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Essay on English Learning Program



Design a sequence of three innovative lessons (annotated) with a general introduction and a specific 350-500 word rationale for each lesson. Students are required to develop and justify three sequential annotated lessons plans that demonstrate ability to plan, teach and assess an area of multimodal literacy in an ESL/EFL/additional language setting. The present essay is based on English learning program.

The general introduction and the three introductory rationales:

  • must provide details of the intended learner group (e.g., institutional setting, age, level of English language proficiency, etc.);
  • Course and overall lesson goals/outcomes;
  • refer to and demonstrate understandings of concepts related to multimodal second/additional language literacy learning;
  • reflect specific circumstances and needs of ESL/EFL/LOTE students or learners of an additional language.


1. Introduction
English learning program as a second language is an effective study program that helps the students to know about the language fully. The study program is made for non-English speakers. The program will help to develop the student's English ability. ESL classes teach depending on the student's ability. The program will help to know about English grammar, how to read and listen to the comprehension and also give a clear idea about the English Vocabulary. The learning program provides useful knowledge of the English language.

2. Rationales

2.1. The institutional setting of ESL
The institutional settings are the main aspect of the ESL learning program. To gain the English language properly, one should start to learn it from its initial stage. Schools play the most important role in second language learning programs, especially in the English language (Hashim & Yunus, 2018). But most of the schools do not give importance to the second language learning program. The schools should take initiative to implement the ESL program, which will be helpful for the students to learn about the language easily.

EFL is English as a foreign language. By the EFL learning both the teachers and the students are being aware of pragmatism (Nikula, 2020). LOTE is the short form of Languages Other Than English which is the languages other than English in New York, Australia and other schools.

Multimodal literacy is about the design of discourse. The discourse is found by the investigation of semiotic resources. The link between multimodal literacy and ESL and EFL is by these learning the teachers could encourage the students to understand the ways of media in the world. LOTE will link by the multimodal literacy as to teach the students the ways of media in other languages other than English.

2.2. Age
The ESL, EFL and LOTE will help different age group students to know about the English properly and also languages other than English. The learning program will help pre-school children from 3-5 years, elementary school students of 6-12 years, high school learners 13-17years, and also university learners of 18-25 years old students.

2.3. Level of English language proficiency
The learning of English proficiency has six levels. It includes beginner or basic level who have basic grasps on English, lower intermediate level, intermediate level, advance, and lastly proficient level. The levels will help to grasps the English language efficiently.

3. Description

3.1. Key concepts of the ESL
A second language is not the native language of the person. ESL is a study program for the student who has taken English as their second language. It is a creative and innovative way to learn about the English language (Yunsurova & Shirinova, 2018). The ESL has six essential concepts that are the key features of the ESL. The concepts will help to exemplify,

Newcomers who come to the class, like to suffer the “Cultural shock”. It is an unusual feeling that students have when they move to an unfamiliar place. The students in the phase become passive or become more aggressive. When a new student comes to the class, they left behind the family members, friends. They are not surrounded by a familiar environment. It will give them an unusual feeling in the student. The learners must understand communication when entering the new environment in the classroom. English language learners learn the language by hearing and understanding the message the teachers have conveyed.

Language acquisition and language learning is another phase of the ESL. Language acquisition and language learning is a different thing. In the language acquire part the students will learn about the basic concept without knowing the grammatical rules. But language learning is not communicative. The learning will help to know about the rules of the language.

The age of language learning. It has shown that young adults and teenagers are capable to learn a second language more readily than children. The children learn the language easily because they usually have more occasion to attend than younger adults and teenagers. It will help them to learn a second language more easily.

There are also other phrases which are essential while learning the second language, the classroom teachers can create an environment where the student can convey thoughts without any hesitation.

3.2. Specific circumstances of ESL
The ESL learning program will help to learn about the language thoroughly. It will give a clear perspective of the language. The learners can communicate easily with native-speaking friends and family members. The ESL learning program will help the students gain a personal identity which helps them to develop fluency in the second language as well. It also opens opportunities for future employment processing (Lindberg, 2019). The learning program will help students to know about the culture and it will also help to see the English movies and helps to read English books also.

3.3. Needs of ESL
The English language is a commonly used communicative language in the world. That's why those who don't know about the language, face challenges in life. ESL learning program is an important program that helps to learn about the English language fully most creatively and innovatively (Rao, 2019). The learning program will help to gain a clear view of the language. It also gives opportunities to the students to learn easily and helps to make a complete grasp of the language. It also helps to develop the speaking skill of the language.

4. ESL lesson plan

ESL Lesson Plan Format Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to make statements using the present continuous. Level: High-Beginning


What and How?

Describe Activities


Multiple Intelligence


  • Warm up or Review

My week was very good. I learned basic studies in the English language. In my homework, I have to find out the resources and the materials that are engaging and relatable to technology and pop music. 


30 mins

  • Introduction

Teaching ESL to abroad students are not very easy or difficult. To teach a language a teacher has to grow interested in the students about the language. There are many ways to practice ESL in an easy way. The ways are two truths and a lie, word jumble race, broad race, Simon says, hangman, Pictionary, the mime, hot seat, where shall I go and what’s my problem. 


20 mins

  • Presentation

The board race is a fun game that helps in revising vocabulary and English grammar. It can be words from books or it can be lessons that have been taught in class last week. Two truths and a lie are very interesting and essential for a small size class. This game helps in speaking English. After the game, the teacher should rectify the mistakes of the students. The game Simon says is a game like guessing by watching. This type of game helps the students to learn the different parts of the language. The word jumble race helps in learning English words very quickly. The hangman game is very interesting as it helps the students in learning the skills of words in English. Pictionary is a visual game. The students have to understand a word in English by seeing a picture of that object. The mime helps in learning the verbs and the tenses. A hot seat is another interesting game for students. Building the vocabulary and growing courage for competitions are developed from this hot seat game. The hot seat helps students to prepare themselves for listening skills and speaking.


30 mins

  • Practice

Earlier it is explained about the ways of practices ESL. Here the procedures are discussed. The board race should play as teams in the classroom. The games mentioned above are different ways of teaching ESL to new students. The students could be of all kinds, from kids to teenagers and adults. The teacher should apply those ways to make the classes interesting for the students. All teachings in the form of playing games will be easier for students to practice. 


15 mins

  • Evaluation

All teachers should play the game Pictionary so as to make the education easy to learn. The human brain always catches pictures than listening to words. It becomes easy to remember a thing when memorizes with pictures. All the learning methods should attach with a picture that will help the students to memories.


15 mins

  • Application

Students should apply the games of teachings at home as for practices. As for practicing the language at home after classes, the students should try to describe their actions in the present continuous tense. The games learned in the classes are very interesting and will help the students in learning the ESL easily. The children who will learn ESL in schools will learn cognitive tasks in English. The tasks are learning a new language, thinking power will grow in that language, focusing, making decisions and remembering the language English. In that language a student could use the logic on English and solving word problems and the concepts of math in English. 


5 mins

5. Conclusion
The ESL program is very essential for all people as the English language is a universal language. The benefits of English are, it will help people to communicate with every person all over the world. It may happen that the people abroad do not know the native language of a country. In that case, both the person could communicate in English not knowing each other's native language. The benefits of ESL classes are developing personal identity, develop connections between family and other communities, achievement in the academic career, and opportunities for future employment. The students who will learn this ESL can get their careers aboard as English is the universal language and the companies those are multinational recruit’s employees who knows English.

6. Reference
Hashim, H. U., & Yunus, M. M. (2018). English as a Second Language (ESL) Learning: Setting the Right Environment for Second Language Acquisition. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan Dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 3(2), 207–215.

Lindberg, J. (2019). Educational Approaches & Strategies for ESL Teaching in Swedish Compulsory Schools.

Nikula, T. (2020). Teacher talk reflecting pragmatic awareness: A look at EFL and content-based classroom settings. Pragmatics, 12(4), 447–467.

Rao, P. S. (2019). The importance of speaking skills in English classrooms. Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal, 2(2), 6–18.

Yunsurova, A., & Shirinova, N. (2018). IMPORTANCE OF ESL PROGRAM IN TEACHING. International Scientific and Practical Conference World Science, 4(2), 103–105.


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