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Healthcare Assignment: Dating Safety For Young People


Task: Topic to be covered in the healthcare assignment: DATING SAFETY FOR AGE 15 – 17 both Male and Female


The main focus of this healthcare assignment is on young people who can gain a sense of self-worth and maturity by cultivating healthy interactions during their formative years. Providing teenagers (age 15-17) with the means to form and sustain healthy connections may have a favourable impact on their overall development. Adolescents (age 15-17) get increasingly interested in dating during their mid-teens, then become more active in dating relationships in high school. Adolescents (age 15-17) are more likely than adults to date, but it's also common for them to be single throughout this period. Adolescents (age 15-17) who are exposed to good romantic relationships benefit from this experience. Adolescents (age 15-17) who learn how to form and sustain healthy romantic relationships can flourish.

Teen Dating Violence
Trust, honesty, mutual respect, equality, and a willingness to compromise are the hallmarks of a successful romantic relationship. In the United States, teen dating violence, a kind of intimate partner violence that happens between two young people who are, or formerly were, in an intimate relationship, is a severe problem (Stonard 2021). Sexual images of a partner that are posted online without their knowledge are two examples of the many forms that violence in adolescent(age 15-17) dating may take. A lifetime of unhealthy relationships can begin at a young age and endure a long time (Stonard 2021). It has been discovered that girls and boys engage in similar levels of physical aggressiveness in romantic relationships, according to studies on teenage dating violence. As a rule, practitioners encounter female victims and hear that men are the more common perpetrators (Hosek and Pettifor 2019).

Teen Dating Violence Requires a Different Framework
There are several facets to this issue that have just lately been identified as a major public health concern. There is research on the rates of perpetration and victimization, but there is a dearth of longitudinal studies that take into account the dynamics of young love relationships. As a result, experts in the area must use an adult perspective to evaluate the issue of teen dating violence (Hosek and Pettifor 2019).

A research shows that the adult paradigm fails to account for important distinctions between adolescent(age 15-17) and adult romantic relationships. This article provides a developmental viewpoint on a gender-based examination of teen dating violence to extend the conversation. Adult and adolescent (age 15-17) romantic relationships are examined in this paper with the hope that an evaluation of existing research will help us better understand the problem and lead to the establishment of developmentally appropriate preventative programs and successful treatments for adolescents(age 15-17) (Taquette and Monteiro 2019).

Applying Adult Perspectives to Teen Dating Violence
rLittle study has taken a long-term approach or taken into account the complexity of romantic relationships among teenagers. This means that when looking at teen dating violence, practitioners and academics tend to use the paradigm of adult intimate partner violence. Experts in the field of violence against adults in intimate relationships are currently divided on this issue (Taquette and Monteiro 2019). In the eyes of some specialists, the conflict between men and women should be understood as part of an overall pattern of family conflict.

There is a tendency to suggest that women perpetrate a little more physical aggression than males, according to this research terms studies on teen dating violence, "act" measures have been used in the majority of the research (Green et al 2019). Some experts believe that men are the primary perpetrators of domestic abuse against women. It's a challenge to use any of these adult lenses on youngsters. There are many ways in which teenage romantic relationships differ from adult partnerships, and these differences can help us better understand juvenile dating violence and how to prevent it (Green et al 2019).

Impacts of Teen Dating Violence
Relationships characterized by abuse, violence, or neglect can have long-term and short-term negative repercussions on a teenager's development. Examples include sadness and anxiety, substance abuse, antisocial behavior, and suicidal thoughts among kids who have been a victim of teen dating violence in the past (Apter 2018).

Teenage dating violence can be averted. To get the best results in prevention, it is essential to target both risk factors and potential shields from harm (Indolfi et al 2019). Having the support of loved ones and peers can help teens make better choices and build stronger bonds. For example, schools need to establish environments where dating abuse is not tolerated as part of the social norm. A clear message must be sent that bullying and harassment will not be tolerated, and procedures must be put in place to ensure that kids are protected from this type of behaviour (Indolfi et al 2019).

Risk Factors for Teen Dating Violence Victimization
Dating violence is more common among older teens, according to research. Violence in a relationship is more likely to occur for adolescents(age 15-17) who:

  • Stressed-out or traumatized by life circumstances.
  • People who are poor, originate from disadvantaged families, or have received child protective services are included in this category (Frankel et al 2018).
  • Engage in dangerous activities.
  • Set updates early in life.
  • Anger, depression, or low self-esteem are all signs that you should seek professional help (Ricciardelli and Adorjan 2019).
  • Emotional detachment and aggressive blame can be used as coping tools.
  • Show signs of antisocial or dysfunctional conduct.
  • Possess a more aggressive approach to handling disputes.
  • Have a low proclivity towards seeking assistance (Ricciardelli and Adorjan 2019).

Preventing Teen Dating Violence
Teen dating violence may be prevented by educating students about the dangers of this type of behaviour. Healthy connections may be fostered during the preteen and teen years, when young people are developing the abilities they need to create healthy interactions with others. Preventive programmes can emphasise protective variables, such as elements of a teen's environment that encourage healthy growth and good youth development, in addition to teaching interpersonal skills. In addition, a teen's family and community can help promote these traits. Increased parental attachment and improved social skills, for example, can help shield females from being persecuted.

Most of the programs that have been studied experimentally are school-based and employ a group structure. More than a dozen sessions may be squeezed into a short programme. In a few cases, the approach is feministic, but in other others, it is more skills-based and gender neutral. Violence and gender stereotyping, conflict management, and problem resolution are common themes in teen dating violence prevention programs. It's not uncommon for schools to incorporate lessons that try to refute common misconceptions regarding domestic abuse.

Sexual teen dating violence harms young people's future sexual health, intimacy, and sense of self as they mature into adulthood. Having these kinds of experiences increases the likelihood of physical injury, poor academic achievement, excessive drinking, suicidal ideation, unhealthy sexual behavior, substance misuse, low self-esteem, and violence in future romantic relationships. Across the state, both boys and girls experienced equal levels of victimization and perpetration. When it comes to serious teen dating violence, such as sexual assault and other forms of physical abuse, females are far more likely to be the victims than boys.

Apter, D., 2018. Contraception options: aspects unique to adolescents and young adult. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 48, pp.115-127.
Frankel, A.S., Bass, S.B., Patterson, F., Dai, T. and Brown, D., 2018. Sexting, risk behavior, and mental health in adolescents: An examination of 2015 Pennsylvania Youth Risk Behavior Survey data. Journal of school health, 88(3), pp.190-199.
Green, R.M., Travers, A.M., Howe, Y. and McDougle, C.J., 2019. Women and autism spectrum disorder: Diagnosis and implications for treatment of adolescents and adults. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(4), pp.1-8.;%20WOW64;%20rv:26.0)% 20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/26.0,Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20WOW64;% 20rv:26.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/26.0&error=cookies_not_supported&code= 57675c8a-456b-430f-9e71-247d3ce6f93b
Hosek, S. and Pettifor, A., 2019. HIV prevention interventions for adolescents. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 16(1), pp.120-128.

Indolfi, G., Easterbrook, P., Dusheiko, G., El-Sayed, M.H., Jonas, M.M., Thorne, C., Bulterys, M., Siberry, G., Walsh, N., Chang, M.H. and Meyers, T., 2019. Hepatitis C virus infection in children and adolescents. Healthcare assignmentThe lancet Gastroenterology & hepatology, 4(6), pp.477-487. Ricciardelli, R. and Adorjan, M., 2019. ‘If a girl’s photo gets sent around, that’sa way bigger deal than if a guy’s photo gets sent around’: gender, sexting, and the teenage years. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(5), pp.563-577.

Stonard, K.E., 2021. The prevalence and overlap of technology-assisted and offline adolescent dating violence. Current Psychology, 40(3), pp.1056-1070. Taquette, S.R. and Monteiro, D.L.M., 2019. Causes and consequences of adolescent dating violence: a systematic review. Journal of injury and violence research, 11(2), p.137.


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