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Nurses' Experiences and Perspectives on Interacting with Research Literature: A Qualitative Systematic Review


Task: What are the experiences and perspectives of nurses who interact with research literature as part of their professional or educational responsibilities?


Answer 1


• To investigate the experiences and perspectives of nurses who interact with research literature as part of their professional or educational responsibilities.


• What is the experiences and perspectives of nurses who interact with research literature as part of their professional or educational responsibilities?

This paper made it easier for novice researchers to develop a protocol for a qualitative systematic review. Its purpose is to facilitate such development. Through the presentation of a thoroughly worked-through example of a protocol, the article encourages the development of review protocols. The reliability and importance of the findings of the finished qualitative systematic review are both improved as a result of this.A previously developed review question is used in the paper as a working example, and it highlights important considerations that should be taken into account while the process of developing a protocol.The paper encourages people to make review protocols by giving an example of a protocol that has been worked out. This makes the results of the completed qualitative systematic review even more reliable and valuable.

Answer 2

Qualitative studies that were published in English between the years 2009 besides 2020 and that contained registered nurses who interacted with research writings for any professional or educational purpose were eligible for inclusion in this review. An a priori protocol was registered with PROSPERO interacting with research literature for educational purposes (Hines et al., 2021).

Answer 3

Inclusion criteria- This review was open to any qualitative study that looked into how registered nurses communicate with research literature for educational purposes or what they think about it. People thought that "interacting" meant reading and understanding research literature with the goal of putting the findings into practise or policy, understanding it for educational purposes, or using it to create educational experiences for other people.

Exclusion criteria- Two independent reviewers compared each article to the inclusion criteria to determine whether or not it should be included. The reasons for participants being excluded from the study were documented and reported.

Answer 4

In this review, qualitative studies were carried out. In the majority of the studies, either focus collections or semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. The quality of the study was average overall. The research uncovered a total of 29 findings, all of which were subsequently aggregated into one synthesis, where they were subsequently categorised into five distinct groups (Hines et al., 2021). In addition, the dependability of the study was evaluated by using the JBI Qualitative Critical Appraisal Instrument, and both narrative and tabular forms were used to report the findings.

Answer 5

It is true that a lack of data literacy is one of the primary contributors to problems with study access; however, barriers also present at the organisational level of several healthcare services, whereas database contact is either non-existent, extremely limited, or strictly regulated.The databases Medline, CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, and ERIC were searched for this study. Both Proquest Dissertations and Theses and MedNar were used as sources for the research and literature that had not yet been published. Studies that were published in English between the years 2009 and 2020 were considered.

Answer 6

The broad areas that were recognized by the barriers measure are helpful for highlighting parts of apprehension; however, the information that they can supply regarding the approaches that may impact nurses' enthusiasm to participate in research besides EBP is limited.

Answer 7

The search terms were appropriate for use in conjunction with interventions aimed at preventing obesity, community settings, as well as mental health and effect.

This study provides further evidence that searching databases on their own is not sufficient to retrieve all reliable sources. In the future, research must continue to examine recall of actual inquiries beyond the reportage of databases and ought to consider concentrating on the database combinations that produce the best results rather than on individual databases.

Answer 8

The PRISMA flowchart has been set up to describe how the articles were found, screened, evaluated for eligibility, and selected for inclusion in the review. This was accomplished by assessing each article's likelihood of being useful. Each study presents the settings and samples, as well as the involvement and design, the metrics, and the findings.

Answer 9

The JBI Qualitative Critical Appraisal Instrument was utilised to evaluate the dependability of the study, and both narrative and tabular forms were used to report the findings (Hines et al., 2021). The results and any accompanying images, such as those depicting nurses' perspectives or experiences, were taken directly from the papers themselves. These instrument are appropriate because the mental health evaluation is a part of the critical appraisal instrument used to evaluate the articles' methodology.

Answer 10

The results of the study could not have been determined without the instruments, so their relevance cannot be questioned.

The included studies are summarized properly. Two reviewers used the data extraction tools in JBI SUMARI to get information about the populations, situation, culture, geographic area, study design, and other interesting things.

Answer 11

Researchers were disqualified from a few studies because their instructors failed to take into account the complexities of participants' emotional responses to the activity, for which they were not adequately prepared. Questions like "what are the perceptions and experiences of nurses communicating with research literature for employment and education purposes?" were intended to be addressed by the exclusion criteria.

Answer 12

In order to abstract and synthesise the data, a standard was developed for the study's purpose, characteristics, respondents, intervention type, evaluations, and main finding. In contrast, the data were synthesised by classifying the intervention components and the mental health outcome of interest. Data on long-term mental health outcomes were extracted and used as the basis for this analysis.

Answer 13

Yes, adequate critique of the study was reviewed. Fourteen studies were omitted from this review because they did not contain a mental health measure, besides two studies included a measure however did not report the mental health outcomes at follow-up because of these and other limitations. Nevertheless, the findings of this systematic review demonstrate the evidence.

A significant portion of these pieces of evidence are indirectly related to the primary purpose of this analysis. In addition, because only studies with the primary text available in English got involved, it is viable that the three numerous different studies found by the searches but not published in English could have potentially provided different evidence. This is because only studies with the primary text available in English were included (Hines et al., 2021).

Answer 14

If clinicians and business leaders want to get people to use evidence in practise, they need to figure out why some people are resistant. Staff disinterest may be attributable to difficulty grasping concepts, as has been observed. Unfortunately, cutting-edge studies are notoriously difficult to track down. It is like entering a different world when one must go through all that to get up to date.

Teachers conducting research training should be sensitive to the range of feelings that their students, who may not feel adequately prepared by their own experiences or training, may have to undergo as a result of taking part in the activity. The source of any averseness to engage should be considered by clinicians besides workplace leaders who are trying to inspire the use of evidence in practise. It is possible that employees' lack of interest stems from confusion over the course's contents.


Hines, S., Ramsbotham, J. and Coyer, F., 2021. The Experiences and Perceptions of Nurses Interacting With Research Literature: A Qualitative Systematic Review to Guide Evidence?Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing, 18(6), pp.371-378.


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