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cyber security assignment on the types of security tools required to protect software infrastructure


Task: How cancyber security assignment research skills be used to determine effective cyber security tools to protect software infrastructure?


Cause of increasing women's participation in the workforce by organisations
This Women workforce assignmentwill analyse strategies businesses can utilize to maintain an gender balanced workforce. Increasing women’s employees’ participation direct to better living ethics for individuals, increases the businesses’ bottom line and is an important driver of national financial growth. It is a goal that many organisations strive to achieve for a variety of different reasons, and one of those reasons is to increase the number of women who are currently engaging in the labour force. Organisations fight for women's equal representation in the workforce for many different reasons. The value that women bring to the table in terms of their skills and talents is increasingly being acknowledged by businesses. Incorporating more women into the workforce allows businesses to take advantage of their expertise and creativity. In addition, businesses believe that a more diverse and inclusive workforce can be developed by encouraging more women to enter the workforce. As a result, this has the potential to improve morale and productivity in the office. According to Women workforce assignment research done by (Samnani, 2014) boosting the number of working women is another strategy for closing the wage gap between the sexes. Women are in a position to participate equally to the labour force because they make up half of the population. Studies have shown that companies that have a stronger number of women working in executive positions have a higher overall profit than companies that do not have as many women in leadership positions.Goldman Sachs, for instance, encourages both women workers and creativities on the “Life” section of their LinkedIn company page, and its careers blog. Hence, they are increasing women’s participation in the workplace.

Organisations push for gender parity in the workforce in part because they value women's contributions in terms of skills and talents. Incorporating more women into the workforce allows businesses to take advantage of their expertise and creativity. In the end, this can help businesses flourish and stay ahead of the competition. There may be a positive impact on the overall atmosphere and culture of the workplace.In addition to the obvious benefits to society identified on this Women workforce assignment, organisations are pushing for greater female representation in the workforce on the belief that doing so will lead to a more diverse and welcoming workplace. Having a more diverse staff can increase the company's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and take advantage of new opportunities. The organisation's decision-making, originality, and innovation may all benefit from this (Tyrowicz, 2020). Having a workforce that is representative of the communities they serve can also help improve morale and productivity. Many businesses also think that closing the gender pay gap can be achieved by encouraging more women to enter the labour force. Many businesses also think that closing the gender pay gap can be achieved by encouraging more women to enter the labour force. The gender pay gap in Australia is 14.6% as of 2016. This equates to a 14.6% gap between men's and women's average earnings (Schoen &Rost, 2021). Organisations can aid in solving this problem by encouraging more women to enter the labour force. As time goes on, more and more proof emerges in favour of the claim that businesses with a more diverse workforce outperform their contemporaries without such a workforce. One way identified on this Women workforce assignmentfor organisations to deal with the issues or barriers that exist in this area is to implement policies and programmes that promote gender diversity and inclusion.

Issues or barriers for a greater participation of women in the workforce
The lack of possibilities for flexible work arrangements, inaccessibility to child care at affordable prices, and unequal pay for equal work are some of the issues that need to be addressed.Several problems or obstacles may stand in the way of more women entering the labour force. Unpaid work, such as caring for children and maintaining a home, is still largely done by women. Due to this, women may find it hard to join the workforce because they lack the time and energy to do so. Women are also under-represented in many fields and professions. As a result, it may be more challenging for women to climb the corporate ladder and achieve pay parity. Women face a dearth of adaptable career paths (Evans &Maley, 2021). This can make it tough for women to juggle their professional and personal lives. Meanwhile, there is a dearth of low-cost child care options. Because of this, it may be challenging for women to join the labour force because they may not have the financial resources to cover the cost of childcare. Women still do a disproportionate share of unpaid work, such as caring for children and maintaining a home, which can be a barrier to their full participation in the labour force. The Women workforce assignment research shows Women are under-represented in many fields and industries, which is another barrier to their full participation in the workforce. Due to this, it may be harder for women to get ahead in their careers and receive equal pay (Dashper, 2019). The lack of flexible work options for women is another barrier to women's full participation in the workforce. It can be especially challenging for women to juggle work and family responsibilities in these situations. The inability to find affordable child care is another barrier to women's full employment in the labour force. This is because if women cannot afford childcare, they might as well stay at home and not contribute to the economy.

As a double-edged sword, gender stereotypes are still widely prevalent in today's workforce, especially for women. Some people may picture someone who is forceful and confident when they think of a leader. It is unfortunate that women who exhibit these characteristics are sometimes stereotyped as aggressive and insensitive (Brieger, 2019). Perhaps this is because traditional gender roles still place women in the role of nurturer and caretaker, while men are more often seen as leaders and problem solvers. The Women workforce assignment research also shows women are more likely to empathise with others' experiences, and while this has its practical applications in business, it also opens the door to accusations of being irrational and overly emotional.

Process of addressing these issues or barriers
There are a variety of approaches that businesses and other organisations can take to address the problems or obstacles that may prevent more women from actively participating in the labour force. The provision of more adaptable employment opportunities is one approach that businesses can take to address these problems. This may include providing work on a part-time basis, the ability to telecommute, and flexible hours. It is possible for businesses to make it simpler for working women to juggle their professional and family responsibilities if they provide more adaptable working arrangements (Cook & Glass, 2016). Increasing the number of accessible and reasonably priced child care options is yet another approach that organisations can take to address these issues. The ability to participate in the workforce may become less of a challenge for women as a result of this.

When it comes to overcoming these challenges or roadblocks, organisations have a number of different options at their disposal. One method is to create opportunities for women's professional development and educational advancement in the workplace. This can help to improve their sense of self-confidence and broaden their skill set, both of which will increase the likelihood that they will enter the workforce. The Women workforce assignment research shows a businesses should consider implementing more adaptable work environment and reducing the price of childcare services.

Increasing the number of women in positions of authority within organisations is another approach that businesses can take to address these problems. This can be helpful in providing other women in the workforce with models to look up to (Little, 2015). In addition to this, it has the potential to assist in closing the wage gap that exists between men and women. In addition, organisations can help address these issues by providing women with opportunities for professional development and training. This can help women in the workforce improve their skills and capabilities, which is a positive outcome. In addition to this, it may also be of assistance in raising the percentage of women who are employed in particular fields and positions. Increasing awareness of the challenges that women face in the workforce is another way in which organisations can work to address these problems (Thory, 2013). The Women workforce assignment findings show this has the potential to assist in the development of a culture of the workplace that is more diverse and inclusive.

It is essential to take measures to ensure that the environment of the workplace is supportive and does not discriminate against female employees in any way. Employing language that is gender-neutral in job postings and other company documentation is one way to increase the number of women who join an organisation (Lansbury, 2021). Encourage people of both sexes and of all job levels to apply, regardless of industry. Developing a robust mentorship programme is one of the most efficient ways to increase the number of female employees in an organisation. In order for the mentorship programme to be successful, it should take some time to carefully match participants. An organisation's primary focus should be on fostering authentic conversations that are of value to women at all stages of their professional lives (Banerjee & Doshi, 2020). The Women workforce assignment concludes that Working together with human resources besides allies in leadership to effect company rules and promote equity is one way that professional women can contribute to the elimination of barriers to their own advancement.

Banerjee, D. & Doshi, V. (2020). Gender, workplace support, and perceived job demands in the US and Indian context. Personnel Review, Women workforce assignment49(7), pp.1451-1465.
Brieger, S.A., Francoeur, C., Welzel, C. & Ben-Amar, W.(2019). Empowering women: The role of emancipative forces in board gender diversity. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(2), pp.495-511. Emanci.pdf
Cook, A. & Glass, C.(2016). Do women advance equity? The effect of gender leadership composition on LGBT-friendly policies in American firms. Human Relations, 69(7), pp.1431-1456.
Dashper, K.(2019). Challenging the gendered rhetoric of success? The limitations of women only mentoring for tackling gender inequality in the workplace. Gender, Work &Organisation,Women workforce assignment 26(4), pp.541-557. Evans, K.J. &Maley, J.F.(2021). Barriers to women in senior leadership: how unconscious bias is holding back Australia’s economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(2), pp.204-226.
Lansbury, R.D.(2021). Workplace reform: a new social contract for Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(4), pp.541-553.
Little, L.M., Major, V.S., Hinojosa, A.S. & Nelson, D.L.(2015). Professional image maintenance: How women navigate pregnancy in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal, Women workforce assignment58(1), pp.8-37.
Samnani, A.K., Salamon, S.D. & Singh, P.(2014). Negative affect and counterproductive workplace behavior: The moderating role of moral disengagement and gender. Journal of business ethics, 119(2), pp.235-244.
Schoen, C. &Rost, K.(2021). What really works! Evaluating the effectiveness of practices to increase the managerial diversity of women and minorities. European Management Journal, 39(1), pp.95-108.
Thory, K.(2013). A gendered analysis of emotional intelligence in the workplace: Issues and concerns for human resource development. Human Resource Development Review, Women workforce assignment12(2), pp.221-244.
Tyrowicz, J., Terjesen, S. & Mazurek, J.(2020). All on board New evidence on board gender diversity from a large panel of firms. New Evidence on Board Gender Diversity from a Large Panel of Firms.Women workforce assignment


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