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Research Proposal Assignment: Importance of Strategic Management in Zara


Task: Your task is to conduct a critical research and prepare a research proposal assignment illustrating the significance of strategic management in Zara in Leicester.


Provisional Title of Research Proposal Assignment
The importance of strategic management: A Case Study of Zara in Leicester.

Aim of research
This study aims to highlight the significance of strategic management in Zara Leicester.

Provisional Title of Research Proposal
The importance of strategic management: A Case Study of Zara in Leicester.

Objectives of research
• To examine the different types of challenges associated with strategic management in Zara in Leicester.
• To identify the varied dimensions and benefits of strategic management of Zara in Leicester.
• To understand the role as well as the importance of strategic management in Zara in Leceister.

Rationale for study
Strategic management is essential for the growth of the business as it assists in the evaluation of the business goals, objectives as well as vision along with plans. It is necessary to employ the strategic management process accordingly so that there is efficient and effective operation of the business (Fuertes et al. 2020). With the help of strategic management, the organization is provided with a proper sense of direction thereby assisting in the growth of the organizational efficiency, increasing the profitability as well as the market share. This is likely to make the business more durable thereby making it outperform among its competitors as well as achieving market dominance (Bindra et al. 2019)

The importance of choosing strategic management in this aspect is its encompassment of the broader area as well as the effective role in the growth and the development of the organization. As it is challenging to research such a broader area, it is the responsibility of the researcher to narrow down the topic and thus carry out further study to arrive at a valid conclusion.

According to Anatolievna and Anatolievna (2018), it has been found that strategic management makes it easier for businesses to tackle the internal business policies, the changes in the management as well as the attainment of the organizational goals and the norms of the company. It can also be understood by analyzing the future growth of the company as the management plays an important role in judging the internal strength as well as the external deviations.

Sundiman (2018) has stated that there are different stages of the business for the attainment of strategic management. However, to analyze those, there should be a careful analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the company so that it becomes easier to survive among the other competitors. The most essential need of strategic management is to assess what can be done thereby focusing on the mission of the organization.

According to Calof et al. (2017), it has been found that there should be important analysis laid on the evaluation stage of the business for the effective implementation of strategic management. As this process of strategic management can be considered to be cyclical and continuous, there should be an alignment of the organizational goals along with the individual goals that are free from varied types of errors. Moreover, attempts are to be made for the promotion of team building that is essential for the improved level of performance of the business as well as the encouragement of the feedback to identify any further gaps in the communication process.

Various studies have been conducted by different scholars to identify the importance of strategic management across different companies. Strategic management can be regarded as the most vital aspect of the organization that must not be ignored. However, there has been continuous research carried out and this will assist in arriving at a valid conclusion. Moreover, careful attempts are also to be made for the analysis of gaps in the previous studies carried out and to find out a new area of the study.

Research approach or methodology proposed
In this study, positivism research philosophy will be used to carry out the study depending on the factual findings (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). Further, as the study is related only to the strategic management of Zara, it will be easier for the researcher to collect the data and thus interpret them objectively. On the other hand, the researcher will carry out a quantitative research study along with the positivism research philosophy so that it becomes easier to quantify the statistical data and thus obtain the result through the generalization of the study (Ørngreenand Levinsen, 2017).Deductive research approach will be followed as it aims in testing the hypothesis linked with this research. Strategic management is linked to all organizations, but in this study, the researcher will link the study only to Zara by using experimental research strategy. The survey method will be used to gather the data of Zara. Cross-sectional data will be gathered using the mixed method. To carry out this research systematically, there will be the use of both primary and secondary data. The primary data will be gathered from the officials and the higher authority management of Zara whereas the secondary data will be collected from varied data sources and the websites of Zara. The survey questionnaire technique is the most effective method for collecting a wider range of information from varied respondents over a shorter time (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). While carrying out the survey, it is important to contact over 30 higher authority officials as well as the management team of Zara in Leicester to know about the strategic management aspects of Zara in Leceister. These 30 participants have been chosen to participate in the study with the help of non-probability sampling that is to be carried out based on the convenience and the reach of the researcher. Further, it can be said that all the 30 managers and the higher authority management who are allowed to participate in the study have an equal chance of providing their opinion linked with the strategic management of Zara. However, a careful eye is also to be kept on the ethical aspects that are to be followed by the researcher in analyzing the strategic management of Zara in Leicester.

Reference list – 10%
Anatolievna, A.L. and Anatolievna, S.I., 2018. Strategic management of competitive agribusiness organizations model. International Journal of Advanced Studies, 8(2), pp.9-21.

Basias, N. and Pollalis, Y., 2018. Quantitative and qualitative research in business & technology: Justifying a suitable research methodology. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 7, pp.91-105

Bindra, S., Parameswar, N. and Dhir, S., 2019. Strategic management: The evolution of the field. Strategic Change, 28(6), pp.469-478.

Calof, J., Richards, G. and Santilli, P., 2017. Integration of business intelligence with corporate strategic management. Research proposal assignment Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 7(3).

Fuertes, G., Alfaro, M., Vargas, M., Gutierrez, S., Ternero, R. and Sabattin, J., 2020. Conceptual framework for the strategic management: a literature review—descriptive. Journal of Engineering, 2020.

Ørngreen, R. and Levinsen, K., 2017. Workshops as a Research Methodology. Electronic Journal of E-learning, 15(1), pp.70-81.

Sundiman, D., 2018. The effect of knowledge management on the strategic management process mediated by competitive intelligence in the small business company. JurnalManajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 20(2), pp.105â-115.


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