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Principles Of Project Management And Project Life Cycle


Task: Describe and explain your understanding of the principles of Project Management


Project management as its name suggests is a major attribute across various sections and is liable to promote better operational designs for organizations and its relative operations. The available sections that are associated with these attributes are based on signifying better approaches and attributes for justifying the growth potentials and considerations for a better outreach of the outcomes. The implications and justifications are based on correlating the varied interests and binding them all together to bring better outcomes as a whole. The overall process association is also limited to instigate better response and long term advantages for the whole project. The process of project management can be distributed in to three consecutive segments which are organizing, planning and managing (Martens & Carvalho, 2017). All of these operations are carried out independently across different sections and portions of tasks and are provided with supportive attributes to build a better reach. The inclined developmental aspects are based on associating the changes across these attributes and attracting better outcomes for pre-defined goals and objectives. The entire process of project management is segmented in to a variety of attributes and thus is liable to promote better outcomes for the whole process factor. These attributes are based on defining the required segments and implementing smooth transition across all of the related systems and compositions (Kerzner, 2017). I have come across different aspects of project management which play a major role on justifying progress and achieving better responses across the desired network of departments. Based on these experiences, i have included some of the largely important subsections across project management attribute in the assessment. These segments exhibit my personal experiences as a project manager. I have also included the variety of results which can be achieved through suitable attributes and relative cooperation based initiatives. 

Resource management 
Managing resources are an important factor which is associated with the entire system of processes. This describes the operational attributes and its relative accomplishments which are linked to promote a more desired network of operational efficiency based on availability of resources and their respective usage. The entire structure of resource management is based on checking for the requirements and allocating the required resources based on their respective availabilities. The entire process fragment is also supported with availing the outreach and providing a supportive framework for the entire process of project management (Marchewka, 2016). The process is linked to promote better outcomes and justify the reachability to distinguish between each of the sections and design a unique allocation strategy for them. This will be a major initiative in terms of managing the outreach and significance of operations based on their respective demands and availabilities. The overall operability factor is concluded to propagate better reasons and achieve better outcomes that are to be obtained across these project management approaches.

Managing teams and individual departments
A project management is a crucial process and thus requires a series of outcomes which are based on promoting better results if made to work collectively. The process outcomes are based on the extent and impact of these individual departments and operations. There is a liable amount of operational accountability which is placed to enhance a smooth operational across the process. The entire structure is based on making calculative reach and significance for the whole process and achieve a better outcome that is associated with the organization and interlink the exchange of ideas across the different teammates (Kavishe & Chileshe, 2018). Collective working initiates a self guiding platform which is based on common goals linked to productivity and performance. The teams work together to achieve better outcomes and thus this factor must be available across the segment. As the individual teams operate under individual guidelines and perform unique operations to fulfil their respective objectives, availability of a link or support system is very important. It initiates a more ideal understanding between all the groups working together and thus improves the end results by a major factor. The association possibilities are linked to a project manager and the decisions taken by them. This makes the role of project managers crucial for any major organizational structure (Eskerod, Huemann & Savage, 2015). The ability to establish a linkage between various operational segments is the key factor which is associated with the system. The entire structures based on obligations at this particular point and thus a more diverse ranged operational attribute is built to promote healthy project management intervention and enhance the entire experience.

Communication across a project
Project communications are the key processes which justify a smooth transfer of information and knowledge between two or more teams, workers, managers and groups. This is of huge importance as it helps in providing an ideal approach to the reasonable framework and accomplishment which is associated across an organizational structure (Hoda & Murugesan, 2016). Project communication is evident in developing long-lasting relationships between the various attributes and provides them with suitable channels for promoting objective oriented development. The entire process factor that is associated with this segment of communication is designed to initiate regularity in communication and interpersonal skills development for the related workforces. Communication across projects also help in making efforts for justifying the networks across different departments and fragments for establishment of a better outreach linked to the process. The entire framework is affected positively with the application of efficient project communication facilities. Communication is also linked to identify loopholes across systems and operational processes (Qazi et al. 2016). The improved relationship between all the major groups initiate a sense of belongingness across the organization and thus even a minor complication is shared and mitigated eventually. This describes the large scaled impacts which the communication factor has all across the entire design. Efficient communication channels are also evident in limiting the communication gaps and applying sufficient alternatives to the existing efforts for enhanced information and resource transfer across different departments and organizational sections. As each of the desired networks are effectively built to analyse the increasing liabilities, the overall process factor is designed to attract a better approach all along the segmented fractions. The entire process is linked to promote newer ways of communicating across the organization and this promotes objectified development and management of projects (Niazi et al. 2016).

Project life cycle
Project life cycle is a key aspect for any major project management process. It includes a specific support and significance across the possible framework and improvise the entire process with a variety of different sectional developments. These developments are guided through different stages and sectional progresses and thus, the overall operability factor of the project improves. I personally consider this factor as a key resource related to promote efficient project management approaches and interventions to support development. The various sections of a project life cycle are discussed in the below mentioned sections (Sunder, 2016). These sections have been evident in promoting the successful completion of projects all across the system. The whole structure of operation is based on contributing better outreach and usability for the whole process.

  • Initial phase: This is the starting point for the whole process. It includes identification of detailed objectives and needs for the project. I consider is as the generalized analysis of resources that are to be used across a project management process. The resources are selected based on objectives and its related entities. Identifying issues and providing solutions are a significant factor for possible outreaches all along the process (Radujkovi? & Sjekavica, 2017).
  • Planning phase: After the selection of recommended solution is achieved, the project management attribute requires some serious planning to arrange the operational design and associate the changes that are required to be availed throughout the entire process (De Araújo, Alencar & de Miranda Mota, 2017). The overall operability factor is based on determining appropriate significance and objective oriented planning for the future phases.
  • Execution phase: The planned operations are put in to practice for this particular section. This phase involves actual operations related to the planned attributes and availing of suitable outcomes across the pre-defined objectives. The entire process outcome is segmented and assessed through desired sections. This phase requires strict quality controls and communication between departments to enhance the entire process.
  • Closure phase: Closure is the final release of the resources and achieving of objectives based on the desired goals. This section includes segmented performances that are linked to promote better results. I have experienced this phase as a highly satisfying experience as it helps in reaching out goals and acts as a celebration after all the three phases of hard work (Zheng et al. 2016).

De Araújo, M. C. B., Alencar, L. H., & de Miranda Mota, C. M. (2017). Project procurement management: A structured literature review. International Journal of Project Management, 35(3), 353-377.

Eskerod, P., Huemann, M., & Savage, G. (2015). Project stakeholder management—Past and present. Project Management Journal, 46(6), 6-14.

Hoda, R., & Murugesan, L. K. (2016). Multi-level agile project management challenges: A self-organizing team perspective. Journal of Systems and Software, 117, 245-257.

Kavishe, N., & Chileshe, N. (2018). Identifying Project Management Practices and Principles for Public–Private Partnerships in Housing Projects: The Case of Tanzania. Sustainability, 10(12), 4609.

Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Marchewka, J. T. (2016). Information technology project management: Providing measurable organizational value. John Wiley & Sons.

Martens, M. L., & Carvalho, M. M. (2017). Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), 1084-1102.

Niazi, M., Mahmood, S., Alshayeb, M., Riaz, M. R., Faisal, K., Cerpa, N., ... & Richardson, I. (2016). Challenges of project management in global software development: A client-vendor analysis. Information and Software Technology, 80, 1-19.

Qazi, A., Quigley, J., Dickson, A., & Kirytopoulos, K. (2016). Project Complexity and Risk Management (ProCRiM): Towards modelling project complexity driven risk paths in construction projects. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1183-1198.

Radujkovi?, M., & Sjekavica, M. (2017). Project management success factors. Procedia engineering, 196, 607-615.

Sunder M, V. (2016). Lean Six Sigma project management–a stakeholder management perspective. The TQM Journal, 28(1), 132-150.

Zheng, X., Le, Y., Chan, A. P., Hu, Y., & Li, Y. (2016). Review of the application of social network analysis (SNA) in construction project management research. International journal of project management, 34(7), 1214-1225.


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