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Teaching Assignment: Role Of Educators In Learning Processes


Task: For this teaching assignment:
• Briefly explain the importance of the educator’s role in play and play-based learning.
• Identify 5 teaching strategies and give 2 examples for each strategy as to how to implement these in practice.
Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts.


Background Of Teaching Assignment
Education is at the heart of each society's basis. The quality of education that is provided has a direct impact on the thread of social development that runs through it. The youngsters of today are preparing to become the adults who will govern the world in the future (Taylor & Boyer, 2020). Aneducator’s goal is to influence the interest of young, impressionable brains while also providing them with the skills they need to become better human beings. Most importantly, educator’s strategy creates a good relationship between children and teachers, along with developing a positive learning climate in the schools as well as its impact on the children's growth and psychological development. This concerned study describes the role of educators in learning processes and different strategic learning for positive impact.

Importance of Educator's role in play-based learning
Play-based learning provides an opportunity for kids to communicate among themselves, and theirsurrounding environment in a creative and positive way. The role of educators is to scaffold and enable playful experiences, as well as spontaneous interaction, build upon various concepts and natural curiosity. Play-based learning supports the holistic development of children in aspect of physical, creative, social, emotional, and cognitive, while also enhancing a broad variety of reading as well as numeracy abilities, depending upon how it has been used with conjunction of other activities (Pyle et al., 2018). Children's play may consist ofa variety of activities namelycontrolling,planning, and building their environments; fantasising; bargaining; attempting and creatinga sense of realities. The inspirational diving educator’s occupation within youth’s live to create them enthusiastic about play-based learning procedure.As a result of extensive study, it has been shown educator’s role in play-based learning has a true and good influence on students' learning and development(Milne & McLaughlin, 2018). Besides encouraging young brains to be responsive to learning, play is an essential component of children's brain development in order for them to thrive.

In its most effective form, play-based learning makes use of the environment as a third educator, working in collaboration with the students and the classroom facilitator. The Educatorenhances the kids to negotiate,investigate, discover, solve issues,take risks, and create meaning– all of these are essential building blocks for the development ofsocial, literacy, and numeracyabilities (Keung & Cheung, 2019). A professional educator can introduce and reinforce study areasfor children to learn within a manner that improves the interests of every kid via the use of play-based learning techniques. Play-based learning makes use of children's innate curiosity and feeling of discovery by allowing them to explore the world around them via hands-on exploration. Educators include aspects oflearning and teaching into play experiences, which children are attracted naturally to and interested in, increasing the likelihood that they will remain engaged with the activities. Because of this, the educator must get intimately acquainted with each particular kid, in order to determine what they are interested in and how each child learns best. An educator is the role model of any educational system as they require implementing innovative teaching strategies and creative ways to meet the desire of students’ quest of knowledge.

Five Teaching strategies and their Impacts

Encouraging the student plays a crucial role in the child's growth. It will influence development and well-being. Posing ideas for provoking questions can help to provide inspiration to students and become an independent learner. According to Anderson-Butcher et al., (2018) The psychological improvement of a specific child is widely influenced by the school environment. If the environment of the school is not aligned properly, then it will negatively impact the child's growth. For this reason, it becomes necessary for the teacher to create an encouraging environment for the students as well as the school itself. Utilisation of interactive white boards, audio clips, and local field trips can help to create interest visualising among students for a better practical experience in learning. As per Darling-Hammond & Cook-Harvey (2018), in the school, various types of curriculums have been conducted along with the curriculum results that are done by student teachers to encourage them to improve their ability regarding such curriculum. To develop a student's skills effectively, the school's teacher conducts a workshop where they assist and train children in relation to skill development. It is worth mentioning that with such skip tracing, teachers are adequately encouraged during such workshop training as well as students learn new things with such workshops. With this process, children's skills gradually develop. Giving inquiry-based instructioncan provide encouragement to ask questions as well as investigating their ideas can improve deeper understanding and problem-solving capabilities in academics. These inquiries can be math or science-based as for example “why my shadow changes it shapes”

Give specific feedback
Rather than giving students comments, it is critical to provide proper feedback regarding their studies. In schools, teachers may provide a specific project to the students, and after its compilation, they give feedback related to the project. This feedback helps children improve their performance in school. Based on the ability of the student the educator must differentiate in order to ensure equal progress of students. In this way students with high academic abilities can move along with the struggling individual with proper support.As stated by Towlsonet al., (2021) Adolescent growth is widely influenced by the psychological growth of a specific child, and it has a large impact on student maturity growth. In order to attain respect and equal opportunity for flourishing his/her potential behaviour management plays a significant role. As argued by Sørlie, Hagen &Nordahl (2021), the social skill development of children is the most essential part of improving their ability to learn new things, and a student's social culture background is widely influenced by it. It has been observed in the school that when a teacher observes children experiencing social skill-related irises, they assist the children in mitigating that by giving proper feedback.

Create or add challenge
In the learning environment in schools, creating challenges or adding on challenges helps students greatly in their growth and well-being development. Mixed ability to work as a team can also encourage them to perform certain actives. For example, solving mathematical puzzles, specific experiment conduction, etc. as well as challenges among groups. It is worth mentioning that with creating such challenges, students' calculator skills gradually increase. When students' calculation skills significantly increase, their logical ability and decision-making ability also increase. According to Parker & Thomsen (2019), When the teacher creates challenges in the skills by using different types of tools, it helps students learn a new skill that develops their academic growth. In schools, various types of curricula are conducted that create challenges in the school environment. After attending to such challenges, they are able to complete a specific task with good productivity. It has been observed many times that teachers take the help of online sources to develop effective challenges that influence child growth. If a teacher observes on the internet a day related to creativity skills, they can create a challenge that is measurable and develops students' creativity skills.

Interactive Brainstorming Strategy:
Writing is one of the difficult tasks to learn by the students because it has various cognitive and linguistic characteristics involved.
Alex Osborn, manager of an American advertising company, introduced the brainstorming strategy, which means using the brain for solving problems actively.

This process is performed in group sessions and is used to generate creative ideas and thoughts (Senthamarai, 2018, p.S36). This strategy has given the most practical solutions to the problem of students in writing. Brainstorming strategy is an innovative strategy that improves students’ writing performance significantly. This strategy defines a problem or a topic and comes up with related ideas or possible solutions that are recorded and evaluated.
There are four types of interactive brainstorming:
i) Structured and unstructured
ii) Group Passing
iii) Reverse or negative thinking
iv) Team-idea mapping

Impact of the strategy
An experiment was conducted on Iranian EFL intermediate students, by dividing them into 3 groups (Abedianpour, 2018, p.1084). There was one control group and the other two were experimental groups. All three groups were given pre-test and post-test in writing an essay. It was concluded that the post-test performance of the experimental groups was higher than the pre-test. The instructions of brainstorming techniques had a positive impact on the students’ writing.
Brainstorming helps the learners to deliver or convey their thoughts or ideas from the brain to the mouth or in the writings. It enhances the learner’s cognitive skills and helps them to produce their own classifying opinions.
It increases the learner’s confidence in writing.

Strategy of Think-Pair-Share
TheStrategy ofthink-Pair-Share is introduced by Lyman to give encouragement to students’ participation in the classroom. This technique lets the students communicate, engage, and retain more information in front of the teacher. Give the student a problem or a question, and then pair the students. Sufficient time should be given to each pair so as to form conclusions. Allow each and every participant to define and explain the conclusion personally (Cooper, et. al., 2021 p.fe1). Or one student can be asked to explain the concept while the other can be asked to evaluate what has been learned. This strategy is designed in a way that the students can think on a given topic or problem and can formulate ideas and share the ideas with other students.

Enhances a student’s speaking, thinking, and communication skills.
Using this strategy, students are even able to work in groups (Syafii, 2018, p61). This encourages cooperation among the students.
Each and every student gets a chance to learn by verbalization and reflection.
This strategy develops the skills of social interaction in a student.
Students are able to express themselves more and understand cultural and social norms.
It enhances a students’ critical and creative thought process and the evaluation of various problems.
The judgment ability of a student is improved.
Students are motivated more to do teamwork.
Problem-solving skills are improved.

The four most important skills that a student must possess are speaking, listening, communicating, and understanding. All these skills are created and developed by utilising the strategy of Think-Pair-Share.

Through proper analysis of effective teaching strategies and play-based learningit can be concluded that very enhancement of the learning, speaking, communication, and listening skills of a student is a vital aspect.Considering all the facts and learning requirements of the students, the educator can choose the best strategies to implement.Not only this, but development of socializing skills is also vitalas they are the future of the society in which we live. Moreover, the role of educator in the school is also important to implementing effective play-based learning.

Anderson-Butcher, D., Martin, E., Paluta, L., & Gould, D. (2018). Patterns of social skill development over-time among clusters of LiFEsports participants. Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 17-25.

Cooper, K.M., Schinske, J.N. & Tanner, K.D., (2021). Reconsidering the share of a think–pair–share: Emerging limitations, alternatives, and opportunities for research. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(1), p.fe1.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Cook-Harvey, C. M. (2018). Educating the Whole Child: Improving School Climate to Support Student Success. Learning Policy Institute.
Keung, C. P. C., & Cheung, A. C. K. (2019). Towards holistic supporting of play-based learning implementation in kindergartens: A mixed method study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(5), 627-640. Milne, J., & McLaughlin, T. (2018). Examining the Teacher's Role in Play-Based Learning: One Teacher's Perspective. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 44-50.
Parker, R., & Thomsen, B. S. (2019). Learning through play at school: A study of playful integrated pedagogies that foster children’s holistic skills development in the primary school classroom.

Pyle, A., Poliszczuk, D., &Danniels, E. (2018). The challenges of promoting literacy integration within a play-based learning kindergarten program: Teacher perspectives and implementation. Journal of research in childhood education, 32(2), 219-233.
Senthamarai, S., (2018). Interactive teaching strategies. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1),
pp.S36-S38., S. &Omidvari, A., (2018). Brainstorming strategy and writing performance: Effects and attitudes. Teaching assignmentJournal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(5), pp.1084-1094.

Sørlie, M. A., Hagen, K. A., &Nordahl, K. B. (2021). Development of social skills during middle childhood: Growth trajectories and school-related predictors. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 9(sup1), S69-S87.

Syafii, M.L., (2018). USING THE THINK-PAIR-SHARE STRATEGY TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT AND TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING ABILITY. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 5(1), pp.61-80.'_ACTIVE_INVOLVEMENT_AND_TO_IMPROVE_THEIR_ SPEAKING_ABILITY Taylor, M. E., & Boyer, W. (2020). Play-based learning: evidence-based research to improve children’s learning experiences in the kindergarten classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(2), 127-133.

Towlson, C., MacMaster, C., Gonçalves, B., Sampaio, J., Toner, J., MacFarlane, N., ... &Abt, G. (2021). The effect of bio-banding on physical and psychological indicators of talent identification in academy soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football, 5(4), 280-292.


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