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Human Resource Management Functions


Assessment Purpose:The primary purpose of this assessment is to enhance students’ research, analysis and referencing skills.

The secondary purpose is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their critical thinking and written communication skills.

The third purpose is to demonstrate that you have commenced appropriate research for Assessment 3.

Before starting this assessment, please read the assessment rubric at the end of this document. You should always check the unit website for specific instructions, which may be updated continuously.

Assessment Task: You are required to compile an Annotated bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Step 1. Select an industry sector.
Read the Assessment 3 Essay task and identify which sector you will study for Assessments 2 and 3 (e.g. agriculture; construction; financial services; health care; hospitality; manufacturing; mining; retail; transport).

Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010.
Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 3 Essay topic. It is suggested that you align your selected articles with the unit themes from Weeks 3 to 5 (e.g. job design, HR planning, recruitment and selection). It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library. You cannot use articles from your Assessment 1 presentation for Assessment 2.

Step 3. Write 2 paragraphs on each article (400 words)
For each journal article, you are to write approximately 400 words in two paragraphs. The first paragraph will summarise the main ideas of the article, identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusions. The second paragraph will identify how you will use that article in relation to the Assessment 3 Essay.

Step 4. Use an appropriate format
Present your Annotated bibliography in a format similar to that provided below. For more information, see the library guide for writing an annotated bibliography.


Topic: Human Resource Management Functions

Annotated Bibliography
Introduction:Human Resource Management Functions are broader terms that impactmanagement and performance of any organisation. The HR manager needs to take timely-based and effective recruitment decisions that can help in the achievement of goals. Most of the jurisdictions in organisations that long time in identifying new HR strategies. Change is the necessary aspect of management. The HR manager needs to pool the best resource out of the hundred applicants. This is focused on identification of the Human Resource Management Assignment tools and implementation of new strategies from time to time. To reduce the long-term negative impacts, recruitment, selection training, planning and job-design are important aspects that impact the staffing decisions.

Article 1: Fevre, R. (2012). Social Mobility, Equity and the Politics of Recruitment. Sociology Compass, 6(9), 740-750. Retrieved from:

Keywords: Recruitment, Human Resource Management

The purpose of this journal article is to explain how the retention of high-quality professionals is crucial to the success of the organization. The market is extremely competitive. Today, manpower is available with diverse skills. The recruiters need to be more selective. This article is written for the public service audience. The article talks about different recruitment and human resource management strategies. Human Resource Management Assignment manager need to be more careful in the recruitment process. The retention of skilled talent is necessary for the Organization. The HR managers need to develop management strategies impact the staff morale. The highlights of this journal article are external and internal recruitment strategies, on the job training and value-added services to customers (Fevre, 2012). The Human Resource Management Functions and recruitment process can be conducted internally through referrals or promotion or transfer of personnel. The HR managers can advertise the jobs posting through the electronic boards or company newsletters and office memoranda. A commonly observed practice is referrals are word-of-mouth publicity and a lower cost recruiting methodology. The Organization can organize job fairs, and best of the companies can participate. The dozens of candidates are available, all at one place. The recruitment strategy is focused at bringing the job seekers and job givers at one place.

The drawback of this journal article is public service Organizations are more worried about the market share. These organizations operate in a monopolistic environment. The HR managers need to emphasize on the formulation of new strategies that aim at targeting the best experts. The Public-sector organizations need to comprehend the demands and wants of the consumers. Public sector organizations are open to scrutiny. The journal implies attracting the pool of talent for the different opportunities that are available in the market. There must be greater honesty and transparency in HR recruitment practices. A great plethora of opportunities are available in the market. The Human Resource Management Assignment needs to discuss the strategic and tactical role of Human resource implications in the longer run. Although, a commonly observed practice is there are few publicly operating organizations that maintain fairness in the recruitment processes? These organizations are aimed at protecting the individuals from harmful practices. The public service organizations need to maintain the detailed procedures and practices, if necessary to eliminate the discrimination. Cost is one the essential word-of-mouth factor that defines the retention policy of an organization. Another factor is convenience- as it allows the screening of candidates in a shorter span of time.

Article 2: Hoch, J., & Dulebohn, J. (2013). Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 114-125. Retrieved from:

Keywords: Human Resource Planning, Strategic Planning

Human resource planning and strategic planning are the key areas of any Organization. This article refers to adequate source and effective application of human resources. This article is for those organizations who are undertaking an extensive research study. The human resource management functions must be taken to fulfill the mission, vision, and objectives of the Organization. The prime function of any HR in an organization is to hire the right people at the right time. An intermittent re-assessment of all the new developments in the Organization must be reviewed (Hoch &Dulebohn, 2013). The Human resource planning function should aim at effective planning and motivational processes. The Organizations should be able to estimate the number of resources required to run an Organization. Human resource planning is also referred to as- “Manpower planning”. The chief function of human resource department is to carry out the recruitment function at different levels. This can be for different purposes. HR plan operates at a national level, sectoral level, industry level, unit level and departmental level. The main aim of Human Resource Management Assignment is to ensure the demand and supply of manpower at different levels. This can be for serving the educational purposes, industrial developmental purposes or any employment plans made in the organization.

The drawback of this article is the development of concurrent employment plans in any company. The organizations are unable to forecast the need of manpower at different levels. The proportionate distribution of human resources at every level should be decided depending upon significance. The HR planning department must take into account the operational levels of every different department. A specific company is in question when human resource needs are not met with time. A business plan of any company is functional when the objectives defined can evade the unexpected disturbance in the production levels. This specifies lack of talented manpower in the Organization; therefore, appropriate strategies should be adopted. The Human Resource Management Functions should be all-inclusive and cover, marketing plans, financial plans and operational plans of an organization. The HR capabilities must be integrated and unified in an Organization. The organization must be able to fulfil the input needs and serve the desired output to customers. There are environmental constraints in every organization; therefore, a strategic plan must be formulated. The Human resource planning function aims all the employees in an organization to communicate the needs and wants, and constraints felt at different levels. An integration of all the Human resource plans is required at all the levels.

Article 3: Roberts, G. (2002). Employee Performance Appraisal System Participation: A Technique That Works. Public Personnel Management, 31(3), 333-342. Retrieved from:

Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Performance Management

This article refers to employee engagement and commitment levels that are made by an employee to an organization. An organization wants a member those feel highly- encouraged and finish the given task on time. This article is for all the low-level and mid-level Organizations who want to study the long-term appraising techniques. The employees should give inner soul to the company’s success. The performance appraisal and performance management are two techniques those are aimed at developing a strong link between the current objectives of employees with the present objective of the Organization. It is similar to mapping your own vision and mission plan with your company’s plan. There must be a co-existence of mutual trust between the employer and employee (Roberts, 2002). The performance appraisal technique measures employee absenteeism from work, the greater engagement with patrons, fewer mistakes and earning higher profits within stipulated period of time. The competitiveness factor among employees can be developed by the utility of the employee engagement technique. The primary objective of a Human Resource Management Functions technique is enhancing the growth and development of individual and Organizations. Performance Management and performance appraisal are two terms which could be used as synonymous to each other. Performance rating methods can be used for foreseeing the performance levels of an employee in an organization.

The critical point in the article is how to review the performance of an employee in an Organization on a concurrent basis. Performance management refers to the successful attainment of objectives in an organization. Performance appraisal function implementation is critical to the success of every organization. The Performance management function is one main component of performance appraisal. To maximize the output and efficiency of groups and employees, the human resource functions must be in place. The performance of various teams existing inorganization is a critical process. The operational performance appraisal system assesses new incomings and plans for the growth and development of employees. In an Organization, where the performance appraisal system has been implemented, more than 60 percent of employees have shown dissatisfaction and did not like receiving. In such a scenario, this process can be thought for complete elimination. The most important aspect is to provide the feedback to the managers and initiate employee participation process. The employees and employers must be able to make the valid decisions. In today’s global competitive world, enhanced output and productivity can be served only when performance appraisal technique is in implementing stage. Managers must take into account all the legal considerations and an effective appraising system must be studied.

Article 4: Lozano, R. (2011). Creativity and Organizational Learning as Means to Foster Sustainability. Sustainable Development, 22(3), 205-216. Retrieved from:

Keywords: Action After Review, Organizational Learning

Organizational learning and development assess the need for intermittent identification of performances and taking lessons from success and failures, from time to time. This article refers to -The Action after Review (AAR) is a human resource management technique that is, conducted at the end of the project or event or a program. This Human Resource Management Assignment article focuses on the domestic and international level companies who are undertaking programs or events and a purposeful study for those who want to review the performance levels. The HR management function of any Organization devises strategies and team learning takes place through objective and mission statement. Action after Review follows a structured approach and identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a given area of work (Lozano, 2011). Some of the famous companies using Action after Review programs are GE, Motorola, and others. The implementation of Action after Review is a necessary aspect of an Organization as it answers these questions- What are the occurrences in future? What has happened? Whether an employee participation is up to the mark or not? Can the things be improvised in an Organization? The Action after review plan is focused to withstand the resources in an Organization. The management committee needs to propose recommendations.

The critical point in this article is-how to effectively manage one-time projects to long-term events. The management needs to measure the event outcomes, there is always scope for growth and development and good learning prospects. It should be made mandatory for employees to attend the Action after review program. Another critical point is-when Action after review program should be used by the Organizations-just after an event or when a program ends. What functional structure should be adopted by the company practices to provide the maximum advantage to the Organizations? The implementation of Action after review plan is not possible without a moderator. How to define whether informal or spontaneous Action after review plan must be implemented before the event ends or after an event? The formal AAR can be implemented through the help of a facilitator and spontaneous AAR can be directed through team manager. Another critical point in Action after review technique is time barrier. For instance- Informal AAR can be conducted without allotting any time-span. This can be as short as ten minutes and success barriers cannot be measured. A formal AAR can be done within a stipulated time period of one to two hours. Few strategies must be recommended for the successful implementation of informal AAR.

Article 5: Strych, J. (2015). Job Rotation and Employer Learning About Human Capital. SSRN Electronic Journal. Retrieved from:

Keywords: Job Rotation, Quality Standards

This article reviews the structured exchange of employees between two different departments, within an organization at different time intervals is known as Job Rotation. Enhancement of more work and increase of physical demands, therefore, adds a change in the complete structure of employment. This article is for public sector and private sector an Organization who wants to understand the overall requirements of different rotational jobs. The HR function of any Organization should focus on the development of reliable and methodical job rotations. The advantages of job rotation are focused to share the risk factors present in an organizational environment. The Human Resource Management Assignment function needs to identify the high-risky jobs and address and troubleshoot, whenever possible. When job rotation is implemented within an Organization, it helps in reducing the physical demands associated with a job (Strych, 2015). The job rotation is focused to increase work efficiency and enhance quality standards in different processes. The Job rotation capabilities aim at the elimination of ergonomic problems. The employers must be able to identify the problems as early as possible. Consult management and group leader’s work together to decide on which internal departments are suitable for the job rotation program. Strategically driven job rotation programs give best competitive advantage.

The critical point in this article is the implementation of job rotation program at different units, within a company. The management undergoes through numerous barriers. The crucial aspect is that every department or job is not appropriate for the job rotation program. Some of the problems encountered are- issues with the product quality, employee productivity losses, employees hesitate to rotate because of the difficulties associated with jobs. Restriction of ability is one main reason that inhibits the job rotation process. In industrial organizations, various threats imposed by the union workers, especially for the job compensation rules. The employees are not convinced about the compensation cost that is received. The Human resource management functions find very difficult to implement the job rotation programs. A research study undertaken suggests-employee productivity and product quality suffer with the enactment of job rotation. The company’s culture must be enduring for the successful implementation of frequent job rotation programs. The strategists should draw an effective job design that is, based on job factors- applications utilized, training and development requirements, external and internal forces, frequent opportunities and threats. The productivity gains can become lower without a real-based job rotation program. The employers have greater flexibility levels when adequate training is given to employees on Human Resource Management Functions.

Fevre, R. (2012). Social Mobility, Equity and the Politics of Recruitment. Sociology Compass, 6(9), 740-750.

Hoch, J., & Dulebohn, J. (2013). Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 114-125.

Lozano, R. (2011). Creativity and Organizational Learning as Means to Foster Sustainability. Sustainable Development, 22(3), 205-216.

Roberts, G. (2002). Employee Performance Appraisal System Participation: A Technique That Works. Public Personnel Management, 31(3), 333-342.

Strych, J. (2015). Job Rotation and Employer Learning About Human Capital. SSRN Electronic Journal.


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