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People Management Assignment: Peer Evaluation on Impact of SHRM in Amazon


Task: People Management AssignmentInstructions: You will be required to review the video presentation of another student.
Your facilitator will pair you with another student and you will be provided with a link to view the relevant presentation. You are not required to meet, hold discussions with or provide any feedback to the other student. Your review is submitted to the facilitator only.

This review will be a written response of no more than 1250 words and whilst you will have limited information and understanding of the other student’s context and challenges, you are to provide feedback in the following:

• Consideration of relevant theory and concepts and their application to the issues rose.
• Integration of concepts and appreciation of their implications
• Communication style and effectiveness
• Strengths of the presentation
• Areas for development or further consideration

Your response should take into consideration the key principles discussed in relation to communication and performance management.


This report on people management assignment aims to evaluate the peer's video and identify the issues that have not been mentioned in the video. As per the view of Davila and Ditillo (2017), Peer Evaluation is the task given to the students to revise and understand the work performed by their peers. Peer evaluation is needed to enhance the critical thinking of the candidates.

Main body
Consideration of relevant theory and concepts and their application to the issues raised.

The video focuses on the impact of SHRM and strategic people management in big MNCs like Amazon. The perspective of Amazon Inc has been considered and the issues faced by the big companies have been explored, for clear understanding. Lots about issues concerning managing human resources within Amazon Inc. have been highlighted by my peer without the consideration of any relevant business model and theories. A wide range of issues on proper human resource management within Amazon Inc has been explored. The ethical issue that has been presented includes exploration of contractual workers, avoidance of taxes, warehouse abuses and a toxic office environment for white-collar employees. This unethical issue must be fact-based. However, as mentioned the relevant theories are not used in this presentation which is making this presentation less effective. If the theories would have been mentioned or included then the details about Amazon could have been well understood. According to the opinion of Bratton and Gold (2017), Stakeholder Theory is the best theory that can be implemented by the organization to manage its people. Therefore, the presentation would have been more authentic and precise if my peer has included some theories like scientific management theory, systems management theory, Theory X and Theory Y. The implementation of theories is needed to highlight the actual issue rather than pointing out things that may not be relevant.

Integration of concepts and appreciation of their implications
The issues faced that have been presented include diversity, cultural impact and some other relevant impacts on the organizations. These issues act as a barrier to the growth of the organisation that has been highlighted by my peer. Some of the concepts are presented very well which may meld people to know its detail. However, I was not aware of the fact that an organization like Amazon can face such types of issues and that too is ethical ones. I would have got to know more about Amazon if the concepts and theories have been properly implemented by my peer. Also, the data recovered from the file is unclear and based on some irrelevant knowledge. These concepts must have been fact-based to influence people. This is because Amazon is a big brand and the negativity about the company should not be produced without any relevance. It may not be accepted by everyone freely.

Communication style and effectiveness
According to the opinion of Wheeler (2016), the communication style used by my peer is thePassive-Aggressive Communication Style. However, the academic tone is used to present the topic. Furthermore, this presentation is based on sarcasm and analogy that has affected or created negativity about Amazon. Owing to globalization and recruitment of workforce from different cultures, a specific human resource management strategy does not work appropriately for the entire workforce. This is a genuine problem and does not reflect the incapability of Amazon Inc in any way and thus, should not be subjected to sarcasm or strong critic.According to my point of view, the approach used is unethical about the organisation and it affected the quality of the presentation. Thus, some of the issues must be corrected based on the thesis presented by the researchers. According to the opinion of Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart& Wright (2017), the gestures of Passive-Aggressive Communication Style are jerky and quick. Also, their facial expression looks very sweet and innocent so that rest of the people may not suspect their inner thoughts. Usage of assertive communication style would have benefitted the research, in my view.

Strengths of the presentation
In the presentation, the proper use of graphs, images and charts have been depicted. It has been pasted under its relevance and importance. This is something very important to know and implement the necessary graphs in a proper way. Also, the clarity in tone was outstanding that can convince people and they will like to listen to the topic that has been presented by my peer. Some of the points were also presented very well. The presentation skill of my peer is concise and clear to understand. The skills used are technical, presentable, creative thinking skills. Also, the slide was formal that created a good impression on people.

Areas for development or further consideration
The areas that need to be developed include the Assertive style of communication, theories and an effective strategy. Make use of positive visualization is the key to the success and some negativity is accepted. However, it is hard to accept the negativity of Amazon and its impact on people. Also, in some areas, creative skills were missing. It is important to incorporate assertive skills as assertive is considered the best method of communication. It helps an individual to express themselves effectively and they take a stand for their point. Indeed, the assertive style of communication helps in respecting the beliefs and rights of others in this case Amazon. Therefore, I strongly believe that my peer’s self-esteem would be boosted well with this tone of communication. It will help to manage stress and other issues. Theories relevant to the topic needs to be explored, as a measure for improving the presentation. According to the view of Chin, Desormeaux& Sawyer (2016), presenting information effectively and clearly can be the best way to pass on the information and the key skills to others. This skill is needed to excel in every field. These skills need to be developed based on the feedback given by professors and peers. Therefore, I think my peer should consider focusing on communication style as it is the most effective way to influence people. As per the opinion of Polacco and Backes (2018), Theassertive style of communication creates positivity and grabs more attention. Also, the message produced should be informative and relevant.

From the presentation of my peer, I got to know about the issues faced in a big organisation. Through the review of my peer’s presentation, my critical and analytical skills got improved. I also understood the style of communication that can be the best and the use of graphs in a slide. I have also realised the weaknesses that I will incorporate in my slide. The information that can help my peer to drive the presentation can be the effective use of visual aids, proper content and structure.

Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

Chin, J. L., Desormeaux, L., & Sawyer, K. (2016). Making way for paradigms of diversity leadership. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 68(1), 49.
Crane, A., Matten, D., Glozer, S., & Spence, L. (2019). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press, USA.
Davila, A., &Ditillo, A. (2017). Management control systems for creative teams: Managing stylistic creativity in fashion companies. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 29(3), 27-47.
Ford, R. C., Piccolo, R. F., & Ford, L. R. (2017). Strategies for building effective virtual teams: Trust is key. People management assignmentBusiness Horizons, 60(1), 25-34.
Fulton, B. R., & Wood, R. L. (2017). Achieving and leveraging diversity through faith-based organizing. Religion and progressive activism, 29-55.
Johnston, M. W., & Marshall, G. W. (2016). Salesforce management:
Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge.
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Polacco, A., &Backes, K. (2018). The amazon goes concept: Implications, applications, and sustainability. Journal of Business and Management, 24(1), 79-92.

Vidgen, R., Shaw, S., & Grant, D. B. (2017). Management challenges in creating value from business analytics. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(2), 626-639.

Wheeler, R. (2016). Soft skills-the importance of cultivating emotional intelligence. AALL Spectrum, 20(3), 28.


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