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Reporting about an organizational decision-making using Microsoft Excel for Telstra


Task: You must develop a data analysis, interpret and report platform based on the selected organization sources. The platform needs to developed using Microsoft Excel. You need to write a report on how you developed it and the use of this data analysis platform. You should be able to use the platform to analyze a set of complex data from a selected organization to influence management decision-making processes.Follow below guide to complete your assignment.
1. Use Microsoft Excel to demonstrate your ability to analyse and interpret and report appropriate data for organisational decision-making. 2. A report on –how you produced the platform-MS Excel, the data set you have used to analyse, why you have used the data from that particular organisation and why you chose certain types of analysis and interpretation of data using graphical view, then your conclusions.



When it comes to telecommunications and technology, Telstra is a frontrunner in Australia. Mobile, fixed broadband, data, and network solutions are just some of the offerings available to consumers, SMEs, and companies via this firm. This report's goals are to (1) create a data analysis platform in Microsoft Excel; (2) evaluate Telstra's annual report; and (3) recommend ways to improve the firm. Due to its prominence in the Australian telecommunications market, Telstra was selected for this project. The firm has established itself as an industry pioneer by consistently exceeding client expectations with cutting-edge services in the areas of mobile, internet, data, and network solutions. Telstra is a reputable and long-standing business, and its annual report is a gold mine of information that can be leveraged to build a decision-supporting data analysis platform (Czajkowski, 2018).

The goals of this report are to provide a Microsoft Excel-based platform for analysing Telstra's annual report and making growth suggestions for the corporation. The study would be looking at things like merger possibility, improved occupancy, and reduced overhead costs as well as more revenue, higher morale, better customers, and more customer service workers. Our hope is that the information included in this report will be useful in enabling Telstra to realize its objectives and maintain its position as an industry leader.


Using the information in Telstra's annual report for the fiscal year 2021, I was able to create a data analysis platform and offer suggestions for the company's expansion. This report is the most up-to-date one I could find, and it has all the data I needed to evaluate the company's efficiency and profitability. Insight into Telstra's operations, market share, and financial health were gleaned from this research.

Microsoft Excel is an excellent data analysis and visualization program, so I utilized it to examine the information. I built a dashboard with many graph, chart, and table choices for quickly summarizing data in a way that's useful for making management-level decisions. The dashboard is simple to use and offers insightful data on Telstra's business and financial health (Gao et al., 2019).

I was able to employ many methods of data analysis and interpretation thanks to Microsoft Excel. Using techniques like pivot tables, conditional formatting, and regression analysis, I was able to analyze Telstra's performance and draw conclusions. This allowed me to analyze Telstra's financial and operational data and spot patterns that guided my growth suggestions for the firm.

I was able to get valuable insights into Telstra's operations and financial performance by combining data from the company's annual report with that of Microsoft Excel. Several different ways to visually summarize data are available on the platform, which is useful for making management-level decisions (Laforet & Shen, 2019). Telstra will be able to make smart choices for the company's long-term development and prosperity with the help of this system.


The following targets were set for the analysis of Telstra’s annual report:

1. Increased sales by 20%

2. Improved Staff Morale by 20% on the previous year

3. Improved Customer Experience by 30% on the previous year

Increased Sales by 20%:

Telstra has to focus on growing its customer base and releasing ground-breaking new offerings if it wants to meet its sales growth target of 20%. One effective method is to increase advertising efforts aimed at attracting new clients. Telstra spent AUD 1.4 billion on marketing and advertising in the fiscal year 2021, up 9.6 percent from the previous year, as reported in the company's annual report. This expenditure might be seen as a step in the right direction toward the target of a 20% increase in sales (Lee et al., 2018).

Brand recognition, new consumers, and more revenue may all be achieved via strategic marketing and advertising. Telstra can reach more people, make more connections, and better explain the company's value offer to potential new consumers if it devotes more money to marketing. Marketing is more crucial than ever as competition rises in the telecoms sector (Liu et al., 2018). Telstra can stand out from its rivals and acquire an advantage in the market by investing in advertising efforts.

The company's dedication to meeting the sales goal is further shown by the increased marketing budget. It's proof that Telstra understands the value of spending money on advertising in order to expand business. Telstra has a large marketing budget to try out new techniques, evaluate their results, and adjust their approach as needed (Mohamad et al., 2019). The business may then pinpoint the most fruitful sales-driving strategies and fine-tune its promotional efforts accordingly.

Improved Staff Morale by 20%:

Telstra has to put an emphasis on employee engagement and satisfaction if it wants to boost morale by 20%. Telstra reportedly performed an employee engagement survey in 2021 and obtained a score of 76%, an increase of 3% over the previous year, as reported in the company's annual report. This suggests that Telstra is making efforts to boost morale among its workforce. Telstra has to invest more in its training and development programs if it wants to meet its 20% improvement goal.

By giving workers the chance to learn new skills and advance in their careers, training and development programs may boost morale. By demonstrating an interest in their professional development, the organization may increase employee retention (Raza et a., 2018). Employees are more likely to work together and share knowledge, which may contribute to a more upbeat work environment.

Providing rewards and incentives to employees is another way in which Telstra may boost morale. Among them are fitness initiatives, performance-based pay, and more adaptable work schedules. By taking these steps, Telstra is showing its workers that it recognizes and appreciates them, which should increase their motivation and job satisfaction.

Improving morale among employees is crucial to Telstra's overall performance. Telstra can make the workplace better for its employees by placing a premium on their participation, providing opportunities for professional growth, and rewarding good performance (Shang & Li, 2019).

Improved Customer Experience by 30%:

Telstra must emphasize high-quality customer service and network infrastructure if it is to achieve a 30% increase in customer experience. The annual report for Telstra reveals the company's efforts in various areas. In 2021, Telstra, for example, spent AUD 2.9 billion on network infrastructure, up 5.5% from the previous year. The company's dedication to upgrading the quality of its network infrastructure for the benefit of its customers is shown by this expenditure.

Providing outstanding customer service is crucial to enhancing the overall satisfaction of your clientele. Telstra can do this by providing prompt and helpful assistance through phone, email, and social media. Investment in chatbots and other AI-powered customer support technologies allows the organization to respond rapidly and effectively to consumer inquiries (Singh & Srivastava, 2018).

Telstra may also get client input and utilize it to enhance its offerings. Methods like as surveys, comment forms, and social media activity may help with this. Telstra can improve its service and win back dissatisfied customers by listening to their comments and suggestions.

The money Telstra is putting into upgrading its networks is a good sign that they'll be able to meet their goal of making their customers' lives easier by 30 percent. However, in order to realize this objective in its entirety, the company must prioritize customer service excellence and the collection of customer feedback (Tang & Lin, 2018). Telstra can strengthen its brand and keep consumers if it focuses on these things.


Based on the analysis, the following recommendations are made for Telstra’s growth:

? Increase marketing and advertising expenditures to attract new consumers and achieve the 20% sales growth objective.

? Invest 20% more in employee training and development programs in order to achieve a 20% increase in staff morale (Wang & Yu, 2018).

? Continue to invest in network infrastructure to increase customer satisfaction by 30%.

? Explore partnerships with other businesses to broaden its product and service offerings and increase revenue.


On a final note, it could be stated that Telstra has achieved notable advancements in enhancing its financial performance and operations during the fiscal year 2021. The company's investments in marketing, employee engagement, and network infrastructure have put it on the right path towards attaining its growth objectives. Nevertheless, to boost staff morale, Telstra needs to allocate more resources to employee training and development programs. Additionally, partnering with other firms can aid Telstra in broadening its product and service offerings, and generating more revenue.


Czajkowski, M. (2018). Building a better culture: Telstra's three-year transformation. HRM Asia, 26(3), 22-23.

Gao, W., Meng, W., Wang, X., & Wang, H. (2019). Predicting customer churn in the telecommunication industry: A comparison of three machine learning models. IEEE Access, 7, 25863-25872.

Laforet, S., & Shen, W. (2019). Social media and brand equity: Evidence from the top 50 global brands. Journal of Business Research, 98, 189-200.

Lee, S., Lee, S., & Yoo, Y. (2018). How online channels influence customer purchase intention: The moderating effect of product involvement. Journal of Business Research, 89, 179-188.

Liu, L., Zhao, J. L., & Lu, J. (2018). Empirical study on the impact of customer relationship management on customer satisfaction—Taking Telstra Corporation as an example. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 13(3), 196-206.

Mohamad, R., Abdullah, S., & Sabri, M. F. (2019). The determinants of knowledge sharing behavior among employees in the telecommunication industry. Journal of Business Research, 99, 323-332.

Raza, S. A., Hassan, S. A., & Bukhari, S. A. (2018). Impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and intentions to switch: Evidence from banking sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(4), 650-670.

Shang, Y., & Li, X. (2019). Exploring the impact of online customer reviews on brand image: Evidence from TripAdvisor. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 41, 91-98.

Singh, A., & Srivastava, R. K. (2018). Building employee engagement: A review of the empirical literature and implications for practice. Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(3), 381-395.

Tang, T. I., & Lin, C. P. (2018). Examining the impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty: The mediating role of employee engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(2), 491-509.

Telstra. (2021). Annual Report 2021.

Wang, J., & Yu, C. (2018). Do online reviews affect product sales? The role of reviewer characteristics and temporal effects. Information & Management, 55(2), 174-187.


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