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Tactical Analysis OnProactive And Reactive Policing


Task: Assignment DescriptionOn Tactical Analysis
Primary Task Response:

Write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Discuss the following:

  • Examine the differences between reactive and proactive policing
  • Summarize the broken windows theory, and explain how it has affected policing
  • Include your opinion on the credibility of the theory and if it should be implemented nationwide
  • Research whether or not this policy has been implemented in your city and if it has been successful.

- If the policy has not been instituted, explain why it should be, and include the best method to begin implementation.
Responses to other students: Response to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmate’s postings?


Primary task response

The concept of Tactical Crime Analysis is mainly focused on the crucial criminal offences for enhancing the reaction rapidly. The tactical analysis also offers data to aid employees operationally for identifying crime patterns specifically and apprehending perpetrators of criminal. The significant purpose of the tactic analysis is to discover their criminal trends as well as patterns too. The study mainly covers the different perspectives related to proactive and reactive policing. In addition to that, the study also deals with the broken window theory and its explanation regarding policing.

The differences between proactive and reactive policing
Proactive policing can be illustrated as preventing crime, on the other hand, reactive policing consists of responding to a crime that is happening right now or already happened. More specifically, proactive policing has a major preventing role; on the contrary, reactive policing is majorly responsible for acquiring justice after or during criminal activity (Kim, 2018). At the same time, proactive policing is termed as the police action that majorly happens before the crime is taken place (Boquetet al., 2021). On the contrary, reactive policing is a particular activity that happens after the crime has happened. Proactive policing is considered as the specific practice dissuading criminal activity through showcasing the police presence. In terms of reactive policing, it can be termed as the specific activity that responds to particular requests from groups or individuals within a specific community in terms of taking major investigations.

The broken windows theory and explanation of how it affected policing
The broken windows theory is considered as the criminological theory that illustrates the different signs of crime, irrational behaviour, anti-social theory, and civil disorder for instance public drinking, vandalism, loitering, jaywalking, form an urban environment that majorly promotes different disorders and crimes. This broken windows theory predominantly links with incivility and disorder within the community in order to follow the major occurrence of different crimes.

In terms of understanding its impact on policing, it can be said that the Broken Windows theory can regulate the lower-level crime by preventing the extensive disorder from arriving. Broken Window theory has a lot of impacts on the policy of crime control strategic movements, and this theory is majorly considered a vulnerable perspective to criminal invasion. In terms of policing, the broken window theory offers the major indications of various misbehaviour and disorder within a specific environment that further emphasize misbehaviour and disorder.

Creditability of the theory
As per the creditability of the Broken Windows theory, the impact of this theoretical perspective is majorly unknown and the theoretical perspective assumes that unidentified disorder instigates fear and drives individuals to say indoor or forces them to leave the neighbourhood altogether. In terms of its applicability, the theoretical perspective was majorly formed in order to illustrate decompose of neighbourhoods. However, the Broken Window Theory is majorly applicable within the educational environment and work. In addition to that, the broken window theoretical perspective also suggested the fact that cleaning up the different signs of disorder such as panhandling, loitering and graffiti could stop more crimes as well. The implementation of and credibility of the theory in the nationwide is it helps to reduce the serious crime in globally and the implementation of the enforcement techniques of broken windows law can be very much beneficial for decreasing more serious crime in globally. The findings regarding this theory of window also show that a rise for arresting for the small offences have been connected with the decrease severe offences in more.

Implementation of the policy
On an overall note, the Broken Window Theory is termed as the metaphorical theory in which the petty disorder within the neighbourhood could lead to the occurrence of major serious crimes. The broken window theory mainly covers the two major perspectives such as the disorder-based crime and its impact on public health (Misra. and Pattnaik, 2020). In terms of implementation, the Broken Window Theory could be applicable within the urban environment and in some specific circumstances, where it encourages a high level of disorder and crimes, consisting of some major crimes. However, as per the opinion of North-eastern researchers, the theory is basically incorrect and states that disorder within a neighbourhood has no impact on the people in terms of breaking the laws, committing more crime.

Manchester city has been implemented the theory for their city and this policy also helps the city to reduce criminal offences and to apply the law for their city
and as well as applying the theory of Cracked Window in the urban environment and in particular specific conditions of Manchester city when it fosters a high degree of disorder and crime, including some significant crimes. However, according to North-eastern academics, the hypothesis is fundamentally erroneous for this specific city, because instability within a neighbourhood has little effect on people in terms of violating the law or committing more crime in the Manchester.

Response to other students
Learning from classmate posting

There are a lot of things that I have learned from the classmate posting and through the classmate posting; I got a detailed perspective regarding proactive and reactive policy and its relevance. At the same time, the classmate posting also helps me to increase my overall knowledge level regarding the applicability of the Broken Window Theory.

Additional questions
The additional questions after reading the posting are

  • Is the information that is explained within posting with the proactive and reactive policy are valid or not?
  • Is the Broken Window Policy being applicable to every country irrespective of the background?

Clarification regarding the posting
The clarification regarding the posting is whether the information related to the Broken Window theory has some relevance as per the current scenario and is it applicable to every nation irrespective of criminal background.

Similarities and differences of postings
In terms of similarities, both the postings cover the same topic and also illustrate the impact of these earlier mentioned theoretical perspectives. However, one of the major differences that I have witnessed is structural change.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that both proactive and reactive policy has different characteristics and their applicability is also very different. At the same time, the paper also offered a vast perspective of the Broken Window theory and its relevance as per the current situation.

Boquet, A.J., Cohen, T.N., Cabrera, J.S., Litzinger, T.L., Captain, K.A., Fabian, M.A., Miles, S.G. &Shappell, S.A., 2021.Using broken windows theory as the backdrop for a proactive approach to threat identification in health care.Journal of patient safety, 17(3), pp.182-188.

Kim, K., 2018. Proactive versus reactive corporate environmental practices and environmental performance.Tactical analysisSustainability, 10(1), p.97.

Misra, S. &Pattnaik, P.K., 2020. Lilliputian Neglected Happenings Call For Snafu:“Theory of Broken Windows”. Medico Legal Update, 20(1), pp.141-143.


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