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Health Care Assignment: Well-being of Children & Young People


Task: You are required to write report on health care assignment that discusses wellbeing of children and young people


This report is based on the important aspects of wellbeing and its importance in the life of people as well as society. Beginning with the definition and aspects of well-being, the report further analyses the importance and role of well-being regarding the chosen group for this report i.e., Children. This report aims to discuss the agenda of well-being, with specific relation to the children, and it further discusses the emerging sociological issues, theories, concepts, and strategies of well-being concerning the chosen group.

Well-being is an optimistic outcome, which is meaningful and significant not only for people but for many parts of society because it tends to identify that the lives of the people are going well. The fundamental to well-being is the living condition of the people, either it is in housing or employment, and it's very important to track these conditions( 2021). However, many indicators may fail to measure the living condition, which measures the thoughts and feelings of the people about their lives, such as the relationship qualities, the optimistic emotions, and resilience, the potential realization, or the overall contentment of the people with their life. Hence, well-being encompasses the overall judgment of life contentment and feelings ranging from happiness to depression(Gaëlle and Humblet 2013). Generally, well-being comprises of the presence of optimistic emotions and moods, such as satisfaction and joy, the absence of pessimistic emotions, such as anxiety and depression, contentment with life, attainment, and optimal functioning. In common terms, well-being can be defined as a positive prospect of looking at life positively and a good feeling. As per the study and research, the different aspects of well-being are physical, economic, and emotional well-being, development and activity, life contentment, work engagement, and activities(Davis, 2021).

Children and Well-being
Children are one of the most important factors, not only for the parents, but for the society as well, because they are called the future of the society, and hence it is essential to pay close attention to the well-being of the children so that they can make a better tomorrow for society. As per the child welfare professionals, many children are noticed under the poor outcomes in multiple dimensions of functioning such as behavioural, emotional, psychological, and physical(Smedegaard et al. 2016). Since children are very sensitive, they are easily vulnerable to sociological issues, such as bullying, family issues like divorce of the parents, and death of the family member or a close person, sickness, and bad company and conduct among the peer group. All these issues directly affect the emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of the children, which may have a huge impact on the overall life of the children in both a positive and adverse way(Blatt, 2018). Therefore, both the parents and the society must pay attention towards the growing children, by providing them a suitable environment, love, care, attention, security, for the proper well-being of the children.

Thus, proper well-being will help the children to grow with the proper enhancement in terms of physical, mental, psychological, and educational aspects for the betterment of the child's future as well as society (Carter and Andersen, 2021).

Concepts of well-being concerning Children
As per the study, it has been found that there are several concepts of children’s well-being, but for this study, the chosen concepts are health and well-being, and happiness and well-being, which are said to be the two key factors for the children well-being.

Health and well-being
Well-being assimilates both mental and physical health, ensuring integrated approaches to the prevention of disease and sickness and promotion of good health. Health is one of the most important factors in terms of all human beings, and especially in the case of children, it is crucial( 2011). It is a resource that grants people to comprehend their inclination, fulfil their needs, and grapple with the environment to live a yearn, constructive and conducive life. Children are very sensitive in terms of both physical and mental health, and because of their vulnerable nature, they are easily exposed to various kinds of sickness and diseases (Statham and Chase 2010). Also, the innocent and tender emotions and thoughts of the children are easily affected by any sociological issues, as mentioned earlier, family disputes, bullying, and misconduct may harm the mental health of the children (Ons, 2021). If the health of the children, either mental or physical, is not stable, then the child may not be able to live to the fullest, which will not only hamper the parents and the family but also affect the society in several ways. For example, if a child is misconduct and mislead in terms of behavioural pattern, in future the child can be a threat to the society. Thus, it is crucial to establish and provide a proper environment, where a child can thrive with a sense of well-being( 2018).Well-being is the valid and accurate outcome that measures more than despondency, economic status, and integrity, which state how the perceived life of people is going as per their perspective. As per this perspective, health ensures the development of social, economic, and personal fundamental to well-being. Well-being promotes health such as physical activities and exercise, healthy diets, flexibility, optimistic emotions, and sovereignty. To enhance such entity, social and substantial resources, health promotion activities may conclusively improve wellbeing, and as result, the health of children will be developed by these practices, ensuring peace, security, and a better environment for the children (Lina Martino, 2021).

Happiness and well-being
Happiness is said to be the emotional state of well-being, identified by optimistic or congenial emotions, ranging from satisfaction to intense comfort and pleasure. As a concept, happiness seems to be promptly accepted and embraced by the mass of people, and highly valued than money and morality also. As per the religious thinkers and philosophers, happiness is not just an emotion but the state of living a good and prosperous life. Also, healthy people are considered happy people, living a longer life, experiencing a quality life. Thus, theyuse their strengths, skills, and capabilities to subsidize their well-being as well as to that of society(Bentea 2019). Happiness, in the case of children, is essential, because if the children will be happy, then they will be able to focus on their proper development in all the fields, either it is physical, mental, educational, or emotional. Children, as mentioned earlier, are very sensitive and fragile, and they need proper care, love, and positive support from their family, per group, as well as from society(Arcidiacono and Martino 2021).

They need someone with whom they can talk freely, share and rely so that whenever they feel upset, there will be someone to listen to them and make them happy again. If the children will not get a happy environment, or couldn't have happy moments in their childhood, then the children will tend towards the negative perspective of life, which is not good for the well-being of the children as well as for the family and society (, 2021). As per the study, it is said that the feeling of being safe is one of the major elements of happiness for children, either it is in place of their hang out, home, school, at neighbourhoods, or anywhere else. Also, the place where the children spend most of their time, such as schools, will have a significant impact on the well-being of the children. Sometimes, the children become the victim of the judgemental system of the society, and they are bound to do the things which they may not like and hence destroy the happiness of the children. To flourish the children's life with prosperity and happiness, which will have a positive impact on the children, well-being of the children and their happiness is mandatory(Sundriyal and Kumar, 2021).

Theories, strategies, and initiatives to enhance well-being
The two major conceptual theories of well-being mentioned here are the Objective well-being theory and Subjective well-being theory. Objective well-being theory is based on the objective terms, the extraneous and ubiquitous conception of aspects of life indicators, such as social idiosyncrasy including education, physical and mental health, and social connections, and material resources, which includes food, income, and lifestyle(Alatartseva and Barysheva 2015). On the other hand, the Subjective theory is based on the subjective evaluation of overall life, including emotions, feelings, mood, and life contentment to a specific domain, such as family, school, and work. Both of these theories strongly promote the well-being of the children, in the overall aspects of their life, whether it be physical emotional, or economic aspect(Carter and Andersen, 2021)

Considering the importance of children and their well-being, it is very important to take the initiative and follow certain strategies, to enhance the sense of well-being among the children. Based on the chosen concepts and theories, it is very important to provide a healthy and happy life to the children. In terms of maintaining good mental and physical health, as promoted by well-being, health promotion is very important. As there is a say that health is the biggest wealth, if the health of a child is in proper form, then the child will ensure towards well-being(Mag, 2015). To ensure proper health, the parents and the adults should motivate them for regular exercise to keep themselves fit, provide healthy food, also the child should be kept away from family disputes, and if the child is experiencing bullying or harassment, then parents should take initiatives at once(Williams, 2021). This way the mental health of the child willalso remain in a proper form. Also, the child should be given a proper environment, where they can feel safe, and rely on. Also, the child should be given a proper education, knowledge, and opportunities, and they should be motivated to be confident in a positive way(Badhwar, 2014).

The sense of wellbeing is fundamental to all the entities, as everyone desires to live a happy, healthy and prosperous life. The feeling of well-being helps all the entity to overcome their problem and live a happy life and it's very crucial for everyone. Well-being, in the case of children, is very essential, as they are considered the future of the nation. The children, because of their innocent nature, and week immunity system are often prone to many physical and mental sicknesses, and may suffer several emotional traumas, because of certain past or current experiences. Thus, the sense of well-being is very important for the better development of children. By understanding the true essence of well-being and its effectiveness through the different concepts and theories, a sense of true well-being can be promoted in the children, so that they can live a happy, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous life.

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