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Female Genital Mutilation Essay: Interference Of State In Feminine Circumcision


Task: Write a female genital mutilation essay on the topic “If you consent to it, then the state should not intervene in reference to female circumcision”


In general terms, female circumcision illustrated in this female genital mutilation essay, popularly known as Female genital Mutilation is the process that deliberately changes or causes harm to the genital organs of the females for nonmedical reasons. This particular process does not have any benefits regarding the health of women as well as girls. The essay question is “If you consent to it, then the state should not intervene in reference to female circumcision." This torture of some procedure can cause intense bleeding and several problematic issues in the body of women as well as girls that can lead to severe complications regard the birth of a new child. At times it can lead to the death of newborn babies which is very much harsh to take. This brutal procedure is carried out on generally young girls whose age ranges to fifteen. This particular female genital mutilation essay is going to discuss the various theories of female genital mutilations in detail with the importance of the intervention of the government of the countries to eradicate it effectively.

Theories on Female Genital Mutilation
Estimation goes to prove that there are nearly 200 million girls along with women who have been unfortunately become the severe victims of these cruel FMG practices prevailing in the country. There has been observed a concerned growth of this rate with time. More importantly, it is Sub Saharan Africa and Arabian states where this is practiced, but in countries like Latin America, Asia this practice is very much prevalent (Johansen, 2017). During the last few years, several stories regarding FMG have been circulated the world which is a matter of big concern for the women living on this earth.

The causes of Female Genital Mutilation include various factors including religious and social depending on the community of human race. In this context of female genital mutilation essay, it needs to be noted that culture here means for several customs, faith in the form of belief, art and mannerism of livelihood of a specific bevy of people living in the society (Momoh, 2017). Apart from the culture, the FMG can also be harmful to the women in terms of creating several medical complications such as infertility, extensive infection happening in the body of women that can indirectly lead to other severe diseases like HIV Aids in the body which prove to be harmful for them. Still, several anthropologists consider this to be one of those perils that are observed mainly in Africa who are regarded to be the passive victims of this cruel practice.

Therefore, it is discussed in this female genital mutilation essay the Government of the country needs to play a huge part here to stop this evil practice from society. The Government has to do this by implementing several laws through which the evil persons who are engaged in this brutal activity can easily be captured by the cop force of the country and take necessary steps to punish those individuals. At the same time, the citizen of the country must cooperate with the government in enforcing such laws so that it cannot make any harmful impact on the lives of women. In this context of female genital mutilation essay, it needs to be noted that some anthropologists consider this FGM practice from the cultural relativism aspects. To improve gender, ethnicity, and other related analyses, happening to be within the last decade it is the relativistic scholars who have been taken negatively for speaking of this evil practice prevailing in the society. Tradition can also be considered as one of the major causes of this cruel practice. An example provided in this female genital mutilation essay will be beneficial in this regard to understand this thing vividly, such as, if a female wants to marry then she has to be “pure” and people like Africans believe that this purity can only be achieved through FGM practice, which is wrong to be taken. It is because there is no clear cut grounding in the form of reason based on which the purity of the girl can be achieved through the evil practice called Female Genital Mutilation (Bellemare et al. 2015).

Along with this, one more thing that needs to be mentioned in this female genital mutilation essay is that some men use this Female genital Mutilation is an effective tool through which they can exercise their domineering power over women, thereby controlling their activity and suppressing them eventually form is taking an active part in anywhere. This thing possesses both negative as well as positive sides in it which needs to be discussed in this regard for the sake of understanding it in detail. If a view is thrown on the bad side then as a result of it there will be fewer chances of women in terms of leading a free rather independent life. It is because with time it is known to all that society has changed and more importantly it has started to give more focus on the independent issue of women. Therefore if the male starts to dominate the women, pretty much like what happened to historical ages, then the right of women will never be there in the society which is an ominous sign. However, on another note, it can be visualized as one of those practices in this female genital mutilation essay through which men get the chance to control the other unnecessary activity of women apart from its quotidian life (Battle et al. 2017).

At the same time, it is very much important to give focus on the religious aspects of the FGM. It is because one would find it very astonishing that in Quran there is no mention of this anywhere, still, there are some African American Muslims who like to argue with this thing unnecessary, thereby creating intentional chaos, one can say. Along with this, another fact that will make everyone surprise about this is that the Female Genital Mutilation is not practiced in Islamic countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, though this practice is observed among some Christians who live in Africa (Efferson et al. 2015).

What is the intervention of state regarding female circumcision in this female genital mutilation essay?
Looking at the present scenario it becomes very much important for the state to intervene in the matter of female circumcision. It is because it is considered to be one of the most evil practices, happening in the society. Due to this, it is the women who unfortunately have to be the harsh victim, resulting in many problems for them. Through this evil practice their dignity in society is on the verge of distinction which is a matter of great concern. Therefore, it is a matter of prime importance for the respective state governments to stop this practice through inventing in it effectively.

Relativism mentioned in this female genital mutilation essay can be resolved by making a distinction between methodological coupled with moral relativism. According to cultural relativism, it is very much important to have a clear idea of another's culture and at the same time, it should be trying to observe the ways through which the people observe rather accept the culture. In cases of FGM one individual can make out the motivating factors for this practice by throwing a close look at the situation. However, on the other hand, the very concept of human rights provides the chance to every citizen of establishing justice and morality regarding this brutal practice (Hicks, 2018). Therefore it is a matter of greatest concern for society if this particular practice continues for a long period. It is because if this practice enhances then it will become difficult for the women to live on this beautiful earth. Rather they have to become the harsh victim of this practice. Hence in this regard, the intervention of the respective Governments of the countries will matter a lot. The enforcement of laws will ease the situation discussed in this female genital mutilation essay a bit and more importantly it will make the job easier for the government to find out the real culprits who engage themselves more severely in these brutal as well as evil practices.

Along with this, it is also very much important to understand the concept of ethical relativism in an efficient way as its claim is much more superior to cultural relativism. Ethical relativism states that all the standards relating to ethics are relative to one another and no universal or permanent standards in the form of values are there. It is mentioned in this female genital mutilation essay that it becomes very much difficult rather problematic to justify ethical relativism by making a comparison between the diverse cultures and looking at the distinguishing points prevailing in them. In a way, the claim of the ethical relativist pervades beyond the power of observation and eventually predicts that all the ethical standards will always be relative in its very nature.

Several theoretical interpretations of Female Genital Mutilation discussed in this female genital mutilation essay
Indeed the practice FGM has been such a type of practice that has been interpreted variously that spreads from cultural to the perspectives of women. These perspectives bear a superior significance in them for the sake of understanding the ways through which this practice is judged and eventually dealt in terms of human rights. There tend to be a considerable amount of social factors that leave a profound influence on this very practice, but above all, it is the media that plays a huge role in making rather creating several perceptions of the roles of gender in the society. The differences in genders are considered to be important because culture-wise it always variations are observed in perceptions. All cultures possess several concepts regarding health and disease which helps to form a close relationship with the surrounding (Howard and Gibson, 2017). At the same time, it needs to be noted that there exist some forms of distinctive issues within a culture based on which it keeps changing over time. Religion and tradition need to be interpreted as a manner of life that makes an impact on the lives of women. Thus it can be said in this female genital mutilation essay that culture is true to be considered as an important factor that makes an impact on the traditional views of humans. The several effects of FGM rely on a considerable number of factors such as type performed, practitioner’s expertise, hygienic conditions, resistance ability, and many such others. In this context, it needs to be noted that complication issues may happen in all types of FGM but it happens frequently in cases of infibulations. Apart from this, there exist some immediate complications like intense pain, haemorrhage, infection and many such others due to which it can create death to certain women having this. There also exist some long terms consequences including anaemia, dyspareunia, hypersensitivity in the genital area and many such others which can prove to be very much harmful to women. Therefore it is very much important to stop this brutal practice that has been happening in specific countries with prompt action and strategies (Hicks, 2018).

Indeed it is a matter of great concern that this particular practice has been prevailing in the country today's world. Due to this, many innocent women discussed in this female genital mutilation essay have to become the harsh victim of this practice, ultimately resulting in their death. In this context, it is very much important for the male to become conscious and take firm steps through which this practice can be abolished from society. The Government needs to introduce some strict laws to eradicate this evil practice from society so that women can live freely.

Thus it needs to be concluded in this female genital mutilation essay that Female Genital Mutilation is considered to be one of the evilest practices prevailing in the society. Therefore the intervention of the state in this regard is very much essential in order to eradicate this from our society. The government can make some laws and implement those effectively so that this type of practice should not happen anymore further. At the same time, it is also very much important for the women to become more cautious as well as conscious of those persons who engage themselves in this practice.

Reference list
Battle, J.D., Hennink, M.M. and Yount, K.M., 2017. Influence of female genital cutting on sexual experience in southern Ethiopia. Female genital mutilation essay International Journal of Sexual Health, 29(2), pp.173-186.

Bellemare, M.F., Novak, L. and Steinmetz, T.L., 2015. All in the family: Explaining the persistence of female genital cutting in West Africa. Journal of Development Economics, 116, pp.252-265.

Boddy, J., 2016. The normal and aberrant in female genital cutting: Shifting paradigms. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 6(2), pp.41-69.

Efferson, C., Vogt, S., Elhadi, A., Ahmed, H.E.F. and Fehr, E., 2015. Female genital cutting is not a social coordination norm. Science, 349(6255), pp.1446-1447.

Hicks, E., 2018. Infibulation: Female Mutilation in Islamic Northeastern Africa. Routledge.

Howard, J.A. and Gibson, M.A., 2017. Frequency-dependent female genital cutting behavior confers evolutionary fitness benefits. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1(3), p.0049.

Johansen, R.E.B., 2017. Virility, pleasure and female genital mutilation/cutting. A qualitative study of perceptions and experiences of medicalized defibulation among Somali and Sudanese migrants in Norway. Reproductive health, 14(1), p.25.

Momoh, C., 2017. Female genital mutilation essay Female genital mutilation. In The Social Context of Birth (pp. 125-140). Routledge.


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