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Best Approaches To Professional Nursing Practices


Problem Statement: Based on the case study provided in Assessment 1 on complications arising from the negligence of the nurse, provide an in-depth analysis of the specific events that transpired due to the improper approaches to professional nursing practices.

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The main objective of nursing practices involves performing several duties with precise and coordination at the very same time, but it must be carefully understood that often irreparable and catastrophic failures and mistakes can occur due to improper approaches to professional nursing practice (Simone et al., 2018). The essay would concentrate on one such mistake that had arisen because of a nurse's negligence in treating a patient's clinical specimen about to receive a blood transfusion. The irresponsibility caused terrible repercussions which eventually culminated in the patient's death within one week of the transfusion process. Given the significant history of patient care and nursing procedures, several times due to incorrect processing of clinical records or specimens from patients, or even due to delays in communicating information or confusion, catastrophic scenarios can also lead to definitive death (Athanasakis, 2020).

As per a recent interview published by the CNN news on 15 September 2002, the office of District Attorney of new south wales made it compulsory to promote the participation of relatives and acquaintances help guide individuals with cardiac problems so as to prevent any inconsistencies in approaches to professional nursing practice during pre-operative processes (Laurie & Porter, 2016). It was made essential after the 74-year-old patient's major unnatural death due to the inadequate blood transfusion at the time of the surgical procedure. The blunder occurred in Pathological Laboratories, where 2 indiviuals, Mrs. Halene Scott and Mrs. Karen Smith, had visited to have their blood samples checked before going for the transfusion. Ms. Scott was escorted by her niece, and Ms. Smith was assisted by her mother, but all of them were told to wait for the clinicians to obtain the blood inside. The nurse practitioner failed to follow proper approaches to professional nursing practice and incorrectly labelled the samples taken as the collection was going on. After this, Ms. Scott was treated with the incorrect blood type during the operation, and as a consequence, she passed away within one week of her procedure (Shahrokhi, Ebrahimpour, & Ghodousi, 2013). In association with the accident, the District Attorney in power at the moment, Mr. Bruce Wallace advised that it should be made compulsory for patients to be joined by their friends and family to the place of acquisition since it had been concluded from the event that cardiovascular patients are frequently stressed and cannot explicitly convey the correct details about themselves. The NSQHS, Norm 2, also introduced an effort to collaborate with patients to ensure efficient service scheduling, quality management, close review and evaluation of all facilities together to optimize the efficiency for individuals to make use of it (Scanlon, Cashin, Bryce, Kelly, & Buckely, 2016).

By using Gibbs' Cycle of Self-Reflection after evaluating the case objectively, I thought it was in-fact a gross mistake on account of the nurse practitioner assigned with the task of collecting samples. Misreporting of two separate body fluids such as blood obtained from different individuals can escalate to a deadly consequence. On the other hand, I believe that the action of the District Attorney was appropriate since a family members' company will not only serve to alleviate the sufferer's anxiousness but, at the very same point, the procedure will actually occur under the watchful eye of a medical practitioner who will doubly guarantee that the sample obtained is appropriately handled, but at the same time I realized that this also reveals the existing gaps of clinical competency of the caregiver. If the allocated task is done with great accuracy, then uncontrollable variables are not needed to serve as a framework for inspection (Cooper, 2014).

It was a terrible incident, resulting in a devastating impact on the person's family and relatives that cannot be questioned. Due to the negligence of approaches to professional nursing practice by a practitioner who had been given the responsibility of delivering service and not taking away an innocent person's life, the relatives lost a beloved family member. Not only will the family be distressed by the member's death, but they will be unable to entrust the medical facility again. The particular event allowed us to gain direct exposure to my responsibility to perform proficiently as a healthcare professional. It has enabled me to comprehend two of the most essential issues of my career path, but that can be summarized in two attributes: first of all, to priorities healthcare services and secondly, to always consider the fact that what could transpire due to of an act of clumsiness from my hand (Lawson, Eburn, Dovers, & Gough, 2018). This profession requires one to fulfil the approaches to professional nursing practice and satisfy the recipient's requirements and make a successful contribution to offering the patient reasonable standard of care, and any accident on my part will not only render fatal to the patient but will also contribute to the trauma of the victim's family for a lifetime.

With the perspective I gained after objectively learning Halene Scott's situation, I could discern the truth that Mrs. Scott had drawn her final breaths at the Peterborough Hospital in Melbourne (Middleton & Buist, 2013)on August 25, 2001 She underwent a transplant operation of her aortic valve in 1983, but had suffered aneurysm to remedy that, one more procedure had been performed by Dr. Michael Bernard to repair the affected aorta with a Dacron replacement, but the procedure led to severe blood loss that had to be covered for by blood transfusion. However, because of gross negligence and mismatched ABO blood groups, the patient passed away due to acute haemolysis.

I came to the realization that, with rigid compliance with the implementation plan, which I mapped out for myself, I would be capable of preventing any gross medical mistake while conducting an operation. At the same time, it must also be remembered that medical care professionals are primary caregivers upon whom duty to ensure the patient's quality of life rests, so it is likely that they will be especially vigilant when serving their duties and carefully follow the approaches to professional nursing practice.

Athanasakis, E. (2020). Registered Nurses’ Experiences of Medication Errors—An Original Research Protocol: Methodology, Methods, and Ethics. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 0844562120902668.

Cooper, E. (2014). Nursing student medication errors: a snapshot view from a school of nursing’s quality and safety officer. Journal of Nursing Education.

Laurie, G., & Porter, G. (2016). Mason and McCall Smith's law and medical ethics. Oxford University Press, 135-140.

Lawson, C., Eburn, M., Dovers, S., & Gough, M. (2018). Can major post-event inquiries and reviews contribute to lessons management? Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 34.

Middleton, S., & Buist, M. (2013). The coronial reporting of medical-setting deaths: a legal analysis of the variation in Australian jurisdictions. Melb. UL Rev., 37,, 699.

Scanlon, A., Cashin, A., Bryce, J., Kelly, J., & Buckely, T. (2016). The complexities of defining nurse practitioner scope of practice in the Australian context. Collegian, 23(1), 129-142.

Shahrokhi, A., Ebrahimpour, F., & Ghodousi, A. (2013). Factors effective on medication errors. Journal of research in pharmacy, 2(1), 18.

Simone, E. D., Giannetta, N., Auddino, F., Cicotto, A., Grilli, D., & Muzio, M. D. (2018). Medication errors in the emergency department: Knowledge, attitude, behavior, and training needs of nurses. Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, 22(5), 346.


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