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Business Research Assignment: Potential Tourism Market in Australia


Task: Write a business research report evaluating and determining the potential market of tourism and the effectiveness of multicultural festivals.


1.Introduction to the case scenario of business research assignment
There are many countries like, India, USA, Australia, etc. where people that belongs form various regions lives together through maintaining a peaceful environment in the society. Due to the influence of multicultural residence, some festivals like, multicultural festivals form, which help to wipe out the conflicting behaviour between the people, who belongs from various kinds of regions. In this way, also in Australia, there are various kinds of ethnic groups are living with each other, which attract the foreigners or tourists through creating a cultural diversity (Ezzyet al., 2020). Through which, the citizens of Australia can feel the absolute value of different kind of cultural festivals. Due to these multicultural festivals, the multiple ethnic groups of this country impress the whole world through its attractive way of festival arrangement mothering of it. Moreover, due to the genre of multicultural festivals, social sustainability has increased through mothering the various kinds of festivals since numerous years (Hassanli, Walters & Williamson, 2020). Therefore, due to the attractiveness of festivals, the administrators and the local councils realise to attract the tourists in Australia through enhancing and valuing its existing multicultural festival.

1.1 Background of the Research on business research assignment
Fundamentally, the foreigners always like to go to that place, where are they could get the satisfaction through seeing some attractive internal cultures, and side views of that place. In this way, the citizens of different kinds of cultures live with each other in Australia through maintaining the peaceful sustainability; through which, the multicultural festivals has probable to held in the country to enhance the attractiveness and the effectiveness of the place. Due to the efficient, attractive multicultural festivals, most of the foreigners show their interest to visit the place. Therefore, the administrators and the local councils have realised the significance of tourism, which has a potential market value; through which, the government can get a huge amount of profit from the market during the gathering of foreigners (Saha, 2019). Therefore, to evaluate the potential tourism market, and the effectiveness of multicultural festivals, which will enhance the opportunities for the administrators to get more profits from the market, the research has accepted through which the following objectives will be evaluated effectively.

1.2 What is the problem statement for business research assignment?
During the mothering of multicultural festivals in Australia, sometimes there has been seen some regional issues like a cultural skirmish between the ethnic groups of Australia. Generally, the reason behind the formation of skirmish situation is the prioritisation level of the Australian administrators in about the cultural festivals. Sometimes, the government of Australia provides its first priority to the festivals of the Christian community (Bhugun, 2017). Due to this negative environment in cultural diversification, the foreigner can lose their interest in visiting the places of Australia, which will negatively impact the economic stability of Australia. Henceforth, due to mitigate the skirmish atmosphere between the ethnic groups of Australia and to establish a positive environment, the governmental administrator and the local council needs to understand the significance of the cultural effectiveness. In order to leverage the intension, the research will help to meet with the expected outcome in the end.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The aim of the research paper on business research assignment has to determine and evaluate the potential market of tourism and the effectiveness of multicultural festivals, respectively. Also, to assess the opportunities of gathering foreigners through analysing the roles of the administrators are the fundamental aim of the research.

The objectives of this research paper have set to assist the aims of the research to be accomplished, which will help to get the available information about the research topic.

I. Evaluate the effectiveness of multicultural festival.
II. Determine the potential tourism market.
III. Assess the scopes to get foreigner’s attention.
IV. Analyse the role of administrator and local councils in developing the effectiveness and attractiveness of multicultural festival.

1.4 Rationale
The ethnic diversity is the fundamental reason behind the creation of multicultural festivals to grab the foreigner’s involvement in this country. However, at the city of Canberra in Australia, the people have engaged with to create a little bit of skirmish situation in the cultural festivals due to the governmental discrimination for those people who belong to the lower regions. Therefore, the research on business research assignmentwill evaluate the significance of multicultural festivals or events (Chen &Rahman, 2018). Through which, the administrator could realise the effectiveness of the cultural events to enhance the opportunities to get the attention of worldwide people,which helps to form a potential value for the market.

1.5 Research Structure
For getting the most effective and useful outcome from the following research paper, it is very crucial to organise the process of the research more efficiently. Therefore, to efficiently control the entire research paper, three fundamental chapters has created, which are interrelated with each other to maintain the research progress properly. Each of these three chapters provides the appropriate information about the future process of research progression and the effectiveness of the multicultural festival to get foreigner attention.

The introductory chapter provides a brief overview of the following topic of the research, the background of the research and discovers the fundamental problems of the research on business research assignment. In the other hand, the second chapter of methodology helps to evaluate the data analysis and collection process, which helps to get the effective outcome from the research and the last chapter of conclusion, discusses the ultimate result and the entire analysis process of the research.

2. Research Methodology
2.1 Chapter Overview

Generally, the key points of this phase are to provide a prominent framework of the processes and strategies, which will be used to appropriately support the whole research study. This prominent framework in the initial level of the research will help to determine the fundamental destination of the research study. Actually, the lessons of the research are designed through the portrait of the data from the scenario of “National Multicultural Festival”, which will help to cover the entire information about this topic through its evaluation process and strategies. Furthermore, the primary argument about the strategies and the procedures of the research to get the available information and the knowledge are also the potential part of this section (Kim, Sun &Jogaratnam, 2019). Also, the phase will provide appropriate legalisation and evidence, and will determine the obligations to accomplish the fundamental elements of the entire study. Moreover, the way of approving the entire fundamental perspective of this section also provides efficient knowledge for the research. Through this knowledge, the researcher could be able to meet with its expected outcome from the research study.

2.2 Research Paradigm
Research philosophy and Research Paradigm

The philosophy of research usually relates to how to interpret and gather evidence for potential use(Cazeaux, 2017).Three significant ideologies, such as positivism, realism and interpretivism have also typically originated in the Western tradition of philosophy. In order to analyse quantitative results, the researchers should use optimistic philosophy. As the name implies, positivism as a philosophy defines a collection of genuine research data and information. The results of the research obtained in the business research assignment in that philosophy are basically quantitative and help to obtain accurate findings that help to analyse and interpret research information more effectively.For the development of reliable results, the work may use positivism theory to establish a potential scope of study (Stingone, 2017).Positivism, as a theory contains analytical aspects that lead to improved scientific methodology and data collection. The researchers are generally restricted in this approach to the study of data and processing of data.

The theory of research paradigm typically encompasses ontology and epistemology. Ontology is about existing things in general, while epistemology contains what things can be known and how.The two paradigms are also interrelated because how items can be understood typically depends on the essence of entity awareness(Kivunja&Kuyini, 2017). Three distinct roles, such as idealism, materialism and reality, usually exist.Each of these three philosophies was focused on a systematic analysis and data collection approaches. Epistemology, on the other hand, focuses primarily on learning and knowing about social reality.In fact, interpretivism and positivism are the two central facets of science(Rahi, 2017).The research study is usually about quantitative analysis and data collection, so the philosophy of positivism is commonly used in research.Since epistemology acquires true knowledge, this research paradigm for the precise collection and analysis of the data is used in the research.

Research played an important role in giving a broad overview of various researches, policies and innovations. This business research assignmentaims to examine key theoretical perspectives that were seen as the basis for research such as positivism, interpretivism, in particular, to draw a deeper view on the advantages and disadvantages of each of these paradigms (Pidgeon, 2019). The theory of science is concerned with the creation and existence of knowledge. This represents the vision of the world of the scientist and promotes the work approach.

The theory of science comprises positivism, rationality, interpretivism and pragmatism, and they form the first type of “study onion” that is part of the scientific ideology. In accordance with the type of research, the philosophy in the research will be adopted. Firstly, a positivism theory is a scientific ideology within the objectivism of quantitative investigation, where different techniques are used to explore the study of Research (Qutoshi, 2015). Moving to the following Interpretivism paradigm, this is the idea that approaches used to explain different methodological knowledge that cannot be synonymous with their uses in physical sciences is based on human perception of their nature and works based on this definition, whereas universe does not.

Interpretivism in management science relates to the contrast between the human being as “external participants” and the objects(Thanh&Thanh, 2015).This reflects on the individual interpretations of the social events and their perception. The qualitative approach is ideally adapted to enable studies to perform a limited survey by detailed interviews and focus group interviews by using the Interpretivism theory for study. Therefore, here in this research has been used to identify the individual interest regarding the Multicultural festival of Canberra. Hence, it is stated in the business research assignment thatsystematic analysis and data collection approaches are done with respect to qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

Positivism reflects the natural scientist’s philosophical position. The theory of positivism is used in science to develop current hypothesis ideas. Such hypotheses can be evaluated utilising tightly organised and broad data-related datasets. Nevertheless, the study becomes unaware of what is found while studying the social truth (Park, Konge&ArtinoJr, 2020).As the Pragmatic Paradigm by definition advocates the application both of qualitative and quantitative methods of research as necessary. Research on business research assignment carried out in this paradigm draws on the methodologies drawn from both these fields. Therefore, through this, the research approach, the analysis of the individual’s audience about promotional and awareness aspects has been made, and the potential of the Multicultural Festival can be identified.

2.3 Justification of Mixed Methodology
For accomplishing the entire research, both the quantitative and qualitative methods have taken to get the appropriate information about the following topic. Because, only one of these two methodological approaches will not be sufficient as much as to meet with the goals, and to fulfil the objectives of the research study. Through the quantitative data analysis, the research will be more informative through getting the appropriate information from the survey. Through this way, research enables future learners to get knowledgeable with adequate and effective information about the research topic. Moreover, the qualitative data also provides the evidenced and legal information through analysing the existing journals, research papers, scholarly articles, etc. which will help to provide the legal information about the topic (Stoecker& Avila, 2020). Therefore, both the quantitative and the qualitative method are actually sufficient for the accomplishment of the business research assignmentwith adequate knowledge and information about the following topic of the research. The face-to-face survey of Australian ethnic groups of Canberra will help to evaluate the appropriate situation of the place, which will evaluate the possibility of the improvement of tourism activity. In the other hand, the existing journals and articles help to find out the evidenced data through analysing the previous research.

2.4 Qualitative Research
Fundamentally, due to the accomplishment of the research study, the researcher will use the method of both qualitative and quantitative approach to gathering effective information about the research topic. Among these two methodologies, the qualitative approach will provide the legal and evidenced data to accomplish the study by analysing the existing journals, research papers, scholarly articles, etc. Through this way of qualitative research approach, the study of the research will be efficiently organised through the information of journals, scholars, existing research paper, etc., due to which, it will be easy to form the research as a sample, which will provide more opportunities to the future learners. Generally, the qualitative research approach helps to widen the future scopes by providing legal information (Kennedy, 2019). Thus,the existing research about multicultural festivals will help in the process of data collection and data analysis with a qualitative strategy to accomplish the entire study of this research informatively.

2.4.1Research Sampling
Generally, the research is a formal review that identifies the proper findings and describing the issues. Therefore, to evaluate the appropriate and evidenced data for the research, the survey will have taken as an approach of achieving the crucial and absolute data for the accomplishment of the research. Also, the evaluation of existing journals, research papers, scholarly articles, PDF, magazines, etc. could provide the legalised data in accomplishment process of the research study. Fundamentally, the phase of research sampling will be used to determine its concentration on the selected study of the research. In order to appropriately concentrate on the proposed study, the quantitative and the qualitative method for research sampling have taken through verifying the response of the local public of Canberra in Australia. Henceforth, the information for the research sampling process will be more evidenced and legalised, which will be able to provide sufficient knowledge to the future learners of this topic (Rahi, 2017). Furthermore, during the research sampling, there will be few threats in the process of data collection, and the threats will arise to obtain the systematic evaluation of national multicultural festival. Therefore, in this research study developed in the business research assignment, the researcher will take some special care regarding the data collection process to choose a sample to ensure the wider scope of the research study.

2.4.2 Data Collection Process
It is the fundamental source of the accomplishing the gap of crucial data for the study of the research. Generally, the research study primarily concentrates on both the quantitative and the qualitative methods to collect the essential data for the research study in the mixed approach. Through this way, the mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative data collection process helps to grab a vast range of information about the following topic (Godfrey et al.,2020). Actually, only one approach can provide the research with a limited amount of information. However, the implementation of both the quantitative and qualitative approach helps to provide more authentic and legalised information, which helps to accomplish the objectives and also helps to meet with the research aims (Parsons et al., 2020). Generally, the quantitative data will collect through surveying the local public of Canberra in Australia, which provides the appropriate information about the effectiveness of multicultural festival on grabbing the attention of tourists. In the other hand, the qualitative data will collect through analysing the existing journals, research papers, scholarly articles, PDFs, topic relevant magazines, etc., which helps to provide evidenced information in the process of data collection. Thus, the research will become a highly informative perspective with the legalisation of the information in the entire study of the research.

2.4.3 Data Analysis
For evaluating the data collection process through a mixed approach, the data analysis method will be used in the study of the research. In the phase of data analysis, the collected data will be categorised to develop the gotten information for the research. Therefore, the develop data also helps to produce appropriate outcome through utilising the quantitative method. Moreover, the information that will be collected through the qualitative method will help to accomplish the research objectives by providing legitimate information (Elliott, 2018). Hence, the phase of data analysis is very significant for a study of research to approve the certainty of the research.

Generally, in this research on business research assignment, the process of data analysis will consist of a mixed approach to the qualitative and quantitative method, which will collect from various sources. However, the qualitative data analysis process will help to refine the collected data, and also helps to organise the collected data and informationwithin the relevance of the appointed topic. Due to the relevance of data, it will become a legal or evidenced for the information which will help to evaluate the entire study of the research precisely.

2.5 Quantitative Research
A research method was applied in quantitative terms. Herein business research assignment, this quantitative method can be used for a number of reasons (Saha, 2019). The first was to understand how festival managers perceive their events to contribute to promoting and communicating in different market levels of Canberra. In a study of the program managers, can use the quantitative methods and data collection by standardised questions had benefits and drawbacks and helped accomplish this.Although the surveys made are inexhaustible and restrict the way participants access full details, it is still valuable tools when distance divides researchers from the subjects.

Data from two separate countries for this analysis were gathered, and thus surveys were helpful(Goertzen, 2017). However, because the researchers seek to understand the different impacts of festivals on Canberra promotion and communication at various market rates such as the local, national and global markets, the organised questions within the survey would allow them to observe the multicultural festival effectively. The survey approach reveals the drawbacks of the usage of terms of evidence collection. The respondents have been conducted virtually, and therefore this quantitative research is less predictive in nature.

2.5.1 Research Sampling
This research samplingwork concentrates primarily on evaluating problems and outcomes in order to achieve the best data solution by key subjective review. The study thus usually represents a systematic review to establish relevant conclusions and solve problems.In research, random sampling can be used to collect information and data concerning the correct application of predicting the audience at a worldwide level(Robertson & Sibley, 2018).Random samples usually include the method by which the management generates information and data through surveys, interviews, etc.The details to be collected for the business research assignmentwill also be properly evaluated as the knowledge represents the overall analysis background. The collection of statistical data generally takes special care and attention because the data collection process can present challenges(Alvi, 2016).The research will be performed by way of a survey carried out with about 200 participants in various nations, in order to obtain a piece of objective knowledge about the Multicultural Event, as well as an interview of around 100 individuals is done to gather all perspectives of interests.

2.5.2 Questionnaire survey
Q1. What is your Age Group?
A) 18- 26 B) 27-38 C) 39-45 D) 46-Above
Q2. What is your Gender?
A) Male B) Female C) Others D) Prefer Not To Say
Q3. What is your Ethnicity?
A) African-American B) British C) Asian D) The Middle East
4Q. Do you accept multicultural festivals?
A) Accept B) Reject C) Highly Accept D) Highly Reject
5Q. Do you have interests in acknowledging other cultures?
A) Yes B) No C) Both
6Q. Have you ever been to this Multicultural festivals before?
A) Yes B) No
7Q. Have you ever visited Canberra?
A) Yes B) No

2.5.3 Data Collection Process
Two methods, either quantitative or qualitative, can usually be used to gather the data. The quantitative methodology includes gathering data from citizens in various countries by surveys and interviews in order to extract the exact statistics(Mkandawire, 2019).The data obtained from non-numeric outlets appear to be descriptive information in general, though. Quantitative approaches are used here to obtain knowledge and evidence on the Canberra’s multicultural festival.The study herein business research assignment performs work on the promotional facts of the Multicultural Festival within various local organisations, such that knowledge from the people may be learned as well as interviews with the relevant administrative officers and local government.The study has utilised the graphical methodology for data collection because the aid of the quantitative methods to derive the precise statistics and predictive details(Pal, 2017). The above-given survey questionnaires have been practised with over two hundred peoples across different parts of the countries, which has provided simultaneous feedback for the multicultural festival. Hence, through the survey, the efficiency of conducting the multicultural festival can be identified and examined.

2.5.4 Data Analysis
Throughout the evaluation of the data obtained with the right facts and proof, the data processing approach is used. A survey and an interview to collect the correct details should be conducted to assess the objective interpretation of the results (Mertens, Pugliese&Recker, 2017).It is significant to analyse the data to determine accurate information following the collection of quantitative data using primary methods, such as surveys and interviews.Two different data analysis methods are usually used in this process, such as narrative analysis and content analysis.The approach for content analysis typically allows for analysis of secondary qualitative data, whereas the framework for narrative analysis is used for the analysis of the main quantitative data(Sheard, 2018).Narrative interpretation may often be used to interpret evidence in the inquiry as data are obtained using the main quantitative approach. Therefore this will help to fulfil the investigative goal.

The researchers shall find both statistical elements and analytical elements for the analysis of results. Therefore, it is very necessary and significant for a study to effectively introduce access to data. It is also essential to properly evaluate the collective data to provide primary access to the collected details. An approximate cost of 1000 pounds is required to obtain the information on the quantitative and qualitative secondary methods and to collect literary sources from journals, report and other academics and to conduct various surveys and interviews.

2.5.5 Table of Measurement


The above planning provided in the business research assignment shows information that must be conducted within the research proposal within the allocated time period. The proper manner of conducting the work must be as per the table above. This can eventually help the admiration to conduct the multicultural festival in an efficient way. Each point provides the right information about the future development process and the effectiveness of the multicultural festival to attract the attention of foreigners.The process must, therefore, have sufficient legalisation and evidence and determine the responsibilities to complete the essential elements of the entire report. In addition, study expertise often provides efficient information in accepting the whole simple perspective of this segment. With this information, the researcher may achieve the anticipated results of the research analysis.

3. Conclusion
From the above discussion on business research assignment, it can be concluded thatIt is crucial to organise the research process more effectively to produce the most effective and useful outcome from the following research paper. Thus three fundamental chapters have been developed to efficiently monitor the entire research paper and are interconnected with one another to ensure that the progress of research is properly maintained. The objective of the research paper on the potential tourism market and the efficiency of multicultural Festivals was determined and assessed respectively. The basic aim of the study was also to determine incentives to capture foreigners by examining the positions of the administrators and has been executed effectively. The aim of the paper was to support the objectives of the research to be carried out, which will help to obtain the information available on the topic of the research. This research has assessed the multicultural festival effectiveness, it has also identified the future tourism market, it has evaluated the scope for the attention of foreigners and analysed the role of the management and the local councils in the creation of multicultural festival performance and appeal properly.

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