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Gender Pay Gap Assignment: How Has The Ratio Of Female To Male Full-Time Earnings Changed Over The Past 60 Years?


The purpose of a Research Report is to inform your audience about research that you have conducted and to discuss the results you have found. Academic research aims to develop our existing knowledge, so your Research Report should highlight the current understanding of the subject by reviewing other studies. Your Research Report will then present your findings. Your Research Report will conclude by examining the significance of your findings and their relationship to the findings of other research already conducted. Your Research Report will also discuss the limitations of your study and give suggestions for further research.
Task: Imagine that you have carried out a research project addressing the following question: “How has the ratio of female to male full-time earnings changed over the past 60 years?"


The report on gender pay gap assignment will provide a clear view of the topic of how the ratio of female to male earnings has changed over the past sixty years. This will show how the change took place. This is a necessary thing to have a thorough study. A graph will be provided to confirm the increase in the earnings ratio related to the female to male ratio over the years. These are essential for society, but it is also observed in different places that the women were harassed a lot in their workplace, but they were not able to do anything against it in the fear to lose their job. These affected their life as well. The study developed in the gender pay gap assignment will provide detailed information about the change in the earnings of women over the men in the past sixty years. This will also help the people and the researchers to understand all the necessary activities that are related to the earnings of the women as well.

Literature Review
The gender pay gap assignment examines the readings of Pew Research Center (2019) which states that the gap between the earnings of the women has increased over the years and they have covered almost 80% of the total revenues that are done by men. This shows that the income of women has increased over the past few years, and they are performing well and will also touch the level of profit achieved by the men as well. The gap was 36 per cent in the year 1980, which have reduced to 15% in the year of 2018. This shows that there has been a lot of improvement in the earnings of the women, and they will perform better as years to come. Thus, it can be stated that the increase in revenues is a positive thing for the women in the society that is dominated by males. These are essential parts of the community that are necessary to be discussed in the report to get proper understanding. It is also observed from the readings obtained from the article utilized to prepare this gender pay gap assignment that the author has tried to show the exact gap that is present and also states that women will be able to cover the difference shortly.

As opined by Institute for Women's Policy Research (2019), the percentage of women working full hours in the year of 2017 was 63% while the rate of men working total hours during the same year was 75.4%. This also states that women are also reaching the level of working full hours, and they will not have any problem to cover the gap that is still present. The increase in the earnings rate is due to this factor that the women are currently working full hours, and there are no problems faced by them from their houses as well. They are happily working in organizations with ease. These are essential for any woman to work freely without any trouble in their life.

According to The Economist (2019), an article was published, which showed that a woman wanted to become a mother but wanted her career too. This shows how dedicated women have grown to earn and support their families. These are essential for the women who need to work hard for their families and then move out to work for the companies as well. They still show the determination to work better in every condition. This also has led to an increase in the earnings rate of women as compared to men over the past 60 years, and they will catch up with the earnings rate of the men in the future. These are other essential activities that are performed by them that increased the percentage.

As opined by (2019), it is stated that the gender pay gap measures the relative position of the men and the women present in the economy. It is also shown that an average male earns $ 1000 per week, while an average female earns $ 900 per week. This indicates that women make 90% of what men earn nowadays. These are due to the equality in the gender that is taking place in society. The gap will be erased once the people tend to understand that women should be treated equally with the men, and they should be allowed to do jobs like the men are doing. This can erase the gap of earnings, and then the women can earn the same as the men.

According to (2015), it is noted in the gender pay gap assignment that the women of different parts of the world are working hard to increase their labour market with their skills and experience. In the current scenario, the women contribute 47% to the labour force, and the men add to 53%. The gap here has been reduced, and they also account for 49.3% of the jobs that are currently present in the world. These are essential data that are published which shows the ways through which the increase in the earnings of the women happened.

The above figure provided in the gender pay gap assignment shows the graph of female to male earnings ratio for the full-time workers between the years 1955 to 2014. The research was conducted include workers aged sixteen years and above from the year 1979. This shows that there has been a rise in female workers, and their earnings ratio has also increased at a fast pace. This represents that the capabilities of women have increased and along with that the women had to work to bring in more money for the family. This also includes the workings of the children who were forced to work in different areas. These are essential to understand for which the ratio of earning was increased, but they were provided less money than they deserved. This was the main problem highlighted in this gender pay gap assignment that was faced by the women of those times. It so happened that they were not treated well by the managers of the companies they worked for and were harassed in different ways.

gender pay gap assignment

The working women and children faced a lot of problems related to their work in the organizations, but they were not able to speak anything against the bad things that happened to them as they needed the money that they received from the job. These are essential for the study as this shows that the women struggled a lot in their careers.

The report on gender pay gap assignment is prepared on the earnings ratio of women over the men that shows a clear view of the graph of the earnings of the women weekly and monthly basis. This indicates that the revenues earned by them raised but they did not get the exact compensation they deserved. Instead, they were ill-treated in the organizations and the workplace. This caused considerable problems in their life as well. Five articles are used to show the situation of the women over the men related to the earnings ratio. These are essential for any study as they get to know all the necessary activities that were faced by the women in their workplace. They were not treated as the men were treated in the workplace. These are very much important for the people to understand that though there was an increase in the earnings ratio in the earnings of women than men in the years of 1955 to 2014 they faced a lot of problems and harassment as well. These affected the workings of the women a lot.

Reference List 2019. 4125.0 - Gender Indicators, Australia, Sep 2018. Gender pay gap assignment [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

Institute for Women's Policy Research. 2019. The Gender Wage Gap: 2017; Earnings Differences by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity | Institute for Women's Policy Research. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019]. 2015. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

Pew Research Center. 2019. The narrowing, but the persistent, gender gap in pay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

The Economist. Gender pay gap assignment 2019. The gender pay gap. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].


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