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Discussion on Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy


Task: The question will be revealed on 1 of July 13:00 pm NZ time (Please finish within 18hours)

  • There is ONE Essay question (30 marks) must answer ALL questions.
  • The essay answer has a maximum word count of 1500 words.
  • Submit your Word document on canvas. Go to Assignments > Final Assessment.
  • Your answers will be put through Turnitin to check for similarity. If there is a significant proportion on your answer copied from another source, marks will be deducted. Serious cases of plagiarism will result in zero grade and can result in University of Auckland disciplinary action.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure your Final Assessment is successfully submitted on time. Please do not leave it to the last minute to submit your Final Assessment.

The ‘content related’ question will ask you to apply a number of concepts taught in the course to a business situation where marketing strategy is required. Getting familiar with the course content, your team assignment, and reflecting on how COVID may affect business, would be the best way of preparing for that question.

The following readings you might want to read again:
Think about the key leaning of the course:
Week 1: Introduction & strategy Development
Week 2: Internal and external consideration
week 3: Disruption, change and diversification strategies
Week 4: KPIs and financial matters
Week 5: Social media strategy
Week 6: Creating and capturing value
Week 7: Ethics and CSR
It is always a good idea to reference your reading in APA format. Certainly, you can use other sources to support your discussion if it is relevant.


The teamwork modules prepared in previous sessions of assignment concentrated upon the client company, Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy. The company’s internal analysis helps in revealing the strong disruption, changes and diversification that struck the company through with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic consequences. The herbs and spice company operating with manufacturing production and distribution across New Zealand got disrupted severely due to the sudden global stand still situation created across all sectors. Business operatives and smooth functioning required procurement of raw materials through import and manpower easy mobility (Cairns et al. 2017). With the transportation services brought to halt, the feasible serviceability procedure got abruptly affected. With the endeavour to expand and grow, Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy planned to strengthen their resource potentials and enhance their diversified capabilities in making the business a huge success.

Disruption, Change and Diversification Strategies to Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices:

The analytical purview created upon the company shows how they presently suffer from internal management issues. The struggle to strive for creating a position in herbs and spice market the perfect senior management role was deficient. This is further found to prohibit the company from embracing the desired extent of potential (Ihsanullah& Rashid, 2017). The unfavourable situations created through the pandemic has restricted Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices from optimize their capability in exploiting the marketing tools to drive benefits for the business. Bringing about change in management participation with effective professionally experienced management top tier designation is the necessity of the company.

When the strategic and operative front of the company, Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices is assessed, some of the practical challenges causing disruption through diversified strategies are faced. As the demand curve rises the supply capacity is incompatible to suffice. Due to the global economic setback and lack of accessibility o potential resources, reduction of financial debts with conservation approach Strategic Diversity Management (SDM) shall create effectual outputs. The new market branch with elevated market shares is possible only when the quality of business is steady and standardized. Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices is already found to battle the challenge of disrupted logistical services with reference to procurement of goods from overseas (Lofthouse, TeMorenga& McLean, 2016). Creating new opportunities through SDM strategy as theMrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy in diversified supplier acquisition is believed to minimize the risk possibility to meet the demands. However, the lack of resource capability and employee strength made the company suffer from poor quality supplies to fail in securing market demands and overcome the economic crisis. It is only through recruitment of more than 40 employees across the night shift duties that the dual shift crewing can render accuracy to fulfil the gap between demand and supply curve. As outputs levels are tremendously impacted with disruption, the strategic diversification applying SDM strategy as the Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyis necessary to create rotational shifts even keeping the operations continued through the weekends.

On analyzing the shortcomings endured by Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices disrupted distribution network is found to be one of the prime concerns. With the transportation restrained and the service mobility put to halt in response to COVID-19 pandemic, the New Zealand based company encountered severe troubles. Even after getting acknowledged as second leading market share across the herbs and spices companies in New Zealand, Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices accounts succumb in low profit-making opportunities, obstacles in expansion with greater market share acquisition that limits the diversification strategy from creating product differentiation (Maboloc et al. 2020). Rivals like Greggs are relatively found to compete well and create threat across parallel market. This brings to the note of utilising the strength of Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy through diversification at prime emphasis point. When market opportunities in New Zealand tend to squeeze up for inviting risks and crisis for Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices, they are likely to resort to expansion plans. Putting the R&D team to extensive work for investigating about multicultural domains across Asian, Mexican and Middle East are possible to yield favourable and welcoming entry results for such a renowned brand as Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices (Davis, Piven&Breazeale, 2014).

With an insight upon internal analytical purview upon Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices, it is found that for becoming sustainable in the markets even at crisis times, lower pricing are maintained. However, the economic turmoil caused through dearth of sales and profit maximization due to pandemic situation, Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices has derived losses and indulged into debts. As the cost proportion is minimized for product dimension a relatively lower profile in quality of customer loyalty can lead to charge heavy at times for intensified sustainability needs across business. As the current times indicate of extensive economic uncertainty in all parts of the world, New Zealand seems to depict no difference (Schaarschmidt et al. 2016). As a result of which Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy is found to endure loss of revenue generation as expected as hindering further growth and expansion at the moment. The disruption in technological feasibility calls for creation of management change to incorporate diversification in strategies. With pressure of expansion and need for international trade market growth Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices is found to fall short of means in form of right capacity of resources and strength to meet the requirements and growth objective. The pandemic has led the company to undergo financial turmoil, management incapability, and resource capability lag and expansion service effectiveness as planned in future. The significant disruptions call for change in strategies.

What will be the strategic response to COVID-19 by Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyin next twoyears?
The distribution channel becomes of the most crucial attributes encompassing the supply chain process for a business like Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy. As the sudden disastrous pandemic emerged across the world, a global disruption leading to dismantling of normal flow of life course and business services were prevailed. Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices fell as prey to the same pandemic impact through COVID-19 severity also traced in New Zealand. The prohibition of import and expert facilities the business procurement of raw materials and production of spices and herbs were put to halt and faced significant disruption. Logistics, supply chain, distribution and market operations are at standstill (Jaeger, Rasmussen & Prescott, 2017). However, for recovering from the economic downfall through lowered revenue secured, profit rates and market share shattering he diversified strategies were necessary to be carried out. For the coming annual session and the next year, despite the pandemic impacts the company plans to rise again with full potential. Engaging increased efforts with community involvement shall enhance the resource potentials to get strengthened(Lofthouse, TeMorenga& McLean, 2016). The product diversification requires management change. As the prominent challenge areas would remain easy free flow of supplies from overseas market, create expansion across international borders and introducing the brand in new regions along with new product range, the Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyof new recruitments have to be placed. Technological dependence has to be infused with focus upon online service mechanism in handling data, supply chain real-time management and customer service platform. The financial metrics is enabling to establish performance measure to derive productive outcomes and enhanced improvements (Mintz&Currim, 2013). The online web-based platform shall enable Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices to gain greater customer attraction and expanded reach to across border service availability.

Cutting down upon the costs, use of headhunting recruitment to address the top management tier with passive working focus through professionals shall be tactical recruitment strategy as the Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy for meeting ends. With distributions channels the market demand shall be effectually addressed only when additional employees at this hour of intense unemployment shall be incorporated to work in shifts. Corporate Social Responsibility is necessary to build supply chain and logistical services (Rangan, Chase&Karim, 2015). By dividing program wise intervention to improve operational performance through transformational strategies help in developing online service for the company through CSR activities. The overnight operation and weekend rotational job exposures are likely to cause overseas sales through greater community involvement programs. By decrease in production rate to maintain steady sustainable and long-term strategic effectiveness shall be assured without pressures and hassles. The advertisement and promotion created through online programs shall create customer demand and cause a rise in sales in the coming year and two (Balasubramanian, 2020). The gross profitability shall therefore get enhanced from $1,205, 640 to $1, 5000, 900 by 2021. With night shift staff the COVID-19 impact upon less of resource capacity shall be dealt with as the sufficient strength of employee working towards production and effective technological expertise can ensure niche in market hold with online service activity dominance.

When the management top layer shall be filled with proficient qualified staffing it shall help endure change and control risk of uncertainty on economic and financial front. Hiring consultants with cheaper means implementing head-hunter method shall look after the economic crisis setbacks endured through COVID-19 and overcome them with SDM strategies. With online services, customer and supplier contacts would be feasibly managed so that diversity in product dimension and countries approached in coming year or two shall be progressed by Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategy. As a company responsibility,the sustainability in logistics and packaging despite unfavourable situations shall secure better loyalty from customers which made the revenues suffer. Capital resource to meet demands through over night and weekend rotation service flexibility addresses the production capacity and service gap along with national unemployment rates are positively turned.

Balasubramanian, M. (2020). Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyCovid 19-The New Age Pandemic.Notion Press.

Cairns, R., Brown, J. A., Gunja, N., & Buckley, N. A. (2017). The impact of Australian legislative changes on synthetic cannabinoid exposures reported to the New South Wales Poisons Information Centre. International Journal of Drug Policy, 43, 74-82.

Davis, R., Piven, I., &Breazeale, M. (2014).Conceptualizing the brand in social media community: The five sources model. Journal of Retailing and consumer services, 21(4), 468-481.

Ihsanullah, I., & Rashid, A. (2017). Current activities in food irradiation as a sanitary and phytosanitary treatment in the Asia and the Pacific Region and a comparison with advanced countries. Food Control, 72, 345-359.

Jaeger, S. R., Rasmussen, M. A., & Prescott, J. (2017). Relationships between food neophobia and food intake and preferences: Findings from a sample of New Zealand adults. Appetite, 116, 410-422.

Lofthouse, C., TeMorenga, L., & McLean, R. (2016). Sodium reduction in New Zealand requires major behaviour change. Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyAppetite, 105, 721-730.

Maboloc, C. R., Baratipour, M., Parahakaran, S., &D’Astous, M. (2020).Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics. EJAIB, 30, 3.

Mintz, O., &Currim, I. S. (2013). What drives managerial use of marketing and financial metrics and does metric use affect performance of marketing-mix activities?. Journal of Marketing, 77(2), 17-40.

Rangan, K., Chase, L., &Karim, S. (2015). The truth about CSR. Harvard Business Review, 93(1/2), 40-49.

Schaarschmidt, S., Spradau, F., Mank, H., Banach, J. L., van der Fels-Klerx, H. J., Hiller, P., ... &Mader, A. (2016). Public and private standards for dried culinary herbs and spices—Part II: Production and product standards for ensuring microbiological safety. Mrs Rodgers Herbs and Spices marketing strategyFood Control, 70, 360-370.


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