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Management Assignment: Impact of Job Satisfaction on Workers Productivity



Conduct a detailed research and write a management assignment report critically discussing the impact of job satisfaction on worker's productivity.


Chapter 1: Introduction
It is evident herein management assignment that the attitude and work engagement of the employees is tantamount to the success of any organisation, whether large or small and irrespective of whether the organisation deals in products or services. The attitude and the work engagement of the employees are some of the main drivers of employee productivity (Bellani, Ramadhani, and Tamar, 2017). Whereas, the job satisfaction level is the penultimate catalyst to improving the attitude, work engagement, and productivity of the employees. The research project will try to identify and understand the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity. The chapter will be discussing the research background and the research significance among others, for the development of the relevant research aims, objectives, and research questions. The focus will be on understanding some key theories of job satisfaction and determine to what extent does job satisfaction affects employee performance and productivity.

1.1 Research Background
The job satisfaction levels of the employees ensure that the attitude and the work engagement of the employees are aligned to the organisational goal, especially in the manufacturing industry where various valuable resources are involved in production (Ali and Anwar, 2021). The performance of the employees is directly linked to their job satisfaction levels. Employees who are satisfied with their job are highly motivated, having their various “needs” satisfied, and work with more efficiency towards the organisational goals. The research project tries to find the main linkages between job satisfaction and employee productivity.

1.2 Research Problem
The research project tries to highlight the key issues and challenges which can affect job satisfaction and employee productivity, especially in regards to the motivation levels of the employees, by exploring several key theories and frameworks.

1.3 Rationale
The motivation level of the employees ensures that the performance and productivity of the employees are at optimal levels. Job satisfaction is what plays the most crucial part in raising the motivation level of the employees. Employees whose basic and self-actualisation needs are met are highly motivated and can work on making the organisation more agile and leaner. The research project tries to simplify how raising the job satisfaction levels of employees can have a positive impact on employee productivity.

1.4 Research Aim
The research is aimed at identifying and discussing the impacts of job satisfaction on the productivity of the employees and identifying the main issues in job satisfaction of the employees from the perspective of motivation.

1.5 Research Objectives

  • To identify and discuss the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity.
  • To identify and discuss the linkages between job satisfaction and employee motivation.
  • To identify the main challenges and issues regarding employee motivation and job satisfaction.
  • To recommend strategies for addressing the challenges and improving employee productivity.

1.6 Research Questions

  • What are the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity?
  • What are the linkages between job satisfaction and employee motivation?
  • What are the main challenges and barriers to job satisfaction?
  • What steps can be taken for improving the job satisfaction levels of the employees?

1.7 Research Significance
The research will be an empirical one aimed at highlighting the main impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity (Fajarto, Aima, and Karsono, 2019). The integral component of the research will be an emphasis on employee motivation and how it is linked to both, job satisfaction as well as employee productivity.

1.8 Summary
The chapter will be aimed at discussing the research background and the research significance, and the rationale behind undertaking the research project. The key research objectives and research questions will also be discussed for developing the correct research aim.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction refers to the "extent" to which employees of an organisation or company feel motivated, satisfied and content regarding their job (Fajarto, Aima and Karsono, 2019). The employees feel satisfied if they feel that their jobs are secured, their basic and self-actualisation needs are met, and there is growth in their career.

2.2 Employee Productivity
Employee productivity refers to the output or the work amount produced by the employees in a "specific" period (Shobe, 2018). The most accurate ways of measuring employee productivity are measuring the work quality, measuring the organisational goals and measuring the “number” or volume of the completed tasks.

2.3 Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Productivity
Irrespective of pay, job designation, or hierarchy, employees reporting higher levels of job satisfaction strive towards achieving greater productivity by making optimal use of the available resources in production (Vatankhahet al., 2017). Keeping the employees of the organisation or company satisfied and safe can boost their motivation levels and increase their job satisfaction emotions, leading to higher productivity.

2.4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" is a "motivational" theory representing a "5-tier" model of needs. The needs are depicted in "hierarchical" models in the form of a pyramid. The main five needs are physiological, safety needs, belongingness needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualisation needs (Vatankhahet al., 2017). The theory argues that if all these needs are met, it will have a positive impact on the job satisfaction level of the employees, leading to greater productivity.


Figure 1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


2.5 Two-Factor Theory
The “Two-Factor” theory, also known as the “Herzberg’s Motivation” theory model brings forward “two factors” which can affect the motivation levels of the employees at the workplace. The two main factors are motivating factors and “hygiene” factors (Harris and Fleming, 2017). If the hygiene factors are absent, the employees will be inclined towards working less at the workplace, and the motivational factors will help in encouraging the workers to work more (Choi and Ha, 2018). The theory argues that job satisfaction has a direct linkage to employee motivation, which at higher levels can improve employee productivity.


Figure 2: Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

(, 2021)

2.6 Challenges in Job Satisfaction and Employee Productivity
Some of the main reasons for employee dissatisfaction are:

  • Underpaid employees
  • Limited growth in career
  • Lower engagement levels
  • Inefficient management and leadership

2.7 Literature Gap
Due to the overall objective being identifying the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity, the literature might suffer from some gaps. The reason being that no particular industry or company has been selected for the research project. The selection of a particular company or sector would have enabled the researcher in collecting some key pieces of literature.

2.8 Summary
The chapter discusses the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity, and how employee motivation has a direct link to employee productivity.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology
The methodology is an important aspect of researching with clarity. The research philosophy and the research approach being chosen will provide support to the research to be conducted successfully. The elements of research design and the basic procedures and plans related to it will be implemented with success and efficiency. The ethics and standards will be helpful to determine the steps effectively by adhering to the objectives.

3.1 Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is an important aspect that is required for researching a methodical way. Positivism philosophy will be chosen for the research. According to Rahi (2017), positivism philosophy will focus upon the scientific assumptions and beliefs before determining the source of data collection and the ways involved in analysing it. Positivism philosophy will be suited to the topic of research that is being carried out by the researcher.

3.2 Research Approach
Research Approach refers to the plan and process of adopting the steps of broad assumptions and it ensures adhering to the approach of gathering, analysing, and interpreting the data set. A deductive approach will be chosen for conducting the research successfully. A deductive approach will be helpful as it will help to establish the logical aspects from the particular facts to the general.

3.3 Research Design
Research Design and its features will be adopted and applied by the researcher for framing the overall strategy to develop and execute the tasks perfectly. According to Ragaband Arisha (2018), descriptive research design and its steps will be adopted and applied in a significant way that will frame the research question for the topic of research in an effective way.

3.4 Data Collection Methods
The methods of data collection help in guiding the progress of the research in a well-planned way by adhering to the research objectives and norms. Primary data will be adopted and applied for this research.The primary data will be gathered by conducting surveys of employees working in a banking sector organisation (Al Khajeh, 2018). The primary data will also be collected by conducting interviews of the three managers who work in the organisation.

3.5 Sample Size
Particular sample size will be chosen by the researcher to execute the steps of data analysis perfectly. For conducting the surveys quantitatively, 30 employees from the banking sector organisation will be chosen. For researching by conducting interviews, the three managers of the banking organisation will be chosen. The essential elements of job satisfaction and its relation to work productivity will be established by the researcher.

3.6 Research Ethics
According to Ross et al. (2018), the ethical standards and features will be adopted by the researcher for ensuring that the research will be progressing on the right track. The laws and regulations of conducting the research will be considered in an effective and well-planned way so that the goals can be achieved.

3.7 Research Limitations
The limits of the research were developed. The research had to be completed within a stipulated time. The research also had to abide by the existing laws and regulations. The limits of the research had an impact on how the research progress.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis
The analysis of the data set being gathered by the researcher will be done in a quantitative as well as a qualitative way for ensuring that the significant goals are achieved perfectly. The assessment of the significant data will help the particular research topic to be conducted with clarity and logic being involved.

4.1 Quantitative Analysis
According to Radianti et al. (2020), the quantitative analysis and its steps will be adopted and applied by the researcher to find out the relevant outcomes related to the research topic. The survey will be conducted by choosing 30 employees of a banking sector organisation. The questions about the topic will be framed. The quantitative elements will be considered and analysed in a planned way. The graphs will be plotted to represent the quantitative data perfectly by adhering to the basic norms and objectives. The significant features of the research will be addressed in a logical way by the researcher.

4.2 Qualitative Analysis
The steps and features of qualitative analysis will also be designed and applied by the researcher. According to O’Connorand Joffe (2020), the interview questions will be framed and used for ensuring that the qualitative features can be used to great effect. Three managers will be chosen for carrying out the qualitative analysis. The replies of the managers related to job satisfaction having an impact upon the productivity of the employees will be considered in a specific way to meet the overall requirements and goals. The quality features and standards will be aligned to the research for ensuring that the overall targets can be met.

Chapter 5: Conclusion
The topic of research proved to be significant as it linked the most important features of job satisfaction and job productivity that were associated with the organisations operating within the market. The aim and objectives associated with the topic of research proved to be very relevant as they guided the researcher to adopt suitable data collection methods and research approaches. The Positivism philosophy was suited to be the effective research philosophy and the deductive approach was the most suitable research approach that helped in deducing the relevant theoretical concepts enabling the progress of the research.

The features and steps of the descriptive design will be adopted and included by the researcher for making sure that the goals would be met with success and efficiency. The ethical laws and standards were properly maintained by the researcher so that the important and necessary goals could be achieved. The significant outcomes related to the development of work productivity among the employees could be considered in a significant way. The limits of the research also affected the ways in which the research was conducted in the research sphere. The theoretical considerations will be included by the researcher for ensuring that the proper steps were taken to conduct the research in the perfect direction.

Reference List
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