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Health Promotion Assignment: Healthcare Plan For COVID-19 In New Zealand


Task: Choose an emerging topic area/health issue, setting and a population you are interested in and prepare a health promotion assignment designing your health promotion program for your target population and explain the process to develop and plan your program Demonstrate that you understand the key steps of the planning cycle and how to apply them.


The report on health promotion assignment will offer its concern for the Health Promotion program on the COVID-19 pandemic within the Maori community of New Zealand. The pandemic becomes the most important health issue for the entire world and thus promoting awareness through health promotion program becomes much important. COVID-19 has been majorly influencing the lives of the elderly people ofMaori population of New Zealand due to several factor such as their life style, ethical values, poor literacy and other social determinants which needs to be rectified with the help of proper measures and strategies. The paper will first offer a background analysis for the concerned issue. Framework or models will be analyzed to understand strategic interventions of the Health Promotion program in a better way. The paper even would obtain a need assessment for the program which should be supported with awareness and statistical intervention for the successful implementation of the Health Promotion program within theelderly people ofMaori population. The risk and assumption of the program even will be evaluated in the paper.

Health issue:
Covid-19 is the most concerning health issue presently through which the entire world is suffering badly with elderly population as its chief target. Considering its wide spanned nature and number of affected and died person through it becomes the most important health concern for every country. It is an infectious disease. Major symptoms of the disease are cough, high fever, dryness, sore throat, and loss of senses with the most important issue breathing problem (Baker et al, 2020). The virus of COVID-19 gets transmitted through droplets of an infected person during his sneezes and coughs. Due to the heaviness of droplets, these cannot hang in the air and very soon fall on the surface or floor. One can be infected with an infected person if two persons would share close proximity and touch same contaminated surface afterward touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. The total number of cases of coronavirus in New Zealand is 1795 and 24 persons diedand it has also been found that more than 50 percent of the elderly people ofMaori population are suffering from the cases of COVID-19 infection.

Models for better planning
The Health Promotion program needs to be supported with different types of frameworks or the models through which the promotional activity can acquire better success. The ecological model recognizes different types of influencing factors over health behavior where personality, belief attitude and knowledge gets evaluated as an individual factor and interpersonal factors can be revealed through interaction between many people (Came, & Tudor, 2020). Organizational and institutional factors caneven be there that take care of the concerned issue, informal structure containing policies regulation and rules share immense influence for the Health Promotion program. Community factors like informal or formal social norms are even important in this regard. The acquisition of the health belief model would be helpful for the program as the model helps to guide the program in disease prevention (Plohl, &Musil, 2020). The model successfully predicts and explains changes in health behavior. Through the model, key factors which can be influential for health, behavior can be identified.

Needs assessments
For the Health Promotion program need assessment needs to be objectified as it will be helpful to gather information through which beneficiary changes for the elderly people of the Maori populationof New Zealand can be objectified. The need assessment part can be costly for the Health Promotion program as it directs towards the population considering every individual significantly. For the COVID-19, the caseload over theelderly people ofMaori population is heavy though the cost per present can be referred as low(Pfefferbaum& North, 2020).Unofficially it can be said that there is the number of patients who did not get reported or rather there can be some infected person without symptoms thereby cases of them is not registered. Considering the situation with all reported and non-reported data the Health Promotion program needs to be prepared to tackle the situation effectively.

The Health Promotion program would be designed to accommodate the entire Maori population of New Zealand under the structure for which community engagement would be given priority. In order to engage thesusceptibleelderly people of Maori community towards the Health Promotion program, the program takes supports of traditional and social media to address everyone irrespective of their age preferences and other personal attributes. Apart from media acquisition, the program would even take the help of campaigning, pestering, and all possible mediums for spreading the awareness for promoting the health program.

Capacity building and community engagement:
In order to developstrengths and empowerment within theseelderly people of Maori community, it will be necessary to engage the community and its people within the health promotion program. It will be a necessary step to involve every authority, people, family and association of the community in the program to generate education, awareness and training them regarding the safety measures and precautious steps which they need to considered. It will help in providing strength to the community and will also help in managing the issue with support of the whole community.

The most important phase for the program examined in the segments of health promotion assignment is the strategic intervention to make the program successful. It has already been stated that the model of health belief model and ecological model would be offered the program better acquisition as through the ecological model the program would judge all the influencing factors to understand what type of strategies would be better to address the population. The health belief model would help the program to understand the risk factors which can be ignorance or illiteracy of theseelderly people ofMaori population and trust issues can even be a barrier for the promotional program. With the awareness for COVID-19, it has even become a problem that the behavior of the people gets changed and most of the time they are driven by some fake news. Considering the nature of COVID-19, and the elderly people ofMaori population of New Zealand, the program would design the strategies in a way where they would be able to influence a large number of people through the promotion and can make the people aware of the facets that Vaccine of COVID-19 as not in the market thereby it is better to be preventive rather than go for suffering (Meng, Hua&Bian, 2020). The strategies even would take care of sanitization and social distancing as these two are the most important factors for dealing with the issue of COVID-19.

What are the risksand assumptions associated with the program developed in this health promotion assignment?
The Health Promotion problem can have difficulties regarding behavioral risk factors where most of the people of these communitiescan be seen reluctant to the promotional activities or offered guidelines through the program. The application and implementation of the ecological model successfully would be the most important challenging factor for the Health Promotion program. Policies of government and legislation everyone can be an issue for the Health Promotion program (Sibley et al, 2020).

The health promotion assignmentfacilitates its concern for the COVID-19 Health Promotion program for theelderly people of the Maori populationof New Zealand. The paper has offered background which has supported through the two models for better planning. Need assessment has even been done to make the people aware of the issue. Strategic interventions like creating pressure on the prevention as depicted by the paper followed by risk analyses of the promotional program.

Baker, M. G., Kvalsvig, A., Verrall, A. J., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Wilson, N. (2020). New Zealand's elimination strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic and what is required to make it work. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 133(1512), 10-14.

Came, H. A., & Tudor, K. (2020). The whole and inclusive university: a critical review of health promoting universities from Aotearoa New Zealand. Health promotion international, 35(1), 102-110.

Meng, L., Hua, F., &Bian, Z. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): emerging and future challenges for dental and oral medicine. Health promotion assignmentJournal of Dental Research, 99(5), 481-487.

Pfefferbaum, B., & North, C. S. (2020). Mental health and the Covid-19 pandemic. New England Journal of Medicine.

Plohl, N., &Musil, B. (2020). Modeling compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines: The critical role of trust in science. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 1-12.

Sibley, C. G., Greaves, L. M., Satherley, N., Wilson, M. S., Overall, N. C., Lee, C. H., ... &Houkamau, C. A. (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes toward government, and well-being. American Psychologist.


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