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Business Communication Assignment: Impact Of Poor Workplace Communication


Task: Instructions to Write Business Communication Assignment:
1. You are required to choose a management problem to solve.
2. For the recommendation section of the report, you will need to provide a solution for the problem you have selected. For example, you may need to find another location, buy new equipment, hire more staff, or implement new technology.
3. Research your company problem and possible solution:
• Your research must include at least two main sources; however, incorporating more than the minimum number of two sources increases the credibility of your claims. You must use these two main sources within your analysis and recommendations.
• Sources should be published within the past seven years. Your sources must be credible, and you will be evaluated on the reliability and relevance of your sources.


Poor Workplace communication
a. Findings
Introduction to the context of business communication assignment:

Communication has been around as long as humans have. At first, it was mostly used for survival and safety reasons, but now the average person spends an integral part of their day communicating through technology.

Business communication is a component of daily life that people do not often consider. It has simply become second nature to most people; they do not realize the amount of effective and ineffective business communication that goes on every day. If one is to be successful in business, it is important to know how to communicate effectively. One major problem of the organization that I work for currently facing is poor workplace communication.

The effects of poor workplace communication are vast, some of which are listed below. First of all, it can cause stress on the associates working at a company. This is because people will not understand what another person wants or means, leading to confusion and frustration among the workers. It also causes problems for supervisors that have control over how their subordinates are doing. If an employee does not understand what they are being told to do, they are likely to perform poorly on the task at hand.

If one is not able to communicate their ideas properly with others, then it can lead to potential customers misunderstanding or misinterpreting a company's message. Although this may seem harmless in the start, it can cause a company to lose money and business opportunities.

Effective communication is an integral part of life that cannot be ignored. A way to ensure that your business is communicating its ideas effectively is by hiring the right people and training them properly. Before you interview and hire someone for a position in your office, you should consider their skills in written and oral communication. If they are not able to communicate their ideas effectively, then they will be useless in the office.

Once you have hired someone who is able to communicate effectively, it is important that you train them properly. You should make sure that your new worker has a firm grasp on what you expect from them at all times. This way, there will be no confusion among the other employees due to lack of training.

Having your workers trained properly is not enough to ensure effective communication in the office. It is also up to you, as a company leader, to know how to communicate effectively with others. You should learn how and when each type of communication works best (written, oral, etc.). It is important to know these things so that you can communicate effectively with other companies and people.

Poor or inadequate communication is a leading cause for workplace stress and high staff turnover. The number one reason why employees leave their jobs is due to poor relationships with management and other co-workers, according to an article by the American Management Association. Communication can be defined as the sharing of thoughts and information through the use of expressions, body language, tone of voice and gestures. Communication is an extremely powerful tool if used correctly which means to be honest and open with each other and to treat each other with respect at all times. A lack or absence of communication can cause problems between co-workers.

An example of this would be when someone is given a task and the individual responsible for completing it does not communicate back to the group with updates about their progress. This can cause frustration and distractions for employees who may need to assist in some way or who simply want to know how long they will have to wait before receiving an assignment from the same person. This can be a result of a lack of communication, but it could also be the cause of a lack of communication. This is because people do not like to listen or care about what they don't want to hear; if they are currently working on something and feel as though their workload is too heavy, they may not want to be disturbed. If this is the case, a person may not update their co-workers on their progress and therefore they will continue waiting until the task is completed.

Poor communication can occur at all levels, from the CEO right down to intern-level positions. In most cases, poor communication can be a result of management and their failure to trust staff members. This is a common trait in boss-employee relationships; managers may not feel comfortable communicating with employees below them in the working hierarchy and therefore they do not make an effort to talk or interact with these individuals.

If you find yourself involved in poor communication, there are ways that you can attempt to fix the situation. First, have an open-door policy so that people know they are welcome to talk about any issues or problems they may have. Another option is to ask your employees what could be done to improve communication between one another at work because it will give you insight into what you can do differently in order for this type of situation to not arise in the future.

If someone doesn't communicate, someone else will make the decision for them. If they don't communicate again, it's not their fault. They just didn't know that there was something more to be done. Decisions or information can go unnoticed among people who aren't paying close enough attention. People might also forget to listen carefully and write things down. They might not be sure what they heard, so they don't write it down correctly. People may also ignore each other because of personal conflicts or differences in gender or culture or ethnicity, for example. Or because of personality traits like shyness and aggressiveness. Some people might dislike their coworkers, but they're too lazy to do anything about it. They just decide not to communicate with them anymore.

Communication is how people pass ideas from their heads to each other's. It helps a group to work together, and communicate the same things. This will help them accomplish more tasks in a shorter period of time.

Poor communication means that workers are not working well together, which means they're not doing good work. Communication is the glue that holds groups together, and keeps them working perfectly.

People don't talk with each other, so their communications are poor. This is because they are lazy and uncooperative. They only think of themselves, not the group. Good communication can be very important when things go wrong. It helps people to quickly decide what they need to do next in order to get their work back on track.

Everyone listens to the leader's instructions, but most of their opinions are ignored. They just do what they want and don't listen to each other. This is not helpful when the goal of the group changes, but nobody tells anyone else in the group. Because no one knows what their new goals are, they feel confused and unproductive. The solution is to treat each other in a polite manner. To set an example for others, people need to be good leaders that follow good examples

There are several causes for poor workplace communication. Some of the most common reasons are unclear expectations, lack of interest in others' feelings and an absence of standards or rules.

Employees need clear feedback regarding their performance on a regular basis. Managers must also be careful not to give too much or too little feedback, which can lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings respectively. Managers should monitor employees' performance more closely and be clear about their expectations. They should set calendars for meetings with direct reports on a regular basis. When employees are clear on what is expected of them at work, they will be able to perform their jobs well. They will also appreciate the feedback they receive from their managers and want to stay with the company. Clear communication in the workplace can help organizations reach their goals more effectively.

Krause, L. (n.d.). The Effects Of Poor Communication In The Workplace. The Effects of Poor Communication In The Workplace.
The Causes & Effects Of Poor Communication In the Workplace | Simpplr. (2021, April 20). Simpplr.
The Effects Of Poor Communication In Business | Small Business - (n.d.). Business communication assignment Small Business -
Wells, K. (2017, November 8). 6 Effects Of Poor Communication In Business for The Workplace. Field Service Digital.


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