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BGIS PTY LTD Case Study On Health & Safety Measures


Task: Prepare a BGIS PTY LTD case study on the health and safety measures.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background

BGIS Pty Ltd is a construction company that also checks the safety measures of its employees for yielding high performance.The 5P’s model described in the BGIS PTY LTD case study helps with being more efficient in achieving its goals and missions. The process, principle, performance and the people are enough to be the only components of a business structure. The process helps recording every single action of the organizations. The regular performance measurement through different business tools also help in the constant improvement of the organizations.The leaders of the organizations are well aware of the principles upon which the company operates and it is their responsibility to explain it to the employees and train them accordingly(Musmar, 2016). The Company mainly works for construction sector and have a great reputation for providing great services. The safety needs to be ensured for the Employees for increasing performance and dedication on the work.

The process management improvement is one essential element of strategy implementation in a company. The well-communicated and well-documented process help the companies to achieve performance excellence. The 5P’s model helps in achieving efficiency by providing with a framework which focuses on the perfection. If there is a slight mistake in one component, the others will not work as effectively. The 5P’s models will help to assure safety and welfare to the employees of BGIS PTY Ltd. Strategic models must be implemented to read the company’s environmental issues. There are various strategic models to examine the company’s environmental issues. It includes the internal weaknesses and strengths and the threats caused by the external factors and opportunities. The SWOT analysis is one of the business tools which helps to measure the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the companies. It is an effective tool that helps to measure the four main components and thus, helps in building high quality models for the Company.

1.2. Aim
The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study aims to evaluate the satisfaction level of the Employees in BGIS Pty Ltd regarding the safety measures. The safety measures can be analyzed in the present context of BGIS PTY LTD case study by adopting 5P’s model in HRM for achieving maximum effectiveness and efficiency in the Organization.

1.3. Objective
The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study has been conducted based on the following Objectives: -

  • To study the satisfaction level discussed in this BGIS PTY LTD case study among Employees regarding the welfare and safety measures at BGIS
  • To evaluate the HRM models and their roles on the 5P’s at BGIS.
  • To implement the theories that will help to redefine the safety measures at BGIS.
  • To analyze the methods to achieve the goals for maximum efficiency in Employee Management at BGIS.

1.4. What is the purpose of the research on BGIS PTY LTD case study?
The purpose of the research on BGIS PTY LTD case study is to implement the safety measures in the BGIS Pty Ltd. The HRM Models have been studied by the researchers to evaluate the role of 5P’s in the Organization. The 5P's will help to achieve the maximum effective level of the Employees. The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study will help in suggesting safety theories and help to upgrade the HRM models in the Organization. The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study will help to motivate the future researchers for doing research on specific fields of the Subject.

2. Literature review
2.1. Theories implementedfrom the Reviews
2.1.1. Identification of the theories

The safety management can be implemented in the Real Estate Companies like BGIS Pty Ltd by through several major theories. Four major theories have been implemented to implement safety management in BGIS Pty Ltd.They have been listed below within this BGIS PTY LTD case study: -

a. Implementation of Critical Success Factors in developing sustainable theory on safety management
The critical success factor plays the main role in developing the theory for safety management. In the construction industry and real estate industry, safety management is needed to implement to avoid accidents(Li, Ning, & Chen, 2018). Avoiding accidents leads to an increase in the workforce of Employee Management. The six Critical Success factors are namely- "Management Organization", “Management measures”, “Worker safety Behavior”, “Technical and Management Plan”, “Worker safety Equality” and “Safety Environment”(Li, Ning, & Chen, 2018). These factors help to develop the theory that can be helpful to the users for adopting safety management measures(Li, Ning, & Chen, 2018). In this BGIS PTY LTD case study, Trace intersection theory and domain theory has been briefed that can be redesigned for safety management.

b. What is the role of Transformational Leadership in developing Theories of safety Management within this BGIS PTY LTD case study?
Multiple mediator models have been introduced in the BGIS PTY LTD case studyto develop mechanisms by which roles of transformational leadership can convert into safety behavior(Shen, Ju, Koh, Rowlinson, & Bridge, 2017). The safety measures and setting the safety behavior for the Employees is necessary as it helps in preventing accidents in the workplace. Safety in the workplace is necessary to increase the productivity of the Employees(Shen, Ju, Koh, Rowlinson, & Bridge, 2017). Transformational leadership thus can be used as the tool for defining various safety measures through multiple mediator models(Shen, Ju, Koh, Rowlinson, & Bridge, 2017). It is used as an effective theory for achieving the targeted goals in safety management.

c. Linking the relation between safety behavior, safety climate, and safety outcome through a theoretical model
Herein BGIS PTY LTD case study, social exchange theory can be implemented to link the relationship between safety behavior, safety climate, and safety outcome. Setting the relation will help to higher the level of safety climate (Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018). The higher level of safety climate will result in a lower accident rate in the workplace (Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018). In the Construction industry, the satisfaction level of the workers gets increased by lowering the level of fatal incidents. Safety Climate helps in promoting safety behaviors (Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018). These two components will result in a safe outcome for the ethnic workers.

Picture in BGIS PTY LTD case study

Figure:< -Schematic representation showing the relationship between three aspects(Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018).

d. Implementation of Institutional logics for Safety Management in the Construction Industry
“GLASERIAN Grounded Theory” is proposed in the BGIS PTY LTD case studyto study the barriers in safety management. The safety rules must be implemented for providing efficient service to the employees(Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). However, the gaps between the behavioral safety and the unsatisfactory outcomes prevent in implementing the safety measures. Grounded Theory can be used as an efficient approach in defining the safety goals and the safety measures for the ethnic workers(Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). The Climatic heat stress must be evaluated according to the findings of the BGIS PTY LTD case studyfor suggesting the measures on safety.

Schematic representation in BGIS PTY LTD case study

Figure: - Picture showing the iterative process of the Grounded Theory(Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017).

2.1.2Application of the theories
a. Implementation of Critical Success Factors in developing sustainable theory on safety management

It is stated in this BGIS PTY LTD case studythat the HRM should first analyze the critical success factors to implement both the theory in the Organization. It will help to implement the safety measures by following the HRM goals and achieving the effectiveness of the Employees(Guo, Yu, & Skitmore, 2017). Employees can acquire enthusiasm for doing their work and providing their best performance.

b. Role of Transformational Leadership in developing Theories of safety Management
The concept of Transformational Leadership will help to implement the safety measures and its theories on the Organization. The Organization can thus upgrade its HRM models(Xia, Griffin, Wang, Liu, & Wang, 2018). Making service agreement with the workers and assuring the safety of their lives will help to gain the performance (Xia, Griffin, Wang, Liu, & Wang, 2018). The efficiency of the Employees will also increase through the theories.

c. Linking the relation between safety behavior, safety climate, and safety outcome through a theoretical model
The theory will need technological tools in the Organization for filling the gap between the relationship. HRM must follow technological processes for implementing the theories in the Organization(Demirkesen & Ozorhon, 2017). It will help to gain the proper relationship between these three aspects.

d. Implementation of Institutional logics for Safety Management in the Construction Industry
The concept of Grounded theory can be implemented only when the path is free of risk. Implementing the safety measures in the Organization for increasing the efficiency of the Workers is not easy(Becker & Smidt, 2016). The risk must be mitigated first to implement the proper theory in BGIS PTY LTD case study.

3. Employee Satisfaction regarding the Safety and Welfare
3.1 Implementation of Safety Measures in the Organization

a. Light-It should be considered that the lighting is an essential factor in the workplace that enables the employees to work properly and also provides safety for any type of movement. Also providing Power generators or emergency auto light should be provided within the workplace where there is a chance of sudden power cut.

b. Clean Environment- As per the research on BGIS PTY LTD case study, it is required to maintain the cleanliness in the work area. It includes monitoring and removing the wastes (solid and liquid) at scheduled intervals at the end of a shift. It is also necessary to keep the safety equipment like a fire extinguisher, and other equipment free from any type of obstruction to avoid any hazard in the workplace.

c. Health-Ventilation in the workplace is very important to get adequate fresh and clean air supply. It also removes the polluted air, dust from the workplace to maintain a healthy environment. It also includes the temperature of the workplace like extremely hot or cold weather can affect the employees to work properly, this could be minimized by altering the shifts for the employees, suitable clothes for the working environment (Pracheth, 2018). Moreover, adequate supply of drinking water and the availability of medical facilities are also necessary to solve these types of problems which will result in employee satisfaction.

d. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-This is an essential factor noted in this segment of BGIS PTY LTD case study that the employees must protect themselves within the workplace to avoid any mishaps. Proper use of safety jackets, helmets, and other protective equipment is necessary for the employees to work safely.

e. Medical Issues-Availability of first aid and transportation for emergency medical issues should be provided for the employees. Providing first aid training for the employees is also a good measure of safety. Moreover, facilitating or providing a full time safety officer and doctor in the work place for larger projects will be good step towards safety and employee satisfaction (Hoboubi, Choobineh, Ghanavati, Keshavarzi, & Hosseini, 2017). Shifting system for the employees also motivate them to work efficiently after a break.

f. Accident investigations and reporting-It is very essential to report any types of accidents or serious happenings to the BGIS authority regardless of its severity. It includes injuries, medical emergencies due to illness, equipment, or property damage issues (Zhu, Park, Koch, Soltani, Hammad, & Davari, 2016). Moreover, unexpected incidents like explosion, fire, or flood are also required to be reported without any altering. This will increase the responsibilities among the employees towards safety and also will meet their satisfaction.

g. Work area protection-It is required to cover the work area with barricades and cones to ensure isolation of the work area. The unauthorized entry also needed to be controlled within the work area to avoid any hazards. Usage of signings and guard walls is also necessary at the place where it is needed. These things must not be removed until the elimination of the hazards is completed.

3.2 Satisfaction level of Employees in Safety Measures
It should be considered herein BGIS PTY LTD case studythat the ultimate wealth of an organization is its employees. The organization must create and provide welfare planning for the employees that will move toward a healthy and satisfactory employee force. It is also known as the "Wise Investment" for the organization (Mishra & Joshi, 2016). Providing proper safety to the employees increases work efficiency and commitment.

It is required for the organization to manage to create the infrastructure that will reduce the vulnerabilities regarding safety measures. Providing safety training to the employees for focusing on safety measures also improves the satisfaction level of the employees. Raising the awareness of the employees about safety by providing posters in the workplace is also a useful method that will focus the attention of the employees.

Safety climate-Level of employee satisfaction depends on the safety climate to an extent. It has been observed in this BGIS PTY LTD case studythat the workplace having positive safety climate realization result to implement positive feelings within the employee towards doing the job with satisfaction (Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018). With the awareness of positive safety climates, the employees are motivated more likely to do their job safely which is much beneficial for the organization.

Engagement could be defined as a positive state of mind which makes the employees feel to work with dedication for the company. It should be considered that engagement and job satisfaction are positively related to each other (Sembe & Ayuo, 2017). Whereas engagement is the investment of the employee's resources to achieve the goal for the organization, and satisfaction could be stated as the feelings of the employees to attain the goal.

It has been observed in the context of BGIS PTY LTD case studythat the employees satisfied with the safety measures of the organization also "pay-back" the organization with better behaviour and more dedication to the job. It makes the employees feel that the organization cares about their safety and hence, they are satisfied with the job.

4. Role of the 5P’s model
4.1. Explanation of the 5P’s model
a. Purpose

The 5P’s model is an essential business tool that helps to understand the overall progress of the company. The purpose of this model includes the strategies, missions, aims, targets, feedback and measurement of the company. The leaders of the companies are required to set the strategic direction and the goals for their respective organizations.(Raji, 2019) It is also important for the leaders to explain the ways and methods to strategically achieve the goals and missions of the company.

b. Principles
Every company has a guiding structure within itself. The structure holds the philosophy, criteria, attitude, assumption and the basic vision about the business structure of the particular company. The guidance decides upon how the authority should be running the business and that is precisely the Principles of the company. The Principles demand the ethical, integrity base and core value commitment from the employees. The principle of the organization or the sector proves the character, pace and tone of the company(Wunder, 2016).

c. Processes
The process involves the various stages of operating the business within an organization. The manpower, materials, methods and machines of the organizations are included in according to the traditional process model. The contemporary model mentioned in the BGIS PTY LTD case study does not cut off any point but adds more. It adds responsibility, authority, controls and accountability of the business structure. It is important the administration or authority of the organizations to analyze the environmental impacts, “hierarchical considerations and constraints that may influence the business process model and hamper the entire structure.

d. People
The efficient employees help the organizations to achieve performance excellence. If a company has adequate workforce, success will come indeed. There are various kinds of people involved in a business. The 5P’s model states that the most important people of the business are the customers, suppliers, employees and the other stakeholders. Th people are considered to be the process owners in 5P’s model. They help executing the process and principles of the company. They also help in achieving the purpose of the business. The business authority is required to set the business process before assigning the people in it to get the better result and the progress of the company.

e. Performance
The mentioned earlier within this BGIS PTY LTD case study business tools help obtaining the performance details of the organizations. The SWOT and PESTLE analysis majorly help in obtaining such results. The 5P’s performance results are used to implement the strategic controls and the decision-making processes. The performance metrics are needed to make any further decision for the business process. The performance results help to derive the feedbacks.

4.2. Role of 5P’s model in the Organization
a. Purpose

There are various strategic models to examine the company’s environmental issues. It includes the internal weaknesses and strengths and the threats caused by the external factors and opportunities. The SWOT analysis is one of the business tools which help to measure the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the companies. Along with that, the missions, goals, strategies, values, visions and objectives are also taken care by the mentioned business tool. The analysis on BGIS PTY LTD case study is essential for the organizations to decide upon the upcoming strategies and missions. Every level of the organizational structure needs the analysis. The organizational sector should deploy the strategic management both vertically and horizontally. So, the initial part of the 5P’s model is the strategic management and strategic implementations.

b. Principles
The core values help in decision making and it determines the way everybody should be behaving within the workplace. The leaders of the BGIS Pty Ltd. are well aware of the principles upon which the company operates and it is their responsibility to explain it to the employees and train them accordingly. It may happen that the leaders are not aware of how to convey the principles to their employees or how to align principles with the other factors of 5P’s model. Hence, the findings obtained in this BGIS PTY LTD case study implies that the organization should be coming forward and make it a point that the guidelines are provided to the employees at the beginning of their joining. So that they become used to it and set their vision accordingly.

c. Processes
The 5P’s model states that the process contains the structure, systems and procedures of the organization. It monitors and supports the infrastructure and the performance of the organization. The process also involves communication pattern, “performance appraisal methods” and production systems of the company. The organizations should be documenting the process and regularly update them. If not, no improvement or progress of the process is possible. It is the responsibility of the leaders to make sure that the processes are well-recorded and stored successfully with adequate safety and security. The process management improvement is one essential element of strategy implementation in a company. The well-communicated and well-documented process helps the companies to achieve performance excellence.

d. People
People are the most vital component of the business because they are the medium that helps in process implementation and accomplishes the visions and objectives of the company. Human assets help confirming if the business process is being followed or not. If it is not running accordingly, the people will fix the problem and restart the process(Safari & Mazdeh, 2018). In this BGIS PTY LTD case study, the employees are the process owners who are helping to deliver the products to the customers. Hence, they are accountable to the customers for their processes and also have the right to modify or improve the business process if there is a need for that. Although, the ownership and empowerment of business process is not static. It keeps changing as the designations of the employees aren’t static either. The levels either decreases or increases depending on the team, individuals and the organization authority.

e. Performance
The feedbacks are very essential for the strategic management plan of the organization(Rikabi, Story, & Rikabi, 2019). The leaders of the organizations are responsible to establish feedback and performance measurement systems within the organization to regularly monitor them and improve them. This leads the business to reach a greater height of success in the true sense of the terms. The performance measurement also helps in the long-term survival of the companies

4.3. Role of 5P’s model in achieving efficiency
One of the highly effective implementation models presented herein BGIS PTY LTD case studythat help to incorporate different functional areas is the 5P’s model. It involves various strategies and tactical perspectives. The model contains a framework that involves strategic decisions and actions as well as tactical and behavioural terms and conditions within the organization and its structure. It is also important for the leaders to explain the ways and methods to strategically achieve the goals and missions of the company.

The strategy implementation process provides with an integrated and comprehensive framework. The framework involves different common elements to strategically and tactfully handle the organizational systems and have control over it. The core values help in decision making and it determines the way everybody should be behaving within the workplace.

According to the 5P’s model illustrated within this BGIS PTY LTD case study, the organizations are required to recruit the qualified and efficient employees to reach the targeted goals. The employees are considered to be the process owners as they are responsible for the final cut of the deliverables. The people are considered to be the process owners in 5P’s model. They help executing the process and principles of the company. They also help in achieving the purpose of the business. The business authority is required to set the business process before assigning the people in it to get the better result and the progress of the company. People are the most vital component of the business because they are the medium that helps in process implementation and accomplishes the visions and objectives of the company. Human assets help confirming if the business process is being followed or not. Understanding and implementing the 5P’s model into an organization is quite a difficult task. All the components of the models are needed to be aligned with each other to work properly. None of the components can be less focused. Else, the framework will get distracted and would not obtain the best results. Hence, as noted in the BGIS PTY LTD case studyit is the primary task for the organizations to align the components before implementing the 5P’s model within the organizational structure.

The leaders of the organizations need to treat the employees in an inductive manner. While forming various teams, there should be rewarding system. This helps motivating the employees and motivation always works positively. The positivity influences the works of the employees which is a good thing for the company. The mentioned company in this BGIS PTY LTD case study should be focusing more on the performance as it deals with healthcare. A regular examination or monitoring facilities of every individual’s performances will help the company to enhance its performance. Most importantly, the metric systems are essential to be implemented to understand the performance levels of the organizations. The adequate and proper customer service is the major element that helps bringing success to the company. If the mentioned company implements the 5P’s model, that will help them achieve their goals. It focuses on the safety and security issues of the health systems. The 5P’s model also ensures the on-time delivery, safety, security and quality of the products and services. The 5P’s model states that the process contains the structure, systems and procedures of the organization. It monitors and supports the infrastructure and the performance of the organization. The process illustrated in this section of BGIS PTY LTD case studyalso involves communication pattern, “performance appraisal methods” and production systems of the company. The organizations should be documenting the process and regularly update them. If not, no improvement or progress of the process is possible. It is the responsibility of the leaders to make sure that the processes are well-recorded and stored successfully with adequate safety and security.

Without recording or documenting the business process, it is not possible to train the employees as effectively. Because, if the employees are not clear about the visions and objectives of the company, greater level of performances are not possible. Although it is considered that the leaders may not know how to explain the process and the principles of the organizations to the employees, it is important. If the leaders are not enough efficient in employee management or setting the right direction in front of the employees, they will not be motivated and that will affect the work. If there is no static purpose of the organization, there is no point running a business. So, the organization has to have a focused purpose on which it will work and take the further decisions.

5. Research Methodology for BGIS PTY LTD case study
5.1 Research Design

The research design used in this BGIS PTY LTD case study describes the details for the job satisfaction, engagement of employees, and the level of satisfaction towards the safety measure. It attempts for describing the present situation. Since the descriptive design has many advantages like the possibilities for observing the situation or incident that is completely natural. Moreover, it provides chances for the integration of both types of data collection like qualitative and methods. This method is also very useful to know in-depth about the matter and could be conducted by surveys, case studies, and also observations.

5.2. Data Collection Method
The data collection method for BGIS PTY LTD case study has been conducted through secondary data collection procedures. During the surveys, secondary data was collected from some websites that is a properly structured questionnaire method to gather proper knowledge that affects the motivation of the employees, their efficiency, performance, and job satisfaction related to the safety perception(Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). Data was collected in Hong-Kong from several real estate companies’ employees including managers. It was conducted in the summer days and also focused on the illnesses caused by heat.

5.3. Data Analysis Method
The data sources include the knowledge on the "field-notes" with on-site surveys and observations. Also, the stakeholders were involved in this method. Secondary data was collected through several websites to gather more information about the local climate (Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). Moreover, the guidelines were followed which is relevant to the "heat stress management" and other reports on the climate factors. The qualitative data analysis has been authenticated with some case studies described below as follows:

Case authentications based on the BGIS PTY LTD case studywere conducted after collecting several sources of secondary data to verify the activities of the employees in the workplace. In this analysis method, any type of information that are stating false theories, have been removed from the authentication.

a. Data was collected from a "safety manager" and the data shows that the organization provided drinking water for the employees and workers. However, data collected from several workers, and the analysis found that the organization is providing drinking water for the employees, but it is not accessible for the employees due to the location of the water-station (Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). In this analysis, the statement collected from the safety manager was removed or excluded from the gathered data.

b. In this BGIS PTY LTD case study, data was collected from the statement of a worker and he stated about an illness caused by heat during a specific time in the morning. The reason for the illness was "heavy workload" in "extreme hot weather", as the worker stated. Later it was analyzed and it has been observed that the worker was not working in direct sunlight and the workload also was light. Moreover, it has been observed from the worker details that he was quite old in age over 60 years and have high blood pressure. His physical fitness was also far below the level of standard. In this case, the reason is over-age and fitness issue and the statement of the worker such as "heavy work-load" and "extreme hot weather" was removed from the data

c. In this BGIS PTY LTD case study, a manager stated that due to the lack of co-ordination in the industry, it is very difficult to search for the right person for a job appointment. When the bigger projects was under construction within the country at the same time, there was a noticeable shortage of employees in the market was observed (Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017). However, after the completion of the projects, it has been observed in this BGIS PTY LTD case studythat the employees are seeking for different jobs related to different occupations.

6. Findings
6.1 Data Analysis




Describing Themes

Research Paper 1 of BGIS PTY LTD case study(Li, Ning, & Chen, 2018)

Safety Management,

Success Factors,

Construction Project


Safety management Success

This theme describes about the safety measures taken by the management and providing safety incentives for the workers for a construction project in China resulting to a critical success.

Research Paper 2 of BGIS PTY LTD case study(Shen, Ju, Koh, Rowlinson, & Bridge, 2017)

Transformational leadership style,

Safety climate,

Individual safety Behavior

Role of transformational leaders for employee safety

This theme describes about the role of the organization leaders to motivate the employees about maintaining safety within the workplace to avoid unexpected happenings.

Research Paper 3 of BGIS PTY LTD case study(Lyu, Hon, Chan, Wong, & Javed, 2018)


Safety climate,

Safety behavior,

Ethnic Minority

Relation between the safety factors for construction site Ethnic Minority workers

This theme describes about the safety factors for the Ethnic Minority workers coming from other countries for job.

Research Paper 4 of BGIS PTY LTD case study(Jia, Rowlinson, Loosemore, Xu, Li, & Gibb, 2017)

Safety measures,


On-site surveys

Safety measure analysis from field notes and surveys

This theme describes the safety measures taken by a construction site that conflicts with the on-site survey opinions from different workers.

6.2 Reflection on Findings
The concepts obtained from the data analysis on BGIS PTY LTD case study provide the knowledge on the safety measures within the workplace which varies among different organizations. Some organizations are providing adequate safety measures for the employees and, some are not.However, there are also a lot of conflicts analysed between the organization management and workers regarding to safety. It should be solved to avoid avoiding any unexpected happenings in an organization.

7. Implicationsand Recommendations
This research on BGIS PTY LTD case study discusses that it is needed to analyse and implement the safety factors for the employees helps to build trust between the employees and the organization. As the employees will feel and understand that the organization his paying sufficient attention to employee safety, it will motivate them physically and mentally and will increase the workforce. This will produce enthusiasm and the employees will be self-engaged for achieving the goal for the organization. If the level of the safety climate is higher it will improve the degree of job satisfaction among the employees which is also an important factor for the organizations' reputation. When the level of safety will increase, it will lower the unexpected happenings and outcomes like illness or accidents. For example, in the summer days, it is a responsibility for the organization to provide a sufficient supply of water which could be used for drinking or other purposes as it is a necessity for the employees in the hot climate. If the organization fails to provide the facility it will automatically decrease the level of job satisfaction for the employees. Working on-site is always more or less risky for the employees, in this case, the organization needs to provide the safety equipment to the employees to avoid unexpected accidents. This will increase the positive relationship between the employees and the organization (Li, Ning, & Chen, 2018). It will also provide the employees with a comfortable feel for their work environment. Providing safety is the responsibility of the organization which in-return, always results in satisfying the workers and improves the work efficiency that is advantageous for both the employees and the organization.

8. Conclusion
The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study has been conducted to discuss the theories regarding safety improvement and its roles in the Organization. The satisfaction level has been evaluated along with evaluating the 5P' models of HRM. It will evaluate the efficiency of the workers in the Workplace. The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study has been done on the secondary method and the data has been analyzed qualitatively. It helps to gain the exact knowledge from the relevant sources that are discussed as the theories. The findings have been analyzed based on the reviews and summarized to acquire exact information. The research on BGIS PTY LTD case study suggests that upgrading the safety measures theories will help to enhance the HRM models. BGIS PTY LTD case studywill also help future researchers to study the specific fields regarding the subject.

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Safety measures at construction sites in BGIS PTY LTD case study

Figure: Safety measures at construction sites


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