, 2012). KPI can help in increasing the visibility of performance. I can observe the performance of all the team members transparently. This can also help me to analyze my steps which can be taken further for improving the performance of the team. Thus, I can also improve the aspects of decision making further. KPI can also help me to give a complete review of the team performance as well as the progress to the top-level managers of Google.

Initiating several non-monetary benefits to the employees. I, as a team leader, should focus on motivating the employees to improve their performance. Employees can be motivated if non-monetary benefits are provided to them. Non-monetary benefits include providing work from home benefits to employees, sponsoring team lunch after completion of each project, providing discount vouchers to the best performer of the month in the team, and many more. Though non-monetary rewarding is not as satisfactory as that of monetary benefits but it can boost the willingness of an employee. Further, it will improve the performance of the team as well as the organization.

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