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Reflective Essay Analyzing Quality of Life & Death



Part 1:
Reflection (approximately 1000 words) Prepare a reflective essay analyzing concepts of the quality of living and dying and reflect on your personal values and beliefs in relation to these life events. The quality of life is more than a ‘standard of living’, while the quality of dying is a personal perception of the dying experience.

Both are a subjective integration of personal expectations and values.

a. Analyse five factors that affect the concept of quality of life.

b. Analyse three concepts or domains that contribute to quality of dying.

c. Taking into consideration the analysis of the concepts of living and dying in a and b, reflect on your personal values and beliefs in relation to the quality of life and dying Using Gibb’s reflective cycle.

Part 2:
Exploration (approximately 1000 words) Concepts that influence perceptions of life and death include, legal, cultural, and religious. In the role of a health practitioner, it is important to be aware of their influence and reflect on how they impact on your own values and beliefs.

a. Explain and reflect on three legal aspects of quality of life and quality of dying e.g., euthanasia, advance care planning, legal responsibilities.

b. How do cultural factors impact on the concept of living and dying? Discuss factors from prospective of three cultures including your own culture.

c. Provide examples from three religions how they approach the concept of living and dying.


The reflective essay will throw an in-depth focus and impact on life and death and its quality influence on individual. In other words, it also reflects on the significant values and morals of life that includes in-depth cultural aspects, religious and legal aspects in terms of determining the satisfaction of an individual. Further, it too determine the life with pleasure and so its happiness on personal level.

Part 1: Reflection

Factors Affecting quality of life

Natural and living environment
I personally consider that the quality of the living environment has a direct effect on the lives of palliative care patients and their health. I feel that it can serve to increase mental health by providing ample satisfaction with many activities. As suggested by, Zhang et al. (2020, pp 215-242), the activities are the soothing family chitchats at the end of the day. It can relieve the stress of the people as well.

Physical and economic safety
I consider that the role of money is a precursor in the lives of the palliative care patient. Money cannot buy happiness. As opined by, Jawiarczyk-Przyby?owska et al. (2020, p.899), without money dwelling of the lives becomes uneasy. Standards of living according to me are lower. This money has a connection to physical safety; it can harm the process and turn a person into a criminal, if he runs out of money.

Interactions between leisure and social issues
According to me, for the increasing quality of life, the leisure and social aspects of society have a wider role. I feel these two aspects can provide great inner self gratification. This self gratification is prone to the decrement of the mental illness of a palliative care patient and helped to come out of everyday stress and irritation.

Education is the tool which can prepare a person mentally and physically to work hard in order to improve the quality of life. I feel education should be universally distributed.

Health is the metaphor for increasing quality of life. I feel that the body is the blessed thing of an individual which needs proper care for survival; therefore everyone should follow health care guidelines.

Material conditions of living
I feel that materiality of the conditions is related to the overall conditions like economic factors, physical factors and the physiological factors for proper quality of life.

Domains contributing to quality of dying

According to me, family has a very important role to play in a person’s life. It shapes up background of an individual’s life, which nurtures daily activities of a human being. Apart from an individual or a palliative care patients' personal and the professional lives, home environment is a key to a patients or common people’s happiness. As opined by Thienprayoon et al. (2020, pp. 767-776), in a family, if a patient spends time wholly then it will make him to distract from his sense of loneliness, disease threatening tension which thrusts him towards death. Peaceful homely environment will make a dying person count on his leaving days.

I personally think that in these modern days, where so much digitalization has enraptured the world, the ancient fairy tale reminiscences of home have disappeared. Those reminisces are old grandmother telling stories, making pickles, taking care of the kids. As opined by Mah et al. (2021, pp 1-15), loneliness even persists in homes, which is affecting the health of palliative care patients. Emotional bondages and connection in home according to my opinion for the wellbeing of an individual

Preparation of death
According to me, preparation of the death of an individual starts from a minute incident. There can be initially a lot of reasons which have been supported in this fact. As suggested by Stenfors et al. (2019, p. 1413), the obvious preparation of death I feel starts from the cognitive effects. These cognitive effects started taking actions from physical accidents in or from mental turmoil's and tortures. Therefore, a palliative care patient needs to be cautious regarding all these events so that it does not strike them.

Reflection of quality of life and dying

Gibbs Reflective Cycle

According to me, the incidents which are knocking the health care of the individuals is the issue of the family, cognitive aspects, personal and the professional understanding. As suggested by Adeani et al. (2020, pp. 139-148), these issues have been making a direct effect on the quality of the life of a palliative patient. I feel that these issues are creating a tug of war between the life and death of an individual.

From these issues, I feel that every individual is having the democratic power to strive to maintain peace in the homes. As opined by Markkanen et al. (2020, pp.46-62), after the palliative care issues struck hard, not much importance was given to the fact Others are of the opinion that if the professional world is up to date then everything is fixed. But one failed to see that the home environment is utterly important.

The good thing which I found in this situation is that, as the matter of home has come up in the forefront, importance will be given in respect of home which was previously unlocked. Serious steps from the constitution would be taken for keeping the situation in control According to Sekarwinahyu et al. (2019, p. 022099), the bad thing is that controversies among various people can be there and proper solutions regarding maintenance of homely environments could not be found.

I personally feel that quality of life and the quality of the dying are the interrelated concepts. Those people who get a proper homely environment are able to enjoy life, whereas those who do not receive this comfort fall ill rapidly. The key of the quality of life lies in the emotional bondages which can cure a patient’s life. The aspects of dying are related to not having proper precursors in life.

The situation has helped me in learning that the professional world should not distract the happiness of a person’s fellow homes. Therefore, various palliative care patients would curl up the situation from various parts. Therefore, it is the duty of the citizens to take care of the homes to which they belong naturally.

Action Plan
If the thing has been under my consideration, then I would have taken steps to provide remedial measures or natural medication for the treatment of the sufferer or the palliative care patients.

Part 2: Exploration

Three Legal aspects of quality of life and dying

The quality of the life and the quality of the dying has been nurtured with one pivotal factor that is Euthanasia. As suggested by Swif et al., (2017, p. 47). Euthanasia is the practice of killing without mercy. It has its greater impact in my own life in keeping medication stopped for me and put to death naturally. There has been four types of the Euthanasia which is practiced those are indirect, passive, active and the suicide. These legal aspects and responsibilities helped in chalking out the stress of a person naturally. For example, techniques can be used for improving health services under Euthanasia, but dying syndrome is heightened more.

Advance planning of care
The quality of life and the quality of dying has been also taken into actions with the usages of advance planning of care. As opined by Misson et al. (2020, pp. 24224-24233), this advance care planning or the ACP is a regulatory ongoing process which is useful for treating the palliative care patients. This process makes a person reflect and concentrate on a particular patient's goals, values and beliefs. This ACP has the role of nurturing the present and the future model of medical care and surgery. The main goal is used for clarification of the wishes and the needs of the patients who undergo serious treatment. ACP can be projected for any age group and any situation. For example, Medical care has progressed in the current days due to the accumulation of the various techniques from ACP.

Medical treatment refusal
As suggested by Elliott, Place (2019, pp. 4-15), this term is very significant in the concept of health care. This has been generally accepted as the meaning in which a patient has been directly informed about a medication from a physician. In this regard the patient has the authority or the right of rejecting a medication to which an individual has been used to. The refusal of the medical treatment of the patient is very particular here, especially when the patient has been running the risks and the benefits which they have been assuming for a long time. For example, the patient gets the legal right for the advancement of autonomy and the self determination to refer to the treatment. The medical treatment refusal can also come under the emergency situations in which the doctor does not require any consent for treatments.

Cultural factors and its impacts

Culture of Arab
There has been various types of discrimination has been persisted in the countries with regard to the culture. In the culture of the Arab, it can be seen that medical treatments and aspects related to it have been decided by the family members (Sharara et al. 2018, pp. 1-19). It impacts on my own culture in terms of learning about how to be generous and being amicable to accept others’ goodness. For example, in their culture it has been estimated that healthcare professionals should take the consent of the family members before there has been proceedings in the medical treatment. After that, the medical treatments have been released.

Culture of Philippines
The culture of the Philippines has negated the use of the medicines first. The culture of the Philippines has been dependent upon God. For example, for coping from illness with association of family and friends, the people of the Philippines have been keeping their faith upon God. As opined by Lim, Porse, (2019, pp. 601-606), in this culture, apart from the healthcare professionals, the cure of the malady or the illness has been viewed as a miracle. Apart from the usages of the tonics, the small dosages of the medicines have been used for further care and surgery. Dying in this culture has been related to hopelessness.

Culture of Maori
The culture of this caste has been looking forward to the remedies of healing. This caste has been using various types of techniques and tonics which have been passing down the generations. For example, the use of the medical ties includes the use of the use of plants, various types of the massages and the incantations. There has been a popularity of a variety of ailments which has been used for treating the diseases in a holistic way for the present and the future scenario.

Religious Approach to concept of living and dying

The care providers who have been associated with the treatment of the palliation should be concerned about the adages of the Christians. As suggested by Malone & Dadswell, (2018, p. 28), the clients of the Christians took the death as an encounter or an association of any kind of anxiety. Christians are of the concept that death is actually the result of intense guilt and sin which leads to the dissociation of the soul and the body. For Example, Christians, like the Philippines have been putting their faith in the idea of redemption for the curing of diseases in a direct way.

The Hinduism concept of the quality of life and death has been dependent on genuine and authentic treatments. However, as per Pentaris (2018, pp. 1-15), marginalization in religion creates conflicts. In this respect, modern techniques in treatments and surgeries have been regulated for the lifting of patients' health care and belief systems. Apart from this treatment, the treatment of the health has been also dependent on the aspects of the Karma. It has been said that if a person does anything bad, then that person would be bound to receive the actions back in their lives no matter what the situation or the circumstances are.

Islam's has been referred to as the Muslims. Muslims have been very sensuous to the treatment of their health. For example, they believe in the illness and the differing meted out by God. As per my personal view, this includes the aspects of the praying and the services of the chaplaincy services. Muslims had made advances in case of surgeries (Pentaris, 2018, p. 14). These surgeries have been made with anaesthetized patients who have been under the consumption of cannabis and opium for a longer period of time and need very urgent cure. All these are pivotal parts of the medical treatment.

Based on the overall analysis and examples, it can be learned that quality of life and death is considered as significant object of an individual’s life. In fact, it seems to be depending on an individual’s own interests, perception, beliefs, trust level, care needs as well as patience levels, which are the effective domains for existence.

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