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Internal Marketing For Catalina Rose Bay Restaurant’s Profitability


Task: Describe factors affecting consumer satisfaction and how it can be increased through internal marketing for restaurants.


The main purpose of the present article is to analyze the problems of internal marketing of Catalina Rose Bay, which is a reputed restaurant of Australia. Internal marketing is the phenomena of advertising the company’s objectives, services and products to the employees within the organization. The main purpose of internal marketing for restaurants is to ensure that all the employees should corporate completely in order to satisfy the customer’s requirements to achieve the company’s goals. This study will examine the issues encounter by the restaurants while implementing the strategies for internal marketing.

About the business:
Catalina Rose Bay
Catalina Rose Bay is located at the edge of Sydney’s Rose Bay and is one of the country’s top-rated restaurants famous for their seafood. The company’s objective is to provide customers with premium food and services. Consumers fancy it due to its attractive locality and serene ambience.

Catalina Rose Bay internal marketing for restaurants

Research Problem
In order to interact with customers, employees must have a good knowledge regarding the product in Catalina Rose Bay. Also, to improve the quality of services, employees must be well-known of customer’s food preferences. When the company needs to advertise the services within the organization, the need for internal marketing for restaurants arises. The company needs to improve the development and training process in the case of Catalina Rose Bay to enhance the customer satisfaction (Yeh, 2019). Employees are currently facing disputes while dealing with the customers. To improve the level of customer satisfaction, it is therefore essential to identify the issues and strategies which need to be followed in internal marketing for restaurants.

Description of Research problem and Analysis Process
The main purpose of this marketing activity is to instruct internal stakeholders about the current services and products that the company provides to external stakeholders like customers (Kimura, 2017). The issue identified in the present study is that the business is not able to provide the awareness concerning the products and services among the employees. Therefore, it can be stated that the improvements need to be implemented in the internal marketing strategy. Besides that, the employees need to comprehend the steps adopted by the establishment to improve marketing accomplishments (Salehzadeh, Pool, Tabaeeian, Amani, & Mortazavi, 2017). For instance, seafood is in the first priority; hence, employees must have sufficient knowledge regarding those items. In that way employees are able to deliver precise information to the customers. Qualitative and quantitative design will be selected to analyze the research problem. A survey method will be implemented for employees in a quantitative approach (Schulz, Martin, & Meyer, 2017). There will be interview meeting with the directors and executives of Catalina Rose Bay to carry out qualitative analysis.

Research Question The following research questions need to be considered:

  • How Catalina Rose Bay executes internal marketing for restaurants to boost the morale of its employees?
  • What are the challenges encountered by Catalina Rose Bay during internal marketing?
  • In what ways Catalina Rose Bay can confrontation the obstacles of internal marketing for restaurants?

Literary Review
Relevant literature based on the study will be reflected in this section. The concepts related to the various research variables will be illustrated here. In addition, models and applicable hypotheses will be analyzed to strengthen the awareness about the present theme (Yildiz, 2016). Service superiority has become the very essential aspect for service-based companies like restaurants and banks in current business scenario. Organizations are therefore improving the understanding and knowledge of the workers to manage the queries of the customers (Kanyurhi & Akonkwa, 2016). As a result, employees can easily assist their customers which can enhance the chances of customer satisfaction.

Concepts of Internal Marketing
Internal marketing describes the process of product promotion inside the company. In other words, it describes the process of informing the employees about the organization's goods and services (Babu & Kang, 2016). This lets the company develop an awareness of workers at all levels. There can be specific job responsibilities in restaurants, such as the front office, waiting staff, advertising & promotions, and kitchen staff. It is essential to provide the right training to all workers about products or services of the company in order to enhance the standard of service. (Fotiadis, Mombeuil, & Valek, 2018). The most critical factor in service-based sector is the interaction between customers and the workforce. Staff members should, therefore, have a comprehension of the commodity, since they are directly responsible for engaging with the clients. The service-based companies establish training and development initiatives for staff to participate in an internal marketing for restaurants technique.

Concepts of Customer Satisfaction
The method of evaluating how products and services are fulfilling customer expectations contributes to meet up the customer satisfaction. Employees are responsible for direct communication with customers in the service-based sector (Gooshki, Jazvanaghi, Kermani, & Eskandari, 2016). Consequently, staff members must have detailed knowledge of the approaches adopted by the company. Employees need to deal with customers effectively in restaurants in order to make sure that the customers are delighted and satisfied (Y.C.Wang, J.Yang, & C.E.Yang, 2019). It is very essential to satisfy customers in this highly challenging time by providing the highly effective goods and services. The staff members should know how to treat customers with respect and politeness.

Model of Internal Marketing for restaurants: The SERVQUAL Model
A company needs to educate the staff in internal marketing to enhance their customer satisfaction efficiency. A company regards its workforce as an internal customer in this operation. Evaluating the satisfaction level of workers thus lets the company assess the perceived quality of the service (Setiawan & Sayuti, 2017). Over this process, the standard of service of the workers can be measured. The business model could be anything but to enhance operational performance, an business needs to evaluate the satisfaction level for the consumers. Below is an overview of this pattern in regard to internal marketing for restaurants.

It is the phenomena of evaluating the service quality encounter by customers. To improve the organizational performance, measurement of level of satisfaction is essential. Effectiveness of strategy adopted by the organization can be analyzed with help of five gaps provided by this model (Huang, 2019). For analyzing the effectiveness of restaurant industries following gaps have been evaluated.

Gap 1: The evaluation of the gap between the perception of the business and customer expectancy is calculated in this phase. Understanding the expectations of the customers is very essential to satisfy them (Gummesson, 2017). In the primary level, the organization should recognize the needs of the customers. Satisfy the customers will be challenging for the organization if the customer’s needs are unclear to the employees (H.W.Joung, E.K.Choi, & J.J.Taylor, 2018).

Gap 2: The set of standards for service quality focusing on the customer preferences is designed. The gap between the service quality and customer’s expectations is evaluated in this phase (Yeh, 2019). The company's product must live up to the expectations of customers. In internal marketing, an institution assesses workers ' expectations regarding the products or services (DiPietro, 2017).

Gap 3: However, the delivered service may differ from the designed service depicting the both negative and positive aspects on the organization’s status (Kimura, 2017). Evaluation of gap between delivered service and service design is measured in this phase.

Gap 4: The most valued factor in the service based is External communication. Statements provided by the employees should be effective so that the customers can rely on it. Hence, evaluation of the gap between the external communication and service quality is measured in this phase (Salehzadeh, Pool, Tabaeeian, Amani, & Mortazavi, 2017).

Gap 5: This phase initiates the improvements to be made in the service quality. Evaluation of the gap between the customer’s experience and expectation is measured here (Schulz, Martin, & Meyer, 2017).

Customer Satisfaction Model
Kano’s Customer Satisfaction Model
The level of contentment experienced by the consumer can be determined through this model. This level helps to recognize the factors which are affecting the satisfaction level (Yildiz, 2016). Categories of this model have been discussed in the below section.

  • Must-be quality: Some of the product’s attributes are taken for granted. Customers behave neutral when done well but they are dissatisfied when done poorly. For instance, as per the customers, employees must be aware about the product properly (Kanyurhi & Akonkwa, 2016).  If customers don’t get the relevant information about the product then it will create a negative impact on the customer satisfaction. Getting such information will not however raise the level of satisfaction of customers (Almohaimmeed, 2017)
  • One-dimensional Quality:  Certain attributes are also able to satisfy the customers. Also, when the attributes are not fulfilled it results in dissatisfaction (Babu & Kang, 2016). For example, when at the same rates it is said that milk package have 10 percent more milk, which will result in satisfaction, and if it contains only 5 percent then it will lead to dissatisfaction.
  • Attractive Quality: The fully achieved attributes results in satisfaction and if not achieved fully, they still don’t cause dissatisfaction. For example:  When the restaurant provides customers with online ordering facilities (Fotiadis, Mombeuil, & Valek, 2018). This is an uncommon benefit that serves customers, but the lack of this service would not make customers disappointed.
  • Unmoved Quality: These features don’t result in satisfaction or dissatisfaction for the consumer (Gooshki, Jazvanaghi, Kermani, & Eskandari, 2016). For example: The restaurant washes the dishes with a dishwashing machine of excellent quality. This will not increase the level of consumer satisfaction, however, since they are oblivious of this specific activity (Huang, 2019).
  • Reverse Quality: Such attributes lead to a high degree of achievement contributing to dissatisfaction and the reality that not all the customers are similar. For example, a variety of food and services available in hotels can satisfy a number of customers. But in some cases, it may lead to dissatisfaction when the customers have how food preferences (Y.C.Wang, J.Yang, & C.E.Yang, 2019).

How consumer satisfaction is affected through internal marketing?
Internal marketing for restaurants has a major effect on the level of consumer satisfaction. It was discovered after performing the literary assessment that internal marketing improves the awareness of the workers about the characteristics of the service and products. Interaction with customers is primarily the responsibility of the staff (Setiawan & Sayuti, 2017). In addition, with effective communication between customers and staff, customer satisfaction can be enhanced. Thus internal marketing for restaurants could be assumed to directly influence consumer satisfaction for the service-based sector (Almohaimmeed, 2017).

Literature Gap:
The internal advertising and customer satisfaction have been analyzed in this literature. Nevertheless, the analysis of training and development of staff members is not initiated. To consider the drawbacks of the internal marketing for restaurants strategy, evaluating the training and development method that the company has implemented is very necessary.

It has been found after implementing the literature review that service-based business needs to educate staff members about their services and product. The employees will be able to interact with the consumers only if they are well-known about product quality. Various service quality gaps have been evaluated through the SERVQUAL Model. And on the other side, Kano Model evaluation makes it easier to understand the attributes of services and products that can influence customer’s level of satisfaction.

Research Methodology
To resolve the particular questions presented in this research, it is extremely essential to pick fitting research methodologies. In this way, it will be feasible to undertake the study in an acceptable way (Almalki, 2016). The thesis subject relies on the choice of research methodology. In the present case, the analysis draws on Catalina Rose Bay's internal marketing for restaurants. The main study would thus be done to answer all of the questions related to it.

Research Philosophy
It is extremely relevant to use the necessary research methodology to obtain pertinent information for the analysis. There are three types of theories in research which are: positivism, realism and interpretivism. Positivism is a theory that helps collect fact-based information about the subject matter (Bell, Bryman, & Harley, 2018). Gathering fact-based information is of utmost importance for conducting primary research. It assists in the effective processing of the numerical set of data. Interpretivism, on the other hand, makes it easier to learn about the social cause behind the research (Quinlan, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2019). The above approach is suitable for secondary data analysis. This approach allows for the gathering of socially defined evidence from reputable publications and press releases. The ideology of realism is the blended technique in which information which is factually and socially assembled can be collected. For instance, both primary and secondary studies may be conducted at the same time. This method, although, requires a long time and thus this method is not adequate for this research.

Rationale for the Selected Philosophy in This Study (Positivism)
In this analysis the theory of positivism is selected. The report is based on primary research, and thus the most successful approach is the compilation of factual information. Via this theory, the internal marketing methods of the company selected could be understood. Inclusion of this theory of research will thus be fitting for this analysis (Carlin, 2016). The qualitative and quantitative research models will be implemented while collecting factual evidence. Each of these procedures will assist in improving knowledge about the subject of the research.

Research Approach
Study methodology helps assess the subject of the study with the most applicable frameworks and hypotheses. Two methods are both inductive and deductive. In the case of the deductive approach, the existing processes and concepts can be evaluated. The significance of the models and hypothesis is inescapable in this research (Quinlan, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2019). It will aid in representing various authors ' viewpoints. A critical assessment of previous models and concepts will thus help pinpoint internal marketing for restaurants challenges. In contrast, the inductive strategy allows testing new theories and frameworks. New theories and frameworks would have been hard to implement in primary research processes (Walliman, 2017). This approach is, however, best suitable for secondary research approaches. With this method, previous researchers' claims can be examined.

Rationale for the Method Chosen for Analysis (Deductive)
Deductive approach has been selected for this analysis. With the help of this approach, the current frameworks and ideas relevant to internal marketing and consumer contentment could be examined. The method of the inductive approach is slow and requires more time and thus the choice of research methodology in this analysis is suitable (Brannen, 2017). In this analysis, a proper understanding of the research parameters is of great importance. The assessment of frameworks and concepts should improve the overall understanding of the subject of the research. Besides that, identifying the research parameters will help address the points in part one of the framed analysis.

Research Purpose
To better understand the subject of the report, choosing the relevant research objective is of utmost importance. There are three objectives of study such as explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. Explanatory technique enables to connect parameters in the study. For instance: An understanding of the correlation involving internal marketing for restaurants and consumer satisfaction will be necessary (Walliman, 2017). It may not be possible to support the research findings before explaining the difference or correlation between those two parameters. Exploratory methodology allows getting an accurate understanding of the subject of study. Furthermore, the subject of study may be a commercial situation, or a social one. A thorough comprehension of the subject will assist to follow a detailed study design. Descriptive style defines the subject of study and improves the validity of the results of the study. Over this reason, elaborative discussion on the research subject will be achievable.

Rationale for Research Objective (Explanatory)
The explanatory approach has been adopted for this study. This will support in an efficient way of building a relationship regarding internal marketing and consumer satisfaction. So it would be easier to comprehend how internal marketing allows increasing the degree of client satisfaction (Almalki, 2016).In fact, this method will assist in tackling all of the questions in the research in a suitable way. The first research question, for instance, is to determine the firm's internal marketing for restaurants approach. In this context, to determine the administrative approach, it is crucial to comprehend the principle of internal marketing.

Research Strategy
A suitable analysis strategy assists in the proper evaluation of the results. It is very essential to examine the data correctly in order to get the analysis results. Various research techniques are available, such as survey, case analysis evaluation, questionnaire and interviewing. The kind of research approach relies on the nature of the study (Bell, Bryman, & Harley, 2018). The relevant techniques in the context of primary research would be interviews and surveying. Whereas, the case-analysis evaluation would be the most effective analysis technique in secondary research.

Rationale for the Research Approach Selected (Survey and Interview)
The research here is a primary study based. A survey and interview would then be selected as the approach for this study. This method of study should assist in obtaining relevant information about the research (Carlin, 2016). Over the study, an interpretation of the perspective of the staff on internal marketing for restaurants will be achievable. It will be viable to interact with the firm's executives via the interview process.

Data Collection
In this analysis the method of compilation of both primary and secondary information will be implemented. Qualitative and quantitative information gathering methods will be performed in the primary data collection process. Survey technique will be performed in quantitative analysis. It'll be necessary to understand how the company educates workers about the corporate structure through this assessment process (Quinlan, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2019). It will be a method of collecting information based on surveys. The information obtained can be interpreted in this method. Responses may be randomly chosen by responders. A wide variety of responders will thus be encouraged to enhance the reliability of the results. Whereas, interview sessions are scheduled in order to facilitate the method of qualitative data collection. In this phase, the firm's executives will be able to undertake interviewing sessions. Moreover, due to privacy concerns, administrators should exclude any sensitive or key business details.

Selection of Technique Used For Collection of Sample Data
There are two categories of techniques of testing, namely probability and nonprobability. In this analysis, both techniques of testing will be used. The process of probability testing will enable choose the demographic for quantitative analysis (Quinlan, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2019). This is a form of random crowd choice, in which the population is randomly assigned. Whereas, testing with no probability will enable pick the samples for qualitative analysis. Catalina Rose Bay's 100 workers will be chosen for quantitative research in this report. The response rate will be 50 personnel of the company and 4 business executives. Four Catalina Rose Bay executives, on the other hand, will be chosen for qualitative research.

Method Used For Data Analysis
Effective data analysis implements will be applied to evaluate collected information. There are two forms of information gathering methods, such as qualitative and quantitative, to be used in this analysis (Brannen, 2017). The analytical techniques to perform the quantitative analysis will be selected. Whereas, the method of case analysis assessment is used to evaluate the qualitative data. Besides that, reliable tools will be selected to enhance the quality of the outcomes of the analysis. There will be an online poll procedure to obtain a variety of information from the study population. Microsoft Excel would be the most effective tool in this operation, helping to extract mathematical values such as the average, deviation and other trends from the statistical data. Secondary information will also be obtained to establish an analysis of the publications. Authentic documents such as magazines, journal articles, and press releases are obtained herein.

Ethical Questions and Enforcement
The information will be collected in this research design via the method of primary data collection. Two forms of survey participants have now been chosen in the primary process. A poll would include the quantitative responders, and it will be immoral to ask the study participants to reveal their answers. When engaging, the participants must have independence. In academic integrity, a study can only invite the participants to express their point of view. Persuading responders to submit their answers is unethical (Walliman, 2017). In fact, the data collected in this process must be kept safe. Publicizing the answers for commercial gain is a civil crime. Nevertheless, an individual performing the research needs to disclose the answers with the qualitative responders in order to carry out the qualitative analysis. This enhances the research performance value even more. As for qualitative analysis, responders may not decide to respond to every question in the study. The consistency of a study, therefore, relies entirely on fact based information. It is a critical moral issue stopping a researcher from carrying out the study. Here they will apply both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Consequently, the ethical concerns addressed will arise during the report.

In this report, adequate steps will be taken to resolve the ethical question mentioned. The data collected will be kept secure to uphold the data protection act. Besides that, responders will be able to participate in the process of questionnaire and interview. There would be no initiative from outside influences to draw the participants. In this report, the participants will be presented with an ethical method to cope with ethical concerns. Appropriate legal measures would be in use to cope with ethical concerns regarding data protection act. Internal marketing for restaurants assignments are being prepared by our marketing assignment help experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable assignment help online service.

Reference List
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