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Navigating Professional Growth: A Reflection on My Co-operative Education Experience at Post Haste


How has my academic knowledge in logistics and supply chain management contributed to my role as a freight handler, and what areas of professional growth have I identified during my Co-operative Education experience?

Navigating Professional Growth

Navigating Professional Growth


Preparation for Interim Portfolio - Reflection

As part of my Co-operative Education program, I have been working as a freight handler at Post Haste, and I have been keeping a detailed Hours Log of my time there.  I have kept a detailed journal of my time here, including the many different jobs I have completed both from home and at the office. In the first three weeks of my internship, I have worked diligently on a variety of assignments that have aided in the timely and orderly transport of cargo. The responsibilities associated with working the night shift have included tasks such as receiving and processing cargo, loading and unloading goods and collaborating with colleagues to ensure seamless operational processes. In order to maintain precision and responsibility in my endeavors, I have diligently maintained a comprehensive journal documenting the time allocated to each task over this specified duration.

The feedback received in my Development Plan significantly influenced the methodology used in the creation of this interim portfolio. The tool has functioned as a metaphorical map, facilitating my exploration of introspective thoughts on both my personal growth and professional trajectory. With the valuable insights provided by the comments, I successfully identified problematic areas and concentrated my efforts on rectifying them with precision. The comments included recommendations for enhancing my communication skills in anticipation of engaging in a collaborative environment during the placement. As a result of this, I have been contemplating strategies to enhance my collaborative skills and optimise the overall efficiency of our collective efforts.

Looking back on my time at Post Haste, it is evident that my assimilation into the team and organisation has proven to be personally fulfilling. The character attributes of meticulousness and hard effort align well with the skill set necessary for a commodity handling employment. As a result of this collaborative interaction, I have achieved success in occupations that require precision and a meticulous adherence to protocols. One of the identified characteristics that I possess is flexibility, a trait that has proven beneficial in effectively and promptly responding to the dynamic and evolving requirements associated with the handling of commodities. The successful execution of night shift work requires meticulous planning in order to optimise productivity. Through personal experience, I have identified certain areas, such as time management and prioritising, where I may enhance my performance.

Regarding challenges and accomplishments, I encountered a substantial obstacle upon commencing my employment during the nocturnal hours. The process of adapting to the atypical timetable required a period of acclimation. However, with the guidance and support provided by my supervisors and colleagues, I successfully assimilated and maintained a commendable degree of efficiency. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that I quickly acquired an understanding of the intricacies involved in the handling of commodities and effectively contributed towards the attainment of the team's objectives. This accomplishment has instilled confidence in my vocational aspirations and bolstered my will to further enhance my aptitudes.

In sum, I have acquired substantial knowledge about my responsibilities as a products handler at Post Haste by doing an analysis of my work hours, integrating feedback, and establishing rapport with my colleagues. The present interim portfolio serves as a testament to my expanding proficiency, adaptability, and determination to effectuate a constructive influence within professional environments.

A. My Co-operative Education Role: Applying Knowledge in Freight Handling

As a frieght handler at Post Haste, I have been able to use the skills acquired via my academic pursuits in the field of logistics and supply chain management. The acquisition of academic information has had a significant impact on my decision-making and conduct inside the company, as shown by two distinct entries in my time log.

Activity 1: Efficient Loading and Unloading of Shipments

The process of loading and unloading merchandise from delivery vehicles has been a significant aspect of my occupational responsibilities. This activity requires meticulous strategic planning and a keen understanding of optimal storage locations for commodities to achieve optimum efficiency. By using logistics principles, I have successfully enhanced spatial utilisation and reduced the risk of transportation-related damages. According to Bowersox and Closs (2019), to ensure load stability during transportation, it is recommended to position the heaviest items in the lower section. The aforementioned guiding principle has facilitated the systematic arrangement of shipments, leading to the attainment of secure and uniformly dispersed loads. The use of this information has resulted in an enhancement in cargo security and expedited loading procedures, hence augmenting the overall operational efficiency.

Activity 2: Inventory Management and Tracking 

Managing inventory and monitoring the status of shipments are other essential responsibilities. The acquisition of information via my coursework in supply chain management has facilitated the development of my proficiency in effectively controlling inventory levels. In accordance with the recommendations put forward by Chopra and Meindl (2021), an ABC-based inventory classification system has been implemented, whereby utmost importance is given to items of high value. In order to mitigate the likelihood of errors and delays, the use of barcoding and scanning technologies has been included to facilitate the monitoring and retrieval of shipments. The incorporation of this information has resulted in enhanced inventory management and facilitated expedited retrieval of products, hence positively impacting customer satisfaction.

Despite receiving a comprehensive foundation throughout my undergraduate study, there are some domains in which I must further enhance my comprehension. For example, the inherent unpredictability associated with the handling of commodities typically necessitates prompt decision-making in order to effectively address any arising concerns. While textbooks provide a theoretical foundation for problem-solving, the practical application of these concepts to dynamic real-world scenarios requires extensive exercise. In order to address these gaps, I have mainly depended upon the cultivation of situational awareness and collaboration with experienced colleagues.

Upon reflection, it is evident that I have made significant advancements in the application of theoretical knowledge in these duties. The regular use of logistics techniques alleviated my apprehensions about the process of loading and unloading freight. I am now capable of confronting any situation directly, placing emphasis on both expediency and security. In parallel, as my understanding of the interplay between theory and practise has expanded, my proficiency in inventory management has correspondingly advanced. For example, I encountered a situation in which there was an urgent need for a critical shipment of utmost significance. The successful use of a barcode scanner in my study and efficient work contributed to the prompt delivery of goods, resulting in a satisfied client.

In summary, the acquired knowledge derived from my academic pursuit of a degree in logistics and supply chain management has proven to be very advantageous in my current professional capacity as a goods handler at Post Haste. By using principles derived from credible sources, I successfully optimised loading protocols and enhanced inventory management. Despite the existence of some knowledge gaps, these deficiencies have been effectively addressed via a comprehensive approach including theoretical study and practical on-the-job training. Upon conducting a comprehensive assessment of my personal growth, I have arrived at a firm conviction about my aptitude for doing demanding tasks related to the management of commodities. Furthermore, I am committed to persistently integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on practise in order to achieve triumph in forthcoming endeavours.

B. Your Professional Skills: communicate effectively in professional settings, working collaboratively and being adept at working in changing local and global contexts

Goal ONE: Working Collaboratively

State your aspect here: Effective Communication and Teamwork

  • My current or revised goal is: To improve my teamwork skills so that I can better contribute to good group dynamics via clear and efficient communication.
  • Comment on how your planned actions (including any changes/updates) are helping you to make progress with your goal. Support your discussion with a specific workplace example. (You must ensure that the actions planned are practical and draw on models, concepts, and frameworks)
  • I have engaged in the examination and application of several theories and frameworks pertaining to the optimisation of cooperative endeavours, with the intention of enhancing my aptitude for collaboration. In order to enhance my comprehension of my role within the team and optimise my contributions, I have been using the Belbin Team Roles theory. The objective is to cultivate a work environment that is characterised by positivity and productivity via leveraging one's own strengths and acknowledging the valuable contributions made by others. On a particular occasion, during a task involving the organisation of a substantial amount of freight, I assumed the role of the team's "Coordinator" in order to facilitate clear communication and ensure that all team members were aware of their respective responsibilities. The use of this approach not only facilitated more accurate allocation of tasks, but also effectively reduced superfluous ambiguity and redundancy.

    Goal TWO: Being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments

    State your specific aspect here: Navigating Change and Adaptation

  • My current or revised goal is: To improve my adaptability to changing work environments, particularly in response to the emergence of new regional and international factors influencing the logistics industry.
  • Comment on how your planned actions (include any changes/updates) are helping you to achieve your goal and support your discussion with a specific workplace example. (You must ensure that the actions planned are practical and draw on models, concepts, and frameworks)
  • To accomplish this objective, I have been constantly engaged in seeking opportunities to acquire knowledge and adapt to the dynamic nature of the logistics sector. The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) paradigm has been used by me to study and address intricate and challenging situations. As an illustrative example, I encountered a situation whereby I was had to promptly modify my planned delivery route due to unforeseen road construction. By using the VUCA framework, I expeditiously assessed the volatility of the scenario, comprehended the intricacy of discerning a novel course of action, and responded with a meticulously devised approach that considered likely uncertainties and ambiguities. I successfully shown my capacity to adapt to novel situations, so facilitating the timely delivery of items to their intended destinations.

    The efforts invested in enhancing my aptitude for collaboration and adaptability have yielded positive outcomes inside my professional endeavours. The aforementioned goals align with my current role as a products handler at Post Haste and are expected to contribute to my professional growth within the dynamic logistics industry.

    C. Your Co-operative Education Industry and Organisation and the environment it operates in:

    The article "Freight Derivatives and Risk Management in Shipping" by Manolis G. Kavussanos, Dimitris A. Tsouknidis, and Ilias D. Visvikis has been selected as the most recent event from the media log. This research primarily focuses on the examination, quantification, and control of hazards associated with marine activities. This study delves into the historical and prospective aspects of investment and operational risk management within the shipping sector. This analysis presents a comparison and contrast of several freight derivative goods, along with the inclusion of real-world examples showcasing their practical use.

    The implications of this lesson might potentially have significant consequences for Post Haste, a Co-op Education firm specialising in the management of commodities. The logistics and shipping sectors are significantly dependent on the implementation of efficient risk management strategies (Kavussanos et al., 2021). This scholarly investigation might potentially provide valuable insights to Post Haste as it seeks to improve its risk management practises via an examination of diverse methods to risk management within the shipping sector. The study's emphasis on derivative products as a strategy for mitigating risk may uncover innovative approaches that the company might explore to minimise operational susceptibility (Kavussanos et al., 2021).

    The enhancement of Post Haste's market competitiveness and resilience may be achieved via the use of suitable risk management strategies. By incorporating the findings obtained from this study, the organisation may enhance its ability to anticipate and effectively address any risks associated with its products handling operations. This might potentially lead to a reduction in operational downtime, increased customer satisfaction, and enhanced overall productivity.

    In addition, the knowledge of risk management strategies might assist Post Haste in adapting to evolving market dynamics as the shipping industry progresses. The findings derived from this research endeavour may equip individuals with the particular expertise required to address complex risk management issues, while fostering a curious and flexible mindset. This aligns well with the organization's strategic approach of proactively identifying and resolving persistent challenges within the goods handling sector.

    D. Your Contemporary Issue

    Working Title: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Transform Operational Efficiency in Freight Handling and Logistics


    As a result of technology developments, the logistics and frieght handling industries are experiencing a dramatic transformation.  Artificial intelligence (AI), an influential and transformative phenomenon, is at the forefront of this revolution due to its capacity to redefine the industry's operational paradigms. The goods handling business is characterised by its complexity, as it significantly depends on a variety of processes, the coordination of resources, the ability to trace shipments in real-time, and ensuring timely delivery. These factors underscore the need for innovative solutions that enhance operational efficiency. This present study examines the intricate correlation between artificial intelligence (AI) and logistics, elucidating the prospective revolution it might potentially instigate within the domains of products handling and logistics sectors. This study aims to explore the potential impact of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into logistics practises. Specifically, it aims to examine how such integration might lead to a transformative effect, marked by enhanced resource utilisation, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

    Relevance to Business:

    In the present Co-op Education role, I have at Post Haste, I have seen that investigating this subject matter has significant importance. In my role as a products handler, I am actively engaged in the logistics business, where it is essential to effectively manage several stakeholders' requirements within specified timeframes. The significance of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology is evident within this context. The technology has the capacity to significantly transform the sector by automating repetitive procedures, improving customer engagement via instantaneous monitoring and communication, and predicting and mitigating fluctuations in demand. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the continuously evolving logistics sector has the promise of transforming the industry via enhanced efficiency, optimised resource utilisation, and strengthened competitive advantage.

    Related to Major(s), Minor(s), and Business Electives:

    The academic emphasis of my studies is in the field of Business Information Systems, which has significant relevance to the current urgent subject at hand. The area of study in which I am engaged pertains to AI technology, including crucial subjects such as data analysis, machine learning, and automation. This inquiry aligns inherently with the principles of Business Information Systems as it examines the convergence of artificial intelligence and logistics. My educational background in business electives, particularly those emphasising supply chain management and operations, has adequately equipped me for this undertaking.

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of logistics aligns with the concepts discussed in these optional courses, offering a chance to explore the potential of such solutions in mitigating bottlenecks, establishing standardised protocols, and enhancing the efficacy of freight distribution. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) inside the logistics industry represents not only a significant technological advancement, but also signifies a profound shift in the dominant paradigm. The objective is to analyse the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on driving operational transformation in the dynamic field of goods handling and logistics. This will be achieved by contextualising this ongoing problem within the academic domains of my degree, minor, and business electives.

    Appendix 1:  Hours Log Interim Portfolio

    DateDescription of activities completedNumber of hours worked
    2023-08-01Efficient Unloading incoming shipments (Activity 1)3.5
    2023-08-02Sorting and categorizing inventory4.0
    2023-08-03Loading packages onto delivery trucks4.5
    2023-08-04Inventory Management and Tracking (Activity 2)4.0
    2023-08-05Assisting in packaging delicate items3.0
    2023-08-06Organizing warehouse shelves3.5
    2023-08-07Receiving and documenting shipments4.0
    2023-08-08Collaborating with team on inventory4.5
    2023-08-09Loading heavy freight onto trucks4.0
    2023-08-10Quality checking outgoing shipments3.0
    2023-08-11Handling fragile items with care3.5
    2023-08-12Assisting in delivery route planning4.0
    2023-08-13Tracking and locating specific items3.5
    2023-08-14Unloading and organizing new stock4.0
    2023-08-15Loading shipments for cross-country4.5
    2023-08-16Conducting inventory spot checks4.0
    2023-08-17Coordinating with drivers for routes3.0
    DateEvent/ Issue (Brief discussion including relevance to business)Media Source (APA 7th)
    2023-08-18Inspecting and sealing shipments3.5
    2023-08-19Organizing documentation for records4.0
    2023-08-20Finalizing shipments for delivery3.5

    Appendix 2: Media Log

    2023-08-01 - This article examines the use of trams as a means of transporting goods inside urban environments, with a specific emphasis on European instances such as the "CarGoTram" in Dresden, Germany, and the "Cargo-Tram" in Zurich, Switzerland. This paper examines the necessary circumstances for the implementation of freight trams, spanning several aspects such as infrastructure, economics, and organisational considerations. Although freight trams are not now present in Polish cities, there is ongoing exploration of several approaches to improve the efficiency of urban supplies. The study examines the many elements that either support or impede the introduction of freight trams, highlighting the need of customising solutions to suit the specific local circumstances while minimising any negative impact on passenger transportation. This study utilises many research methodologies, including literature analysis, the Delphi method, and case study analysis. It draws from research conducted in Szczecin, Poland, to provide valuable insights into the development of sustainable urban mobility.

    Pietrzak, O., & Pietrzak, K. (2021). Cargo tram in freight handling in urban areas in Poland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 70, 102902.

    2023-08-02 - This article examines the many challenges encountered in the air freight supply chain, with a specific emphasis on the role of handling agents who serve as intermediaries between truckers and airlines. The primary areas of concern explored in this study are supply chain efficiency and worker ergonomics. The text explores the need of optimising the organisation and implementation of processes, with a particular emphasis on the possible advantages associated with digitalization. Additionally, this study emphasises the physical exertion experienced by employees as a result of manually handling goods, and suggests implementing ergonomic enhancements. The significance of this matter pertains to the enhancement of operational efficiency and the promotion of worker welfare within the air freight sector.

    Diefenbach, H., Erlemann, N., Lunin, A., Grosse, E. H., Schocke, K. O., & Glock, C. H. (2023). Improving processes and ergonomics at air freight handling agents: a case study. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 26(4), 399-420.

    2023-08-05 - The research examines the challenges associated with enhancing the capabilities of the Freight Urban RoBOTic vehicle (FURBOT) to achieve autonomous operation inside urban settings. The main focus of this discussion is to the legal structure and requisite licencing procedures pertaining to insurance and compliance with traffic regulations. Furthermore, this study delves into the necessary modifications, including both hardware and software components, that are essential for attaining complete autonomy. The subject matter at hand has significance for enterprises due to its connection to the advancement of self-driving car technologies and their incorporation into urban logistics for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of freight management and transportation.

    Masood, K., Zoppi, M., Fremont, V., & Molfino, R. M. (2021). From drive-by-wire to autonomous vehicle: Urban freight vehicle perspectives. Sustainability, 13(3), 1169.

    2023-08-08 - This all-encompassing academic work delves into the intricacies of risk analysis, quantification, and mitigation specifically within the shipping sector. This comprehensive study encompasses conventional and contemporary approaches to risk management in both investment and operational domains. The book's pertinence to enterprises resides in its pragmatic use of goods derived products for the purpose of risk minimization. The second version of this publication, which has been revised to include recent advancements in the field, is a helpful reference for anyone in professional, academic, and research settings who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how the implementation of risk management strategies and hedging techniques may contribute to the improvement of competitiveness within the shipping sector.

    Kavussanos, M. G., Tsouknidis, D. A., & Visvikis, I. D. (2021). Freight derivatives and risk management in shipping. Routledge.

    2023-08-12 - The article examines the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) technology on frieght transportation, specifically focusing on the transformation brought about by data-driven services and the exchange of information. Mobile telematics, a component of IoT, promotes worldwide forwarding by offering intelligent services for freight transport assets like ISO containers. This proposal suggests the creation of a collaborative Freight Service Intelligence Platform (FSIP) and the advancement of freight service intelligence as a means to overcome the existing research gap in this domain. The article's pertinence to the business sector resides in its capacity to enhance transportation, fleet, and risk management in freight operations by means of inventive Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

    Heinbach, C., Meier, P., & Thomas, O. (2022). Designing a shared freight service intelligence platform for transport stakeholders using mobile telematics. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 20(4), 847-888.

    2023-08-15 - The article explores the increasing apprehension about sustainability within the realm of freight transportation and logistics. The aforementioned statement highlights the presence of sustainability risks that impede the achievement of sustainable freight transportation, mostly due to technical hurdles. This research utilises the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and a distinctive analytical framework to examine the temporal implications of economic, environmental, and social factors on these risks. The findings reveal that social and technology-driven elements have a greater influence than financial ones in determining sustainability concerns. The article is useful to firms looking for sustainable shipping methods.

    Choudhary, D., Kumar, A., & Huo, B. (2023). Examination of sustainability risk in freight shipping based on the theory of planned behavior with temporal analysis. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 103191.

    2023-08-18 - This article examines the difficulties associated with worldwide multimodal transportation, despite the advantages offered by containerization, with a specific focus on risk management within the container supply chain. This statement underscores the significance of risks and limited visibility in relation to the supply chain. This article examines potential strategies for enhancing efficiency in container shipping via the implementation of enhanced risk management, using traceability and visibility data. The statement highlights the identification of deficiencies within the current body of literature and suggests the implementation of a real-time management strategy to address unforeseen occurrences. This article is relevant for organisations aiming to enhance the efficiency of their supply chain operations.

    Ouedraogo, C. A., Montarnal, A., & Gourc, D. (2022). Multimodal container ttransportation ttraceability and supply chain risk management: a review of methods and solutions. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 9(2), 212-234.

    2023-08-21 - This article examines the stakeholder groups involved in risk management efforts within the port of Hamburg, focusing on their communication patterns. This study utilises a mixed-method approach, using both surveys and interviews, to examine the level of communication intensity among stakeholders. Network analysis approaches indicate separate groups focusing on various risk categories, including natural catastrophes and operational safety. The results underscore the significance of cooperation in responsive procedures and contingency strategies, which are essential for the effective management of risks such as natural calamities and operational difficulties. This study provides valuable information that might be advantageous for firms engaged in port operations and risk management.

    Nagi, A., Schroeder, M., & Kersten, W. (2021). Risk management in seaports: a community analysis at the port of Hamburg. Sustainability, 13(14), 8035.

    2023-08-24 - This research examines the consequences of structural chnages within the container shipping industry on the operations of ocean freight forwarders (OFFs). Based on a survey conducted in Taiwan, this study utilises the similarity aggregation technique (SAM) to evaluate the impact of 50 online fashion forums (OFFs). The results suggest that OFFs demonstrate increased focus on cargo claims, operational dynamics, and risk management as a result of industry restructuring. In order to remain competitive, they exhibit a prompt response to the changing choices and demands of shippers. The consistency of brand trustworthiness and service quality among current container shipping companies is noteworthy. This research carries implications for both OFFs and container transportation businesses.

    Lu, H. A., & Wu, L. X. (2022). Influence of Structural Variation of Container Shipping Industry towards Ocean Freight Forwarders. KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, 14(1), 55-76.

    2023-08-27 - The Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM): This research investigates the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains (SCs) and the efficacy of supply chain risk management (SCRM) solutions in navigating this crisis. This study examines ten logistics service providers (LSPs) who operate on a worldwide scale, aiming to identify and analyse eight key elements that contribute to the flexibility and resilience of these LSPs. This research highlights the significance of incorporating robustness, agility, and experience learning into supply chain risk management (SCRM) practises in order to successfully predict and react to disturbances. The results provide significant contributions for both the academic community and professionals, especially in anticipation of forthcoming disruptions.

    Hohenstein, N. O. (2022). Supply chain risk management in the COVID-19 pandemic: strategies and empirical lessons for improving global logistics service providers’ performance. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(4), 1336-1365.

    2023-08-30 - The present study focuses on Cooperative Risk Management in Seaports (CoRiMaS), aiming to examine the intricate risk environment encountered by seaports as a result of operational hazards and natural calamities. The research presents a prescriptive process model, CoRiMaS, which aims to provide guidance to stakeholders in efficiently managing hazards associated with seaports that are situated in close proximity to residential areas. The CoRiMaS model is enhanced by incorporating findings from a survey conducted in the Baltic Sea Region, using conceptual frameworks and a descriptive model. The framework encompasses stakeholder analysis, risk governance, management, and information dissemination, offering a standardised methodology for the management of risks in seaports.

    Nagi, A., & Kersten, W. (2022). A process model for cooperative risk management in seaports. Sustainability, 14(3), 1662.


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