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Social interactions assignment and Human development assignment: A Critical Analysis


Task: How do social interactions assignment and relationships impact human development assignment across different stages of life, and what theories and evidence support this influence?



The change in behavioural development is prevalent across the life span of a human. It is believed that the behavioural development of a human grows due to the influence of several multi-dimensional aspects like biology, psychology, economy, culture, politics and many more. However, social interactions assignment with people across the life span mostly influence human development assignment (Eccles and Roeser, 2015). This essay aims at critically analysing the influence of social interactions assignment and relationships on human development assignment and their nature. The discussion is also supported by relevant psychology developmental theories.

Influence of social interactions assignment on human development assignment

The social nature of a human being is dynamic. The central concern of this section of the essay is to understand how infants socially interact with others and how these interactions have an impact on their development. The behavioural development of an infant is demonstrated with the help of “like-me” theory. A small born baby is hardly exposed to the outer world. However, the social relationships of these infants influence a change in their nature. According to the “like me” theory, new born babies are perceived helpless. However, the social cognition among these infants is developed by observing others.

The bodily acts are observed by these infants and it help these infants to build interpersonal relationships with others (Drew,, 2018). Thus, from the above discussion it can be concluded that, children engage themselves in social interactions assignment through eye contact, sounds and bodily movement. They also become friendly with their caregivers and family members. However, this theoretical underpinning has been contradicted. A researcher named Jones contradicted the above theory with the help of tongue protrusion activity of an infant. The researcher suggested that tongue protrusion of an infant is influenced by other factors.

The infant might respond to music that further led to tongue protrusion. Thus, according to him, an infant is not imitating other people with whom they are interacting (Jones, 2017). Thus, the findings of the above discussion suggests that the arousal factors that is shaping the behaviour of the child is an assumption. The researcher has not yet proved and find out exact factors that are leading to tongue protrusion. Therefore, it can be concluded that an infant imitates other people during social interactions assignment.

The objective of this section of the essay aims at demonstrating the process in which children develop emotionally and physically with the help of social interactions assignment. Furthermore, when the infant starts growing, they start getting attached with their parents or caregivers. According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, the emotional bonds of a child with their caregiver/mother have an influence on their emotional as well as social development. Children who have strong bond with their caregiver, tend to mourn losses of them.

They also protest while getting separated from their caregiver (Granqvist, 2021). The well-being of a human being is also a part of human development assignment and it is found that attachment of an individual also shapes their physical and well-being of the person. When a child has close attachment with their caregiver, they can ask for comfort from the caregiver. On the contrary, when a child is insecurely attached with a person, it can have a negative impact on their mental health. This degraded mental health condition can also negatively shape the mental well-being of the child during their teen-age or adult life. A positive and secured attachment also help the person in cognitive development and enhance their social competency.

However, this theory has also been contradicted. It is believed that Bowlby has provided too much attention on the mother/child bond. Mother has been identified as the primary caregiver and Bowlby has potentially marginalised other caregivers of a child. There are other theorists who suggest that cultural differences can have an impact on such bond and attachment (Main, 2023). In most culture, mothers are the primary care giver of a child. There are few exceptions like sudden death of a mother. Since, mother takes care of a child from their birth, therefore, they tend to develop a strong bond with their mother. This is how interactions with the mother and attachment with them develop a child and influence cognitive thinking of the child.

The central scope of this part is to understand how human develop during teenage. When a person starts to enter the puberty stage, they are identified as an adult. In this stage, a person not only experiences biological changes but their cognitive thinking also changes. According to the cognitive theory, proposed by Jean Piaget, adolescence is a stage of human life where the thought process of an individual starts becoming more abstract and egocentric thoughts start decreasing. The psychologists observed his three children before proposing the theory. He proposed that when a child starts growing and reach the adult stage, they try to assimilate new objects and learnings.

On the contrary, during the process of assimilation, they often fail to incorporate their new learnings with the existing learning. In such situation, the person encounters a stage of disequilibrium. However, the cognitive ability of the adult helps them to become flexible and accommodate the new learning with the existing ones. They try to adapt the change while becoming adults. This entire process is identified as assimilation and accommodation (Pakpahan and Saragih, 2022). This means when a person starts moving from childhood stage to adulthood, they start to learn new things. This helps them to become flexible and enhance their cognitive ability. This theory of Jean Piaget has also been criticised by several other researchers. According to them, Jean Piaget has overestimated the ability of an infant over adults. The cultural and social interaction that a person goes through has also been neglected by Jean Piaget while proposing the theory.

Moreover, biasness has been observed in the methodological approach of Piaget. He observed only his own children and proposed theory based on these observations (Babakr,, 2019). This means infants find it easy to assimilate learnings while growing. When they become adult, they find often find it difficult to become flexible and accommodate their new learning with the existing ones. On the contrary, in the field of psychology it has been proven that events, learnings and situations encountered by an individual at an early stage of their life shapes their emotional well-being. Our early childhood experiences can stick with us for the rest of our life and we can often find it difficult to move on from such experiences (Singh, 2014). Therefore, with the help of Jean Piaget’s cognitive theories it can be proved that human development assignment changes when they start developing social relationships.

The above discussion suggests that the process of human development assignment is dynamic and complex. Human development assignment is defined as the cognitive, physical and psychological changes that an human being experience during their lifetime. An individual encounter various forms of social interactions assignment while growing up. The continuous interactions and influence of society are responsible for changing the behavioural patterns, emotional and physical well-being of a human. A new born baby tend to interact with their family members more often. Mothers are identified to be their primary caregiver. Apart from mothers, midwives, grandparents can also be their primary caregiver. These infants identify their primary caregiver and fail to understand their relationship with the primary care giver. Therefore, they often find it difficult to get detached from the person. One of the major reasons behind such difficulty is lack of emotional stability. The neurological system of an infant is highly impressionable. They fail to regulate their physical as well as emotional states (Stygar, 2021).

However, when a person starts growing up, they tend to experience physical and cognitive development. At this stage, the child goes through physical development. Their brain starts developing. They hit puberty that further leads to development of sexual health. Moreover, they start interacting with their school friends, university friends, office colleagues, seniors, and juniors. These interactions help them to shape their behavioural patterns, learning pattern and ensures mental well-being. A sense of comfort from a manager can help an employee feel motivated and focus on their work. Such social interactions assignment and cordial relationships often have moderate impact on the emotional well-being of the adult. On the contrary, an inappropriate touch from a male colleague can disturb the woman and influence their emotional well-being. However, the cognitive ability of an adult help them to think logically and overcome the trauma. Therefore, this discussion suggests that cordial relationships with peers can also shape human development assignment in both positive and negative ways.

Moreover, at a later stage of life, a human being often develops emotional bond with their life partner. Such emotional bond often has strong influence on the attention and action of the person (Tyng,, 2017). A healthy relationship of a human being with their life partner can develop them positively. It is believed that a couple who use high-level problem-solving skills and resolve conflicts tend to maintain a positive relationship (Xia, 2018). A healthy relationship of a human being with their life partner can further help the couple to positively develop their emotional well-being.


This essay aims at critically analysing the influence of social interactions assignment and relationships on human development assignment. A human being is developed physically and mentally at every stage of their life. This growth is further influenced by social interactions assignment and relationships. The findings of the essay suggests that when a child is born, they tend to develop strong attachment with their primary caregiver. Their vulnerable nature further prevents them from accepting a detachment from their primary care giver. However, when a person starts growing up, they tend to assimilate new learnings and accommodate with their existing ones. Such constant learning and interaction with wide range of people help them to develop their cognitive ability. These statements are further supported with different theories like Bowlby’s attachment theory, Jean Piaget’s cognitive theory and “like me” theory.

Reference List

Babakr, Z., Mohamedamin, P. and Kakamad, K., 2019. Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory: Critical review. Education Quarterly Reviews, 2(3).

Drew, A.R., Meltzoff, A.N. and Marshall, P.J., 2018. Interpersonal influences on body representations in the infant brain. Frontiers in psychology, 9, p.2601.

Eccles, J.S. and Roeser, R.W., 2015. School and community influences on human development assignment. In Developmental science (pp. 645-728). Psychology Press.

Granqvist, P., 2021. Attachment, culture, and gene-culture co-evolution: expanding the evolutionary toolbox of attachment theory. Attachment & Human development assignment, 23(1), pp.90-113.

Jones, S., 2017. Can newborn infants imitate?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 8(1-2), p.e1410. Main, P. 2023. Bowlby's Attachment Theory. [online]. Available at:,other%20caregivers%20and%20social% 20influences. [Accessed 25 November 2023].

Pakpahan, F.H. and Saragih, M., 2022. Theory of cognitive development by jean Piaget. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), pp.55-60.

Singh, M. 2014. Some Early Childhood Experiences Shape Adult Life, But Which Ones? [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2023].

Stygar, K. 2021. Infants have mental health needs, too. [online]. Available at:,through%20interactions%20with%20their%2 0caregivers. [Accessed 25 November 2023].

Tyng, C.M., Amin, H.U., Saad, M.N. and Malik, A.S., 2017. The influences of emotion on learning and memory. Frontiers in psychology, p.1454.

Xia, M., Fosco, G.M., Lippold, M.A. and Feinberg, M.E., 2018. A developmental perspective on young adult romantic relationships: Examining family and individual factors in adolescence. Journal of youth and adolescence, 47, pp


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