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Self Development Assignment On Personal Learning & Development


Task: Prepare a written, reflective report that demonstrates your learning development across the module. THE TASK – WHAT YOU ARE BEING ASKED TO DO
The task is split into two key parts:
1) The submission of a research report that reflects on any three research items being encounter on the module: Be it a Business Case Study, a Journal Article, a Book chapter from any of the two core Textbooks or newspaper entry (1000 words)
2) Drawing on what you have learnt from Academic Research and Writing, submit a short reflective outline on your key discoveries on the module, explaining how they have been useful to your (intellectual, practical, business) development.
You are required to submit a written report of 1500 words, broken into the two parts outlined above. The following offers some key guidance on approaching those parts.
PART 1 – A research report
In preparation for each class, you will be asked to read (or otherwise access) a ‘research item’ – this might be a business case study, a Journal article, a book chapter from any of the two core Textbooks (Booth, W. C., et al. (2003) The Craft of Research (Second Edition), Chicago: University of Chicago Press (search for The Craft of Research PDF online) and Walliman, N. (2011) Research Methods: The Basics, Abingdon: Routledge (search for Research Methods: The Basics PDF online) or newspaper entry (for example). The task of the critical research is to get you used to good academic practice in terms of referencing and citation, developing a clear writing style and identifying key ideas from the materials encountered.
Choosing one research items from any chapter in of one of the two recommended Textbooks, and any two other research items from a Journal Article, Business Case Study or Newspaper entry, you should produce a research report that:
i. Gives the full Harvard reference for each item
ii. Reflectively outlines what you found interesting about the item, why, and how it was useful to your studies/development
iii. Sets out, in your own words, three key points of information or argument that you consider critical to the items’ importance
iv. Includes at least one direct citation and proper Harvard reference from the item to support points made in point (ii) and/or (iii)
PART 2 – Reflective outline (500 words)
Thinking back over your learning across the module, this part of the task asks you to think about what you have learnt from the module, why that learning might be important and how it is useful to you and your personal development based on you area(s) of interest. This is an opportunity to tease out, clearly and in plain English, the things most important to you.
The reflection should use citations and references from the materials you have encountered on the module and/or any material(s) relevant to Academic Research and Writing that could support your reflection. In producing the report, you might consider using these headings:
Introduction – A briefly outline stating the elements to be covered here. This will be a small introduction as you would have given the main introduction earlier.
What is learnt from module?
Why might that learning be important?
How useful to you and your areas of interest?
Conclusion – A small conclusion reflecting on this part 2 of the report. You must reference all information used in the report, both primary and secondary, using the Harvard Referencing Guide.


In this self development assignment, we will learn that learning development tends to describe the work with the students along with staff for the development of academic practices that mainly emphasize on the students developing the academic practices for higher education. However, continuous improvement takes place which considers constant learning for expanding the ability through a regular up-gradation within the knowledge and the skills. Hence, the present study developed in this self development assignment focuses on a reflective report consisting of personal learning and development with continuous improvement.

Body Report
Journal Article: The present self development assignment has evaluated the information related to a journal article “Why the Bank of England will struggle to stop the economic fallout of a hard Brexit- and could even make it worse”. This article explored in the self development assignment provides information related to the slowdown of the global economy where the banks have been known to cut down the interest rates along with boosting the economic recovery (Ringe, 2018, p. 30).

Interesting matter about Item from the Journal Article
It has been evidenced herein self development assignment that, due to the impact of Brexit, the Banks in England can defy the market watchers along with other financial institutions while raising the rates of interests within the event of a no-deal Brexit. This has the probability to be added with the economic catastrophe within UK while crashing out the European Union. This might result in being disastrous along with being compound for negative impact within the economy of Britain. It has been evidenced that the spending of the customers has been a key driver for the economy of UK, which can fail while driving apart through greater uncertainty along with the rise of the living costs. Thus, the cut of rate along with the easing of the Banks have been a potential mechanism to open the flow for credit towards the households and the firms as well.

Why and how it is useful to the study and self development
According to me, the information through the respective journal can help in gaining knowledge regarding the political situation of England after the act of Brexit. This can help me in improving my awareness as well as coordinating with formal and informal activities (Hunt and Wheeler, 2017, p. 25). This can also provide ideas for employability and creating wealth as well while improving myself as well as my prospects in life.

What are the three key points of information discussed in the context of self development assignment?
After the scenario of Brexit, an official line has been considered about the rates to be raised or be cut which has left the feeling that banks in England can be much more uncertain regarding their future as compared to the previous days. 

The central banks over the advanced economies have been known to emphasize on the limitations based on monetary policy like lowering or raising the rates of interest for promoting sustained recovery of the economy. 

It has been evidenced that the Bank is known to be bolstering the reserves of foreign currency from the early 2016 for being prepared.

Newspaper Article
A newspaper article has also been considered in the present study about the financial crisis of 2008; “How Lehman Brothers helped cause the worst financial crisis in history”. 
Interesting matter about Item from the News Article
In September 2008, Lehman Brothers went bust who were the giants of investment banks in the US. The government of US had refused to provide bail to Lehman Brothers (Chu, 2008). This has also been found to be impossible for rolling over their borrowings within the markets (Ivashina and Scharfstein, 2010, p. 330). The Central Banks have been forced to lend to the banks within a colossal scale for the prevention of cascade in the financial sector for bankruptcies. This has been considered as the worst financial crisis within the global history.

Why and How it is useful to the Study
The case of Lehman Brother examined in the segments of self development assignment is an important in the field of financial crisis matters and it has helped to gather knowledge in the field of financial crisis. The study has helped to identify why the financial crisis had been occurred during the year 2008 and it has provided knowledge regarding activities of Lehman Brothers responsible for the financial crisis.

Three key points of Information
The actual incident that is liable for the occurrence of financial crisis, the role of the US government and responsibility of centrals banks are three critical areas of the information as based on study on these areas details of the incident has been identified. These three critical areas are points attributing to the importance of the article as it helps in understanding the context, background and implications of the incidence under consideration.

Interesting matter about Item from the Book
The book of Craft Research considered in the self development assignment has focused on the use of sources of research which is most important matter in case of ensuring quality of a research work. The most interesting matter that has been found in the book that the details of using sources of research have been discussed and it is mentioned that use of source depends on the standing of researcher regarding search of problem and solution (Booth et al., 2003, p.91). According to the view of Cumming et al., (2016, p.51), it has been identified that sources are important matter in case of any research work. This is because use of valid sources enhances competency of the work and quality is maintained. Considering the view of Klein and Boscolo, (2016, p.312), it is identified that “role of writing is more prominent than learning because in a sense writing has incorporated learning”. I have found three important areas regarding use of sources from the book including reading for a problem, reading for an argument and reading for evidence. Furthermore, it is also mentioned in the book that critical analysis of reading is important for identifying importance of the source in the research work.

Why and how it is useful to the study and self development?
In order to enhance the quality of the research work, the process of using sources is important. This is because it ensures that research study is valid and it has provided reliable result regarding the analysis of a particular topic. The evidence based reading is the important factor in case of using sources in the study as it provides proof that information is collected from valid sources. Based on the book, it is found that evidence of the study can be completed while citation is made successfully. Hence, process of using sources helps to identify the technique of developing quality in the research study. This is why identifying sources of using information is essential in case of self development and enhancing study. Identification of the problem is most essential matter in case of using a source in the writing as it helps to evaluate why information is used in the study and furthermore, the Argumentary and evidence based analysis helps to use the sources effectively in case of self development.

Three key points of Information
Critical analysis, identifying problem and identification of logical arguments are three key pints of information noted in the self development assignment. According to my point of view these factors can be considered as critical as these areas help to identify the process of developing the technique of using sources in the study.

The overall discussion states that in order to enhance learning development process, in depth analysis of various topics is important. The reason is it provides reliable information regarding topics self development can be made.

Reflective study
Introduction: Reflective study helps to identify leanings from a specific area and the level of personal development can be judged easily. The current reflective study has discussed key leanings from the abobe module and subsequently the essentiality of learning has been discussed in this self development assignment. Furthermore the usefulness of the module to the personal development is also discussed.

Learnt from the Module
From the module used in this self development assignment I have learnt three different aspects of study including use of sources in the research writing, the struggle of bank of England to overcome economic recession as a result of Brexit and financial crisis due to illegal activities of Lehman Brothers (Ivashina and Scharfstein, 2010, p.330). These three topics have helped to identify me to get knowledge regarding three different items. These can be used in future for conducting any research study and these three topics have enhanced my study performance.

Why that learning is essential?
In order to enhance quality of study and enhancing knowledge in specific areas, the module learning is essential. I have identified three different new areas regarding three specific topics and gathered quality knowledge. The topic of legman brothers’ case discussed in this self development assignment has helped to identify the importance of managing financial stability of different banking organizations. Hence, new knowledge in three different areas I have obtained and it would help me to make any study based existing topics successfully.

Usefulness of module
I would like to mention in this self development assignment that I have interest in my personal development planning and this is why I always focus on the development of my study performance. Analysis of different types of topics has helped to enhance my academic knowledge and it can be used in future practically. For instance, the process of using sources would help me to gather knowledge in future regarding valid research work (Booth et al., 2003, p.312). Hence, it is stated in this self development assignment that different topics have provided different types of knowledge and it is useful to me in terms of development in academic field. The current learning can be considered as an opportunity to me regarding personal development process. This is because, it has enhanced my skills in case of research writing and I have gathered new idea regarding two specific topics including Brexit and financial crisis of 2008. Actually, development of academic study is the key area of enhancing growth of learning and it helps to enhance the quality of professional performance in future.

Based on the overall discussion on self development assignment, I can say that I have identified three different areas of leanings and different dimensions of knowledge I have gathered from the entire study. It has helped to enhance my academic study skills and my personal skills are grown.

Booth, W.C., Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G., Colomb, G.G., Williams, J.M. and Williams, J.M., 2003. The craft of research. University of Chicago press.

Chu, B., 2008. Financial Crisis 2008: How Lehman Brothers helped cause ‘the worst financial crisis in history. Accessed from:

Cumming, A., Lai, C. and Cho, H., 2016. Students' writing from sources for academic purposes: A synthesis of recent research. self development assignment Journal of English for Academic purposes, 23, pp.47-58.

Hunt, A. and Wheeler, B., 2017. Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU. BBC News, 25. 

Ivashina, V. and Scharfstein, D., 2010. Bank lending during the financial crisis of 2008. Journal of Financial economics, 97(3), pp.319-338.

Klein, P.D. and Boscolo, P., 2016. Trends in research on writing as a learning activity. Journal of Writing Research, 7(3), pp.311-350.

Ringe, W.G., 2018. The irrelevance of Brexit for the European financial market. European Business Organization Law Review, 19(1), pp.1-34.


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