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Management Assignment Analyses Complex Scenarios Relating to Management & Organisations


Task: Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions to prepare this management assignment.

1. From Week 2 Pre Recorded Case Study
Question 2
(a) What are the four critical management skills? How do Candace Stathis and Sue Ryan apply the four critical management skills in their roles at the company?
(b) Which of these skills do you think is most important skill for a manager at Camp Bow Wow and why?

2. From week 3 Pre Recorded Case Study
Question 3

(a) How would you describe Black Diamond’s ethics in terms of how it treats its employees at the company’s factory partners in Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh?
(b) Do you think that it is appropriate for firms like Black Diamond to scrutinize its partner factories like this? Why or why not?

3. From Week 4 Pre Recorded Case Study
Question 3

(a) Besides the “Shop,” how else does Barcelona try to maximize employee fit?
(b) What other suggestions do you have for the company to improve new hires’ fit with the job and organization?

4. From Week 5 Pre Recorded Case Study
Question 1

(a) Explain goal setting theory of motivation.
(b) Describe Brad’s motivation in terms of the goal setting motivation theory?

5. From Week 6 Pre Recorded Case Study
Question 2

(a) Describe the “norming” stage.
(b) How might Nathan Decker lead effectively as the team starts “norming”?


Week 2:
a. What are the four critical management skills? How do Candace Stathis and Sue Ryan apply the four critical management skills in their roles at the company?

The four critical management skills mentioned in the present management assignment are customer service, coaching the team, organising things, patience. These four managerial skills are quite important for Candace Stathis and Sue Ryan. They are trying to implement all these skills in their roles at Camp Bow Wow. It is noted that customers are having a lot of expectations from the company for their dog. It is because they are spending a large sum of money by getting their dogs. Both the managers are trying to handle all the requirements of the customers so that it can match their expectations (Núñez et al. 2018). Candace is trying to organise everyone. This means that each person should do the right work at the right time. According to him, it is easy to handle dogs but difficult to train humans. Sue is trying to provide the best facilities so that their company is at the top. The managers are handling tasks like taking care of the dogs, booking reservations, answering phones, front desk work. Everyone is not skilled at handling all the tasks. Hence, they were being taught to be organised and work accordingly. Sue felt that coaching was required for the employees who lacked certain skills. In this, there was a scope of self-improvement for Sue too (MacLennan 2017). At the time of coaching Sue is ensuring all the problems are sorted. Proper discussions are being done and certain ways of handling the situation are taught. This is also providing some scope for improvement. One of the most crucial skills that were creating a problem for Sue was patience. She was trying to be patient with the team. But she was also trying to be effective as a manager. Both the managers gained a lot of experiences in the two years after opening Camp Bow Wow. It is easier to handle tasks because the management team is providing complete support.

b. Which of these skills do you think is the most important skill for a manager at Camp Bow Wow and why?
One of the most important skills for the manager at Camp Bow Wow was to manage the expectations of the customers. There was always a juggle between the side of the customer and the dog side. The managers are trying to make the customers happy. But at the same time, they also ensure that all the requirements of the dog are fulfilled. The dogs should be happy and safe. The managers are keeping a check on the counsellors who take care of the dogs. Candace is also provided with some flexibility so that others can working in the absence of Candace. This is providing confidence to others in terms of their working. Sue is trying to handle customer services effectively. It is essential to prove the customers that proper care of their dogs are being taken. The efficiency of the managers ensures that customers come back. The managers are also trying to explain to the customers about their dogs and how they performed in the camp. This is being done in such a way that the best message is conveyed to the customers. The managers are sometimes tensed about their efficiency because of the customer line outside the camp along with their dogs. Both Sue and Candace are trying to create a personal connection by discussing the conversation done before with the customer. They ensure that the dogs are enrolled fast and the payment process is quick and easy. In this way, a balance is being created by the managers for the customers. According to Sue self-improvement is quite important. All the problems are discussed because open communication is being maintained at the camp (Erasmus, Strydom and Rudansky-Kloppers 2016). This is creating a path for improvement and all small operations are handled without any tension. Through the above skills, it is clear that customer service is the main focus and it’s needed because all the operations of Camp Bow Wow are dependent on it.

Week 3
a. How would you describe Black Diamond’s ethics in terms of how it treats its employees at the company’s factory partners in Vietnam, China and Bangladesh?
Black Diamond made soft good and the trade was known as original equipment manufacturers. Among the engineers was the daughter of VindiAgher. She was just 26 years old and working in the partner factories at the locations of China, Bangladesh and Vietnam. According to me the treatment at the factories was good and up to the standards. It is because VindiAgher would never take the risk of sending his daughter to work in factories if the treatment was not good. Black Diamond always followed a proper set of ethics for its employees. There is a compliance and certification process in the factories. Auditors visit the factories at equal time intervals. The guidelines for the requirements of ethical sourcing are quite strict. Proper checking is done at the factories and it is not considered as a sweatshop (Turner and Ryan 2016). In Bangladesh, the company is having an apparel factory. The employees are getting three meals a day. There are proper healthcare facilities and the English language is followed. The company is providing extra money for educational purposes. The factories are well lit and ventilated. Safety was the prime thing for the factories. Black Diamond was always focused on global expansionand they properly handled all their operations in various locations. The global operations are providing a huge opportunity for innovation, growth and unique insights. This is also helping the company to think otherwise. Black Diamond is ensuring that global management team is created truly and they are also a part of leadership and process of decision making. They are thinking globally for the betterment of their organisation. I feel that the steps taken by the organisation for the employees are quite effective. In this way, the satisfaction of the workers also increases in the partner factories of China, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

b. Do you think that it is appropriate for firms like Black Diamond to scrutinize its partner factories like this? Why or why not?
It is appropriate for companies like Black Diamond for scrutinizing their partner factories. It is because the company is having a vision of global expansion. However, just doing the expansion is not enough. They feel that proper inspection will ensure that all the operations are being done ethically. Black Diamond is addressing the basic needs of the customers in various countries and hence local culture is considered while manufacturing the products and services (Qin et al. 2018). The customers of the company are global. Black Diamond is having its factory in Zhuhai. The products are produced and assembled. VindiAgher personally checks the protective gears made in the factory which is used for mountaineering and climbing purpose. According to him, all the products are of good quality. The process must be done in a good way. Hence proper control is taken from the start to finish. But at the same time, proper care of people is taken. It includes manufacturing and running of the organisation.

According to me scrutinising is essential for the partner factories because the brand image of Black Diamond is related to it. The company does not want the partner factories to use any unethical methods for manufacturing the products (Babalola, Stouten and Euwema 2016). Through the scrutinising, the company wanted to ensure that all the employees were treated equally and provided with all the required facilities. The satisfaction and safety of the employees was the prime thing for the organisation. Auditors also visited the partner factories to provide an update on all the operations taking place. Black Diamond did not want any kind of discrimination in the factories just because they were focusing on globalisation. The compliance and certification ensured that all ethical standards are being maintained. They were focusing on selling as well as the global expansion of their brand in ethical terms.

Week 4
a. Besides the “shop”, how else does Barcelona try to maximise employee fit? At Barcelona, there is always a process of hiring and firing of the employees. Apart from the shop, the restaurant is trying to maximise employee fit in other ways. There are many people who come in the interview from New York. They usually do not have the idea about the brand and hence in the interview, they are introduced to the brand. So through the interview, a learning process is getting started. If the employees pass the stage of good shop then in stage 3 employee fit is maximised by another method. In this case, the employee will have to pretend that they have worked for six months in Barcelona. Hence, their ability for commanding the floor is checked. It includes becoming friends with guests and talking to staffs. If the person is good at this process then they are fit for Barcelona.

According to the human resources at the restaurant, it is not possible to train people for becoming fun, enthusiastic and nice with people. The reason for maximising the employee fit is due to the quality level of Barcelona. The expectations of the business are increasing rapidly. The employees fit can be maximised by doubling the efforts at the workplace. Customer service is the most crucial thing for the restaurant. Hence Barcelona just wants the right set of people in front of the customers. They are not concerned with the resume or its high standards. Through the interviews, the main discussion is on the brand and its operations. In the interview process the level of education, intelligence and ability are seen through practical tasks (Wang 2018). This practical exposure helps in maximising the employee fit for the restaurant.In this way, it is seen that just interview discussion is not the way of understanding the skills that a person is having. The three stages of interview help in analysing the person like learning skills on the points that they noted from the shops that were visited.

b. What other suggestions do you have for the company to improve new hires fit with the job and organisation?
It was noted that Barcelona is using a three-stage interview process of the hiring new people. In the first stage, they had to visit the shops and analyse their services and food. Next, their learning skills through the shop is noted. Lastly, they have to act as floor manager for showing their ability. However, in this complete process, their technical skills are not tested. There can be situations when the employees will have to show some technical skills for managing their customers (Coad, Nielsen and Timmermans 2017). According to me, technical skills should be tested for improving the new hires fit for the job. In this way, their willingness to learn new things and show the current skills will be checked. The interview process should not be done alone. A panel must be set for providing different view-points. In this way analysing the person for the job will become easier.

Artificial Intelligence must be used for aligning the right set of candidates and this will be time-efficient (Veleva and Antonova 2017). The first impression of the people must be noted so that whether they are fit for the organisation or not can be found. For the new hire, special training should be set and tests should be taken so that their ability for handling tasks at Barcelona can be identified. At the time of the interview, the interviewers must test their general knowledge on the basics of working at a restaurant. In this way, they can easily eliminate the unfit ones. The stages used by the restaurant are quite good but there can be times when a fit employee becomes nervous and is unable to perform properly. There should be some alternative tasks so that the best employees can be hired.

Week 5
a. Explain the goal-setting theory of motivation.

The goal-setting theory of motivation States the essential links between setting a goal and performance. It for other states that with challenging and specific goals incorporated with appropriate feedback can contribute to better and higher work performance. A goal is considered to be a focal point which provides direction to the performer in achieving his or her ultimate destination and also help in understanding the level of effort which is needed to reach that point. Understanding the necessity of setting a goal and achieving it with proficiency within the stipulated time if the primary aim. Along with this, it is needed that a goal should be always really challenging and time-bound in nature so that the performer can put in efforts and maintain the performance to achieve the goal within the stipulated time (Ghasarma et al. 2017). This not only makes him or her more focused but also help in enhancing the skills and knowledge making it proportional to the time-bound nature. When small targets are made to achieve the ultimate goal any performer feel motivated and the sense of righteousness generate which help them in moving forward to fulfil the other targets which will help in reaching the ultimate goal. There are few characteristics of a goal which should be maintained. It is always needed to be understood that a goal helps in greater output and enhanced performance. Hence a goal should be always unambiguous clear and measurable so that it could be incorporated with a deadline for completion. Along with this feedback helps the performer in focusing on the right direction to achieve the goal (Landers et al. 2017). In the course of achieving the ultimate goal, the performer might lose his or her focus and get sidetracked easily. Which is win proper and Stern feedback is needed so that they can get back to their right ways of meeting their ultimate goal.

b. Describe Brad’s motivation in terms of the goal-setting motivation theory?
The ultimate goal of the founders of the Flight 001 Brad John and John Sencion was to expand their business in all the major cities in the United States Asia and Europe. They wanted to establish new stores in all these countries to make their product available to everyone. Brad is full of determination in making Flight 001 to be the international authority on travelling. To make a company or a brand search expanded and big ambitious plants are required so that it could be executed. It is needed to be set as a goal for the company to achieve in a stipulated time and this will help in understanding what works are needed to be done in what areas. Brad has done the same thing and found out some of the important areas which include the staffing of the company financial planning and merchandising to be the most important ones they have to focus on.

Understanding the necessity of focusing on such things the company has taken goal-setting policies helping in streamlining their ultimate points of focus and working accordingly (Landers et al. 2017). The employees who are working in this company are very much motivated in working under the authority as all of them have quoted that they get their due respect and understanding from the company in achieving their personal goals which ultimately help them in achieving the organisational goal. It is considered to be very important to appreciate the work of the employees to keep them motivated along with providing necessary feedback to give them the chance to be better day by day. The employees have mentioned how valuable they feel within the organisation and unlike other organisations, they get the chance to spend work time with their CEOs who often visit the stores to provide the necessary feedback and motivation (Schmidt 2019). The company also have a good culture of motivating the people and placing them a job according to their skills and knowledge. This not only helps the employees to grow and sharpen up their skills but also help the organisation to get quality work within the stipulated time facilitating the process of meeting their goal.

Week 6
a. Describe the “norming” stage.

The Norman stage is considered to be one of the most important stages of group development. It involves bonding along with the development of group identity. It is considered to be applicable while working on a project which means joint efforts of a group. This is considered to be the third stage of the stages of group development which includes more four stages. It was first presented by Bruce Tuckman and since the last few decades, it has helped in understanding the journey of group development (Cardno and Tetzlaff 2017). The first step is the forming stage where a group is oriented with its members and then comes the storming stage for the power struggle. Once this is settled down then comes the third stage where corporation and integration are promoted. This stage is known as the norming stage. A sense of synergy also gets developed in this stage where the team members feel positive about accomplishing their ultimate goals together rather than individually. In which stage the primary focus is on the way of handling a task for teamwork. It helps in the ultimate completion of the project which is needed to be facilitated with the help of this method. In all the organisations it is needed to work in a team to complete the projects with efficiency and within the stipulated time (Webb 2018). It is only possible if there is a good synchronisation within the team and its members. Then only the members’ expertise could be used fully to help the teams in achieving success.

b. How might Nathan Decker lead effectively as the team starts “norming”?
The case study which is based on the Seattle-based E-Commerce company EVO is trying to launch a formal work team for their creative services. The senior human OD commerce at EVO Nathan Decker has mentioned that earlier they had separate individual people for managing their creative department however now they are trying to club all of them into a single department and help them in working in a group (Fiore and Georganta 2017). He has mentioned that previously they had a graphic designer who used to work in one department along with the photographer who used to work in another and a handful of copywriters who used to work individually on the projects. Now as they are focusing on bringing each of them under the same umbrella they have planned for consolidating these creative resources and help them in working effectively.

Here Nathan Decker needs to you understand that the forming and storming part of creating a team has been already done. However, now it is needed to bring all the people who will be working in the team in a good synchronisation and synergy to ensure a positive outcome of their accumulated work. The photographer the graphic designer and the copy editors should be provided proper time and space to understand each other and help in their work so that they can come along together. In this stage, it is also needed to co-operate with each other which is needed in this work profile. Without communicating with each other it is not possible for the whole team through operate their work and this is a positive sign where chances of getting integrated are higher (Webb 2018). It is just needed to be monitored that they could get the chance to synchronise with each other and in case of any conflicts of contradictions within the team, it should be taken care of immediately with proper communication and understanding. This is the most effective way in which norming could be established within the newly formed team.

Reference List
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