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Nursing Assignment: Victorian Public Health And Wellbeing Plan For Tobacco Free Living


Assessment Task
Why complete this assessment task?
This assignment will allow you to explore, and increase your understanding of, a state health plan and state priority areas. It asks you to apply knowledge and skills from the unit to review a state health plan, discuss the health priorities addressed in the plan, and explore how this plan is underpinned by the determinants of health. Completing this assignment will also further develop your written communication skills.

This task assesses your achievement of Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1-5 and Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1-3, 5 and 6.

What do I need to do?
You are asked to review the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan by following the instructions below. You will need to review the Health Plan and its priority areas, discuss selected population groups to which the Plan can apply, and consider their determinants of health.

1. Read the plan
Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015-2019.

2 Prepare your written assignment (your Health Plan Review)

  • Introduction to your assignment and summary of the Health Plan
    Your introduction should explain the purpose of your assignment (aka the Health Plan review) and outline its structure. You should give a brief summary of the Health Plan and then tell the reader what priority area, at-risk groups and determinants you will be focusing on in your assignment.
    Example (rough notes only): The following assignment will focus on (state the Health Plan you'll be focussing on, and add its citation in brackets afterwards)… This assignment will firstly provide an overview… The assignment will then detail … The following at-risk groups and three determinants of health … will then be critically analysed …
  • Description of the overall plan, the determinants of health and how they influence the population groups
    Your description should outline the plan (Victorian Public Health & Wellbeing Plan), what it is, who it is targeting, the main aims of the plan and what those aims hope to achieve. Explain in your own words how this plan will improve the health of specific Victorians and describe the at-risk groups mentioned in the plan as well as the relevance of the determinants of health to the wellbeing of the population groups targeted by the Health Plan. Remember here you need to introduce the determinants of health - explain what they are in your own words with supporting literature.
    NOTE: The Victorian Public Health & Wellbeing Plan needs to be referenced throughout this section.
    Example (rough notes only): The overarching aim of … is to … The plan focuses on the following key priority areas and target groups … Determinants of health are …. This plan acknowledges that determinants of health … Specific population groups … The effectiveness of this plan will be evaluated ….
  • Description of one priority area and two at-risk groups
    Choose one of the below priority areas (as outlined in the plan):
    • “Preventing violence and injury” or
    • “Tobacco free living”.
  • Describe the priority and the actions outlined in the plan (for example, what is your chosen priority, why is it a priority, and what are they planning to do?). Identify two at-risk groups (e.g. adolescents; adults; older adults) relating to this priority area. Describe why they are experiencing poorer health and wellbeing outcomes
    Nursing students can choose either priority but you must focus on Indigenous at-risk groups.
    NOTE: You should bring in supporting evidence in this section as well as in section (2.4).
  • Example (rough notes only): The priority are.... will de discussed in this section, with a focus on the two at-risk groups
  • This priority area focuses on ....and aims to achieve
    The at-risk groups associated to this priority area have poorer health outcomes...the evidence suggests this is because...The actions outlined to address these issues include …. They will be targeted through
  • Discussion of three relevant determinants of health
    Outline which 3 determinants you are focusing on (1 x social, 1 x biological and 1 x environmental) and detail how these determinants are linked to the priority area and the associated health outcomes for one (1) of the at-risk population groups you discussed above. Please ensure you choose 1 social, 1 biological and 1 environmental determinant as part of your discussion of 1 at-risk group.
    Example (rough notes only): The 3 determinants to be discussed include … they are linked to this prioirty area and at-risk group because...this group experiences outcomes and these determinants impact this because...
    As a starting point to find relevant supporting evidence, access week 2 determinants resources, week 4 Indigenous health resources, week 7 and week 8. You should also engage with the resources from the Deakin library and appropriate government sites including current census data and AIHW.]
    As a starting point to find relevant supporting evidence, access week 2 determinants resources, week 4 Indigenous health resources, week 7 and week 8. You should also engage with the resources from the Deakin library and appropriate government sites including current census data and AIHW.]
  • Conclusion
    Summarise the main points discussed in your assignment (your Health Plan Review) without introducing new ideas.
    Example (rough notes only): This report has … It has demonstrated through the investigation of … that health outcomes vary across population groups… The report has focused on … to illustrate how and why these impacts may be occurring through underlying determinants.


This report focuses on second priority area identified by Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2019. This area is Tobacco free living. The government of Victoria has released a new five-year plan to improve to develop the health and wellbeing of public. The health plan presents effective and important planned guidelines for the changes and enhancement in health and focuses on outcomes, targets and accountability. This new plan includes newest logical substantiation, recent developments, best practices and feedbacks from conferences with the community healthiness division (State of Victoria, 2018). This new plan has significant focus on health inequalities, addressing local priorities and health across the life course. This report will first provide the description of overall plan including determinants of health and impact on the population group. Further, the one priority and two at-risk groups will be critically analyzed in this assessment. Next, the assessment will discuss relevant determinants of the health.

Description of plan
Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2019 is very impressive and comprehensive enlightenment of the perception of fitness, position of fitness and wellbeing and the determinants of health in Victoria. This plan is full of compelling evidences about the health concerns faced by State and effective plans to make stronger public fitness and welfare in Victoria. The objective of this new plan has objective to overcome from fitness issues, wellbeing in during the life of people and identifies the main concern of people (ACT Government, 2012). This plan includes six main concerned areas, many of which have common risks, determinants and defensive aspects and common prospects for defensive tactics. The key priorities comprise improving mental health, avoiding hostility and grievance, injurious alcohol and drug usage, improved eating and dynamic living, minimizing, tobacco free living, and reproductive fitness (Victoria State Government, 2015). Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan has aim to make all the Victorians free from the disease and injury which can be preventable so that they can achieve the maximum potential standard of ‘health, wellbeing and participation of each stage.’ The key objective of this plan is to decrease the inequalities in wellbeing and health. The Victorian government is focused on enhancing the health and wellbeing of all the people by implementation of range of public health approaches (Goetzel & Torre, 2016). These approaches include supporting healthy and sustainable environment; place-based approaches i.e. importance of location to health, and people-centered approaches i.e. focusing on health literacy. In the plan, some of the risk groups are men and women; people suffering from domestic violence, people drink alcohol, people suffering from mental health conditions and people who do not have active and healthy lifestyle (Stirling, 2015).

Description of priority idea
The priority of ‘Tobacco Free living’ will be discussed in this section. This is one of the priority ideas of Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. It can be seen that Tobacco Free living is one of the six priorities of the plan. Victoria is one of the national leaders in reducing the smoking prevalence. This priority area has the focus two at-risk groups i.e. adolescents and adults (CIPD, 2016). These people are experiencing the poor health and wellbeing outcomes as Tobacco and cigarettes affect the health in the negative way.

Tobacco Free living
The priority area focuses on ‘Tobacco Free living’ and aims to reduce the use of tobacco and cigarettes among the people. The at-risk associated with this priority have proper health outcomes. The evidence suggests this because people have negative impact on their health due to tobacco (Feo, Barrett, Edwards & Green, 2014). They face the risk of cancer which is very dangerous for the life of at-risk groups. The actions outlined to address these issues include reducing the rates of smoking among people with the crucial objective of attaining tobacco-free Victoria, focus on governmental and non- governmental tactics to make tobacco free society, and focus to stop the smoking and sustain at society level and target smoking cessation for the groupings (Anyanwu, Craig, Katikireddi & Green, 2018). The groups will be targeted through various stages for change like strong and sustainable environment, place-based approach and people-centered approach. By delivering the change in community and environment, the country can be free from the issue of tobacco (Gostin & Jacobson, 2006).

Relevant determinants of health
Three determinants to be discussed in the assessment are social, economic and physical in which people live, work and play. These determinants are linked with the priorities and risk groups as people live in these environments, the determinants affect the healthiness and welfare system of the country. The identified determinants have the greatest contribution to the burden of disease. The determinants of health impact on the health and wellbeing results in various ways (Carpenter, Postolek & Warman, 2011). Along with this, determinants also impact on the cultural and spiritual health. The environment of determinants may vary drastically with the change of time as an outcome of social changes and wider tendency. The group of adolescents experiences the challenges in terms of health outcomes. These determinants impact on this group because these determinants are responsible for high smoking rates and unhealthy diets (McInerney, 2015).

The country understands that the context of lives of people has the impact on the health and wellbeing and various factors determine that they are healthy or not. In the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, improvements and changes can be attained by addressing determinates including social, economic and physical determinants. Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan acknowledges that with the services, facilities and programs, these determinants can be influenced and positively contribute to the health and wellness outcomes. The priority area focuses on ‘Tobacco Free living’ and aims to reduce the use of tobacco and cigarettes among the people (Browne, Giles-Cort & Davern, 2016). The at-risk associated with this priority have proper health outcomes. The social, economic and physical determinants are connected with the group of adolescents as they are addicted of smoking and tobacco the most. The social determinants of ill health focus in geographical areas that is connected with the education and health services, high rates of tobacco consumption, pattern of employment and industry restructuring, and intergenerational transmission of disadvantage. Along with this, the social and economic determinants have the most important influence on the health of group of adolescents. Contributors to good health are good culture, secure surroundings, secure housing, and societal support. On the other hand, poor health of group of adolescents includes isolation or social exclusion, unemployment, income inequality and poverty. Further, demographic determinants also have significant impact on the health outcomes of group of adolescents i.e. age, gender and disability. Physical determinants have positive influence on the health by giving such things as access to appropriate services and places etc (Parliament of Victoria. 2012).

The country understands that the context of lives of people has the impact on the health and wellbeing and various factors determine that they are healthy or not. In the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, improvements and changes can be attained by addressing determinates including social, economic and physical determinants. Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan acknowledges that with the services, facilities and programs, these determinants can be influenced and positively contribute to the health and wellness outcomes. The priority area focuses on ‘Tobacco Free living’ and aims to reduce the use of tobacco and cigarettes among the people (Browne, Giles-Cort & Davern, 2016). The at-risk associated with this priority have proper health outcomes. The social, economic and physical determinants are connected with the group of adolescents as they are addicted of smoking and tobacco the most. The social determinants of ill health focus in geographical areas that is connected with the education and health services, high rates of tobacco consumption, pattern of employment and industry restructuring, and intergenerational transmission of disadvantage. Along with this, the social and economic determinants have the most important influence on the health of group of adolescents. Contributors to good health are good culture, secure surroundings, secure housing, and societal support. On the other hand, poor health of group of adolescents includes isolation or social exclusion, unemployment, income inequality and poverty. Further, demographic determinants also have significant impact on the health outcomes of group of adolescents i.e. age, gender and disability. Physical determinants have positive influence on the health by giving such things as access to appropriate services and places etc (Parliament of Victoria. 2012).

Based on the above discussion, it is observed that The Victorian government has provided a new five-year plan to develop to recover the health and wellbeing of public. This plan includes six priorities areas, many of which have general hazards, determinants and defensive aspects and common prospects for protective tactics. Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan has aim to make all the Victorians free from the disease and injury which can be preventable so that they can achieve the uppermost potential set of ‘health, wellbeing and participation of each stage’. Tobacco Free living is one of six priorities of the plan which was selected in the assessment. The priority area focuses on ‘Tobacco Free living’ and aims to reduce the use of tobacco and cigarettes among the people. Further, this priority area has the focus two at-risk groups i.e. adolescents and adults. The actions outlined to address these issues include reducing the rates of smoking among people with the crucial objective of attaining tobacco-free Victoria, focus on governmental and non- governmental tactics to make tobacco free society focus to stop the smoking and sustain at society level. Next, it is analyzed that the determinants of health impact the healthiness and welfare results in various ways. In the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, improvements and changes can be attained by dealing with determinates including social, economic and physical determinants. So, the Victorian government is focused on enhancing the health and wellbeing of all the people by implementation of range of public health approaches.

ACT Government, (2012). Guide to Promoting Health &Wellbeing in the Workplace. Retrieved from

Anyanwu, P. E., Craig, P., Katikireddi, S. V. & Green, M. J. (2018). Impacts of smoke-free public places legislation on inequalities in youth smoking uptake: study protocol for a secondary analysis of UK survey data. Retrieved from

Browne, G. R., Giles-Cort, B. & Davern, M. T. (2016). An analysis of local government health policy against state priorities and a social determinants framework. Aust NZ J Public Health. 40. 126-31.

Carpenter, C., Postolek, S., & Warman, C. (2011). Public-place smoking laws and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Am Econ J Econ Policy. 3:35–61

CIPD. (2016). Growing the health and well-being agenda: From first steps to full potential. Retrieved from

Feo, D. D., Barrett, J., Edwards, J. & Green, J. (2014). Wellbeing Why it matters to health policy. Retrieved from Narrative__January_2014_.pdf

Goetzel, R, & Torre, H. D. L. (2016). How to Design a Corporate Wellness Plan That Actually Works. Retrieved from

Gostin, L. O., & Jacobson, P. D. (2006). Law and the health system. New York (NY): Foundation Press; 104

McInerney, M. (2015). Victoria’s new public health & wellbeing plan looks good…’just needs a dose of urgency’. Retrieved from

Parliament of Victoria. (2012). Inquiry into Environmental Design and Public Health in Victoria. Retrieved from

State of Victoria. (2018). Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015–2019. Retrieved from

Stirling, S. (2015). Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015 – 2019 Consultation. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/VPHWP%202015-2019%20-%20Consultation%20response%20Stroke%20Foundation.pdf

Victoria State Government. (2015). Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015–2019. Retrieved from


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