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Corporate Social Resposibility Assignment: An Annotated Bibliography


Task: Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Task: Your task is to select 6 papers that address various aspects of sustainability, environmental reporting, and corporate social responsibility and prepare a critical review of each of your selected 6 papers.


According to the research on corporate social responsibility assignment it is stated that with the environment in crisis as well as the damage done to the planet, it is important to consider the needs of the communities across the world. A review has been submitted to the Australian Government Inquiry in 2005-06 associated with corporate social responsibility. In this situation, it was the responsibility of the inquiry committee to investigate the accountabilities and the other aspects linked with corporate social responsibility. There has been an increase in the global calls of the corporations for the embracement of sustainable development that can be considered to be consistent with the related results. This study has highlighted the role of the government in the achievement of sustainable development as well as the varied activities of the business organization contributing to the environmental state and affecting the well-being of the stakeholders.


Business organizations can be considered to be under control for addressing the social and environmental issues linked with the communities worldwide. There should be the active involvement of the business for sustainable development as well as to develop the social and the environmental aspects to a great extent. As there are varied legislations in Australia and most of them are state-based, it is essential to focus on the related issues. The Corporation Act covers many such disclosure requirements that are associated with the financial position and the associated performance. Though there is a lack of disclosure requirement associated with the Corporation Act, it is important to consider the environmental and social issues that are used to operate the business. The qualitative methodology alsong with the descriptive analysis has been applied in this study.

The evidence linked with the claim includes the ethical aspect of the stakeholder theory where the stakeholders possess responsibility to have their rights. Further, according to the ethical perspective approach, it is important to use the resources to solve environmental and social problems. The strength of this articles includes theanalysis of the social, as well as the environmental aspects related to the corporation’s view, are accountable for the stakeholders within the community. Though the regulation of the stakeholders in all cases cannot be considered to be necessary, it can be considered to be effective for the managers. The weakness of the study includes how the stakeholder perspective does not consider the role of the stakeholders to be important than the others.

Thus, it can be said that the ethical aspect of the stakeholder’s theory opined that regulation is essential to ensure ethical treatment. The government officials might be self-interested to tackle varied aspects as well as introduce legislation to support the constituents accordingly. ?

The centrality of the business is important in the business and the academic context as CSR assists in the fulfillment of the competitive advantage. It is important to align with the varied business opportunities and tackle the social responsibilities associated with CSR. There should be careful attempts made for the alignment of the business as well as the social responsibility in a good legitimate consolidating the corporate power. Further, it can be said that the physical proximity of the business is also essential for the achievement of CSR. The different case studies provide insights into the parameters and the possibilities of corporate dialogue that is proposed by Roberts. The residential mining operation of Ravensthorpe Nickel Operation in rural Australia has been discussed in the study.


The performance of corporate dialogue that is considered to be vulnerable is embedded and constrained through different representation systems associated with the meaning and the concept of corporate dialogue. It is important to consider the role of corporate communication that can be considered to be a part of the discursive form of representation constituting the dialogues and the desirable aspects. The strength of the article is that it focuses on the analysis of discourse approach addressed by the varied dynamics of power in and around the discourse that is exercised through the process of creation. The weakness of this article is that it has failed to linked with the varied concepts with Ravensthorpe Nickel Operation. The case study methodology has been used in the study.

The credible evidence linked with the calims includes that the process of corporate communication to be a part of the hegemonic CSR that is specified by the RNO within the broader aspects of society. The signification that is structured as a dialogue about the subject position can be considered to be generative and following the practices and the discourses of CSR. With the help of community engagement, it has been found that both the BHP Bilton and the RNO public communication assists in the enhancement of stakeholder relationships accordingly. Moreover, corporate control and the post-closure engagement also make it easier to be related to the local community, the suppliers, and the customers for minimizing the effect of closure and the contractual obligations.

Thus, it can be said that the CSR disclosure, as well as the practice dialogue that is vulnerable with others,is associated with the business-centered goals thereby relating to the relationships and the subject positions accordingly. This will make it easier to enact disciplinary power and thus fulfill the operations of the company to achieve the corporate outcome accordingly.

Title: Abbas, J. (2020). Impact of total quality management on corporate green performance through the mediating role of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118458.

The manufacturing companies have been facing growing pressure since the last few decades considering the effect on the environment as well as the increased threat from the stakeholders. It is important to improve the awareness among the customers by adhering to the local and international regulations for protecting the natural environment. Further, the green practices that are adopted by the corporates possess the potential to overcome different issues associated with the manufacturing companies.


The process of Total Quality Management (TQM) enhances the green performance of the organization assisting the organization to attain a competitive advantage. Moreover, with the help of CSR, it becomes easier for the firms to tackle the social, economic, and cultural aspects accordingly. As TQM focuses on continuous management, there should be the acquisition of the appropriate resources to make the final delivery. The strength of this study is that is that it has depicted how both the concept of CSR and TQM is linked, however, the weakness is that it has failed to analyze the firms and the worker's performance to a great extent. This study has adoptedaquliattaive methodology where statistical methods were utilised effectively.

The evidence linked with the claims includes howTQM possesses mediating role on the CSR where CSR is positively associated with the b and p-values. Moreover, TQM is considered to be important for the larger firms irrespective of the size of the firm efficiently. The government of the developing and the developed countries have made huge investments to promote green business thereby mediating the association with the TQM and the CGP. It is the responsibility of the government to be imperative as this is likely to assist the firms in implementing the TQM perspectives accordingly.

Thus, it can be said that it is essential for the customers and the community to understand the growth of CSR. This is essential in the provision of high-quality services and products that are imperative to the customers. Therefore, it is essential to respect the rights of the consumers that are beyond the legal requirement. ?

Title:Tamvada, M. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and accountability: a new theoretical foundation for regulating CSR. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 5(1), 1-14.

The importance of corporate social responsibility that is consistent with the CSR legislation offers a higher scope of legislation across varied countries. It is important to understand the impact association as well as the business relation that is essential for the growth of CSR. There should be careful attempts made for understanding the varied obligatory nature of responsibilities using the legal and ethical jurisprudence. This study will focus on the nature of corporate social responsibility as well as their association with the legal responsibilities to develop a framework of corporate accountability.


Theissues raised by the author includes how CSR scholarship is influenced by Carroll’s CSR pyramid can be considered to be fragmented. This is likely to provide improved opportunities to the firm to exploit the philanthropic contributions that are likely to cause more harm. The strength of this study includes how the role of the CSR possesses its roots in the underscore and the morality of corporate responsibility that does not cause harm to the environment and society. The weakness of this study includes the role of the Indian corporates who have discharged the CSR obligations through philanthropic spending thereby failing to address the immediate concerns linked with the stakeholders. This study has adopted a qualitative methodology where case study method has been used.

The credible evidence linked with the calims made includes the role of the varied voluntary codes of conduct that are adopted by the corporates posing some legal force and thus it can be enforced by the courts. The framing of the content is dependent upon the corporate’s wills in the absence of proper guidelines. Further, it can be said that the voluntary status that is accorded to the CSR helps in taking proactive measures thereby making the CSR more effective. OECD must provide improved guidelines for carrying out the code of conduct accordingly by adhering to the sustainability reports based on the social, environmental, and economic aspects. The Triple Bottom Line highlights that the organization must adhere to the sustainability goals linked with social, economic, and environmental aspects.

Thus, it can be said that CSR can be regarded as a voluntary construct that is included in the market forces and the scholarly disclosure. There should be an improved level of regulation made in the organization to ensure the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility accordingly.

Title: Freeman, R. E., &Dmytriyev, S. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder theory: Learning from each other. Symphonya.Emerging Issues in Management, (1), 7-15.

Corporate Social responsibility plays an important role in the evolvement of the business since the 21st century that is ideal for individuals. The champions of freemarkets have opined that CSR can be considered an immoral idea that violates the rights of the owners. It is the responsibility of the shareholders to utilize the resources in such a way that it changes the business landscape and makes it effective for the financial and the business schools. However, this study has also highlighted the criticism of CSR that has affected the stakeholders to a great extent.


The stakeholder and the CSR theory have grown over the past few years and both these concepts highlight the different perspectives of business from a different viewpoint. It is essential to incorporate the societal interests that are effective for the operation of the business. The strength of this study is that it has focussed on the stakeholder's theory as the essence of business that is associated with the development of relationships and the creation of value effectively. The weakness of this study is that it has failed to analyse the concept of CSR in all casesto understand the business entirely or stipulates the varied ranges of responsibilities. This study has adopted qualitative methodology where case study approach has been used.

The credible evidence associated with the claims includes how the concept of CSR focuses on the environmental aspects as well as the ethical labor practice embracing the responsibilities of the company to a great extent. Moreover, the stakeholder theory focuses on the perspectives of the company from the viewpoint of the stakeholders. However, CSR views the company from another perspective i.e. the society from a greater perspective. Further, the stakeholder theory also stipulates the responsibilities to all the stakeholders thereby enhancing the role of the community.

Therefore, it can be said that the stakeholder theory focuses on the role of the stakeholders to create further value integrating the ethical, social, and economic decisions. This is also likely to assist in the growth of the companies increasing the sales and satisfying the employees accordingly.

Title: Ferrell, O. C., Harrison, D. E., Ferrell, L., & Hair, J. F. (2019). Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and brand attitudes: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Research, 95, 491-501.

Social responsibility, as well as the business, plays a crucial role in the enhancement of the brand attitude. The ethical brands that explore the perspectives of social responsibility such as fair trade and sustainability assists in the improvement of customer welfare. However, there might be different types of inconsistencies that consider CSR and business ethics as the same concept. Though the concept of social responsibility and business can be evaluated from descriptive and normative perspectives, it is essential to consider the organizational aspects. The CSR and the ethics that are associated with the brand are linked with different perspectives and thus there should be an examination of the brand preference through social promotion.


As the stakeholders’ issues are linked with the social issues, consumer protection, corporate governance, legal responsibilities, and the employee's well-being, it is important to analyze the decisions of the stakeholders. The strength of this study is that it has focused on the customers are likely to make the improved level of contribution for the advancement of knowledge linked understanding and the value to the stakeholders. The weakness of this study is that it has failed to highlight how there exist different types of boundaries in the organizational aspects which can be considered to be essential to maintain the CSR activities accordingly. This study has adopted quantitative methodology where statistical method has been used to accordingly.

The credible evidence linked with the calims includes the importance to keep an eye on the attitudes of the consumers towards the organizational artifacts associated with the personal philosophies. Consumers must try to utilize their knowledge so that it becomes easier to differentiate between CSR and business ethics. The stakeholders’ issues are found to be associated with varied problems and thus it is essential to choose the outcomes of the decision-making process. Thedifferent scenarios that require response associated with CSR and business ethics can be regarded as positive or negative.

Thus, it can be the different insights that are associated with the expectations of the consumers linked with CSR and business ethics. The customer's value including the descriptive construct generally includes the organizational ethics and the practice that affects the CSR of the organization. ?

Abbas, J. (2020). Impact of total quality management on corporate green performance through the mediating role of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118458.

Deegan, C., & Shelly, M. (2014). Corporate social responsibilities: Alternative perspectives about the need to legislate. Journal of Business Ethics, 121(4), 499-526. Ferrell, O. C., Harrison, D. E., Ferrell, L., & Hair, J. F. (2019). Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and brand attitudes: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Research, 95, 491-501.

Freeman, R. E., &Dmytriyev, S. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder theory: Learning from each other. Corporate social responsibility assignmentSymphonya.Emerging Issues in Management, (1), 7-15.

Mayes, R., Pini, B., & McDonald, P. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and the parameters of dialogue with vulnerable others. Organization, 20(6), 840-859.

Tamvada, M. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and accountability: a new theoretical foundation for regulating CSR. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 5(1), 1-14.


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