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Research On Strategic Nursing Leadership Assignment


Task: Conduct a research on nursing leadership assignment critically identifying the role of strategic nursing leadership towards the integration of clinical nursing specialists and practitioners in the healthcare sector of UK.


1.1 Research background
Supporting nursing leadership explored in the segments of nursing leadership assignment is very much crucial for the successful initiation as well as improvisation of advanced learning practice amongst nursing roles in the healthcare settings. This segment of the piece of proposed research work shall be dealing with the introductory background to nursing leadership and the reason behind the conduction of this research (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). Side by side, this segment shall also be dealing with the importance of this proposed research work and the research context selected herein.

1.2 Research rationale
Advanced practice nursing has been identified as an umbrella for both clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and nursing practitioner (NP) roles. CNSs are termed as registered nurses with a graduate degree in nursing along with expertise in a clinical nursing facility. NPs, on the contrary, are registered nurses with additional educational preparation and expertise with the possession and demonstration of the competencies towards autonomous diagnosis, ordering and interpretation of diagnostic tests, prescription of pharmaceuticals, and performance of specific procedures within their ethical scope of practice (Mazanec et al,. 2018).

1.3 What is the aim of research on nursing leadership assignment?
The aim of this research on nursing leadership assignment is to identify the role of strategic nursing leadership towards the integration of clinical nursing specialists and nursing practitioners in the healthcare sector of the UK.

1.4 Research objectives

  • To understand the importance of strategic nursing leadership within the healthcare context of the UK
  • To identify the advantages and disadvantages associated with the presence and absence of nursing leadership, respectively within the healthcare setting
  • To investigate on the role of nursing leadership towards the establishment of interrelation between clinical nursing specialists and nursing practitioners

1.5 Research question for the topic of nursing leadership assignment
Broad questions:
What is the role of strategic nursing leadership practice towards the integration of clinical nursing specialists and nursing practitioners in the healthcare setup of the UK?

Literature Review
The core advanced nursing practice dimensions usually comprises of direct patient care, leadership, research, collaboration and consultation. On the contrary, considerable variability exists across advanced practice nursing roles in terms of the time being spent within each of the activity. CNSs and NPs work in a variety of practice settings within the healthcare context and have eventually received primordial traction in the British society and the associated healthcare system since their first initiation way back in the 1960s (Vito-Thomas et al, 2018). In addition to this, it is also stated herein nursing leadership assignment that many obstacles still continue to intervene the whole hearted integration of the clinical nursing specialists and the nursing practitioners within the UK healthcare setup.

Leadership strategies that optimizes a successful integration of role generally comprises of the initiation of systematic planning for the development of the nursing roles related to patient and community needs, involvement of the stakeholders, improvisation of the established British role implementation toolkits. In addition to this, it is also clear in this nursing leadership assignment that the other aspects of nursing leadership strategies towards the benefit of nursing practice in the healthcare system are the creation of networks and facilitation of mentorship for those associated with the role, relaying of clear messages for the increase of awareness regarding the role in the organization, and negotiation of the role expectations with physicians and other stakeholders of the healthcare team (Scully, 2015). Nursing leaders face strenuous challenges towards the creation and security of sustainable funding for the roles and also towards the provision of sufficient infrastructure support.

Nursing leaders play a pivotal role in structuring the nursing profession towards better responsiveness for the ever changing healthcare system. Within the British healthcare system, nursing leaders have the potentiality of becoming, although not restricted to, chief executives; frontline, middle and senior managers; administrators; professional practice leaders; government officials; leaders under the regulatory bodies; and policy makers. There are some of the crucial attributes provided in the nursing leadership assignment that need to be present within efficient nursing leaders and these are advocacy of quality care, capability of collaboration, articulation of communication, mentoring, risk factors analysis, becoming a role model within the organization in front of the team and being visionary for others (Masters, 2018). This is indeed a challenging era for both nursing as well as healthcare because of the reason that there are certain complicated issues such as insufficient funding, health human resource shortages and the increasing demand for services for the aged population. Effective planning and implementation of advanced practice nursing roles within the healthcare contexts have got serious potentialities for the acknowledgement of these described challenges.

Many research articles and the associated researchers used to prepare this nursing leadership assignment have reported on the fact that nursing leadership is highly important for the facilitation, enhancement and supporting of initiation and integration of advanced practice nursing roles in the healthcare organizations (Jumaa & Alleyne, 2017; Elliottt, 2017; Ramseur et al,. 2018). The senior nursing administrators also play a pivotal role towards the bridging up of advanced practice nurses (APNs) towards organizational priorities in order to improve the nursing practices (Fischer, Horak and & Kelly, 2018). Wilkes and colleagues (2015) had interviewed the NPs and their associated supervisors who happen to be a mix and match of frontline as well as senior managers for the identification of challenges associated with leadership of the managers of the NPs. They had identified the challenges with regards to the clarification of task reallocation, management of the altered working relationships within the nursing team and the continuation of the team management after new challenges emerge. Based on these results and findings obtained in the nursing leadership assignment, the researchers had proposed eight strategic leadership policies for the managers with the responsibility of introducing the NP roles. These strategies include (1) encouragement of the team members for the sorting out of the accomplishments or the endeavors undertaken by team members, (2) ensuring that the task reallocation eventually keeps on motivating the employees, (3) keeping account of the task allocation whenever there arise issues which have been identified as “personal conflict”, (4) being attentive towards all the immediate perspectives of the working relationships within the team, (5) facilitation of positive relationships amongst the team members, (6) leading from a “balcony” perspective, (7) working with the team through efficient collaboration for the ultimate goal development that have not been overtly focused on the NPs, and (8) periodic sharing of the experiences and lessons learned during the NPs introduction with other fellow managers so that there remains transparency within the organization (Allen et al,. 2018). All these strategies explored in the nursing leadership assignment have been identified as important parameters towards the engagement of the nursing team with synergism and maintenance of working relationship with efficient management amongst all the team members rather than focusing solely on individual NP roles. Consistency needs to be maintained with respect to the research context and the administrators of the healthcare team had previously identified the importance of their role towards the provision of support to APNs and enabling the integration of advanced practice nursing roles in their work settings. Nursing administrative leadership has been found to be of utmost necessity towards the streamlining of the advanced nursing practices and in accordance to the integration of such practices and the working assistance with that of the APNs for the smoothening of working pattern in the day to day lives.

Systematic planning for Advanced Practice Nursing Roles
Responsibilities that have been found crucial in the context of nursing leadership assignment with regards to the planning and hiring of APNs are generically those of the nursing administrators. Researchers have also identified varied importance of the conduction of a systematic process for the evaluation of the patient or community needs, development of advanced practice nursing role for the acknowledgement of these needs and also implement and improvise these roles on a practical basis (Roche et al,. 2015). Many of the respondents selected in earlier research had suggested that there exists poor planning for both the CNS and NP role implementation under the strict time stringency and sometimes with respect to the lack of funding. All these had acted as barriers towards the successful integration of both the aforementioned roles within the UK healthcare systems. Furthermore, it has also been found in this nursing leadership assignment that successful role integration was very much important for the identification of gaps present in nursing services or the roles and depending on this assessment, the most feasible role for the position under context gets chosen.

Involvement of the stakeholders
Another very important consideration whilst planning down the health practitioner roles is the involvement of the associate stakeholders within and outside of the healthcare organization. Researchers have established in their previous research that this aspect is very much necessary from the attributes of healthcare settings, professional organizations, and education in systematically aligning the role integration and implementation (Rokstad et al,. 2015). The role development and integration are associated with stakeholder participation so that the ensured change gets supported even the process is a bit lengthy. Stakeholders whose participation has been found to be important are physicians, staff nurses, and other healthcare providers towards the planning and integration of both CNS and NP roles in the healthcare settings. Some of the administrators had previously merged up and developed working groups for the stakeholders for the planning and integration of these two roles (Barkhordari-Sharifabad, Ashktorab & Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, 2018). It was also noted in this segment of nursing leadership assignment that lack of stakeholder involvement eventually contributed towards the poor clarification of the roles. Many had described the effect to be successful after proper assimilation of all the stakeholders and then making up a plan with group discussion and assuming the entire costing of the process through which the organizational willingness for the integration of the APNs could be chalked out.

Conceptual framework
This conceptual framework explored in the context of nursing leadership assignment effectively supports and reflects the association and interdependence of the recruitment and motivation and both clinical nursing specialists and nursing practitioners through the improvisation of strategic nursing leadership within the healthcare context and this is the main outline of this research proposal. This framework has also tried to focus on the importance of this leadership pattern within the healthcare context in serving the nursing paradigm in a more feasible and plausible manner and the future outlook of this research can be estimated on the highlighting of the exact styles of leadership and leadership qualities that nursing professionals need to ascertain in order to improve the nursing facility of the healthcare system.

nursing leadership assignment

Research methodology
Research philosophy
The researcher shall be opting for post-positivism philosophy through which all the scientific as well as psychographic data shall be analyzed at par with the research context.

Research approach
The research approach used in the nursing leadership assignment acts as the synchronizing element through which the researcher is able to identify the variables and then correlate with the available information with regards to the research context. Henceforth, with respect to this piece of proposed nursing leadership assignment work, the researcher shall be opting for deductive mode of research approach since the existing leadership theories in the healthcare sector will be analyzed in order to understand the importance of strategic nursing leadership.

Research design
Research design usually helps the researcher to find out ways of analyzing the most appropriate way of interpreting the data and in this respect, the researcher shall be opting for exploratory research design through which different aspects the variables would be explored.

Data collection
The researcher shall be opting for both primary and secondary mode of data collection for preparing this nursing leadership assignment through which real-time as well as already published literary sources would be drawn for this research to provide enough evidence for the data interpretation.

Data analysis
The researcher shall be opting for both qualitative and quantitative data analysis through which variability of the data interpretation will be ascertained.

Sample and sampling
The researcher shall be including 50 samples for the quantitative data estimation introduced to survey questionnaire wherein 5 clinical physicians would be selected for the qualitative analysis. The former respondent profile shall be comprised under normal sampling wherein the latter under convenient sampling.

Ethical considerations
The researcher shall be taking written consent from all the participants while developing this nursing leadership assignment before engaging them to the research. Proper citation would be provided towards all the secondary research carried out for the undertaking of this research.

On a concluding note, it can be stated that this research on nursing leadership assignment might have accessibility issue with respect to the literary sources due to which sufficient information cannot be processed and in addition, due to the ethical compliances prevailing within the working sector, the respondents may choose not to answer some of the questions through which further evaluation of the importance of strategic nursing leadership towards integrating clinical nursing specialists and nursing practitioners in the UK healthcare system could be undertaken.

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Barkhordari-Sharifabad, M., Ashktorab, T., & Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F. (2018). Ethical leadership outcomes in nursing: A qualitative study. Nursing ethics, 25(8), 1051-1063.

Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Elliott, N. (2017). Building leadership capacity in advanced nurse practitioners–the role of organisational management. Journal of nursing management, 25(1), 77-81.

Fischer, S. A., Horak, D., & Kelly, L. A. (2018). Decisional Involvement: Differences Related to Nurse Characteristics, Role, and Shared Leadership Participation. Journal of nursing care quality, 33(4), 354-360.

Jumaa, M. O., & Alleyne, J. (2017). Strategic Leadership in Health Care in Challenging Times. Organisation Development in Health Care: Strategic Issues in Health Care Management.

Masters, K. (2018). Role development in professional nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mazanec, P., Lamb, G., Haas, S., Dahlin, C., Mooney, A., & LaFond, D. (2018). Palliative Nursing Summit: Nurses Leading Change and Transforming Care The Nurse’s Role in Coordination of Care and Transition Management. Nursing leadership assignment Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 20(1), 15-22.

Ramseur, P., Fuchs, M. A., Edwards, P., & Humphreys, J. (2018). The implementation of a structured nursing leadership development program for succession planning in a health system. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(1), 25-30.

Roche, M. R., Duffield, C. M., Dimitrelis, S., & Frew, B. (2015). Leadership skills for nursing unit managers to decrease intention to leave.

Rokstad, A. M. M., Vatne, S., Engedal, K., & Selbæk, G. (2015). The role of leadership in the implementation of person?centred care using Dementia Care Mapping: a study in three nursing homes. Journal of nursing management, 23(1), 15-26.

Scully, N. J. (2015). Leadership in nursing: The importance of recognising inherent values and attributes to secure a positive future for the profession. Collegian, 22(4), 439-444.

Vito-Thomas, D., Allyn, P., Wagner, L. B., Hodges, T., & Streitmatter, S. S. (2018). The Evidence-Based Practice Fulcrum: Balancing Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Nursing and Interprofessional Education.

Wilkes, L., Cross, W., Jackson, D., & Daly, J. (2015). A repertoire of leadership attributes: An international study of deans of nursing. Nursing leadership assignment Journal of Nursing Management, 23(3), 279-286.


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