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Project Management Assignment: Project Execution Of Cross River Rail Project Brisbane


Task: Your task
Individually, you are required to prepare a 1600 word report on project management assignment in which you are to analyse the success and failure factors of a major Australian project by considering its ethical compromises.

Assessment Description
In this individual assessment, students will be given an opportunity to analyse the organisational factors that promote effective project management. The success and failure factors, along with ethical considerations for each of the 5 IPECC phases, will need to be considered.

Assessment Instructions
Please choose one of the following projects as the basis for your research (For your chosen project you are to focus on the construction and implementation of the project, following the IPECC phases, and not its current operations beyond what is required in closure).

Cross river rail project Brisbane
( )
National Broadband Network Project
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
( )
Please note that the above links are provided to give only an initial outline of what the project delivered, and substantial additional research will be required to complete your assessment successfully.


1. Introduction
Project Life Cycle refers to the entire set of procedures that is followed from the start to the end of a project. Generally, the different stages of a project life cycle depend on the methodology that is selected and the nature of the project. The chosen project for analysis is Cross River Rail Project Brisbane that is currently under construction. For this project, the suitable methodology is the waterfall model that requires the project life cycle to include 5 main stages – Initiation, Planning, Execution, Control and Closing or in short, IPECC (Paton and Andrew 2019). The purpose of dividing the entire life cycle into these distinct five stages is to simplify the complex project into separate sections each of which has a specific milestone and end product. Once all the different phases are completed successfully with all the milestones achieved, the project can then be considered as complete. However, each of the phases has its own success factors that are essential to achieve the final milestone of the phase whereas there are certain challenges that may threaten to create obstacles for the project.

The main purpose of this analysis is to study the five different stages of life cycle of this project and also determine various success and failure factors associated with each IPECC stage. The main body of the report includes a tabular form that in turn includes sections for five different IPECC stages, each of their success factors and each of their failure factors.

2. Project Management and Life Cycle: Analysis of IPECC Stages
As with other projects, this project also includes the IPECC stages along its life cycle based on its chosen methodology. The project involves construction of a public transport railway line in Brisbane and its main feature is the twin tunnels along its route. The tunnels will be constructed under the Brisbane River and hence, the route will create a fast link between the two sides of the river and will also help to reduce traffic jams on the river bridge. However, this feature also adds complexity to the project as underwater construction is extremely hard and requires intricate planning and execution(Pervoukhinet al. 2020). Hence, it is also very important to undertake the project life cycles so that the main success factors are identified and utilised for ensuring the success of the project itself. In addition, the addition of complexity in the project will also increase the extents of challenges and failure factors that the team must be aware of and appropriate actions must be taken to avoid the same.


Success Factors

Failure Factors / Challenges


The initiation phase includes all the initial discussions, development of project proposal and feasibility analysis. In this project, the main success factor is the accuracy of the initial survey based on which the final plan for the project will be developed(Shad, Guland Zahid2019). The survey includes land survey along the route of the line as well as the potential popularity of the line based on the preferences of passengers along the route. Based on the survey and the discussions, the project proposal needs to be developed that will detail all the major factors highlighted in the survey as well as the proposed timeline and budget for the project. At this phase, the project is still in very early stage and hence, it is not ethical to disclose any details of the project to public or even beyond the existing stakeholders.

Since the project is at a very early stage, there are fewer amounts of risks or challenges that can threaten the actual project. If the survey results are found out to be unsatisfactory and unrealistic, the project can simply be cancelled without encountering much losses or issues. However, a major failure factor that is associated with this phase is that even minor errors during the survey or the proposal can lead to disastrous consequences in a later stage of the project, especially for a large-scale project like this. In this case, during the survey of the actual route, there might be minor errors like insufficient quality check of the land areas, errors in measurements and distance scaling and others. These errors can lead to major problems when the project is underway and the working team finds out the errors at a point of no return.The stakeholders must be aware of these factors and their possible effects while initiating the project.


According to the project management theory, the planning phase is the foundation of any project and it is one of the most important parts of the project. For this project, the planning will include identifying the end goals, specifying the project scope, defining the timeline and budget,identifying the main risks, specifying quality standards and others. The main success factor associated with this phase of the life cycle is the reasonable nature of the plan. For instance, setting a realistic budget for the project will ensure a proper spending plan is in place and the project organisation has a clear idea of investment requirements instead of random spending throughout the project. The planning of the project will also ensure the stakeholders have developed a clear idea of their duties and the work packages in which they will be involved.

Similar to the success factor of this phase, the main failure factors include unrealistic estimation of budget and timeline, lack of clarity over roles and duties, limited identification of risks, absence of any quality standards and others. These are major aspects of the project and need to be planned with extreme care. Errors and issues occurring in these plans will lead to disastrous consequences(Massoet al. 2020). For instance, unrealistic budget demands will lead to uncontrolled spending whereas unrealistic timeline will delay the project constantly without warrant and the project organisation will continue losing funds for continuing the project. Some other challenges of this phase of the project include scope creep, skill gap in the selected team members, lack of communication within the team and others.


This is the main and the most important phase of the project that sees the project plan turn into reality through the use of appropriate procedures depending on the type and nature of the project. In this project, the main success factor of this phase includes implementation of various plans and blueprints that are developed in the planning phase(Chenet al. 2021). The working team in the project needs to ensure the project is executed according to the plan and there is no deviation from the plan that might be caused by scope creep. Additionally, the project team needs to consider the ethical aspects of the project and avoid unethical activities like using black market for purchasing materials, unlawful capture of land for construction, fraud and others.

While this phase of the project is the most important, there are also several challenges and failure factors that can create major problems for the project. Specific to the project under focus, some major failure factors of this phase include dispute over land, unforeseen issues that can be caused along various sections of the route, natural disasters and others(Demirkesenand Ozorhon2017). While some of the failures are under control and can be avoided, some others are out of control of the project team and hence, the team can only use counter measures as contingency plans (Gabanamotse 2019). Additionally, some contingency budget must also be kept during planning that can be used in order to avoid these failure factors that are out of the team’s control.


The control phase of the project is conducted along with the execution but is considered as a separate phase as it is generally conducted from outside the project. The main success factors of this phase of the project include weekly tracking and monitoring, successful reporting of actual project progress and gradual implementation of changes in project without any major consequences(Cheng, Hoand Chang2018). However, the controlling team should also avoid too much interference with the project and let the team continue the execution unless there are specific situations that require intervention.

Controlling phase of the project is extremely essential in ensuring the project path is maintained and unnecessary work is avoided. Some major failure factors that may prevent the success of the control phase of the project include lack of proper tracking, absence of clarity over actual project progress, lack of communication with the team, uncontrolled scope creep and others(Alexander, Ackermann and Love2019). All these factors, if remain unchecked can create major issues within the project in spite of having a control team in place. Additionally, lack of appropriate control and failure to prevent issues in this phase can create major disputes within the team itself.


Closing phase is started once all the important aspects of the project are completed and it is ready to be closed (Poole 2019). The main parts of the project closing phase include documentation, review and sign off. In this project, the closing phase will be initiated once the construction works are complete and the route is ready to be unveiled(Yuet al. 2018). Once ready, a special team will review the entire project based on the documentation and also real time testing of the entire route. The main success factor for this phase is the successful meeting of all the milestones in the project as verified using a checklist subjected to signatures from all the stakeholders of the project.

Generally, there are minimum amounts of challenges or failure factors associated with this phase of the project as the main parts of the project are already completed(Ermakova, Kaloshina and Dianova2019). However, if during the review, some major aspects of the project like route alignment, construction issues and others are found out to not meeting the necessary requirements, the project may be marked out incomplete and it might be reopened for further work.

3. Conclusion
Based on the analysis above, it can be said that the success factors mentioned above can really help to drive the project forward if appropriate steps and measures are undertaken. The team members of the project need to ensure the project is conducted as per the main success factors in order to achieve the goals and objectives that have been set. Additionally, the project life cycle stages should be approached in a specific order so that one does not overlap the other unless absolutely necessary and this will also ensure the stakeholders have clear sets of duties throughout the project life cycle. Furthermore, the challenges and failure factors discussed may threaten to delay or create major problems for the project and hence, they are needed to be avoided at all costs. Conducting risk analysis and identifying the failure factors early can help to increase the readiness of the project team to avoid such problems and ensure smooth running of the project.

Alexander, J., Ackermann, F. and Love, P.E., 2019. Taking a Holistic Exploration of the Project Life Cycle in Public–Private Partnerships. Project management journal, 50(6), pp.673-685.
Chen, Y., Xie, W., Yu, X. and Wu, C., 2021. Research and Application of Power Engineering Science and Technology Project Management Based on All Life-cycle. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 292, p. 01017). EDP Sciences.
Cheng, S.T., Ho, W.C. and Chang, Y.H., 2018. Measuring the sustainability of construction projects throughout their lifecycle: A Taiwan lesson. Sustainability, 10(5), pp.1-16.
Demirkesen, S. and Ozorhon, B., 2017. Impact of integration management on construction project management performance. International Journal of Project Management, 35(8), pp.1639-1654.

Ermakova, O.V., Kaloshina, M.N. and Dianova, E.V., 2019. Management of innovative projects over the life cycle of distributed aviation systems. Russian Engineering Research, 39(5), pp.439-442. Gabanamotse, T., 2019. Assessing Project Maturity Level in Botswana Railways (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University (South Africa)).
Masso, J., Pino, F.J., Pardo, C., García, F. and Piattini, M., 2020. Risk management in the software life cycle: A systematic literature review. Project management assignmentComputer Standards & Interfaces, 71, p.103431.
Paton, S. and Andrew, B., 2019. The role of the Project Management Office (PMO) in product lifecycle management: A case study in the defence industry.Project management assignment International Journal of Production Economics, 208, pp.43-52.
Pervoukhin, D.V., Isaev, E.A., Rytikov, G.O., Filyugina, E.K. and Hayrapetyan, D.A., 2020. Theoretical comparative analysis of cascading, iterative, and hybrid approaches to IT project life cycle management, 14(1 (eng)).
Poole, C.D.M., 2019. IT outsourcing, knowledge transfer and project transition phases. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.
Shad, F., Gul, M. and Zahid, M., 2019. Leadership And Decision Making In The Project Management Life Cycle: A Knowledge Management Perspective. Journal of Business & Tourism, 5(2), pp.89-97.
Yu, W.D., Cheng, S.T., Ho, W.C. and Chang, Y.H., 2018. Measuring the Sustainability of construction projects throughout their lifecycle: A Taiwan lesson. Sustainability, 10(5), p.1523.


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