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Marketing Assignment: Annotated Bibliography on Australian Media


Assessment task: For this assessment, each student will be analysing two news articles for tutorial discussion and submission on two separate weeks. The emphasis is on identifying the marketing implications for the events or incidents described in the article.

Select an article published online (in any Australian newspaper) in the last couple of weeks before the submission deadline. For week 4 submission, please choose an article that has been published online between 18th March and 31st March, 2019. For week 6 submission, please choose an article published online between 8th April and 19th April, 2019. All submissions must contain a copy of the full article (in pdf) as an attachment. You should also reference the article in the main submission document with the correct URL in the reference section.

Prepare a write-up (in .doc or .docx format) of maximum of 600 words for online submission. The write-up should address the following three questions:

  • What are the key issues illustrated in the article?
  • Who are the important stakeholders?
  • What are the implications of these issues from the marketing perspective and how will these impact (positively or negatively) the stakeholders?


Article 1: Lim. S. (2019). Christchurch terror attack: Australian media facing scrutiny for showing video. The Drum. Retrieved from

Key Issues in the article
The article by Lim (2019) as refered in this Marketing Assignment highlights on the Christchurch mosque shooting in New Zealand whose prime suspect was identified as an Australian citizen. But the issues soared in Australia due to publishing the footage of the terror attack by the Australian media organizations. As per South China Morning Post (2019), the constant pleading from New Zealand government and police of not sharing such a distressing terrorist attack anywhere on the internet. The entire terrorist attack was live streamed by the attacker for over 17 minutes on Facebook which had a great impact on the world. The key issues identified in this source of assignment on portfolio analysis was the lack of integrity and genuinely in today's journalism and the news published by the media houses. The media house giants however broadcasted the extremely distressing video on their websites and social media posts to attract the attention of its readers. Some of them published the entire video while some of them showed the stills of the footage. This was an issue to be considered as this was impacting their brand image. According to McKenzie (2019), Sky News Australia, News Corp and other newspapers were made responsible for introducing such news to the masses. This has not only impacted the business in Australia but also has impacted the brand image of the media houses as well as the associated social media channels on which the footage was broadcasted.

Important Stakeholders in the article
The most important stakeholders identified in this article of this assignment on portfolio analysis are the media companies, Australian Communications and Media Authority, and the social media associated with the news channels such as Facebook. The article has highlighted the insensitivity of the media companies for screening the footage of Christchurch mosque terror attack. The media channel giants such as Sky News Australia,, Channel Nine, and Ten Daily are some of the news channels sharing this extremely distressing terrorist attack live stream on their websites and social media pages. Although this was a derogatory action, the streaming of such a footage was still supported by the news channels to gain the attention of their viewers and receive substantial profits. News channels like the Sky News Australia faced legal implications for not taking precautionary steps before showing such a disturbing footage and its impact on the people watching it. Social media platform giant Facebook took responsibility of their actions. As identified by CNA (2019), along with Facebook, Google also faced certain implications for being a part of the chaos created by the media channels. The brand image of the stakeholders was under risk after this act.

Impact of the issues on stakeholders
From the marketing perspective, the issues identified from the article of this assignment on portfolio analysis indicate that the associated stakeholders of this issue have not taken pre-emptive measures to improve the news feed for the viewers. Hollingsworth (2019) highlights national crisis in New Zealand where more than 50 people were killed in a terrorist attack by an Australian suspect. The most important stakeholders are the Australian news channels responsible for screening and publishing the Christchurch terror attack footage on their website. This was heavily criticized by the public as well as the government organizations in Australia. The major implications on the highlighted media channels was mostly negative. Although they made it evident that media publications have the freedom of speech but this issue went beyond their hands. As identified by SBS News (2019), the Australian Communications and Media Authority however tried to make things positive by reducing the impact of such an act by the media houses and their associated social media partners. The brand image of few of the news channels was at risk such as the Sky News Australia have to co-operate with ACMA and broadcast whatever was instructed. This created a sense of distrust among the viewers for such derogatory actions. Facebook and Google also failed to explain their actions. From this article it can be concluded that brand reputation is built on a lot of things but can be destroyed in a flash.

Article 2: Duke, J. (2019). Social media giants least trusted for ads, content: Survey, The Sydney Moring Herald. Retrieved from

Key Issues in the article
The key issues identified in the article by Duke (2019) which is refered in this Marketing Assignment, is the mistrust on social media platforms by Australians for advertisements and content. As identified in the article, a survey was conducted by Ipsos Connect to understand the reliability of the social media content being advertised by companies (Ipsos, 2019). Majority of Australians still believe the traditional source of advertisement and content are found in newspapers. They consider it to be genuine and not like the content posted on social media. Radio and magazines are also trusted source of advertisement which might be difficult for the social media channels to cope up in Australia. According to the survey conducted, the older generation of the society felt the need of availability of reliable content on social media the trust lied in newspapers and radio. Another issue identified, is the prevalence of fake news and inconsistent posts on social media difficult for social media giants like Facebook and YouTube to crack down the source of such posts (Shu, et. al., 2017). This not only tarnishes the brand image of these social media platforms but sets a wrong example among the current generation. The impact can be seen on the social media companies due to issues like privacy and derogatory remarks.

Important Stakeholders in the article
The important stakeholders identified in this article of this assignment on portfolio analysis are the social media companies, the general public and the companies conducting surveys. The article is highlighted the survey results of trust on as compared to any other traditional marketing channels. The article shows that print newspapers are still considered to hold the most truthful information. Whereas, as identified by Lomas (2018), social media lacks behind in providing truthful information to the general public. As the study identified news channels to be an important source for conveying information to masses. Since social media is least trusted medium for imparting information, majority of older generation have still not accepted it. As identified by Glance (2017), the millennials of this generation are more proactive on social media platforms but when it comes to people of Australia, despite their age, gender, and location, they find all media types trustworthy. However, the rapid growth of technology can be seen from the investments on the social media platforms. This indicates that the stakeholders utilizing traditional means of conveying information to the general public, should be investing more on their advertising efforts. Also, the issue of privacy and objectionable live streaming of certain feeds can be addressed by social media companies.

Impact of the issues on stakeholders
From the marketing perspective, the issues identified from the article indicate that social media platforms are the most non-trusted source of information for Australians. This can have major implications especially on the social media companies who heavily invest on their marketing and advertising efforts. However, according to Lee, Zankl & Chang (2016), the issues of privacy and existence of objectionable content on the social media platforms major concern for Australians to not believe on these platforms. The impact on the social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat can be huge since their popularity depends on its users. If the content is not acceptable by the society, it ultimately makes that particular advertising channel to be less trusted by people. The general public will be impacted if they believe on everything posted on social media. There can be fake news, hoax messages and derogatory remarks on a certain personalities or a brand that might create a ruckus on the digital platforms. Therefore the companies advertising on the traditional means such as newspapers, magazines and radio are still considered to be one of the most trusted source of information by Australians. Marketing assignments are being prepared by our online marketing assignment help experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable assignment help australia service.

CNA. (2019). New Zealand says Facebook not tackling live streaming despite Christchurch attack. Retrieved from

Duke, J. (2019). Social media giants least trusted for ads, content: Survey, The Sydney Moring Herald. Retrieved from

Glance. (2017). Few Australians trust social media with personal information but most do little about it. Retrieved from

Hollingsworth. J. (2019). 'We've been sleepwalking on racism:' New Zealand's soul-searching in the wake of Christchurch attacks. Retrieved from

Ipsos. (2019). Media & Brand Expression: Ipsos Connect. Retrieved from

Lee, W. W., Zankl, W., & Chang, H. (2016). An Ethical Approach to Data Privacy Protection. Isaca Journal. 6.

Lim. S. (2019). Christchurch terror attack: Australian media facing scrutiny for showing video. The Drum. Retrieved from

Lomas. N. (2018). Fake news is an existential crisis for social media. Retrieved from

McKenzie. (2019). How Australia's 'everyday racism' moved from political fringe to mainstream media. Retrieved from

SBS News. (2019). NZ shooter videos media probe continues. Retrieved from

Shu, K., Sliva, A., Wang, S., Tang, J., & Liu, H. (2017). Fake news detection on social media: A data mining perspective. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 19(1), 22-36.

South China Morning Post. (2019). New Zealand shooting: More than 200 users watched live stream video of Christchurch mosque attacks, but nobody reported it, says Facebook. Retrieved from


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