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Leadership Assignment: Effective Leadership Development Plan For Global Hospitality


Task Summary
Students are to develop a practical leadership development plan by reviewing current leadership self assessment tests, theories and literature on effective leadership traits, characteristics and behaviours then applying these onto your own leadership traits, characteristics, and behaviours, particularly as they would apply in the global hospitality industry.

Undertaking self- assessment and reflection is a critical element of becoming an effective leader. This assessment will help you to identify the effective leadership traits, characteristics, and approaches relevant to your leadership development.

Leadership is an important component of professional life – both the leadership of others and oneself. The development of your leadership development plan will assist your career progression, particularly, managing teams in hospitality.

Leadership Assignment Task Instructions
To be able to construct an instructional and practical leadership development plan as a sound foundation of empirical evidence must be developed. Therefore, students are to establish this foundation by:

  1. Undertaking a review of current literature to develop a practical definition of effective leadership which includes the key relevant traits, characteristics, and behaviours that can be attributed to effective leadership.
  2. Benchmarking and reflecting on these traits, characteristics, and behaviours against your past leadership experiences either in your personal life, as student or at your internship or work. If you have not had direct leadership experience, then reflect on your self-leadership. This should be linked to how they may have impacted your current set of leadership skills (i.e., what experiences have positively contributed and what may have limited your development thus far).
  3. Undertaking a series of leadership self-assessment tests to establish empirical benchmarks for the development of your leadership development plan.


In this present leadership assignment report, I am going to discuss the importance of leadership skills and how they are important to excel in any profession. I am going to discuss here the important leadership theories and models and how these theories and models can help me to find my good qualities as well as the drawbacks when leadership is concerned. Global hospitality means the industry that provides food, drinks, residence to travellers in different countries. Like every other industry, global hospitality requires good leadership too. Hence, in this present report, I will discuss my leadership qualities and will also prepare a plan to develop my leadership qualities.

Definition of Effective Leadership
Leadership is an inseparable part of any profession. Whenever a business is started, the success of the business lies on the shoulder of an effective leader. This includes a strong character. A leader is expected to be trustworthy, visionary, honest and full of ethics and integrity. Good communication skills and a liberal perspective towards the employees and consumers can enhance the effectiveness of a leader (Northouse, 2019). Their speaking style to responsible attitude, everything matters in the growth of the business. This is the primary reason that an effective leader is always desirable to excel in the business.

The importance of effective leadership is undeniable. This is considered the most vital management task. Without effective leadership, the organisation will fail to allocate its resources properly. Here, the resources not only stand for product manufacturing but also it stands for human resources as well. To gain the clarity of purposes and set the organisational goal, the contribution of effective leadership is undeniable (Lee, Palmieri & Watson, 2017). Every organisation is having certain goals to meet and motivate the employees to work for that. This motivation can be drawn for the effective leadership of the managers. An effective leader is always influential enough to impress others and can motivate people to work towards that. Transparency in decision-making and transactions are expected. However, the research of Dugan (2017), states that transparency should be entertained till a certain time or to a certain extent. If the organisation is highly transparent it may harm itself. Another difficult task for effective leadership is to create a balance between optimism and hard truth. It means even if the organisation is not performing as per the expectation, effective leadership should be able to keep up the optimism within the team and find ways for developing the structure and balancing the performance. The leader of the organisation is expected to be honest and should possess high integrity. The ethical values of the organisation must be determined by the leaders and it is also their responsibility to check whether these values are maintained or not (Olsthoorn, 2017).

There are various types of theories and models that give ideas about effective leadership. The great man theory, the trait theory, the behavioural theory, the transactional or management theory, the relationship theory and the situational theory are a few examples of theories and models that are utilised for describing effective leadership. Among all these theories, the present situation demands the behavioural theory, the management theory and the relationship theory most. The research of Cunningham, Crandall and Dare (2017), states that the management theory helps a leader to focus on the proper supervision of the organisation. This theory establishes the importance of performance and believes in reward and punishment. When the employee performs well, the management or leadership reward them for motivation and if any mishap happens due to the inefficiency of the employee, he must be punished.

The leaders are also often described with the help of behavioural theory. The behavioural theory is focused on the behaviour of the leaders rather than their natural attributes. It is important to notice the minute actions of leaders as it can cause issues among the employees as well as the consumers (DuBrin, 2019). Hence, behavioural theory is equally important for effective leadership.

The relationship theory mostly deals with the leaders' attitude towards other people. The way of handling relationships matters very much as this deals with the interaction of a leader with colleagues or others. Leaders are supposed to be the mentors of young employees (IGI Global, 2020). Employees are also having certain needs. A good or effective leader is soft while listening to the issues of employees and trying to solve the problem accordingly. A leader not only thinks about the betterment of his organisation but is also careful about the needs of the employees and consumers (Tan & Chapman, 2017).

Reflection and Evolution of Past Leadership Experiences
While attending the classes, we are supposed to perform various group projects. I remember, that in the last project, that I did in the past semester, I was chosen as the team leader and that opportunity has helped me to nurture my leadership skills. While working on the project, I have seen that I am emotional and sometimes that influence my performance. I always held high regard for myself and that is the reason I was willing to perform as a team leader. However, I noticed that I can communicate with my team members without any hesitation and always be transparent about the proceedings of the project. I had once found my two colleagues were having fights and were not cooperating. Hence, I had to interfere and I asked them to work individually so that they had the least interaction for the job. However, I am not very pleased about this decision of mine, as I feel; I should have worked as the catalyst to solve the problem. Though my decision was perfect as we finished the work on time, the issues between two of my colleagues were not solved.

Critical Evaluation of the Leadership Self-Assessment Results
SWOT Matrix



v  Trusting employees

v  Motivating colleagues

v  Constant communication

v  Proper delegation to team members

v  Involving every employee to participate in the project.

v  Sometimes I make decisions emotionally.

v  Though I am confident, still I prefer the status quo over challenging positions

v  I sometimes behave impulsively to get the job done.



v  Employee trust can earn me a good grip over them and they are encouraged to perform as per their wish.

v  A motivated employee performs better and in long term, it is beneficial for the organisation.

v  Good communication skill helps the employees to understand exact job demand and the chances of misinterpretation narrows down.

v  An emotional decision without much logic can cause harm to the organisation.

v  Lack of interest to have a challenging job can cause a poor competitive situation and that may result in monotonous product outcomes and poor revenue earning.

v  Impulsive decisions cannot be beneficial for an organisation and they may cause a poor relationship with other organisations as well.

The SWOT analysis has shown some positive and negative characteristics of mine. Though I have some qualities to be a good leader for any organisation, it seems that I have to work hard on my drawbacks so that I can efficiently perform the lead roles.

Leadership Development Plan

 Area of Development


Important Aspect of Leadership Development

Goals for the Development

Specific steps to Achieve the Goals

Time Measure

Emotional decision-making

From the relationship theory, I have understood that it is important for the leader to maintain the relationship with the employees. An emotional decision is capable to harm this.

I have started to stay more positive and think more rationally to handle the issue.

I have prepared an assessment survey based on my decision-making power. I will consult with my senior regarding this.

4 months

Encouraging myself for challenging tasks

From the management theory, it is understood that employees can get rewards and punishment as per their performance. The same goes for the leaders.

If as a leader I can take challenges, there is a possibility that I will perform well and that will be my reward. Hence, I am focusing more on challenging tasks that might create problems.

I am eager to collect formal and informal appraisals from my colleagues and my seniors.

6 months

Controlling the impulsive behaviour

From behavioural theory, it is understood that behaviours with employees and consumers matter a lot.

I observe international leaders, both from the business world and political world, so that I can analyse their behaviour and understood how it can help me. A leadership development program can help me.

Again I want to perform an assessment survey with the help of my seniors.

8 months.


Hospitality is a concept that deals with the generous and amicable treatment of visitors and patients or guests at any place. The host is supposed to take care of the need and entertainment of the guest and a munificent treatment is expected. The present report has given a detailed view of leadership and how effective leadership can help in the betterment of performances. The present report gives a result of my self-assessment towards the various types of leadership tests. It is seen that though I have many qualities to be a good leader, I also lack in some sectors. Hence, the present report has critically evaluated my performance as a leader and how I can better this. For this purpose, a leadership development plan is also built. The entire work will help me to evaluate as a better leader in any organisation.

Reference List:
Cunningham, C., Crandall, H. M., & Dare, A. M. K. (Eds.). (2017). Gender, communication, and the leadership gap (Ser. Women and leadership: research, theory, and practice). Information Age Publishing.Retrieved November 2, 2021.

DuBrin, A. J. (2019). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (Ninth). Cengage.

Dugan, J. P. (2017). Leadership theory: cultivating critical perspectives (Ser. Facilitator's guide). Jossey-Bass.Retrieved November 2, 2021.

IGI Global.(2020). Leadership, management, and adoption techniques for digital service innovation. (K. Sandhu, Ed.) (Ser. Advances in logistics, operations, and management science (aloms) book series). IGI Global.

Lee, S. M., Palmieri, P., & Watson, J. (Eds.). (2017). Global advances in human caring literacy. Leadership assignment Springer Publishing Company, LLC. Retrieved November 2, 2021.

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: theory and practice (Eighth edition, international student). SAGE.

Olsthoorn, P. (Ed.). (2017). Military ethics and leadership (Ser. International studies on military ethics, volume 3).Brill Nijhoff.Retrieved November 2, 2021.

Tan, G., & Chapman, A. (2017). Design leadership and management: a case study in Singapore. Sense.

Appendices: Self- Assessment Tests
Leadership Style

Leadership Style in leadership 1

Leadership Style in leadership 2

Leadership Style in leadership 3

Leadership Style in leadership 4

Leadership Style in leadership 5

Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale

Leadership Style in leadership 6

Leadership Style in leadership 7

Emotional Intelligence Test

Leadership Style in leadership 8

Leadership Style in leadership 9

Leadership Style in leadership 10

Leadership Style in leadership 11

Leadership Style in leadership 12

Leadership Style in leadership 13

Leadership Style in leadership 14

Leadership Style in leadership 15

Leadership Style in leadership 16

Cultural Intelligence Test

Leadership Style in leadership 17

Leadership Style in leadership 18

Leadership Style in leadership 19

Leadership Style in leadership 20

Leadership Style in leadership 21

Leadership Style in leadership 22

Leadership Style in leadership 23

Leadership Style in leadership 24

Leadership Style in leadership 25

Leadership Style in leadership 26

Leadership Style in leadership 27

Leadership Style in leadership 28

Leadership Style in leadership 29

Leadership Style in leadership 30

Leadership Style in leadership 31

Leadership Style in leadership 32

Leadership Style in leadership 33

Leadership Style in leadership 34

Leadership Style in leadership 35

Leadership Style in leadership 36


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