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Money Makes The World Go Round Essay


Task: Write a Money makes the world go round essay, addressing the popular topic while using a minimum of 4 articles which talk about the same subject and incorporating them into the essay.


It was in the year 1960 that the phrase Money makes the world go round essay was first used in the Cabaret music album. The Cabaret music album was classified under the genre of melancholy in which the female protagonist displays her intense aspiration for love to which the counterpart replies her plea with rhythmic song. The core concept that is being discussed in the whole content of Money makes the world go round essay is that it is the factor of money that controls the whole world, not the common perception that it is influenced by love and respect towards each other. The central theme that every component in society is dependent on is money which is being conveyed through this piece of art (Evans, 1985). In the novel 'Dombey and Son’  the author Charles Dickens keeps on discussing the same viewpoint like the instance when the character Paul inquires his father about the real significance of money in the present world. The fact that money can do anything in the world is being replied to Paul by his father. In the same conversation, the father is being enquired by Paul why the same money was not able to save the life of his mother. In the literature, the arguments from multiple aspects are delightfully explained by the author, Charles Dickens.

Money Makes The World Go Round Essay

The vital phrase that Money makes the world go round essay generally implies that the whole world would cease to work if there is no money. If referred to the practical aspect of man’s existence as a social being, the argument could be stated as a valid one since the basic requirements to sustain life could only be brought through spending money. Whether the need should be regarding food, shelter, or clothes, everybody requires money to buy them. The argument that the presence of money could bring you success could be stated as true. The factor of money could open various opportunities for success for a person.

The same ideology of acquiring immense wealth to achieve success in life has preoccupied the mind of every person. The thought of acquiring money has so much penetrated the mind of the people that they are avoiding other crucial aspects of life. The major reason behind this destructive perception towards life is because of the distorted outlook over success by society. The modern man just intends to attain material gain by the term ‘success’. The prevailing notion in society is that more a person acquires money, the more he is deemed to be successful. The parameters like luxurious villas, number of vehicles, etc. are considered to be the parameters of success by most of the public.

The real significance of the money could only be realized by the person who is very poor. It is the absence of money that reveals the grave intensity of the challenges to be faced with surviving in modern society. Every person needs to earn to suffice the basic requirements in basic life. The whole world has shifted towards consumption-oriented behaviour. The concept of consumption has now changed, and the new generation wants every product, which comes new in the market. It is the new world of advertisement and marketing campaigns in which humans are attracted to luxurious products. The customer is running behind the gaudy things which have little significance in life.

Money Makes The World Go Round Essay

It is a fact that only money could bring quality and security in the life of every person. The higher amount of money that a person retains the better living amenities could be possessed to make life comfortable. If the person would send his life in paying various expenses and bills, nothing significant could be achieved. It is majorly the money which plays a crucial factor in achieving personal dreams. If considered the case of education, nobody could pursue it in a reputed institution if they lack financial support. In another piece of the novel ‘A Christmas Carol’ written by Charles Dickens, a character is portrayed to be setting aside love to acquire more wealth (Zimmer, 2014). The character is named to be Ebenezer Scrooge who gives assurance to Belle (a girl) that he would look after her. However, the female character avoids the love of Ebenezer Scrooge to marry a wealthy businessman Jacob. Jacob changes her mind by offering sudden wealth and fame.

F.Scott, the author of 'The Great Gatsby', has discussed the significance of money in the existing scenario through various descriptions (Köhler, 2005). The major context which highlights the significance of money is when the character Gatsby gets intimidated by the wealth of female character Daisy Bunchan and is not able to speak in front of her.

The discussion over the context of Money makes the world go round essay has been included in a lot of artworks, and now it has assimilated into the mind and behaviour of every person. In the same novel, we could observe the narration of wealth is portrayed when the character Tom possesses an immense amount of money and the same has empowered him to behave the way he thinks and look down on everybody. The fact that wealth provides the person with immense power is clear in such literature.

If taken the context of politics and other geological exploration, it was the sole motivation of acquiring wealth that has encouraged the people to practice it. However, our readers should not develop the false notion that money is a very evil thing, and everyone should abstain from it. It is the greed towards money in every human mind that should be considered evil. Modern civilization has forgotten other factors which are much important than acquiring health. Whatever money a person could acquire, he or she could not buy sleep, respect, health, time, etc. You could buy a big villa, but the same could not be converted into a home by investing money. Human civilization should also focus on other aspects of life that are aloof from the ideology of acquiring money. If taking the instance of ‘Seven habits of highly effective people’ written by Stephen R. Covey, it is being discussed that most human beings would find themselves secure in the society if a substantial amount of money is earned. Hence their whole thinking revolves around the collection of wealth. Though it is not being understood by human beings that we never get satisfied with anything and the rush towards wealth continues till our death. The same has increased the rate of depression and suicide among human civilization which is affecting the total well-being of the society. It is not mandatory that the person would get satisfied even after getting a huge amount of wealth. The priorities and thought processes of every person should change so that the healthy way of living should be sustained between us.

As mentioned in the previous section of this Money makes the world go round essay, health could be secured by just accumulating wealth. The moral aspect should be focused on every individual to attain mental peace, respect, recognition, love, etc. Following good principles are very crucial to attain mental peace. The person without mental satisfaction will not become happy even if there are billions in his bank account. The money could only bring material and short-living satisfaction to the human being (Erev, 2020).

The notion of equating money with happiness is the most inaccurate approach made by human societies. The state of success could only be ensured if the person has acquired satisfaction in career, health, finance, the personal aspect, spiritual aspect, and societal aspect. The reality of success is far different from that of financial success.

We hope that this Money makes the world go round essay was quite helpful for you. Thank You.

Erev, I. (2020). Money makes the world go round and research can help. Judgment & Decision Making, 15 (3).

Evans, T. (1985). Money makes the world go round. Capital & Class, 8 (3), 99-123.

Köhler, A. (2005). Money makes the world go round. Commodity sharing, gifting and exchange in the Baka (Pygmy) economy. Property and equality, 2, 32-55.

Zimmer, A. (2014). Money makes the world go round! Ökonomisierung und die Folgen für NPOs. In Forschung zu Zivilgesellschaft, NPOs und Engagement (pp. 163-180). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.


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