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The Role of a Microbiologist in Investigating and Addressing Chickenpox Outbreak in a Primary School


Task: What responsibilities does a microbiologist have in investigating and addressing a chickenpox outbreak in a primary school?



A microbiologist is a scientist who studies microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. They use microscopy, molecular genetics, and culture techniques to study these organisms and understand how they affect the environment and human health. As a microbiologist, I have played my role effectively.In the team, every member had a significant role, and everyone in the team decided to assign me to perform some significant job roles. I have gone to a primary school to collect the blood samples of students. I have played my role very efficiently in examining the reports of the students.


The microscopes study micro bacteria, the living things that we cannot see with the naked eye; a microscope is infused to learn about them (Kozi?ska, Seweryn & Sitkiewicz, 2019).Every team member played a significant role in the group.I played the role that is very crucial that is of a microbiologist. I had to take all the responsibility that a microbiologist is supposed to conduct while performing his duties. I examined the kids of the primary school.I learned that the parents were notallowing their kids to take the chickenpox vaccine. In this report, I will state the way I convinced the parents to vaccinate their unvaccinated children.

The role played as a Microbiologist.

As a microbiologist, my role was to investigatethe case of chickenpox in a primary school, which included confirming the diagnosis of chickenpox and determining the source of the infection. Also, identifying any other cases of chickenpox in the school was a part of my duty. I have collected samples from suspected cases for laboratory analysis and used a variety of tests to identify the causative agent, varicella-zoster virus. I have also examined the school's environment to determine if any risk factors have the potential to cause the spread of the infection. Additionally, I had to work with the school administration to develop strategies to reduce the spread of the infection and to ensure that appropriate preventative measures were implemented. I had advised the parents to take the vaccine, as it will help to protect the child from those micro bacteria. This was done by stating to the parents the importance of the vaccines. Also, the parents were informed about the demerits of not vaccinating their kids.

Work of Microbiologist

I took all the responsibility as a microbiologist and went to a primary school to collect the blood of kids who read in this school. I have also tried to identify germs through tests and examine their kind or whether the children had been infected by any micro bacteria. The microbiologist had to identify microbiological germs that infect people and the environment and then invent medicine to help people recover (Toniolo et al. 2019). Being a microbiologist, I had to collect the blood samples and then identify what kind of germs had infected the child. Also, examine what kind of medicine will work at that point that helps people to recover rapidly. As stated by Hutchins et al. (2019), developing a new medicine is also vital totreat appropriately. As a microbiologist, I had to develop the medicine and build some vaccines that helped in the reduction of the germs that were infecting the children.

Based on the team discussion, I had to collect the blood samples and test if they contained bacteria from chicken pox. The result retrieved stated every kid is infected with chickenpox. The reason for increasing the level of awareness the primary school is because the parents have not vaccinated their children.

Responsibility as a Microbiologist

The responsibility of the microbiologist is to study microorganisms and their effects on humans, animals, and the environment (Villa, Sánchez-Pérez & Sieiro, 2021). This includes researching, diagnosing, and treating diseases caused by microorganisms. They also work to develop new drugs, vaccines, and methods for preventing the spread of disease (Doern et al., 2019). I have investigated the behaviour of bacteria and other microorganisms and the way it has caused the spread of thedisease. Additionally, I had to be involved in developing new products or processes that make use of microorganisms.

The primary responsibility of the microbiologist in investigating the case of chickenpox in a primary school is to identify the source of the infection and assess the risk of infection to other students and staff. Being the microbiologist,I collected thesamples of the infected area, such as skin lesions, and analysed them in the lab to determine the type of virus causing the infection. The microbiologist should also perform contact tracing to identify who has been exposed to the virus. After the source of the infection was identified, I developed an action plan to prevent the spread of the virus to other students and staff. This included information about chickenpox and the importance of vaccinating kids.

As a microbiologist in a primary school, collecting blood samples for chickenpox had been a tricky task. The best method to collect the samplesis through a lancet, a small device used to puncture the skin to obtain a small drop of blood.

As a microbiologist, I had the responsibility of collecting blood samples from primary school students to test for chickenpox. In order to ensure accuracy and safety, I have carefully followed a set of valid processes.

First, I had to explain the procedure to the student and their parents. I have ensured that they are comfortable with the process and respond to the questions asked. Further, I obtained the necessary supplies, such as a tourniquet, sterile gloves, and a sterile collection tube, in order to proceed with the method of collecting the blood samples.

Once everything was in place, I cleaned the area around the student’s arm with an antiseptic swab. Ithen wrapped the tourniquet around the student’s arm to make the veins more visible. After locating a suitable vein, Idisinfected the area around it with an antiseptic swab.

Further, I inserted a needle into the vein and drew the required amount of blood into the collection tube. Once the sample was collected, I removed the needle and bandaged the student’s arm. Finally, I labelled the sample and transported it to the laboratory for testing. By following this procedure, I have collected accurate and safe samples for testing chickenpox in primary school students.

As the team believed I could handle the situation and take the microbiologist's responsibility, I did my job very efficiently. Members of the primary school helped me to handle the situation in a better manner. As a microbiologist, I collected the blood samples of the kids, and I also took the necessary objects to collect the blood samples. I have implied alcohol to clean the area from where blood was taken. I used a needle and capillary tube to collect the blood samples. I have written the children’s names and age detail on the capillary tube, ensuring that it does not mix with other blood samples. As a microbiologist, Ilearned that I had to use different needles for different cases while taking their blood; otherwise, it might impact their health. I have also delivered those tubes to the lab as soon as possible. Before taking their blood, I wore gloves and washed my hands in intervals so that a person's germs did not get transmitted to the child's body.

I had taken different types of plates to examine their blood frequently, ensuring that I had not mixed those types of blood with one another. According to Timmis et al. (2019), the important objects used to collect the blood samples like gloves, alcohol or iodine from cleansing the area, a tourniquet, tubes, a tube holder, needles, tape, and gauze. I had taken everything with me to the primary school to collect the blood samples. As the patienthad a kid, I had to take all the important things with me so no one felt unwell by me or for this examination. As I had sent the blood samples at the perfect time, the report came out accurate; our team, the teacher of this institution and the parents of those kids knew they were infected with chickenpox.

As a microbiologist, I had convinced people and parents who decided not to take vaccines. I told them that the vaccine would help their child to be safe. I strongly advised those people to vaccinate their unvaccinated children. Request people to vaccinate their unvaccinated children because vaccines will be the best way to help their children protect them from infected diseases. The vaccine will protect the child from infected bacteria that can have an impact on people's lives. The children would not be infected by chickenpox if their parents allowed them to take thevaccine.


In conclusion, it can be signified based on the cruciality of the situation, strongly advise has been stated to the parents to vaccinate their unvaccinated children. Vaccines will be safe and effective in protecting the lives of children. Vaccinating children will not only keep them healthy but also help protect the health of other children and adults in the community by reducing the spread of preventable diseases.


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