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Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Identity Formation: A Research Proposal


Task: How does the use of social media affect individuals' self-identity formation, and what are the potential consequences, limitations, and motivations behind constructing digital personas?



This research proposal will focus on a social media platform to effect identity because social media are getting more important in our personal lives while people utilize them to communicate their day-to-day encounters. These structures also show a mixture of social media and in-person interactions. These elements work together to influence how people behave in social settings. Personal expression, which has become prevalent among people, may be encouraged via social media. This investigation highlights relevant social media identification-building traits or associated identity growth issues. A spiral of change that takes place before the internet even exists and affects actual life will be examined, along with the likely motivations individuals have for constructing a software-generated persona.

Research question

The research question is essential to be formed in order to provide a clear and focused vision not just to the researcher but also to the reader. There are three questions have been developed to recognize the effects of social media on identity as follows:

• How does social media effect the identity of the users?

• What is self-identity formation and how is social media influence self-identity?

• What is the limitation posed by social media and how do these limitations threaten self-identity?

Background and rationale

In this section, the backgrounds and rationale functions will be described to analyze the social media effects on self-identity. Such as in the case of “keeping up with the Joneses" the movie effects a variety of people by stressing their peers' apparent spending is a good example of how social media influences on people’s self-identities and lives. The goal to achieve greater relevance has accelerated as an outcome of individuals being persuaded to recognize themselves by numerous things since there are more media outlets available. Because accumulating riches and making popular purchases has turned into a blazing social media desire. In earlier times, a person's social position was decided by their relatives, but in current years, the idea that one can improve their status via social media has been gaining growth. The development of social media frameworks encouraged people to converse and divulge private data (Shan, Chen & Lin, 2020). There are several facilities in the social media ecosystem nowadays that vie for the attention of the world's over five billion consumers. A vibrant 2.2 billion people are active on Facebook users. Instagram, which has one billion active users, is not too far behind. The billions of shows, approvals, and reviews that are made on these boards come from humans. People review their social media sites every second of their daily lives to disclose. their identities as individuals. This behavior is compulsive in nature and constructed to foster an awareness of self-importance on Facebook and Instagram.

This rationale study goal is to give a general summary of how social media effects identity.The success of communication frameworks like technology-built communiqué, data literacy, multimedia literacy, knowledge blitz, as well as successful decision-making rests at the heart of twenty-first-century innovation. Media represents a tool for information and pleasure; for several, social media provides a chance to take a break from reality as well as has become more significant than fact for a great number of people. The individual need outside witnesses to confirm their identification. The idea of oneself and a person's identity is made up of psychological elements such as a sense of community, concern for safety, and social connection, along with forming emotional bonds (Chen & Lin, 2019). Social variety is a result of virtual connections, and reflexive personas are a result of reflexive societies. The research can also consider the reasons why people might feel the necessity to create virtual identities for themselves as well as the metamorphosis, and the joining of online and offline experiences, in addition to challenging societal and cultural norms along with values.

? To ascertain the universal and unique consequences of social one's identity (Arora et al., 2019).

? To investigate how relational as well as social identity are related.

? To research the impact on a person's social media of encouraged and diverse usage inertia.

Research method

The primary method will employboth qualitative and quantitative approaches, there are both approaches would focus on finding a link between self-identity as well as social media. On the Internet polls, in-person interviews, target groups, along with careful monitoring would all fall under this category. The ages of those who participated would vary from 21 to 50. An acknowledgment of informed permission will be given to individuals. A participant in an inquiry is said to have provided informed permission if they have been fully informed regarding the assessment being conducted (Wang, Lin & Liao, 2022). Participants are going to be informed of the research's goal, which individual or organization is supporting it, how the outcomes are going to be utilized, whether there could be any possibility for damage, and who will be given access to them.

On the other hand, the internet-based questionnaire will be utilized during the initial phase of the study to verify each participant's regular usage of social networking sites, including how frequently they upload images, how frequently they verify for comments on social media, as well as their entire feelings about via the sites. It could also be utilized to determine whether they try to improve their entire physical appearance along with likeability on social media platforms (Dutot, 2020). The targeted group was going to serve as the next stage to evaluate the members' nonverbal and verbal responses during which they were questioned regarding their use of social media as well as if they made any efforts to improve their entire look and likeability on social networking sites.

Furthermore, the person participating will be monitored on how frequently they engage with social media, the content they share, how quickly they reply to feedback, as well as whether they strive to improve their general image and likeability on social media in the third stage, which would involve systematic evaluations. There is every research study have used various methodology to gather and evaluate information depending on the goal of the investigation. Social networking sites had been investigated, and he used Facebook, Tumblr, as well as Instagram in particular. Along with this, planning on any programs that let users leave comments on their private expression-related postings (Elsayed, 2021). Moreover, to gauge users' attitudes on social media platforms including the internalization of other people's posts, a poll was created using the scale of Likert. The intended audience was also able to use a variety of social media tools to indicate how they felt and how they had used them.

Data collection

The data collection will focus on the targeted group that will be employed to gather crucial data on the research issue. The qualitative study approach of focus groups is utilized to understand attitudes and behaviours. After that, semi-structured interviews with groups are used to gather data. With the use of a target group as well as a qualitative approach analysts have the capacity to comprehend and adequately justify particular events in connection to descriptive data. Since it renders problems with communication simpler to comprehend, the goal-oriented group method is growing in popularity in this field of interpersonal interactions. A fifth-stage approach is used in this target group technique to undertake any given study (Latif et al., 2021).

The use of focus group methods, as opposed to comprehensive interviews and participant surveillance, enables analysts to get data more affordably.When it comes to learning about people's thought processes, target groups have been far superior to participant monitoring and comprehensive interviews. In comparison to comprehensive interviews and observing participants, the method also provides a better understanding of understudied events. The targeted group method is frequently more efficient and less costly.

Furthermore, choosing the first stage in the qualitative methodological technique for choosing the participants is to choose the study aim. The process in which all subsequent activities will be carried out is now established. (Grewal, Stephen & Coleman, 2019). This phase includes program planning, program curiosity, systematic investigation, as well as process assessment for targeted groups.

The second phase in the process of selecting the group's qualitative technique includes methodology. This stage consists of two parts: conceptualization and operations. Ideation includes defining the study group and sample. The team conducting the study is a representation of the people who will be evaluated, and the number of participants being studied is a subset of the targeted population (Itani et al., 2021). The planning and execution of the focused research approach, including the length of the study, the needs of every individual of the target group, along with the appropriate group size, are referred to as logistics.

Moreover, facilitation is a third step in this process for focusing on the team's qualitative technique. The preparation phase, precession, as well as the actual meeting, are all parts of the process of facilitation. After that, the facilitator commits questions to storage, while the person taking notes records the focus group's responses as part of component planning.The people participating in the target group are made comfortable with the group characteristics before the meeting (Akram et al., 2022). It is made simpler for the following step by taking thorough notes and summarizing the conversations during the targeted group.

Assessment represents the fourth stage's procedures and the results of the focused group discussions merge all together in a way that may be utilized when creating the report. The key ideas or subjects discussed during the primary group are now summarized. A greater understanding of the study's problem is aided by the analysis step.

In the fifth step, reporting serves as the method' for this phase combines all of the stages that have been completed and reviewed so far. The team conducting research considers many choices. The study team makes a presentation decision for their results at the time of the reporting phase.

Justification of the used method

A discussion group is going to be utilized during the data gathering because it enables the rapid generation of enormous volumes of data on a given topic, it ensures that the material focuses on the problem that an analyst wants to explore. There are a number of concerns because of the possibility of parallels between their opinions with those of their chosen and perspectives and teams.

Limitations of the method

The target-grouped approach may be skewed by the facilitator in that they may steer the conversation's course because they are the ones in charge of it (Adjei et al., 2020). There is a chance that those who participated in the targeted group won't convey their genuine opinions on the subject at hand.


From the above discussion, it can be claimed that identity formation and social media interaction are negative. So, employing identity ideas as a structure, to assess the shared and distinct effects of two social person-identities—social identity and interpersonal identification—on two social media consuming behaviours—reinforced usage and varied use. After that, as a consequence of this research, the theoretical understanding of the impacts of social identity as someone's social media usage would greatly advance. In addition, the findings of this study will make it simpler to identify the strategies that inspire people to use social media to forge their personal identities.


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Grewal, L., Stephen, A. T., & Coleman, N. V. (2019). When posting about products on social media backfires: The negative effects of consumer identity signaling on product interest. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(2), 197-210.

Itani, O. S., Kalra, A., Chaker, N. N., & Singh, R. (2021). “Because you are a part of me”: Assessing the effects of salesperson social media use on job outcomes and the moderating roles of moral identity and gender. Industrial Marketing Management, 98, 283-298.

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Shan, Y., Chen, K. J., & Lin, J. S. (2020). When social media influencers endorse brands: The effects of self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motive. International Journal of Advertising, 39(5), 590-610.

Wang, E. S. T., Lin, H. C., & Liao, Y. T. (2022). Effects of social capital of social networking site on social identity and continuous participant behavior. Online Information Review.


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