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Code Of Ethics Assignment: Evaluation Of Ethical Practices


Task: Write a code of ethics assignment discussing the role of ethics and various ethical practices.


The code of ethics assignment explores the various aspects of ethics and ethical practices. Every individual living in a society must be able to practice a code of ethics, and it’s their responsibility to develop a positive relationship and reputation among users. There is no limitation linked to practising codes of ethics. Still, every individual has to practice positive and acceptable codes of ethics while living, working and interacting with society.

Who Must Practice Code of Ethics?
With every individual expected to practice a positive social interaction, the codes of ethics practise will usually vary and require individuals to develop their own rules that comply with the standards. To understand the spectrum linked to ethics as discussed in the code of ethics assignment, it’s essential to consider some examples that will help the individual know how they are responsible for practising a positive code of ethics (Corey, Schneider, & Callanan, 2007). Each field requires to be individually examined to identify how a code of ethics needs to be practised and how each individual must remain flexible in adopting new codes. As per the investigation carried on in this code of ethics assignment, it is clear that there is no limitation linked to how a code of ethics is practised as long as the individual remains open towards making the required adaptations.

Ethics Linked to Mentoring
Educators, leaders and Mentors are among the most influential members of society, making it essential for them to practice high ethical standards as they are looked upon by the youth. It makes it very important for an individual’s adopting a leadership role in any sector to practice high ethical standards to ensure they influence the community in the correct manner (Johnson & Ridley, 2015). While educators may be involved and interact with young individuals, their ability to communicate and practice positive habits and approaches directly influences the learner’s development. Herein this code of ethics assignment, ethics a leader requires to practice has been discussed which include treating students fairly, neutrally, and presenting factual information and content to the learners or followers.

Treat Student Fairly
The first responsibility is to ensure they treat students fairly and provide individual time and attention to each subject. The information provided in this code of ethics assignment is essential since it allows the residents to participate in the learning process and practice their knowledge. Fairness while teaching is fundamental since it ensures each learner has an equal opportunity to learn and demonstrate their learned skills and knowledge.

Treatment of subjects neutrally.
Neutral treatment of the subjects is another crucial aspect of positive ethics noted in this ethics assignment. The mentors and leaders require treating the issue's equally to ensure they are promoting teamwork. Unfair treatment of individual team members will seriously impair the teams progress since the particular individual will feel unfairly treated or rewarded, resulting in them losing interest. It makes it critical to ensure each team member is treated equally, thus ensuring each member's highest potential is harnessed.

Factual Content to Subjects
It’s also the leaders or mentors' ethical responsibility to provide factual information to their subjects to ensure they are offered the correct information. Most learners heavily depend on their mentors' report, which requires them to be accurate, thus developing high-quality knowledge. The knowledge an individual secures should be genuine and correct, and the individual can use the knowledge correctly. Providing wrong information will definitely mislead the subjects, leading to severe complications in life.

What is the role of ethics among Co-Workers and Colleagues discussed within this code of ethics assignment?
Ethics also require being practised among co-workers and colleagues since this is an essential ingredient in developing teamwork. It is evident from the research in this code of ethics assignment that collaboration is heavily dependent on co-workers and to practice good positive ethics between each other which promotes their ability to learn from each other and build a strong working relationship (Naagarazan, 2006). Trust is also developed when co-workers practice positive ethics with each other since they learn to work along with each other, which results in building more substantial teams.

Ability to Retain Confidential Information
The study developed within this code of ethics assignment illustrates that it’s also the ethical responsibility of all employees, workers and professional to practice high ethical standards about retaining confidential information. It is not limited to corporate but also personal information since many co-workers tend to build close relationships where they share sensitive information with their colleagues. It’s the ethical responsibility of each person to retain the confidentiality of the information they have acquired (Fisher, 2013). It requires them to avoid discussing the information with others unless it affects their safety or integrity. But at the same time, it’s also the employee's responsibility to report security matters regarding information breaches and other significant concerns to the organisation heads. The point mentioned in the code of ethics assignment makes confidentiality ethics work in two ways. An individual is responsible for judging the situation independently and making the correct choice linked to handling the case.

Individual tend to forge reliance’s with co-workers and in the process, share information. An individual must maintain the confidentiality of personal information to prevent conflict and misunderstanding within the relationship. As stated herein code of ethics assignment, individuals' responsibility is to limit the amount and nature of the information they discuss. Some data may go beyond ethical blundering and begin developing into personal conflict and misunderstanding.

It’s also vital that corporate information be kept confidential to avoid it leaking to competitors who could undermine the organisation progress. The employees' responsibility is to retain the information from leaking and raise the alarm regarding any potential breaches of threats to the organisation's data. While many consider ethics only to be linked to losing data, it is also linked to creating awareness related to a situation or potential threats resulting in the organisation losing its information.

Ability to Maintain Peer Integrity
Peer integrity involves an individual's ability to participate in a situation involving other co-workers and employees and work as a team to benefit all stakeholders. Each team member’s responsibility is to maintain peer integrity and promote a positive attitude and atmosphere at the workplace (Raines & Raines, 2011). The ethical responsibility should not be limited to one’s professional life and be practised in the typical day to day life where people must participate in different situations involving family and friends. People's ability to apply themselves and interact or participate in activities is an important aspect linked to developing positive ethics.

Value Colleagues
Each employee or individual will also have their code of Ethics, and it’s vital also to take time to understand those Ethics and respect each view. Ethics are usually influenced by religion and culture, and it’s critical that individual ethics and respect their code of ethics. The aspect portrayed in this section of code of ethics assignment requires a neutral interaction between the individual which will ensure they accumulate adequate information regarding each person's ethics, thus boosting their ability to abide by each ethics. It's essential to understand each person’s ethics to provide the individual with a stable atmosphere that will help retain a positive attitude and help them remain comfortable (Welfel, 2015). Personal Ethics have a wide variation for each individual where each of the standards requires closely understanding and respecting in the very best manner to promote proper relationships.

Ethical Practices among Parents and the Community
Ethics is also practised among Parents and the Community, and it’s vital to make sure members of the community also practice acceptable ethics to promote harmony in the society. Community Ethics involves individual involvement in community development programs and assisting underprivileged community members who require assistance and help. Parenting and community ethics are very different forms of Ethics, and each differs from the other (Mertens & Ginsberg, 2009). Parenting ethics involve providing children with a stable atmosphere linked to their development and ensuring they grow in a stable and comfortable environment. Parents must provide a stable environment for their children to assure proper growth and development since they are ethically bound to offer the children the environment. Children must also be ethically educated to help their parents and community and ensure they remain comfortable and happy.

The concept of Community Ethics explored in the code of ethics assignment involves individuals' participation towards social and community affairs to develop the community. It’s essential to participate in different community practices since this allows the individual to secure high-quality information and master a wide verity of skills which can be used to assist them to prosper. Community ethics play a huge role in building a cooperative corporation and demonstrate how an individual is supposed to interact and work with people in the society and community. Communal and community laws play a huge role in developing an individual’s ability to build their social skills and maintain a positive atmosphere.

It’s also the individual's Ethical Responsibility to provide appropriate and factual information to the community they live in. Accurate and authentic information must always be shared between individuals since they will use the information to guide them in securing high-quality information and returns. The community setting must regard ethics critical to ensure every individual has the required information, which will help them make the right choices linked to the situation.

What Makes Ethics an Important Part of Life
In this report on code of ethics assignment, ethics has been identified as an essential part of every person’s life. Practising ethics has become part of each business in today’s world, making it vital to ensure that ethical approaches are mastered (Mika, 2011). With no limitation linked to Ethics, it’s essential to understand how ethics requires being approached and learned since Ethics lays the foundations of any relationship. Each member of society is responsible for practising positive Ethics, which requires being developed among the individual from a young age, thus helping build a positive attitude and relationship in society. The findings obtained from the discussion done within the code of ethics assignment depict that only through proper participation will individuals in the community secure the required information and develop the necessary habits needed to guide them to making the right choices.

How Ethics is Learned and Practiced
Ethics are based on the Habits an individual develops in their surroundings, and the foundations of Ethics are based on parental guidance. This involves both parents participating in the process of promoting a balanced, ethical approach linked to training an individual, and the habits will be carried along in their life. Setting the foundations of the person securing high-quality education and following positive standards is very important for assisting an individual in developing the right atmosphere and relationship. While relationships are not limited to the individual and affect the family unit, social and working groups it has become essential to make sure each individual linked to the groups is participates in ethical approaches (Gill, 2009).

As mentioned in the code of ethics assignment, business and working environments also require high levels of ethics to be practised since, in most situations, there are groups of individual working together with a common objective. That makes it essential for the individuals to participate in practices that promote positive habits among the community and group. With people interacting, it is critical to ensure each one actively participates in the development of ethics and maintaining a stable environment and reporting issues linked to their individual or organisation's growth and security.

The overall discussion on code of ethics assignment concludes that ethics have always been a part of society. While some communities may have differing ethics, each community has its approaches towards good and evil, which must be respected. Developing a situation in which Ethics are understood and practised is very important in modern society and the working environment. It can also be stated herein code of ethics assignment that ethics can be learned. Still, it’s essential to master the code of ethics from a young age, thus allowing the individual to differentiate between positive and negative and enable them to secure high-quality information and approaches that will boost their way of interacting with society, family, friends and co-workers.

Corey, G., Schneider, M., & Callanan, C. (2007). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. Code of ethics assignment Belmont: Cengage Learning.

Fisher, M. (2013). The Ethics of Conditional Confidentiality: A Practice Model for Mental Health Professionals. New York: OUP, USA.

Gill, D. (2009). Doing Right: Practicing Ethical Principles. InterVarsity Press.

Johnson, W., & Ridley, C. (2015). The Elements of Mentoring. New York: Macmillan.

Mertens, D., & Ginsberg, P. (2009). The Handbook of Social Research Ethics. California: SAGE.

Mika, A. (2011). The Importance of Codes of Ethics: Examination of the Need of Business Ethics and the Efficient Usage of Codes of Ethics for Good Corporate Governance. Hamberg: Diplomarbeiten Agentur.

Naagarazan, R. (2006). Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values. New Age International.

Raines, J., & Raines, J. (2011). Ethics in Policing: Misconduct and Integrity. Sudbery: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Welfel, E. (2015). Ethics in Counseling & Psychotherapy. Code of ethics assignment Boston: Cengage Learning.


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