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Enhancing Business Creativity: A reflective thinking assignment


Task: How does reflective thinking assignment contribute to the development of creativity and innovation in academic and business settings, and what practical approaches can individuals take to enhance their problem-solving skills and foster innovation?



Reflective reflective thinking assignment help an individual to grow their mindsets. It further enhances their learning experiences (Hussein, 2018). A reflective mindset also helps a student identify their academic concerns and focus on finding solutions to the problem. It can make them self-aware. Constant reflection helps an individual to become aware of their competencies and skill gap. This essay aims at identifying academic problems that I have encountered and how I have overcome these challenges. A comprehensive analysis on my creativity and innovation skills is also done.

Key learning points

The central focus of this segment of the report is to use Gibb’s reflective cycle model in order to reflect upon my learning experiences. In the following part of the report, the model is aligned with 3 key learning points.

Creative problem solving


In one of the learning sessions, our group was provided with a case study on Gap Inc. The company faced an issue that involves losing money and degraded financial performance have analysed the internal and external environmental factors that can have an impact on the organisation with the help of SWOT and PESTLE tool.


Previously, I have never performed in a group. Therefore, I was feeling a bit anxious. Moreover, I was stressed because I thought that I might fail to find a relevant solution to the problem that has been identified.


As mentioned earlier, we were asked to analyse the impact of external and internal environmental factors on GAP Inc. We were also asked to find out solution to the problem that GAP Inc. is currently facing. The company is currently losing their money and a degraded financial performance has been reported. Therefore, we as a team started to brainstorm ideas and decided to focus on design reflective thinking assignment approach. Design reflective thinking assignment method helps in fostering innovation and developing creative solutions to a problem (Dell'Era,, 2020). During this group study each team members contributed to the reflective thinking assignment sessions. However, a conflict in opinion was observed while choosing a solution for the identified problem.


In my opinion, we have found solutions to the problem because we have decided to divide the responsibilities among team members. Few of us worked on SWOT analysis and the rest members were working with the PESTLE tool. SWOT tool has helped us to understand strengths and weaknesses of GAP Inc. Moreover, we have also identified threats that the company is facing. On the other hand, the PESTLE tool has helped us to understand the negative impact of geopolitical tensions, economic fluctuations and government interventions on the operational efficiencies of GAP Inc. Once, we have identified the source of the problem we have used design reflective thinking assignment approach to find alternative solutions. While analysing the strength of the company it was found that the company has hired diverse employees. The innovative minds of diverse employees can further be leveraged to develop new products that meets customer needs. This can help them to stop losing money. However, we have faced collective rationalisation. Lack of diversity and constant debate results in such rationalisation (Skyberg, 2022). Such issues were solved with collaborative practices.


In my opinion, a collaborative approach and constant brainstorming sessions with my group members can help me to reduce stress and focus on creative problem solving.

Action plan

In future, I decide to find out the root cause to the problem with help of creative reflective thinking assignment tool. The root cause can further help us to develop more concrete solution.

Creative Skill demonstration


As mentioned earlier, we were asked to solve the problem in a group. Working in a group can be challenging due to conflicts in opinions. This can have an impact on the conventional decision making within the group (Tang and Liao, 2021). While working in a group, we were finding it difficult to make a unanimous decision.


Constant conflict among group members demotivated me. I was finding it difficult to concentrate on the group work. This has increased my stress and was having a negative impact on my productivity.


In an entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurs must focus on seizing opportunities and create new things.

Creativity, opportunity recognition and Entrepreneurial environment

Fig 1: Creativity, opportunity recognition and Entrepreneurial environment

Source: Burns, 2011

I have decided to use collaborative working approach in order to work on the project. A collaboration scenario is responsible for helping team members to achieve common goals. Moreover, it also helps in complex problem solving (Seeber,, 2020). This creative skill of mine have empowered team members and they started to engage themselves in achieving team goals. We as a team started fostering innovation and creativity. This has further helped us to solve complex problems of the dynamic business environment. However, in my opinion, I should have motivated my team members by adding value to their contribution. This could have created a strong bond between the team members.


We were encountering a smaller number of conflicting situations because all the members within the team were participating in divergent reflective thinking assignment sessions. When people within the group involves in creative reflective thinking assignment and innovation to find out solutions to a problem it is known as divergent reflective thinking assignment. An individual must have a flexible mind in order to practice divergent reflective thinking assignment (Zhang,, 2020). I have motivated my team member to attend brainstorming sessions. Brainstorming sessions have helped us to think laterally and find creative solutions. This approach has helped us significantly. It reduced team conflicts. Team members were motivated enough and an increased commitment was observed among these members.


This situation has helped me to understand the importance of collaboration and fostering collaborative work environment. Collaboration is responsible for improving communication, enhancing business processes, and fostering innovation. It also helps in supporting team goals (Oyelere,, 2021). It has also helped me to understand the importance of building a strong relationship with team members in order to achieve business goals and help firms gain competitive advantage.

Action plan

This creative skill will be leveraged by me to develop my career. In the current business environment, organisational leaders are focused on team goals and team achievement. Moreover, with the increase in number of joint ventures and diverse workplace, people from different parts of the world are working together. In such situation a collaborative work environment can help me to easily work with my colleagues irrespective of their cultural or linguistic background.

Creative Idea development


The GAP Inc, is facing a problem. The company is losing money. Therefore, we as a group decided to develop a report that aims at solving the problem. I have decided to contribute to the work by leveraging my theoretical understandings. I have suggested 3 different business models for improving the operational activities of the company. First, I have suggested multi-sided business model in order to enhance the value proposition of the firm. Secondly, I have suggested Unbundle business model. This can help the firm to improve their financial challenges and incur profit. Finally, I have suggested the usage of open business model to help the firm revive their strategies.


The analysis suggests that GAP Inc. is facing several challenges. Therefore, to solve these problems various theories must be applied. During my learning sessions, I have learnt different theories. However, I was stressed because I was finding it difficult to choose perfect models.


I have used creative idea development approach to select models from the learning sessions. This approach is capable enough to solve tasks that are creative and generate new ideas (Ronda and Saldeva, 2019). Innovation and creativity are major skills of entrpreneurs. It helps them to add value to the workplace.

Innovation and creativity

Fig 1: Innovation and creativity

Source: Besant and Tidd, (2011)

Therefore, to create value, I have successfully proposed several models because I have followed several steps while focusing on creative development. During the brainstorming sessions, I used to write down important points in a notebook. I was focused on aligning these important points with my learnings. This has further helped me to propose 3 different models that can help GAP Inc. to solve their financial problems and increase share in the global market. However, there were times when I used to focus on the problem more than solving it. The weight of the problem often prevented me to foster innovation and creativity.


In my opinion, the approach towards solving the problem has helped me to find out theories that aligns with the problem. Moreover, I have attended each brainstorming sessions and have actively engaged, shared my opinion and gained insightful information from my colleagues. Such active participation has helped me to understand the scenario and develop a more creative approach.


I have learnt the importance of following steps while undertaking an action. These steps have helped me to choose and implement my theoretical learnings in the group project.

Action plan

Creative development approach helps an individual to creatively organise their activities. It also ensures self-development (Muhammadjanovna, 2022). In this modern business environment, organisational leaders are in need for candidates who can think creatively and develop a work culture that gives importance to innovation. Therefore, my approach towards solving problems and fostering innovation can help me to get jobs. This is how I can accomplish my career goals.

Personal Development Plan

The objective of this development plan is to provide career information. This plan is generally conducted by an individual because it can help them to organise their own life (Veronica,, 2020). In the following part of the essay, I have used PDP template and SMART framework to demonstrate my gaols and suggested actions for improvement.



Current skills/abilities 

Actions for improving skill 

Impact on career development



Focusing on creativity and innovation

I have an analytical mind and can think laterally. 

I need to currently recognise my thought patterns in order to improve my lateral reflective thinking assignment skills. 

Lateral reflective thinking assignment can help me to develop unique product or service ideas and share it to my supervisors. This can further enhance my performance and recognition. 

6 months 


Getting certified as a creative thinker from my university 

I have provided creative solutions to the problem faced by GAP, during the group work

I need to participate in more group works and should get engaged in those work in order to improve 

Certificates can attract recruiters and I can get calls for interview from various organisation. 

One year


I will dedicate my time on solving case studies with problems and issues.

I have recommended relevant models that can help GAP Inc improve their operational efficiencies.  

I need to focus on studying more journals and case studies. This learning approach can help me to enhance my theoretical understanding.

I can become star performer in my company and can get monetary and non-monetary rewards. This can only be possible with the help of a continuous learning approach. 

One year


I want to strengthen my bond with my team members 

I have developed a strong bond with my group members while working on the project. 

I need to attend seminars and workshops arranged by my university authorities. These seminars and workshops can help me to meet and communicate with people from different cultural background. This is how I can get an overview of diverse and creative minds. 

A strong bond with my team members can help me to enhance my team commitment. This can further help me improve my contribution in achieving team goals. Moreover, an engaging mindset while working in a team can further help me to develop participative leadership traits.  

2 months 


I will attend creative problem solving and idea development workshops once in a month

I have attended brainstorming and group discussion sessions, twice in a week. This has helped me to get actively engaged in the group work. 

I must complete enrol myself in online courses on creativity and creative problem solving. I should complete two such courses in one year. 

I can get promoted after one year of joining if I continue to contribute significantly in my workplace. 

One year


This essay aimed at reflecting upon my learnings. The findings conclude that Gibbs’ reflective cycle model is used to demonstrate my experiences while solving problems of an organisation. The importance of creativity, creative skill development approach and creative problem solving are also demonstrated in this essay.

Reference List

Bessant, J. and Tidd, J. (2011) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2nd edn.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Burns, P. (2011) Entrepreneurship and Small Business (3rd edn.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dell'Era, C., Magistretti, S., Cautela, C., Verganti, R. and Zurlo, F., 2020. Four kinds of design reflective thinking assignment: From ideating to making, engaging, and criticizing. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(2), pp.324-344.

Hussein, H., 2018. Examining the Effects of Reflective Journals on Students' Growth Mindset: A Case Study of Tertiary Level EFL Students in the United Arab Emirates. IAFOR Journal of Education, 6(2), pp.33-50.

Muhammadjanovna, R.F., 2022. The system of formation and development of creative activity of future educators through personcentered education. World Bulletin of Social Sciences, 7, pp.75-77.

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